Symfony 1.4 - .gitignore doesn't working in some ceses - symfony-1.4

I am using Symfony 1.4 in my project. I have .gitignore file that working in this configuration.
But I don't know how to ignore every dir that name are map and om in lib/model/ directory.
I have inside lib/model around 50 folders, and each contains map and om dir that schould be ignored
This configuration /lib/model/*/om /lib/model/*/map doesn't working

Ok I found a solution. I had to add slash at the end of line


Symfony2 Re-organization config files : parameters.dist.yml issue

I've followed document to re organize files in app/config directory.
Now I have config/common (with config, parameters, parameters.dist, routing, security & services files), and files for each environment in specific directories : app/config/dev and app/config/prod.
But now, when I try to send "composer -n install" to update autoload, I have this error :
The dist file "app/config/parameters.yml.dist" does not exist.
Check your dist-file config or create it.
I know this is a configuration problem, Symfony search my dist file in app/config, how can I redirect it to app/config/common ?
I don't know where is the "dist-file config" written in error.
Found !
It is in composer.json:
under "extra", "incenteev-parameters", I've changed value of "file".

Symfony looks for app folder in wrong place

My Symfony 3.3 application is looking for app folder in wrong place.
I deployed Symfony 3.3 project to a subdomain ( Subdomain folder location on server is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME
Subdomain document root is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME/web
This is normal Symfony folder structure, nothing changed. Why it doesn't look for app folder in correct place? What am I missing?
Error I get is:
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLocatorFileNotFoundException: "The file "/home/USERNAME/public_html/app/config/routing.yml" does not exist." at /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME/var/cache/prod/classes.php line 3040 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Config\\Exception\\FileLocatorFileNotFoundException(code: 0): The file \"/home/USERNAME/public_html/app/config/routing.yml\" does not exist. at /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME/var/cache/prod/classes.php:3040)"} []
I found out that composer.json was not in the correct folder. I posted that as an answer and accepted it.
composer.json file needs to be in the root folder of the app.
The error message gives you the clue, I don't know how you browse your site, but Symfony tries to find the file from your root folder, I guess you are trying to browse as a domain.if it is subdomain then URL should be like this SubDomainFolderName.DomainName
Or try to solve this using .htaccess
You should run bin/console cache:clear command after deploy.
And what about the content of getCacheDir method in AppKernel?
Should be:
return dirname(__DIR__).'/var/cache/'.$this->getEnvironment();

Image as resource in Asp.Net 5 class library

In .net 4.5 i was able to add a resource file to my project, add images as bitmaps to this resource file and access them by Properties.Resources.ImageName. How do i compile images in 4.6 dnx?
Thanks in advance!
You can specify the files that will be compiled into the assembly under the "resources" section in project.json, like so:
"resources": [
After which, assuming your project's name is YourProject, the file can be accessed via:
const string path = "";
Note how the slashes in the filesystem path are converted into periods in the resource path.
Note: In 1.0.0-rc1 (and possibly -beta8, haven't checked) the project setting is renamed from resources to resource

Error with wp and sass/compass

So, I'm trying to set up my wp theme for use with sass.
I've renamed style.css to style.scss and put it in a folder called 'sass'.
Then I made a file called config.rb. In it I wrote
/* config.rb in the theme's root. */
css_dir = "/"
sass_dir = "sass"
output_style = :compressed
I then try to use to watch the folder (that is on a FTP server, mounted in Finder). I choose the root folder of the theme and press ok. After two seconds I get an error:
'(RegexpError) target of repeat operator is not specified: /* config.rb in the theme's root. */
org/jruby/ eval'
/Applications/ _parse'
org/jruby/ open'
/Applications/ _parse'
/Applications/ with_defaults'
/Applications/ configuration_for'
/Applications/ add_project_configuration'
/Applications/ initialize'
file:/Applications/!/ui/tray.rb:417:in watch'
file:/Applications/!/ui/tray.rb:412:in watch'
file:/Applications/!/ui/tray.rb:71:in run'
file:/Applications/!/main.rb:131:in (root)'
file:/Applications/!/main.rb:1:in `(root)''
You'll have to debug it.
First, download your theme to a local drive and run compass compile on it.
Then run Compass.App on it.
Then run compass watch on the remote folder.
On which step does the problem occur?

JBoss 7 - Where does the war get exploded?

I would like to know which location inside JBoss 7 does the deployed 'WAR' file get exploded to? In JBoss 4.3 it would ge exploded somewhere within the 'tmp' folder but I am not able to find where it is getting exploded to in JBoss 7. Thanks
It's not really exploded, but rather mounted as a virtual file system (vfs). You can find the files in tmp/vfs/deployment* and tmp/vfs/temp*
More information here:
