While creating Biztalk custom component (Disassembler) I was able to change icon into PipeLine editor, however I into Toolbox component icon still default .
How can I change component Icon into toolbox ?
You can't change the Icon through the Toolbox, it comes from the component Assembly.
If you used the Pipeline Component Wizard, the icon is stored in the Resource file as an Image.
Just add you own Image file (it has to be of certain diminsion) and change the Icon method to point to you new Image.
I want to know how to create a QLabel in QtCreator Design mode that is hidden by default?In the properties list in the right hand side panel , there's not any option regarding visibility and also adding label->hide() to setupUi function (after compiling ui file and adding to the project headers) makes no difference.
Designer doesn't expose the visible property. You could hand-edit the UI file, but that will be overwritten next time you edit in Designer. It's best to leave it visible in Designer, and just write a line of code after you call setupUi() to hide the widget you don't want to be initially shown.
I am just getting my head around AEM version 6.2 and struggling to create a component that I can drag onto my page. I copied an existing 'working' component and changed the name in the CRXDE page. The result is the new component is visible in the left components panel but when I want to drag it nothing happens? How can I create/copy an component that is draggable?
For a component to be droppable inside a parsys, it needs to be added using design mode...
Go to design mode
Configure that parsys
Select the component which you want to drop inside parsys
Go back to edit mode. It should now be droppable.
I suggest you to add some text in the component jsp. Make sure cache is deleted. Also try to cq:include the component in your page component.If you are unable to do so will mean there is something wrong with the component development.
I have cloned the ComboBox class in order to fix the problem where a ComboBox at the bottom of a tab expands downwards and disappears off the bottom of the screen. I did this to apply the patch from http://craiggrummitt.wordpress.com/tag/combobox/. I had to copy "../styles/FocusStyles.as" etc into a project folder. also I copied ComboBox.png into a project folder.
The ComboBox does now open upwards, but there is no arrow button on the displayed combo. If I rename [IconFile("ComboBox.png")] to [IconFile("Garbage.png")] I get no error and the code still runs. There is no Garbage.png. Does this mean that the problem is that ComboBox.png displays the arrow button and the new class cannot locate this file, or is this just a red herring? tia.
The IconFile metadata is used by Flash Builder and is unrelated to runtime elements of the component. I'll quote the docs:
Identifies the filename for the icon that represents the component in
the Insert bar of Adobe Flex Builder. For more information, see
IconFile metadata tag.
If there is no arrow button on the ComboBox; it sounds like you may have improperly set the skin, or somehow disturbed functionality with our extension. You'd have to share some code for us to help further.
In the TextImage component, the Style tab has lost the css selection dropdown that used to show up when editing the component. It now just shows a blank area. It should have a dropdown for image alignment (left or right are your choices). This doesn't appear anymore.
This tab is xtype componentstyles (String), so I don't know where it references the source for the dropdown values. My local instance of CQ5 works just fine.
I cannot just add an xtype selection and feed it values because the css that gets added to the JSP code is outside the component's .jsp-specific page
It looks like the componentstyles xtype is driven by the CQ design that is associated to the page. Designs are stored underneath /etc/designs and are assigned through a page's Page properties dialog (cq:designPath property)
Let's look at an example in the Geometrixx website. If you navigate to the English homepage # /content/geometrixx/en.html and add an instance of the TextImage component to the page, you will notice that the Styles tab is empty in the component dialog. Now navigate to the 'Discover Geometrixx' page # /geometrixx/en/company/discover_geometrixx.html and examine one of the two pre-existing instances of the TextImage component. The Styles tab has the image dropdown you mentioned!
So what is the difference between the instances on the 'Discover Page' and the 'Home' page? The answer is in the design definition. If you open up CRXDE Lite and navigate to the Geometrixx design page for the Content Page template (which the 'Discover Geometrixx' page adopts), you will see the following nodes:
The design for the Homepage template (which the 'Home' page adopts) is missing this definition.
If you want to continue to use the out of box TextImage component, it seems you will need to have this design configuration set up on all the paragraph systems and templates where the component can go. So for example, if you want these styles to be available to the TextImage component when it is added to the par paragraph system of the Homepage template, you would add similar style nodes to:
Alternatively you could just overlay the component and/or create your own. Then for this custom component you could create your own Styles dialog that is independent of the design. You can simulate the out of box behavior by examining the saved JCR property and setting the appropriate CSS class name in your render script.
The problem is that a design path variable went missing. We don't know why or how, but the solution is as follows.
Open up Content Repository
Go to /content/-sitefolder-/ and expand
Click on jcr:content and view properties
Check for attribute cq:designPath and its value
/etc/designs/-sitefolder-; add to properties if it doesn't exist
I can successfully change the color of a QPushButton using setStyleSheet, but because I'm using QT Creator to make the GUI, every time I run qmake and make, the calls to setStyleSheet disappear.
Changing the palette of the button doesn't change its color either.
What's the best way to change to color of the button without having to manually change my ui_window.h file every time I qmake?
Using style sheets is the right way to do, no matter you're using Qt Creator or not.
From what you are describing, it seems you are writing yourself some code into the ui_window.h, which is the wrong way to set the stylesheet.
You can set it in the constructor of your window class, or set it from the GUI editor (Qt Designer) :
double-click on your window.ui in the project tree displayed by Qt Creator.
select your QPushButton in the GUI editor.
locate the styleSheet property in the properties editor.
click on the three dots (...) : this will bring a stylesheet editor.
If you set the stylesheet with the stylesheet editor, nothing will disappear each time you are rebuilding your app.