Asterisk cannot hear sound on Wifi network only - asterisk
I've installed Asterisk + FreePBX on CentOS 6.5.
Case 1
Asterisk + FreePBX + CentOS 6.5
Phone A - Android 4G newtork (Linphone, PCMA codec)
Phone B - Android Wifi network (Linphone, PCMA codec)
If I can make a call to Phone B from Phone A, it works and answers the phone.
However, I can only hear sound from Phone A when I speak on Phone B.
I thought it is NAT problem, and checked all firewalls for Asterisk. There is no problem with Wifi network either. Is there a way to change NAT settings correctly? Thank you.
Here is the Asterisk CLI logs when I make a call and talk on the phone.
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [1004#from-internal:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__RINGTIMER=15") in new stack
-- Executing [1004#from-internal:2] Macro("SIP/1003-0000005e", "exten-vm,novm,1004,0,0,0") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:1] Macro("SIP/1003-0000005e", "user-callerid,") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "TOUCH_MONITOR=1395938841.94") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "AMPUSER=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:3] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?report") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:4] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=1003)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "AMPUSER=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:6] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?limit") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:7] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=Third") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:8] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?report") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:9] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "AMPUSERCID=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:10] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__DIAL_OPTIONS=Ttr") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:11] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLERID(all)="Third" <1003>") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:12] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?limit") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:13] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(GROUP(concurrency_limit)=1003)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:14] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "7?sub-ccss,s,1(macro-exten-vm,1004)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-ccss:1] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Return()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-ccss:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CCSS_SETUP=TRUE") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-ccss:3] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?monitor_config,1(macro-exten-vm,1004):monitor_default,1(macro-exten-vm,1004)") in new stack
-- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:1] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?is_exten") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-ccss,monitor_default,4)
-- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:4] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(cc_monitor_policy)=generic") in new stack
-- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(cc_max_monitors)=5") in new stack
-- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:6] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "TRUE") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-ccss:4] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "7?agent_config,1():agent_default,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(cc_agent_policy)=generic") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(cc_offer_timer)=30") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:3] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(ccbs_available_timer)=") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:4] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(ccnr_available_timer)=") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(cc_callback_macro)=ccss-default") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:6] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?Set(CALLCOMPLETION(cc_recall_timer)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:7] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?Set(CALLCOMPLETION(cc_max_agents)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:8] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(CALLCOMPLETION(cc_agent_dialstring)=Local/1003_1004#from-ccss-)") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:9] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLCOMPLETION(cc_callback_macro)=ccss-default") in new stack
-- Executing [agent_config#sub-ccss:10] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-ccss:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DB(AMPUSER/1003/ccss/last_number)=1004") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-ccss:6] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:15] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(CHANNEL(language)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:16] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?continue") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:17] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?Set(__CALLEE_ACCOUNCODE=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:18] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__TTL=64") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:19] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?continue") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,30)
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:30] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLERID(number)=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:31] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CALLERID(name)=Third") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:32] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CDR(cnum)=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:33] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CDR(cnam)=Third") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:34] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CHANNEL(language)=en") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "RingGroupMethod=none") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:3] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__EXTTOCALL=1004") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:4] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__PICKUPMARK=1004") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "RT=") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:6] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Macro(vm,novm,DIRECTDIAL,)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:7] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?MacroExit()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:8] Gosub("SIP/1003-0000005e", "sub-record-check,s,1(exten,1004,)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "REC_POLICY_MODE_SAVE=") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:2] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?check") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,s,7)
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:7] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__MON_FMT=wav") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:8] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?next") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,s,11)
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:11] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Return()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:12] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(__REC_POLICY_MODE=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:13] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?exten,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:14] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__REC_STATUS=INITIALIZED") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:15] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "NOW=1395938841") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:16] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__DAY=28") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:17] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__MONTH=03") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:18] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__YEAR=2014") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:19] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__TIMESTR=20140328-014721") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:20] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__FROMEXTEN=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:21] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__CALLFILENAME=exten-1004-1003-20140328-014721-1395938841.94") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-record-check:22] Goto("SIP/1003-0000005e", "exten,1") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,exten,1)
-- Executing [exten#sub-record-check:1] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?callee") in new stack
-- Executing [exten#sub-record-check:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__REC_POLICY_MODE=dontcare") in new stack
-- Executing [exten#sub-record-check:3] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?caller") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,exten,10)
-- Executing [exten#sub-record-check:10] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__REC_POLICY_MODE=dontcare") in new stack
-- Executing [exten#sub-record-check:11] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?record,1(exten,1004,1003)") in new stack
-- Executing [exten#sub-record-check:12] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:9] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?macrodial") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-exten-vm,s,15)
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:15] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?clrheader,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-exten-vm:16] Macro("SIP/1003-0000005e", "dial-one,,Ttr,1004") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DEXTEN=1004") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DIALSTATUS_CW=") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:3] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?screen,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:4] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?cf,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:5] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?skip1") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,8)
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:8] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?nodial") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:9] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?continue") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:10] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "EXTHASCW=ENABLED") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:11] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?next1:cwinusebusy") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,23)
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:23] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?next3:continue") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,24)
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:24] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(DIALSTATUS_CW=BUSY)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:25] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?nodial") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:26] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?dstring,1():dlocal,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DSTRING=") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DEVICES=1004") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:3] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Return()") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:4] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(DEVICES=004)") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "LOOPCNT=1") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:6] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "ITER=1") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:7] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "THISDIAL=SIP/1004") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:8] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?zap2dahdi,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:1] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Return()") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:2] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "NEWDIAL=") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:3] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "LOOPCNT2=1") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:4] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "ITER2=1") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:5] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "THISPART2=SIP/1004") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:6] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(THISPART2=DAHDI/1004)") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:7] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "NEWDIAL=SIP/1004&") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:8] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "ITER2=2") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:9] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?begin2") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:10] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "THISDIAL=SIP/1004") in new stack
-- Executing [zap2dahdi#macro-dial-one:11] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:9] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DSTRING=SIP/1004&") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:10] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "ITER=2") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:11] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?begin") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:12] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DSTRING=SIP/1004") in new stack
-- Executing [dstring#macro-dial-one:13] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:27] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?nodial") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:28] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?skiptrace") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:29] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "1?ctset,1():ctclear,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [ctset#macro-dial-one:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "DB(CALLTRACE/1004)=1003") in new stack
-- Executing [ctset#macro-dial-one:2] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:30] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "D_OPTIONS=Ttr") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:31] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: )") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:32] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?SIPAddHeader()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:33] ExecIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:34] GosubIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?qwait,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:35] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__CWIGNORE=") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:36] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "__KEEPCID=TRUE") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:37] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?usegoto,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:38] GotoIf("SIP/1003-0000005e", "0?godial") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:39] Gosub("SIP/1003-0000005e", "sub-presencestate-display,s,1(1004)") in new stack
-- Executing [s#sub-presencestate-display:1] Goto("SIP/1003-0000005e", "state-,1") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-presencestate-display,state-,1)
-- Executing [state-#sub-presencestate-display:1] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "PRESENCESTATE_DISPLAY=") in new stack
-- Executing [state-#sub-presencestate-display:2] Return("SIP/1003-0000005e", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:40] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)=fourth") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:41] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "CONNECTEDLINE(num)=1004") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:42] Set("SIP/1003-0000005e", "D_OPTIONS=TtrI") in new stack
-- Executing [s#macro-dial-one:43] Dial("SIP/1003-0000005e", "SIP/1004,,TtrI") in new stack
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/1004
-- Connected line update to SIP/1003-0000005e prevented.
-- SIP/1004-0000005f is ringing
-- SIP/1004-0000005f is ringing
-- Connected line update to SIP/1003-0000005e prevented.
-- SIP/1004-0000005f answered SIP/1003-0000005e
SIP contact
Android on Wifi
Addr->IP :
Reg. Contact : sip:1000#
Android on 4G LTE
Addr->IP :
Reg. Contact : sip:1002#
It looks like Android on Wifi failed to get right address. It doesn't show specific port to send voice.
That's why I love plain-clean Asterisk, your console doesn't get flooded like this for a single call. :)
If you're absolutely sure the codecs are fine, then the audio RTP is not reaching the phone. Check where it's being sent inspecting the SIP INVITE messages (assuming 1003 is the phone not working):
> sip show peer 1003
Look for the Codecs information. If they're good, look into NAT. Set
> sip set debug on
Or for a specific peer:
> sip set debug on peer 1003
Then check your headers, specifically the Contact: header which states 'hey contact me back here'.
If the call is created, meaning the control signaling goes through (you can CALL and HANGUP in either phone) then I'm pretty sure it's a codec issue. If the control is not 100% fine (for example you HANGUP in one phone and the other doesn't know) then it's probably a network issue.
Hope it helps!
MongoDB atlas connection not working from within a docker container running core. Works fine from inside kestrel
We have core based docker containers trying to connect to MongoDB atlas with the C# driver version 2.4.3. The connection is working fine for when we run it outside the container. i.e. directly from kestrel. But when the same code is run from within a container, the connection to mongodb atlas times out. Details: MongoDB C# Driver version: 2.4.3 Connection String: mongodb://,, Database to be accessed: Configurations Core version: 1.1 BaseImage in Dockerfile: microsoft/aspnetcore-build Dockerfile contents: FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build WORKDIR /SaaS_Configuration_Microservice COPY ./SaaS_Configuration_Microservice . EXPOSE 80 RUN dotnet restore RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o PublishOutput ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "PublishOutput/SaaS_Configuration_Microservice.dll"] We are running kestrel in Windows 10. Complete Error Message: ex.Message "A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = ReadPreferenceServerSelector{ ReadPreference = { Mode : Primary } }, LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 } }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId : \"1\", ConnectionMode : \"ReplicaSet\", Type : \"ReplicaSet\", State : \"Disconnected\", Servers : [{ ServerId: \"{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : \"Unspecified/\" }\", EndPoint: \"Unspecified/\", State: \"Disconnected\", Type: \"Unknown\", HeartbeatException: \"MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while opening a connection to the server. ---> MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException: Command failed.\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.CommandWireProtocol1.ProcessReply(ConnectionId connectionId, ReplyMessage1 reply)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.CommandWireProtocol1.<ExecuteAsync>d__11.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.ConnectionInitializer.<InitializeConnectionAsync>d__3.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.BinaryConnection.<OpenHelperAsync>d__48.MoveNext()\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.BinaryConnection.<OpenHelperAsync>d__48.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Servers.ServerMonitor.<HeartbeatAsync>d__27.MoveNext()\" }, { ServerId: \"{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : \"Unspecified/\" }\", EndPoint: \"Unspecified/\", State: \"Disconnected\", Type: \"Unknown\", HeartbeatException: \"MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while opening a connection to the server. ---> MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException: Command failed.\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.CommandWireProtocol1.ProcessReply(ConnectionId connectionId, ReplyMessage1 reply)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.CommandWireProtocol1.d__11.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.ConnectionInitializer.d__3.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.BinaryConnection.d__48.MoveNext()\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.BinaryConnection.d__48.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Servers.ServerMonitor.d__27.MoveNext()\" }, { ServerId: \"{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : \"Unspecified/\" }\", EndPoint: \"Unspecified/\", State: \"Disconnected\", Type: \"Unknown\", HeartbeatException: \"MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while opening a connection to the server. ---> MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException: Command failed.\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.CommandWireProtocol1.ProcessReply(ConnectionId connectionId, ReplyMessage1 reply)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.CommandWireProtocol`1.d__11.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.ConnectionInitializer.d__3.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.BinaryConnection.d__48.MoveNext()\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections.BinaryConnection.d__48.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Servers.ServerMonitor.d__27.MoveNext()\" }] }." string Inner exception: null
"microsoft/aspnetcore-build" is a Linux image and there is a bug: IMPORTANT The .NET Core library does not support the SNI TLS extension on Linux and OSX. Applications using .NET Core on these operating systems cannot connect to a Atlas Free Tier cluster. The issue is tracked on the dotnet/corefx github page.
Asterisk - One way audio with PJSIP over PRI
I'm having a problem using PJSIP, callee hears me but I got absolute silence on my side.. Few pointers: 1) Chan_SIP works perfectly. 2) PBX and phones are on the same network (no NAT). 3) The problem occurs only on outgoing calls over PRI (no problem when using IAX2 trunk). 4) The issue does not occur when I originate the call via AMI. 5) Asterisk Version - 13.4.0 Freepbx Version - 6.12.65-26 PJSIP version - 2.2 DAHDI version - I know PJSIP is experimental but I have been able to use PJSIP over PRI before. What could be the problem? Update(13/07/2015): I had to delete the previous update and a lot of lines from this log due to characters limit, but it should not matter because the the issue occurs right after dialing (no dial tone). Called my self from extension 800 (replaced my number and the outbound cid). Here is the asterisk verbose and rtp debug log: -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:1] Macro("PJSIP/800-00000023", "user-callerid,LIMIT,EXTERNAL,") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:1] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "TOUCH_MONITOR=1436762959.1096921") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:2] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "AMPUSER=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:3] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?report") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:4] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=800)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:5] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "AMPUSER=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:6] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?limit") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:7] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:8] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?report") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:9] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "AMPUSERCID=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:10] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__DIAL_OPTIONS=Ttr") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:11] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CALLERID(all)="800" <800>") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:12] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?limit") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:13] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?Set(GROUP(concurrency_limit)=800)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:14] GosubIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "7?sub-ccss,s,1(from-internal,)") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-ccss:1] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Return()") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-ccss:2] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CCSS_SETUP=TRUE") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-ccss:3] GosubIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?monitor_config,1(from-internal,):monitor_default,1(from-internal,)") in new stack -- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:1] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?is_exten") in new stack -- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:2] StackPop("PJSIP/800-00000023", "") in new stack -- Executing [monitor_default#sub-ccss:3] Return("PJSIP/800-00000023", "FALSE") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:15] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(CHANNEL(language)=)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:16] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?continue") in new stack -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,30) -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:30] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CALLERID(number)=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:31] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CALLERID(name)=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:32] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CDR(cnum)=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:33] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CDR(cnam)=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-user-callerid:34] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CHANNEL(language)=en") in new stack -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:2] Gosub("PJSIP/800-00000023", "sub-record-check,s,1(out,MyNumber,dontcare)") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:1] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?initialized") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:2] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__REC_STATUS=INITIALIZED") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:3] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "NOW=1436762959") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:4] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__DAY=13") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:5] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__MONTH=07") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:6] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__YEAR=2015") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:7] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__TIMESTR=20150713-074919") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:8] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__FROMEXTEN=800") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:9] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "__MON_FMT=wav") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:10] NoOp("PJSIP/800-00000023", "Recordings initialized") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:11] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(ARG3=dontcare)") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:12] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "REC_POLICY_MODE_SAVE=") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:13] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(REC_STATUS=NO)") in new stack -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:14] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "3?checkaction") in new stack -- Goto (sub-record-check,s,17) -- Executing [s#sub-record-check:17] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?sub-record-check,out,1") in new stack -- Goto (sub-record-check,out,1) -- Executing [out#sub-record-check:1] NoOp("PJSIP/800-00000023", "Outbound Recording Check from 800 to MyNumber") in new stack -- Executing [out#sub-record-check:2] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "RECMODE=dontcare") in new stack -- Executing [out#sub-record-check:3] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?Goto(routewins)") in new stack -- Goto (sub-record-check,out,7) -- Executing [out#sub-record-check:7] Gosub("PJSIP/800-00000023", "recordcheck,1(dontcare,out,MyNumber)") in new stack -- Executing [recordcheck#sub-record-check:1] NoOp("PJSIP/800-00000023", "Starting recording check against dontcare") in new stack -- Executing [recordcheck#sub-record-check:2] Goto("PJSIP/800-00000023", "dontcare") in new stack -- Goto (sub-record-check,recordcheck,3) -- Executing [recordcheck#sub-record-check:3] Return("PJSIP/800-00000023", "") in new stack -- Executing [out#sub-record-check:8] Return("PJSIP/800-00000023", "") in new stack -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:3] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0 ?Set(CDR(accountcode)=)") in new stack -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:4] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "ROUTE_CIDSAVE="800" <800>") in new stack -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:5] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "MOHCLASS=default") in new stack -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:6] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "_NODEST=") in new stack -- Executing [MyNumber#from-internal:7] Macro("PJSIP/800-00000023", "dialout-trunk,2,MyNumber,,off") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:1] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "DIAL_TRUNK=2") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:2] GosubIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?sub-pincheck,s,1()") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:3] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?disabletrunk,1") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:4] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "DIAL_NUMBER=MyNumber") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:5] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=Ttr") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:6] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=OUT_2") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:7] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?nomax") in new stack -- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,9) -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:9] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?skipoutcid") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:10] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=Tt") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:11] Macro("PJSIP/800-00000023", "outbound-callerid,2") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:1] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(CALLERPRES()=)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:2] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=800)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:3] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?normcid") in new stack -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,6) -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:6] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "USEROUTCID=OutboundCID") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:7] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "EMERGENCYCID=") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:8] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "TRUNKOUTCID=") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:9] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?trunkcid") in new stack -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,14) -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:14] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(CALLERID(all)=)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:15] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?Set(CALLERID(all)=OutboundCID)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:16] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(CALLERID(all)=)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:17] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(CALLERPRES()=prohib_passed_screen)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:18] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CDR(outbound_cnum)=OutboundCID") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-outbound-callerid:19] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "CDR(outbound_cnam)=") in new stack [2015-07-13 07:49:19] WARNING[28882]: func_cdr.c:351 cdr_write_callback: CDR requires a value (CDR(variable)=value) -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:12] GosubIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?sub-flp-2,s,1()") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:13] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "OUTNUM=MyNumber") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:14] Set("PJSIP/800-00000023", "custom=DAHDI/r0") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:15] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=M(setmusic^default)Tt)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:16] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?Set(DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=TtM(confirm))") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:17] Macro("PJSIP/800-00000023", "dialout-trunk-predial-hook,") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook:1] MacroExit("PJSIP/800-00000023", "") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:18] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?bypass,1") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:19] ExecIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "1?Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)=CID:OutboundCID)") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:20] GotoIf("PJSIP/800-00000023", "0?customtrunk") in new stack -- Executing [s#macro-dialout-trunk:21] Dial("PJSIP/800-00000023", "DAHDI/r0/MyNumber,300,Tt") in new stack -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH -- Called DAHDI/r0/MyNumber -- Moving call (DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d) from channel 27 to 25. -- DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d is proceeding passing it to PJSIP/800-00000023 -- DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d is ringing -- DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d is making progress passing it to PJSIP/800-00000023 Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039504, ts 000160, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039505, ts 000320, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039506, ts 000480, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039507, ts 000640, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039508, ts 000800, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039509, ts 000960, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039510, ts 001120, len 000160) > 0x7522dd98 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000000, ts 2527472030, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039511, ts 001280, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000001, ts 2527472190, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039512, ts 001440, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000002, ts 2527472350, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039513, ts 001600, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000003, ts 2527472510, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039514, ts 001760, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000004, ts 2527472670, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039515, ts 001920, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000005, ts 2527472830, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039516, ts 002080, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000006, ts 2527472990, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039517, ts 002240, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000007, ts 2527473150, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039518, ts 002400, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000008, ts 2527473310, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039519, ts 002560, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000009, ts 2527473470, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039520, ts 002720, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000010, ts 2527473630, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039521, ts 002880, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000011, ts 2527473790, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039522, ts 003040, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000012, ts 2527473950, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039523, ts 003200, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000013, ts 2527474110, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039524, ts 003360, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000014, ts 2527474270, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039525, ts 003520, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000015, ts 2527474430, len 000160) -- DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d answered PJSIP/800-00000023 -- Channel PJSIP/800-00000023 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cf7c4ae4-19b8-45a1-92ac-13de2d1fcd7b> -- Channel DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cf7c4ae4-19b8-45a1-92ac-13de2d1fcd7b> Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000286, ts 2527517790, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039797, ts 047040, len 000160) Got RTP packet from (type 00, seq 000287, ts 2527517950, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 039798, ts 047200, len 000160) -- Channel PJSIP/800-00000023 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cf7c4ae4-19b8-45a1-92ac-13de2d1fcd7b> -- Channel DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cf7c4ae4-19b8-45a1-92ac-13de2d1fcd7b> == Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, s, 21) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/800-00000023' in macro 'dialout-trunk' -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/MyNumber-2d9d' == Spawn extension (from-internal, MyNumber, 7) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/800-00000023' -- Executing [h#from-internal:1] Hangup("PJSIP/800-00000023", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/800-00000023' Thanks for all the help!
You need nat=yes in chan_dahdi.conf under [channels].
Error using SignalR utility Crank.exe
I'm using crank to load test my signalr application. The command that I'm using is as follows crank /NumClients:100 /Url:http://localhost:29573/TestConnection /BatchSize:10 I'm getting an exception in my powershell window as follows... Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.HubConnection.GetUrl(String url, Boolean useDefaultUrl) in c:\Users\t-niraj\Deskto p\SignalR-master\src\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client\HubConnection.cs:line 216 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.HubConnection..ctor(String url, Boolean useDefaultUrl) in c:\Users\t-niraj\Desktop \SignalR-master\src\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client\HubConnection.cs:line 38 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.HubConnection..ctor(String url) in c:\Users\t-niraj\Desktop\SignalR-master\src\Mic rosoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client\HubConnection.cs:line 28 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Crank.Client.<OpenControllerConnection>d__6.MoveNext() in c:\Users\t-niraj\Desktop\Signal R-master\src\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Crank\Client.cs:line 71 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Crank.Client.<Run>d__0.MoveNext() in c:\Users\t-niraj\Desktop\SignalR-master\src\Microsof t.AspNet.SignalR.Crank\Client.cs:line 43 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait() at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Crank.Client.Main() in c:\Users\t-niraj\Desktop\SignalR-master\src\Microsoft.AspNet.Signa lR.Crank\Client.cs:line 34 I do have the sample application: SignalR.LoadTestHarness running at localhost:29573. This is the same application that is found in the SignalR source code samples. What am I doing wrong?
You did not provide the ControllerUrl parameter and as a result crank is trying to create a hub connection with null Url which results in throwing a NullReferenceException on this line.
Detect multiple keys in confbridge asterisk 11
How can I detect multiple keys in a conference in confbridge application. Right now I can only detect a single key number digit. How can I detect a 2 digit or 3 digit number for example 45 or 454. Please help me. Thanks
You can detect 4, record that detection, detect next digit(5), record it again. Do that as many times as you need.
Yup, it's completely possible to have DTMF menus that are triggered based on multiple DTMF keys presses. Example: [general] [user_profile] type = user admin = no pin = 1111 marked = yes startmuted = no announce_user_count = yes announce_user_count_all = 1 announce_join_leave = yes [user_menu] type = menu 1 = toggle_mute 201 = leave_conference [default_bridge] type = bridge [default_user] type = user In this log snippet, you can see the user press '201' to leave the conference: [Feb 21 22:28:16] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] pbx.c: -- Executing [user_profile#confbridge:1] NoOp("SIP/ast2_g722-00000001", "") in new stack [Feb 21 22:28:16] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] pbx.c: -- Executing [user_profile#confbridge:2] ConfBridge("SIP/ast2_g722-00000001", "1,,user_profile,user_menu") in new stack [Feb 21 22:28:26] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] file.c: -- <SIP/ast2_g722-00000001> Playing 'conf-onlyone.gsm' (language 'en') [Feb 21 22:28:47] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] file.c: -- <SIP/ast2_g722-00000001> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en') [Feb 21 22:28:48] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] file.c: -- <Bridge/0x7fb3bc004528-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en') [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '2' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001, duration 100 ms [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '2' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF begin '0' received on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '0' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end '0' received on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001, duration 100 ms [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '0' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001, duration 100 ms [Feb 21 22:28:53] DTMF[18929][C-00000001] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on SIP/ast2_g722-00000001 [Feb 21 22:28:55] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] file.c: -- <Bridge/0x7fb3bc004528-input> Playing 'conf-hasleft.gsm' (language 'en') [Feb 21 22:28:57] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] file.c: -- <Bridge/0x7fb3bc004528-input> Playing 'confbridge-leave.gsm' (language 'en') [Feb 21 22:28:58] VERBOSE[18929][C-00000001] pbx.c: -- Executing [user_profile#confbridge:3] Hangup("SIP/ast2_g722-00000001", "") in new stack
Reflecting Assemblies on Mono for Android
I'm creating an app "plugin" dll that loads at run-time for my Mono for Android App and starts a new Activity. (the app will be installed ad-hoc - so no comments on downloading executable code) I'm coming from Obj-C on iOS - where you can include .nibs and ViewControllers in a library. I can have the main Android app and the loaded dll both reference another common dll, and load objects just fine. The following works: var test = plugin.CreateInstance("Test.Satellite.testClass"); MethodInfo getString = test.GetType().GetMethod("getString"); MethodInfo tryPatient = test.GetType().GetMethod("tryPatient"); Where public class testClass { public string getString () { return "This was read from the object"; } public string tryPatient () { Patient p = new Patient(); p.Name = "This was created from the Core/Common DLL"; return p.Name; } } However, when I try to load an Activity (either through CreateInstance or Intent/StartActivity) it gives the following exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: test.satellite.RootActivity at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.FindClass (System.String classname) [0x00087] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/monodroid-mac-monodroid-4.2.7-branch/0e9eea34/source/monodroid/src/Mono.Android/src/Runtime/JNIEnv.cs:275 at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.FindClass (System.Type type) [0x00009] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/monodroid-mac-monodroid-4.2.7-branch/0e9eea34/source/monodroid/src/Mono.Android/src/Runtime/JNIEnv.cs:233 --- End of managed exception stack trace --- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test.satellite.RootActivity at test.MainActivity.n_onCreate(Native Method) at test.MainActivity.onCreate( at at at at$2200( at$H.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.satellite.RootActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader#44e8c678 at dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 15 more --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) <IL 0x000e0, 0x00670> at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (object,object[]) <IL 0x00006, 0x0008f> at Test.MainActivity.OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x001e9] in /Users/stephen/Projects/test/test/MainActivity.cs:86 at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x00010] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/monodroid-mac-monodroid-4.2.7-branch/0e9eea34/source/monodroid/src/Mono.Android/platforms/android-8/src/generated/Android.App.Activity.cs:1490 at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.ca46b703-b14e-4853-b371-499ea96364fc (intptr,intptr,intptr) <IL 0x00012, 0x00033> What I can read from that is that the Dalvik can't find the class test.satellite.RootActivity - but it found test.satellite.testClass just fine...? Any help would be appreciated.
It looks like you are inconsistent about the casing of packages. Might that be the problem? "Test.Satellite.testClass" -- works "test.satellite.RootActivity" -- doesn't work