ASP.NET deploy/build/publish website to local disk with SQL -

I don't know how to do that. This is my first project in Visual web developer and I never did that. My webform is connected (create, delete & edit) to SQL server and everything is working from the Visual web developer but how to export web project to be functional from local disk?
P.S.Only video on ASP.NET site that describes that doesn't work. Also Build web site does nothing.


Convert website to Sharepoint Site

I have my web application already build and working on IIS.
But my client wants to deploy that site into SharePoint environment.
So which is best way to convert to SharePoint website?
I have created one Virtual directory inside application created into IIS and its working fine but client wants to maintain whole site from SharePoint server only.
What is the best solution for it?
Open your website in Visual studio 2013, right click on web application. In convert options select "Convert to App for SharePoint Project". After conversion you will be able to deploy this solution to SharePoint sites.

How to run webpage on the localhost

I am just learning and have created a simple webform on visual studio. How I can run this on the localhost(xampp). Like HTML you simply put files to the server folder and it works. But when I copy all asp files it simply shows me source code?
It is stupid question but I really need answer...
ASP (ActiveX Server Pages) is a deprecated technology (superseded by ASP.NET). Thus support is not included as standard in IIS. But it can be added by using Server Manager under Roles | Web Server (IIS) and scrolling down to Role Services.
If you however mean ASP.NET then, initially, look at the Web tab of the project properties and start in VS for debug and test. Once that is working you'll need to read up on deploying ASP.NET on MSDN.
To host a ASP.Net page you usually use IIS. You are supposed to run IIS on your server and host the ASP.NET website on the IIS Management
This Article on MSDN should help you with that.
Also, you usually use visual studio to 'Publish' to the server folder, rather then copy and paste the files. In case you didn't do this: this is done by right-clicking the project in visual studio and selecting 'Publish'. Then there are a few options, you can publish to a folder (File System) and then move the published project to your server, or publish it straight to your server.

Deployment of web application in VS 2012 to my server

I have Web Application which I would like to deploy to my web server. I do not want to use Windows Azure, I have my own server. I even do not have my profile to publish to Azure. I believe it is OK to not have the profile and continue using VS2012. I would like have complied binary files and all my pages (master, aspx) together with my controls (ascx), js, css files and without code-behind files placed in my local folder. Then I plan to pack them and copy to my server through FTP. Sounds trivial. But...
When I hit right click over my Web Application project and then "Publish...", I have Publish Web window. The first step asks me if I want to publish to Windows Azure. In this case I have to provide my profile which I do not have. I do not need it. I just want to deploy to my local folder all except code-behind files. I cannot choose the next step which is "Connection". So I hit "Publish" button. And now, now I am stuck, because I have to provide my profile (see attached screenshot). Could you tell me how I can prepare my web application for deployment to my web server? Thank you.
If you are not planning on using Azure, simply ignore the statement at the top of that screen, it is only helpful if you are publishing to Azure.
To get past this step, click on the drop down and then click "New profile".
After that you will be taken through the rest of the wizard were you can setup your connection details etc.

problem with website project

I've an web site project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. the thing is that i need it all to copy to a flash drive, and than later to open it as simple in browsers/
I published my project to my drive, and tried to open my .aspx pages with Internet Explorer but i got some error. I really need to do it, urgent.
Somojon: You can't just open an page using a browser without having the web server (IIS, most of the time) process the page and spit out HTML that can be rendered on a browser.
You can copy the whole project (as Mrchief said) to your flash drive but before you attempt to open the project from your flash drive, you need to copy it again to a computer and configure IIS (or another web server that has support for ASP.NET).
I imagine you think you can do this because you can run your project with Visual Studio, but that's because Visual Studio comes with an the integrated web server that process the ASP .NET code and spits out the HTML to display on your browser. Bottom line is that when you move your project to another computer you will need a web server to serve your ASP .NET pages.
Copy the entire solution folder. Publish is not going to help because that publishes files that are needed to run the site, not the whole project.
This is not going to work, you should have a web server to run your ASP.NET website, IIS, IIS Express or other ASP.NET compatible web server which should execute the compiled assemblies and serve the pages to the browser.
if you simply open the pages with a browser without having a server processing them, nothing executes.

How to deploy an ASP.NET web site

I have an ASP.Net website that I built in a computer science class. I built it in Visual Studio and the solution is on my local drive. How would I deploy this to a real website?
You will need to do a few things.
You will need to get a hosting account that supports ASP.NET
From there you can use the "Publish" option from within Visual Studio under the "Build" menu option to push out a copy of the site.
When publishing you should publish in release mode.
Get hosting that supports the version of .NET and ASP.NET you have used and copy the files over.
Assuming that already you have an IIS application and web folder set up on a web server somewhere, the simplest method goes like this:
In Visual Studio, right-click on the web application project, and click Publish.
Select File System as the publish method.
Select a target location. This is where the publishable files will be placed. Use c:\pub or something similar.
Hit Publish
Once the publish operation is done, copy everything in c:\pub (or whatever target folder you used in step 3) to your web folder on the web server. Depending on your server accessibility, you may need to do this via FTP.
You might also investigate ClickOnce Deployment if your server supports it.
If you don't already have server space, you'll need to find a good hosting provider that supports ASP.NET. Google has many suggestions.
