Cross Domain iFrame auto height resizing - iframe

I've been googling and looking at various options but could not seem to be able to find a perfect solution that works in what I'm needing some help here.
The situation/environment that I have is the following:
Parent page (which has the iframe) - is on a different domain, and the only control I have is a portion of the body tag, where it is updated via an admin console using html/WYSIWG editor. No access to head tag or even hosting jscript in their domain.
Child page (iframe) - is hosted in our domain, and we have full control.
The parent site is actually 3rd party online stores where we have products there, and we want to put in common information that we can control on our end without having to edit each individual product listing one by one.
I've tried alot of options found but it does not seem to work as either they need to include in js file or access to the head tag in the parent page.
So wondering if there are any other options that can help us on this?

I'm afraid you need access to JavaScript on both domains to do this.
Could you get the 3rd online store to host a small JS library that all their clients could then use to solve this problem? I work on a project that allows third parties to add in iFrames and produced this little project for just this reason. When any one say they want to be able have their iFrame resize to content, we point to the iFrame js file and say include this on your page.
Sorry, that's not quite the answer your after, but trying asking the store to support this and they might be open to the idea, as I expect others have the same issue with their site.


Prevent iframe from opening in a new window

I have seen some answers about it but i have a same issue that is rather a little more complex.
I have a site about tourism build in wordpress localy and i have integrated in it some iframes from
The iframes are working good but when you click on the links inside it opens on a new window. All i want is to reload inside the iframe.
Also if some have worked with before i would like to ask...when you search from there search box and hit search is there a way not to open in a new window but instead in a new page inside the site?
In this case, due to cross-domain policy restrictions, you simply cannot control any of the iframe. That's by design, for security reasons. Unless you deal with a same-origin iframe (i.e. from the same domain name) there is nothing you can do here. You depend on's implementation entirely.
You may want to consider a plugin like (found from a quick search) or see if other XML API solutions are available for more control.

Web crawlers and IFrames

Hypothetical Situation: I have a small obscure website called "" which provides content about the miniature bolts which hold a carburetor together as well as some general related automotive information. My site also has a single page which allows someone to find the missing bolt in their carburetor, and while no one will access this page directly from my website, one billion other popular automotive sites have embedded this single page in their website using an iframe, yet not included a link back to my site.
I recognize that this question is related to SEO which is considered off topic, however, all of the many SEO related forums discuss the marketing steps one could take, and not the programming steps or strategies, and hope others will allow this question to be answered here.
I wish my site "" to be ranked high for general automotive searches. What could I do to allow the 3rd party sites which include an iframe back to my site to improve my ranking? Could using JavaScript in the iframe to create a link on the parent page provide any value? What about when my server renders the page, use PHP to get the referring URL from $_SERVER, and include it in the content?
I am providing a solution here. Not sure if this is what you want though.
In your page which is used by other websites in iframe you can put below Javascript. This javascript checks if the webpage is opened inside an iframe or directly in browser.
So using this check when you see it is opened in an iframe. On click on something navigate to your website.
// This works in all browsers
function inIframe () {
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch () {
return true;
Also for your reference you can check the below URL.
How to prevent my site page to be loaded via 3rd party site frame of iFrame
Hope it helps.
Iframes are seen seperate pages by Google. Your approach may end up being penalized due to being sourced from untrusted site. According to Google Webmaster Support
Frames can cause problems for search engines because they don't
correspond to the conceptual model of the web. Google tries to
associate framed content with the page containing the frames, but we
don't guarantee that we will.
One of the best approaches to rank higher for a specific keyword is, make multiple related sites. In your case a 3-4 paged site about carburetors, bolts, other things your primary site contain would do it. These mini sites will be more intense about the subject due to less page count. Of course they should contain unique articles on each page. Then link from mini websites to primary websites and you can see the dramatic change.
In fact, the thing you are trying to do was a tactic to rank competitors down worked occasionally a few years ago. Now, it is still a risk.
I see. You don't want to mess up the page for your own site, but you want to do something with all the uncredited embeddings.
The solution is fairly simple:
Create a copy of the page.
Switch your site to use the copy.
Amend the version that countless other sites are embedding, so that there is a small link back to you. Or, add an iframe blocker script that will load your site.
If the page is active (ie user interacts with it to find the missing bolt) you could include a sales message with the response encouraging the user to visit your site.
I think that your goal is getting your link onto these other sites long enough to get indexed by Google before it is noticed by the people doing the embedding, so it's a bit of a balancing act.
I see conflicting advice about how Google indexes iframes. You should use a PageRank checker to see if the existing iframe page url has PageRank, and compare it to the page that you embed it on.
I dont Think you need to worry ,.
Google bot does seem to crawl through Iframes ,but the Web-Page Containing that Iframe is not Credited for that Content .. In other Words,, Page-Ranking of that particular Web-Page do not Change due to Contents from Iframe .
is IFrame crawled by Google?
Do robots crawl iframes?

Can I track who is linking or manipulating my site's data?

Is it possible to track if someone links to data on my site? Specifically if my data is used in a site dynamically generated by a developer program? I would like to know if someone is blatantly passing off my site's data as their own. There are obviously ways around directly linking to content, such as content manipulation or even manual manipulation. But if someone where to link(or directly add word for word or manipulate) my content into their website, is there a way to track it?
Can I avoid someone being able to scrape my website at all, or is everything just up for grabs?
the best answer and the easy one is called GOOGLE - WEBMASTER TOOLS!
actually doing that is very hard and you would need to crawl the web to discover those links that address to your pages... dynamic content as well is linked so it would be find by google as well.
this tool will allow you to see outer links that address to your site.. and you can check them.
for extra - you can monitor requests and traffic to your site and find ip's that are using the same page over and over again. that can tell u that an outer page is dynamically loading content from your web page.
here is a good article in this subject: link - scroll down and you can see the use of google
webmaster tool with some other progrmas and method.
here is a good start guide to the google webmaster: link

Edit what displays in an iframe

I'm trying to display content from anther site on to mine using an iframe. I'm just wondering if its possible to only display certain parts (divs) of this external page in the iframe.
You could try and use some jQuery on your site to dynamically alter the styles of the external site. I did something similar with SSRS where we had an iframe containing SSRS reports which we wanted to style. We used jQuery in the master page to find the matching elements inside the frame target and alter them as required.
As long as the external site is well marked up (plenty of ids, good semantic structure) you may be able to hide/re-arrange elements as you require. You may also need to delay the jQuery execution as the frame contents may not be completely loaded by the time your JavaScript executes.
You can find a VERY simple example here.
BUT, be careful of the legalities involved with showing partial content from someone else's site. If you're presenting their site as your own or without identifying information, you could be infringing on their copyright.

re-rendering a site within an iframe?

I want to make a site where there user can basically navigate the web from within an iframe. The catch is that I'd like to be able to have more control over what is rendered within the iframe. Specifically,
I'd like to be able to filter out images or text, disable forms etc.
I'd also like to be able to gather feedback such as what links the users clicked on.
Question 1:
Is this even possible using a standard back-end scripting language (like php), with html and javascript on the frontend?
Question 2:
Would I first need to grab the source of the site before it is rendered, then do whatever manipulation is necessary, and finally re-render it somehow?
Question 3:
Could somebody please explain the programming flow that would occur here (assuming its possible)?
I think you would probably want to grab the source of the of site (with server-side code) before rendering it. You might run into cross-site scripting issues if you try to use JavaScript. Your iframe would load a page like render.php and pass the address of the page to render os a querystring parameter. Then use regular expressions to find elements in the HTML that render.php downloads from the address. Rewrite the HTML as necessary and then write it all out to the iframe.
Rewrite links so that that the user is taken to a page you control and redirected onto a target site if you want to track where people are going. Example: a link in the page needs to go to You would send them to tracker.php?target= You control tracker.php and can log each load of this page and then redirect the user to the target site.
Another possible solution is to use Apache or other server to proxy the target website. There are modules like mod_proxy for this. There may also be modules that let you parse the HTML or you could roll your own.
I should point out that even the best solutions offered to your question will be somewhat brittle if you do not have full control over the target site. You will want to have lots of error handling or alerting.
You can have a look at this. It uses iFrame really well, and maybe even use the library it has.
