TTTAttributedLabel : issue detecting links. - tttattributedlabel

I've been having some issues while using TTTAttributedLabel. Sometimes a given URL doesn't get coloured as a link nor does it react to touch. However, this is solved by scrolling down and up, so by making the Cell view re-draw. I've looking at the issues in the project's github, but the ones that seemed related were already closed.

Well, the fix was to move the
.enabledTextCheckingTypes = NSTextCheckingTypeLink;
to the awakeFromNib method the custom UITableViewCell.


Ckan 2.9 customizing CSS

I followed the Ckan-2.9 theming guide to customize CSS. I followed the process adding a static file (not using webassets). Everything works fine except that the css modification isn't taken into account. I checked several times and can't see where this is coming from. In parallel, I found inspiration on a custom ckan close to what I want to get, but that didn't solve my problem either.
Had someone similar difficulties when customizing ckan's css? What can be the reasons ?
Finally, I found that the modifications made by the extension were active but constrained by the main CSS. For example, the hero image has a max-size constraint that hides the image added with our extention.

Is it possible to replicate the effects of disabling CSSOM View Scroll Coordinates flag in chrome using css code?

I want to know what disabling CSSOM View Scroll Coordinates flag in chrome://flags does and how can i replicate this behavior using code in my ReactJS app.
Additional information :
It seems after Chrome 85 update, ag-grid RTL support breaks and the grid is not able to scroll the content and sometimes the cells becomes white, i had to dig very deep into the past questions and try a lot of far fetched solutions to find what i have.
I found out that disabling CSSOM View Scroll Coordinates in chrome://flags will fix the bug!~ but the problem is i don't want to force my users and teach them to do this just so my app works, so i thought what ever disabling CSSOM View Scroll Coordinates does, maybe i can replicate it using css code or some other code
I have already reported this issue in ag-grid's git-hub but i'm still waiting for them to offer a solution in the mean time if i can get this to work only using code, it would be great as i have a lot of users which are not able to use my app just because of this simple bug ..
Thank you.

Horizontal scroll - syntaxhighlighter

I was googling to find a solution for this forever, I was so close but still can't find the problem...
The closest solution I found was at this site But:
I want exactly the opposite of what this guy posted: Automatic line break in js SyntaxHighlighter
He wants instead of horizontal bar to break the code down, but what do I want is instead of breaking the code down, to display a horizontal bar.
I've used SH on multiple projects and never actually had this issue till now.
I've installed it in wordpress as a plugin in a custom theme, I modified the theme css file(s) and the syntax highlighter's file(s) (.css), but still nothing's going on.
Here's a screenshot
If you have any suggestion what the problem might be, please tell me - any help is appreciated.
I think what you are looking for is a combination of overflow and white-space css properties.
pre {overflow:scroll;}
.pre-wrap {white-space:pre-wrap;}
Please see the footle here

Moving a Menu in Wordpress Admin panel is not working

I am trying to move a menu one level up from the list, by accessing it via the WP Admin Panel --> Appearance --> Menus
The problem is, when I try to move the menu by clicking and dragging it like before, it just adds blank boxes below it, like in the screenshot!
I had even upgraded the Wordpress to 3.8.1. But still facing this issue!
Please pardon me if Stackoverflow is not the right place to ask this question. Please move to the respective child sites of Stackoverflow, if this question is not apt for here.
Thank you
The following is what am seeing in Google Chrome's Javascript console:
When I searched in Google, the main cause for this is multiple declaration of jQuery. The above error points to the Pluto theme which is being bought.
It was found that, jQuery multiple version conflict was causing this issue.
And got it resolved finally, after updating the Pluto theme. Please note that, I have already updated the Wordpress to the latest version too.
Thanks #Manolis and #Howlin for their help.
I also Facing same Problem.
This problem can be solved directly by Installing this plugin

Animated placemark and MarkerClusterPlus

I was using MarkerClusterPlus, v.2.0.9 and just by chance noticed that if clusterer hide animated placemark (you zoomed out) and after that you show placemark (you zoomed in), than placemark stopped to be animated.
For example, if you have bounced placemark, after hide/show you'll see simple placemark.
After that I found, that there is 2.0.14 version exists, but this effect is still exists.
Yes, 2.0.14 is the latest version. It will help if you include a small section of code with your question that shows your exact problem.
Also, there is a Utility Library v3 Issue List; have a look around on there. I have seen issues on that list that sound similar to yours. You may be able to find a similar or related issue and up-vote the issue to raise the priority of your problem. Or if your issue is different, you can double-check everything and if it's pretty clear you have a true issue, you can submit an issue report there.
