How to prevent table re-size when use ng-show? - css

I have a table that uses Angular's ng-show to hide/show a drop-down menu in the table. The problem is that when you select a button to edit a row in the table, the table re-sizes. This can be disorienting for the user when the table is really long.
Here is my code

Right now you table cells grow and shrink with the content. When the content grows, so does the table cell. Since your dropdown is larger than the text the table reformats itself. This issue can easily be solved by setting a width and height on the table cell that changes. Here is your example, updated:
By setting a width and height on the Event Name column the table no longer needs to reformat when the content changes.


BIRT Column Width not being Respected

I'm trying to create a BIRT report. The code and query side of it works just fine, but the display is rather wonky.
There's one column whose text contents are rather long, and instead of showing some text and allowing scrolling of the text (which is the behavior I'd like there), it simply shows up as a very vertically long text block; kinda ruins the report a bit. I've also tried setting the width on the column, but no dice there either. Any ideas?
Also, as an aside, how do I get the table's columns to have grid lines? I can do that on the rows, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that for the columns. If anyone has insight into that issue, it'd be appreciated.
Here's a screenshot of the issue
Here's my BIRT report XML, without headers and footers in order reduce characters
I think there is no way to use a scrollable view element inside your report, because the output by the default html-emitter is completely static (I would like to see a different answer if this should be wrong).
To your second Question about how to add a border to a column. Click into the cell of your table, click on "Border" inside the "Properties Editor" and select the borders you like to use. This should be repreated for all cells where you want to use the borders, because this configuration is not applied for a whole column but just for one cell. If you want a border for the whole column you need to setup the border for every cell in the column.
If you have already a data cell inside your table cell, you can use the outline view to select the table cell instead of the data cell:

Grid view-Clickable and Expandable row

How can i make the rendered grid view row clickable and expandable on click of a row.
The row when click must expand down with few text fields.Then when click again must collapse.
Is this possible in Rendered Grid view.I want to populate database records in this grid view,hence i can not use html table for this purpose.
Appreciate ur help

Adjust table automatically

I've a table containing one row of radio options and another with two paragraphs out of which only one will be displayed and another hidden based on value selected by user in radio options.
The issue is, those two paragraphs are of different content length making one paragraph consuming more space in table. When user selects the option to display bigger paragraph, the table expands automatically to fit bigger content. But again later if user selects a radio option to display small paragraph, it does not shrink it back which should shrink to fit a small paragraph.
Is there any to handle it in CSS?
You could try add this css as below, if not work, could you please paste your codes here for further investigation? hope this helps.

How to make table cell content visible without extending cell's width?

I would like to achieve effect visible on the screenshot below that is content of the table cell (that blue cell with Michal Aniol...) should be fully visible but cell's width should stay the same.
How do I do that?
I am open for solutions requiring heavy use of javascript as the rest of the application and also table itself will be generated by dojo.
Having colspan > 1 is not an option because it will not work in other cases. I really want to use just single cells as this will help me with other functionality.
Markup and css:
To make my question self-contained in case links die as #Sparky672 pointed:
I wanted to have table cells of same size and if content in a cell is bigger than the cell itself then content should still display and flow to the next cell. So text in a cell if longer than the cell then it should overflow to the next cell overlaying its content.
Just remove overflow-x: hidden from table.reservation-table td. The text will continue past the end of the cell.
Of course, if you want it to work when the name is longer than the cells behind it (eg, Michal only booked one day) that would be more complicated, but probably doable.

text box giving problems on ASP.Net page

I am designing a page to Add/Edit users - I used a repeater control and a table to display users. In users view the individual columns of the table row have labels to display a record values and when users click on edit button, the labels are hidden and text boxes are displayed for users to edit values - The problem is - as soon as the text boxes are visible, the table size increases - the row height and cells size becomes large. Is there a way to display the text boxes so that they take the same size as the labels
Dealing with tables, the question is: can your labels span on multiple text rows (ie: can you have long texts)? If yes, you may encounter layout problems any way. If no, a simple approach can be creating a CSS Class:
.CellContent { display:block; width: ...; height: ...; }
with your preferred cell width/height. Just stay a bit "large" with your height.
Assign the class to both your label and textbox, and you should not get width/height changes when switching control (thanks to the display:block property).
Again, if you have long texts, you will still encounter issues, and may want to use multilines. In that case, I would suggest ignoring height problems: just set the width to be consistent, and always show a 3-4 lines textbox for editing. Users will not be bothered to see a row height change, if they are ready to type long texts.
I'd use JS+CSS... You'll have to get your hands dirty for this one though. Visual Studio isn't going to help you much.
Here's how I'd do it:
Get the <td> clientWidth and clientHeight.
Set the <td>'s width and height to those px values (so they're no longer relative)
Swap the text for the input
In your CSS, make sure the input has no padding/margin/border and set width:100%, line-height:1em, and height:1em
When you switch back, make sure you un-set the <td> width and height so they return to automatic values.
You'll need to tweak this all slightly. I'm sure you'll have to play around with the padding on the <td> and perhaps set overflow:hidden but you should be able to do what you want.
