R: "Subscript out of bounds" error on function - r

I continue to get an error on my function, possibly I'm overlooking something simple. I cannot run the code without getting an error when applying the function.
k.nn <- function(k,p1,p) {
k > 0
K <-length(k)
for (i in p) {
matrix <- cbind(p,p1[1],p1[2])
d <- sqrt((matrix[,1]-matrix[,3])^2+(matrix[,2]-matrix[,4])^2)
##use the sort function to find the smallest distance from 1:k and return all nearest k values
sort.d <- function(x) { #implement bubble sort
for (n in length(x):2) { #distinguish the last term in the vector, name it, much be of x length, consists an error of length 1. Error if you compute n in length(x):1, cover length of 1
for (m in 1:(n - 1)) { #distinguish the first term in the vector, name it
if(x[m]>x[m + 1]) { #begin comparing each term to neighboring term
x[m]<-x[m + 1]
x[m + 1]<-swap
for (n in k){
p=matrix(c(6.9,7.6,7.1,.4,6.2,1.8,2.5,2.3,5.7,6.9,.9,4.4,5.2,1.9,.6,7.4,1.2,6.6,3.3,4.9),nrow=10,ncol=2) #given matrix
k=3 nn.3=k.nn(k,p1,p)

There's a missing carriage return or ";" in the penultimate line that is throwing an error. If you remove tha last line so that you can use traceback() it tells you that k.nn throws a " subscript out of bounds" error when a matrix index is 4.
Debugging 101 tells you to put in print functions to see where the function fails and putting in a print after
c=class(x) ; print(c)
... ives you a result, but putting another one in the sort.d function does not get executed. Looking at the code upstream from that point we see:
d <- sqrt((matrix[,1]-matrix[,3])^2+(matrix[,2]-matrix[,4])^2)
So looking at the function and the matrix you have given, ... my guess is that you passed a two-column matrix to a function that expected a four-column argument.


Attempting a for loop in R

x <- 1:19
count <- 0
for (i in x) {
if atranspose * T5_5_FBEETLES[i, 3:6]>cutoff
Hello, I am trying to do a for loop in R. In this for loop, I am multiplying a 1x4 matrix (atranspose in this case) and the third through sixth columns of a table (the table is T5_5_FBEETLES in this case) row by row (hence the i in x, so going through the first 19 rows) and I'm comparing it to a number with the variable name of cutoff. If the multiplication ends up with something greater than the cutoff number, I want count to increase by 1. I know from doing this by hand that by the end count should be 19, but for whatever reason my for loop returns 1 for my count variable and I keep getting these two errors:
unexpected symbol in:
"for (i in x) {
if atranspose"
unexpected '}' in "}"
Can anyone explain to me why these two errors are occurring, and how I can fix up my for loop so that it can return the correct count?
You are getting an error because your if statement crosses a line and thus needs some curly braces:
x <- 1:19
count <- 0
for (i in x) {
if (atranspose * T5_5_FBEETLES[i, 3:6]>cutoff) {
This will then give you another error because the logical check of the if statement will return a vector, so it needs to be wrapped in an any:
x <- 1:19
count <- 0
for (i in x) {
if (any(atranspose * T5_5_FBEETLES[i, 3:6]>cutoff)) {

Difficulty with recursively adding non-whole number

I am new to R and I am having difficulty with a simple recursion function. I initialize a variable, x to .1 and then make a call to a recursive function in which if x is not equal to the user-input number, it will add .1 to x and recursively call the function again. If x is greater than the input number, the function returns an error message.
I have tried setting x to a whole number, mainly 1 and then trying to evaluate the function. This process works, so I figure that there is an issue of adding decimal numbers to each other and then evaluating their equality with a whole number.
#Initialize r
#Call to recursive method
v(a, x)
#Recursive function
v<-function(a, x)
#Check for current value of a and r
if(a==x) {
else if(a < x) {
v(a, x)
When I set a to 1, I would expect the function to return "Yes" after recursing until x is equal to 1 as well. However, this is not the case. The function then recurses once more, setting x to 1.1 and returns the message "Error!".
I think you are running into issues with floating point precision. If you use a function designed to check equality while accounting for floating point precision, like dplyr::near(), the function gives the expected result:
v<-function(a, x)
#Check for current value of a and r
if(dplyr::near(a, x)) {
else if(a < x) {
v(a, x)

Error message in Bubble sort code in R language

I did some programming work on R language to do the bubble sort. Sometimes it works perfectly without any error message, but sometimes, it shows "Error in if (x[i] > x[i + 1]) { : argument is of length zero". Can any one help me check whats wrong with it? I have attached my code below
example <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
repeat {
hasChanged <- FALSE
n <- n - 1
for(i in 1:n) {
if ( x[i] > x[i+1] ) {
temp <- x[i]
x[i] <- x[i+1]
x[i+1] <- temp
hasChanged <- TRUE
cat("The current Vector is", x ,"\n")
if ( !hasChanged ) break;
x <-sample(1:10,5)
cat("The original Vector is", x ,"\n")
The error occurs because you are iteratively decreasing n. Depending on the original vector's order (or lack thereof), n can reach the value of 1 after the last change. In that case, a further reduction of n in the next iteration step addresses the value x[0], which is undefined.
With a minimal correction your code will work properly, without giving error messages. Try to replace the line
if ( !hasChanged ) break;
if ( !hasChanged | n==1 ) break
Basically you have two termination criteria: Either nothing has been changed in the previous iteration or n is equal to one. In both cases, a further iteration won't change the vector since it is already ordered.
By the way, in R programming you don't need a semicolon at the end of a command. It is tolerated/ignored by the interpreter, but it clutters the code and is not considered good programming style.
Hope this helps.

nested if statment in R

I'm trying to implement following thing in R, but I'm new in R and my code doesn't work.
I have matrix A, I did coordinates changes .
I want to write two function:
1) give the element of matrix, given coordinates
2) give the coordinates given number.
the pseudo code is right, the only problem is my syntax. can somebody correct it ?
f<- as.numeric(readline(prompt="Please enter 10 to get coordinate of number,and 20 to get the number > "));
# give the number, given coordinates
i<- as.numeric(readline(prompt="Pleae enter i cordinate > "));
j<- as.numeric(readline(prompt="Pleae enter j cordinate > "));
if (i>0&j<0) return A[5+i,5+j]
if (i>0&j>0) return A[5+i,5+j]
if (i<0&j>0) return A[5+i,5-j]
if (i<0&j<0) return A[5+i,5-j]
}else if (p==20){
#give the cordinate, given number
coordinate <- which(A==number)
Warning: what if i or j is equal to zero? Next, make a single variable which is the decimal representation of binary i,j, That is,
x <- (i>0) + 2*(j>0) +1
# x takes on values 1 thru 5. This is because switch requires nonnegative integer
return A[5+i,5+j],
return A[5+i,5+j],
return A[5+i,5+j],
return A[5+i,5+j]) # change the +/- indices as desired
And, finally, you should make this a function, not a collection of commands.
Edit - I skipped this before, but: you cannot call an index of 0 so you need to fix a number of things in the line [i,j]<-A[2-coordinate[0],coordinate[1]-2]
The syntax is as follows:
x <- 4
if (x == 1 | x == 2) print("YES")

R program keeps getting numeric(0) answer

I am a beginner in R. Here's the formula I'm trying to code to find the lambda that maximizes the log likelihood of some bigrams. When the bigrams are not found, the P_b (bigram) function fails, but the P_u (unigram) function should provide the unigram result (lambda = 0).
It works for bigrams that are found. When they're not found, tho, I only get numeric(0), not the unigram result.
p.mix <- function(w2, w1) {
(1-lambda) * uni.dfrm$prob[uni.dfrm$token==w2] + lambda * p.bi(w2,w1)
The p.bi() function looks complicated because of the indexing so I'm reluctant to post it but it does work when the bigrams are found. It just looks up the count of times w' appears after w and divides it by the times w appears, but I have to go through another vector of vocabulary words so it looks ugly.
When w' is never found occurring after w, instead of a zero count, there's no row at all, which is what apparently causes the numeric(0) result. That's what the mixed model is supposed to solve, but I can't get it to work. Any ideas how this can work?
You can add a test for the case where w2 is numeric(0) for example :
p.mix <- function(w2, w1) {
res <- (1-lambda) * uni.dfrm$prob[uni.dfrm$token==w2] +
lambda * p.bi(w2,w1)
}else res <- 0
p.mix <- function(w2, w1) {
if(length(w2) && length(uni.dfrm$prob[uni.dfrm$token==w2]) > 0)
(1-lambda) * uni.dfrm$prob[uni.dfrm$token==w2] + lambda * p.bi(w2,w1)
else 0
