JsHint in Visual Studio 2013 Web Essentials Ignores the .jshintrc File - jshint

... but the answer doesn't work.
I have a .jshintrc file in C:\Users\UserName\
I have copied default settings from https://github.com/jshint/jshint/blob/master/examples/.jshintrc
I have set "unused" : false
I have closed and reopened Visual Studio 2013
I have rebuilt the project.
Why does JsHint continue to show "unused" errors? Further troubleshooting...
I have deleted any additional .jshintrc files on the computer.
I have put a .jshintrc file in the root solution folder.
I have put a .jshintrc file in the root project folder.
I have then restarted Visual Studio 2013.
Still it shows the "unused" error. What gives? Further troubleshooting
I have updated Web Essentials from 1.8.5 to 1.9.
Still no dice.


What artifacts to ignore from version control in a .net core application

I am trying to learn to build a web application using .net core, mvc x and csharp. I am using visual studio code in OS X.
Here are the files and folders inside the freshly generated project directory:
I think the following should be excluded and what else?
I don't particularly exclude .vscode. It's convenient to share your tasks and debug profiles with others.
This is my .gitignore
**/*.VC.db* #vscode local database files
.vs/ #your friends who use visual studio
.idea.* #ever heard of Jetbrains Rider?

Visual Studio 2015 bower dependencies missing dist/js folder?

note sure if this is a bug in Visual Studio 2015 but I thought I'd ask the community to see if anyone else has experienced this odd behaviour.
Steps to reproduce;
Create a new AspNet5 Empty Website.
Add bower config file
Alter the .bowerrc directory to "bower_components"
Add bootstrap ~3.3.6 as a dependency to the bower.json file
right click the bower.json and select "Restore Packages"
Take a look in the bower_components/bootstrap/dist folder and you will see that there is no js folder.
Now, open up Package Manager Console and type "bower install bootstrap"
This creates another bower_components folder in the root of the solution folder with the same folder structure as the one in the web app with one exception, the INCLUSION of the javascript files??
Has anyone else seen this, am I missing something fundamental about bower?

Using bower with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

When I create a blank Apache Cordova app, I got a directory structure like:
From the project root directory, if I run "bower install ionic --save", the bower dependencies were all created in the project root while I expect them to go to www.
What is the best way use bower with VSTAC projects?
You can create a .bowerrc file at the root that has the key directory:'www/bower_components' set, indicating that the files are placed inside www instead of the root.
Visual Studio should be able to now download the dependencies inside the www folder.
Note that VS2015 also has intellisense when editing bower.json and automatically installs the dependencies too !!
Use the following command:
npm install -g "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\ApacheCordovaTools\Packages\vs-tac"
It worked perfect for me.

unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll and commonlogging.dll

unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll and
I am getting this warning every time I build the project but the project is running fine without breaks in local system but I am getting error page in godaddy after uploading to server. is this the reason for 500 error in godaddy shared hosting server?
I had this same problem with the AjaxControlToolkit. I've got no idea what caused it, but by simply re-installing the toolkit into my project with NuGet, that fixed it.
Install the package by following the steps below:
Right-click on your project and select Manage NuGet Packages.
Search the online repository for the package you want. In my case, this was 'ajaxcontroltoolkit'.
Find the package in the list of results that appears and click the Install button on it.
What this does is it removes all previous references of the package (older DLLs and references in your web.config file) and replaces them with newer, correct references
It's that simple.
Hope this helps you
Look in the bin folder of the project - for a file called - in your case:
This will have an incorrect path to the dll file. You need to update the path to wherever the dll is now.
Had this same issue and manually creating a .refresh file for its DLL helped. Once I figured the origin of the relative path is the solution folder, and put that in the .refresh, everything worked for this and other references.
I hope this helps somebody...
Im using VS2017 and had an ASP project with 28 Warnings:
Unable to update auto-refresh reference 'XXXXX.dll'. Cannot find
assembly 'F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Web Tools\Packages\…
...well...that directory had been removed!
To make matters worse (or better) when I create a new ASP project the references are handled a little different in solution explorer...and the assemblies referenced in the new project are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared
To fix my warnings...I edited the .refresh file.
You can do this by: 1: Double clicking the warning. 2: Navigate to it
in solution explorer under the Bin folder.
And changed (example)
..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Web Tools\Packages\AspNet.ScriptManager.bootstrap.3.0.0\lib\net45\AspNet.ScriptManager.bootstrap.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Packages\AspNet.ScriptManager.bootstrap.3.0.0\lib\net45\AspNet.ScriptManager.bootstrap.dll
I had the same issue / what solved it for me was simply to do a "Refresh folder" on the Bin folder.

Qt with Visual Studio - cannot compile moved project

I have a project on Visual Studio 2010, which uses integration with Qt 4.8, some of boost features and all this stuff is versioned with SVN.
Everything was fine: I moved solution folder from one place to another, compiled it on different computers.
But once I've renamed solution folder, and when I tried to build the project - compiler wrote only one error:
Error 1 error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 151
But when I return old solution folder's name - everything builds without any errors again!
As i figured, compiler cannot use custom build steps for *.ui files and stops whole build process.
Probably, there is some issue with absolute pathing, but I cannot find it second day :(
As it often happens, the answer was hiding right on the ground.
While observing build output I got lines like this:
1> Uic'ing frmserver.ui...
1> File 'C:\Users\Theurgist\Desktop\JamServer (?????)\JamServer\frmserver.ui' is not valid
This issue was all because Qt compiler tools can't work with unicode-containing paths correctly (at least up to version 4.8)
There must be some references to the old folder location in either your .sln file or your .vcxproj file(s).
You should be able to fix this by:
Closing Visual Studio
Opening your .sln file and all the .vcproj files it loads in a text editor of your choice
Doing a search-and-replace for the old folder name, changing it to the new folder name.
