Matlab alternative function for ClustOfVar from R - r

I am working on clustering of variables in matlab. Two functions come in ClustOfVar package in R, called hcluster() and cutreevar().
I am good in Matlab and would like to use alternatives of hcluster() and cutreevar() in it.
Does Matlab has any inbuilt function which computes exactly same as hcluster() and cutreevar() does in R?
Need help.

for heirarchical clustering you'll probably want to look at clusterdata. Note that you'll need the statistical toolbox for this function.


How to run a hodges-lehmann test in R or SPSS

How can I compute the Hodges-Lehmann (aligned ranks) test in R or SPSS? Is there are ready-made functions to call? I understood the formula,but if the Hodges-Lehmann test has already been implemented, there would be no need to create a new function .
I tried hodgeslehmann() in the senstrat package, but it's not what I need. It only computes Hodges-Lehmann Aligned Ranks, but couldn't give the statistical value.
An R version in a package called DescTools is documented here and also here.
Note especially that it will supply confidence intervals but only if you make use of the conf.level argument.
And there is SPSS Syntax code here, but you may prefer something that has had better open-source scrutiny.

Keras in R: looking for function equivalent to plot_model in Python

In Python, Keras has a convenient function plot_model which visualises the architecture of your model -- an example included below. I'm looking for an equivalent function in R that works with the keras library (not kerasR). If you have any suggestions on how to generate such image in R, I'd love to hear from you.
Many thanks in advance!
Here is the latest on the issue:
Andrie implemented a plot_model() function similar to Python's keras::plot_model(). Link to the documentation:

Different between functions and regression models in R?

I'm really confused about regression models and functions in R. Here is my problem. I'm using the PLS package to make a model like Y~x. To do that I have to use 'plsr':
model=plsr(Y~X,ncomp=10,data=df1,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, validation="LOO")
I couldn't find the source of the 'plsr' in the PLS source code but in the help document it says it refers to 'mvr{pls}' which I could find it. first is 'plsr' a function or model.. in the R terminology? is it built in R? and how does it refer to 'mvr' function in pls package?

Mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) in R

I would like to analyze data which is sampled at different frequencies. There is a concept developed by Ghysels called Mixed-data sampling (MIDAS). I tried to find some functions or packages in R applying this method, but could't find anything. Does anybody know any function or package in R for this concept?

MATLAB's quadprog equivalent in R?

What is the equivalent of MATLAB's quadprog function in R in terms of function specification?
Note that it is not the R package quadprog (although the optimization procedure is the identical).
The R library quadprog uses the 'meq' argument to distinguish between equality and inequality constraints whereas MATLAB has separate arguments for these two. The MATLAB approach is far more convenient for my purposes.
It's not a big deal to transform my arguments to fit but it would be a nice convenience if there is an implementation in R that matches the specification in MATLAB.
MATLAB quadprog documentation
R quadprog documentation
If you can make the translation and you just want a more convenient function you'll have to make your own wrapper. There is no more similar solution in a package. Someone on here might do it for you but it sounds like you can do it yourself.
