I am consuming one service when i consume service in Console Application it works fine but same is not working in Web application .
Error: There was no endpoint listening at 'web service name here' that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.
I tried to browse Service End points in Browser and i am able to get response.I am using visual studio 2012
Please help me.
By adding below section in web config i am able to solve my problem.
<proxy usesystemdefault="False"/>
I have an asp.net core 2.1 website running on a windows server as an azure web app. I was asked to enable "keep-alive" so that when a client asks for "Connection:Keep-Alive" the connection is NOT closed. I cant find any documentation on how to do this (nor if this is even possible).
The reason for getting a persistent connection (if this is the correct term) is to reduce the overhead from the SSL negotiation.
I did find this: Azure Website Connection Keep-Alive stack-overflow question. The provided answer doesn't help. There is no web.config file in asp.net core web apps. i didn't find anything else regarding Keep-Alive in asp.net core.
Actually, there will still be a web.config file for IIS in web app. After you publish your .NET Core web app, you can use Azure Kudu tools from portal to checks files, and you will find the web.config generated by system.
So, you can manually add a web.config file in your project:
And then choose web configuration file
Then, you can add your configurations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<httpProtocol allowKeepAlive="true" />
Finally, deploy your project, and configurations will be updated in kudu:
I know there are related posts here on this forum and another resources but I got stuck with this and couldnt proceed.Problem is i've done a website with vs2010 when i publish it to ftp server and navigate to url adress I got this error. Here the things that i've done
-I've enabled IIS services and static content
-I've revert to parent the staticFile under handler mappings
-I've registered the asp.net again in command prompt(the regiis.exe thing)
-In IIS manager i've added my website adress under sites, stopped default web site and started mine.
-I've added my site to classic.NET AppPool(integrated,and v4.0)
-I've enabled the default browsing..
-I've done all the advices that generally covered..
Here is my web.config
<directoryBrowse enabled="true" showFlags="Date, Time, Size, Extension" />
<add value="AnaSayfa.aspx" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
where am I doing mistake? I've spent 2 days and couldnt proceed an inch.I will burst into tears if this problem solved.Any help will be greatly,greatly,greatly! appreciated,will be my hero,master (: thanks
Go to Command Prompt and install / repair ASP.NET
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i
Go to IIS => Select the Server Name (System Name)
Go to ISAPI and CGI restrictions
Allow the Not Allowed restrictions.
I got this working when i change the app pool's .Net framework version to my application's .net framework version.
My application's framework version was 4.0 but app pool's setting was defaulted to 2.0. I had to change it to 4.0, then it worked fine.
+1 with #Dablue, IIS 8.5 does not support the aspnet_regiis command anymore. For me, the issue is resolved by installing the "Asp.Net 3.5" or "Asp.Net 4.5" under
Web Server > Application Development.
#regeme - I was experiencing a similar problem when trying to run my own site and after a lot of digging I finally resolved it. In my case it was related to a *.json file trying to be loaded and no rules being initialized for it. If you look closer at your error it should give you an idea of what it is IIS is not loading.
After looking at the web inspector's network tab I was able to see which items were returning 404's they were all *.json.
I'm assuming since your error is returning a "content appears to be script and will not be served by the..." it is the same case.
My resolution:
A) It is possible you have already done this as it would throw another error, I'm just covering our bases.
Go to IIS HTTP Response Headers
create a mime-type ".json" "application/json"
Go to Handler Mappings.
Set Request Path: to "*.json"
Executable: to "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\asp.dll"
C) You may want to restart your service at this point again just to be safe this can be done in the IIS panel or cmd prompt.
Windows key + r
type: cmd and hit ctrl+shift+enter
type: iisreset and hit enter
*NOTE: This may save you a lot of headache, in my case I installed the 64 bit dll of asp.dll instead of the 32 bit version the folder for the 64-bit version is in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\asp.dll
IMPORTANT these file locations are in windows 8 and to my understanding are the same in windows 7 but this may not be the case for your OS double check.
Lastly if you are missing the asp.dll this is simply because you are missing windows features. Simply go to add/remove programs (Programs and Features)
Turn Windows features on or off
drop down Internet Information Services
drop down World Wide Web Services
check Application Development Features make sure it's not just a partial check and that all sub-items are being installed
On Windows 2012 and IIS 8.5 aspnet_regiis is no longer valid.
Instead, add the aspnet-4.5 rolefrom within server manager
Open server manager
in the left column select IIS
Scroll the right window until you see "Roles and Features"
Tasks select Add roles
Under "server roles" open "Web Server (iis)
open "Web Server"
open "application development"
Select "ASP.NET 4.5" (the "asp.net 4.5 extensibility" will not do it)
We got the same issue when hosting our MVC application on the web server. All the applications were working fine except the WCF service.
It was resolved, when we added a server role for .NET Framework 4.5 WCF service in Windows Server Manager.
Visit http://community.bamboosolutions.com/blogs/bambooteamblog/archive/2013/02/08/how-to-enable-and-use-net-framework-3-5-and-4-5-in-windows-server-2012.aspx
For me the issue was fixed by right click on Virtual directory-->convert to application
Check out this, in my case this solved the problem
This might help you
In this case, a 404.17 error is returned if the *.aspx resource being requested from the site is handled in an Application pool that is not running in Classic Mode, is not 32 bit, or is not running the 2.0 version of the .NET Framework. In order for the resource to be served correctly in this example, all 3 pre-conditions must be met. Specifically, the application pool hosting this resource would have to be configured for Classic Mode, it would need to be configured to use the 2.0 version of the .NET Framework, and it would need to be set for 32 bit applications.
I had to create a new Web Site. There was some invalid configuration in my Website level that referenced my application's virtual directory directly.
For example, https://server/app gives me the 404.17 error but https://server/app-test works successfully. Swapping the two application names (using appcmd) caused the working app-test (now renamed to app) to begin failing. After creating a new Web Site named MyApp Web Site I was able to again create a new app, this time named app that worked successfully.
After extensive review of Default Web Site we cannot identify what configuration is causing 404.17 for apps named app and not alternatively named apps like app-test.
I believe the ultimate cause of this, is I did not have .NET Extensibility Services and ASP.NET 4.5 added through the server roles and features—During installation. Thus, the installer of my app failed to successfully configure Default Web Site correctly. For example, the created app pool incorrectly installed with v2.0 Integrated and not v4.0 Integrated. After installing the required roles and features I verified ISAPI (64 bit v4) was configured correctly, and the App Pool was appropriately configured for v4 Integrated. Unfortunately, I cannot identify any additional settings that would cause this issue—especially explicitly targeting the app virtual path.
This solved the issue for me. +1 to all who spoke a reasonable solution without having to pass through a 3 ring circus.
Turn on IIS Windows Features like these
I'm creating component etc using Core service but I'm creating them using VM rather than actual server where Tridion server is installed. The issue I'm facing is I am unable to track the item created on VM even when TCM id is generated for them also when I create any item through UI then I can track them on VM. So is there any limitation when we create any item using core service through VM? As our servers is in other geo location, so IS there a way to track the IP where core service is creating the component so that I can assume my code will work fine on production server. Some more information:-
I am able to access core service.svc file through browser.
Event Viewer is not showing any error/warning message if item creation fails through core service.
Please suggest...
Though fiddler setting in app.config file and run the fiddler and then you can debug the code and check which request is going to tridion and which request is coming from tridion
<defaultProxy enabled="true">
<proxy proxyaddress=""
I'm having a problem with deploing my solution to Windows Azure.
I've created a basic ASP.NET web role and tried to run that against my local DevFabric and everything is running perfectly. The ASP.NET site is reachable via a browser, I can see the valid results of executed code and everything is perfect.
Later on, I tried to deploy that to Windows Azure, the exactly same solution that I run against my local fabric and it was deployed successfully. Azure "told" me that the solution is ready (the green icon).
When I try to reach my service's url, I'm getting 10060 timeouts, as if the url is not reachable at all. This is for both, the staging and production environment.
I tried to look into the diagnostic logs, but there is nothing mentioned about any problems, moreover, the traces created by my application are written to the WADLogsTable, that indicates that the application is actualy running and it executed (at least some of) my code, but it's it's not reachable via the browser.
What is wrong with that, or what I'm doing wrong?
Service definition:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="CloudServiceX" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceDefinition">
<WebRole name="WebRole1">
<InputEndpoint name="HttpIn" protocol="http" port="80" />
Check for HTTP/HTTPS endpoint is enabled in your web role
I contacted the Azure team and they told me that they had network-related issues inside their data center.
Call the support and they should resolve the problem for you.
I'm very new in web programming stuff, so my question is about basics. I'm developing a SilverLight application and need to access the database from it. I'm using LINQ to SQL to get data from database and a WFC web service to deliver it to my app.
Everything is working fine when I'm running my app within Visual Studio. When trying to publish the web service to IIS - the web service call fails.
To make my question simple, I will focus on a brand new web service. Here the steps I'm doing:
Start Visual Studio 2008 -> File -> New -> Project -> Web -> WCF Service Application
Project Name: MyWcfService
Resulting Visual Studio generates a sample project with implemented Web Service "Service1"
Rebuild, start from Visual Studio (host on ASP.NET Development server)
--> Everything works fine, I see my service under http://localhost:52489/Service1.svc link
Now I want to host this service on my IIS (I've IIS7 on Vista x86 PC)
Visual Studio -> right click Project -> Publish -> target location -> Create new web app named "MyWcfService" -> Publish
Just to be sure check my C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ folder - now it contains the "MyWcfService" subdirectory with all required files.
Open IE on my PC http://localhost/MyWcfService/Service1.svc
The result is:
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If > the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map.
I were trying to remove "identity" section from web.config - same problem. Switching off the firewall does not help either.
Can anyone help me? What I'm doing wrong? Maybe I am missing something?
Per Nicholas Allen, Program Manager WCF/WWF,Silverlight # Microsoft:
What registration in IIS is responsible for processing SVC files?
There are two parts to the registration. One part is related to ASP.NET and the other part is related to WCF. The ASP.NET part is that the ASP.NET ISAPI has to be a service extension for IIS. The WCF part is that the HTTP handler has to be a managed handler.
The commands for setting up the two parts are "aspnet_regiis –i –enable" from the 2.0 framework tools and "ServiceModelReg.exe -r" from the 3.0 framework tools.
This results in a managed handler "System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler, System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" and an ISAPI module "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll" for *.svc files in IIS. In the IIS handler mappings, the managed handler has to be above the ISAPI module for this to work.
Together, the two parts start an HTTP pipeline and pass the resulting requests into WCF.
IIS will only direct requests to ASP .NET for certain files like aspx by default. I'm guessing that you don't have the svc extension mapped to asp .net. Try looking at this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb515343.aspx.
Silverlight can only call web sevices in the exact same domain as the application (where the xap file lives)
To call a different domain you need to have a clientaccesspolicy.xml file where the web service lives. It's possible this is your problem.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<domain uri="*" />
<resource path="/" include-subpaths="true" />
You might not have ASP.Net setup properly in IIS. Take a look at this article: