Simulate entering iBeacon region by fluctuating power? - bluetooth-lowenergy

I'm new to iBeacon, and would like to simulate entering and exiting an iBeacon region, to see how notifications work on entering/exiting a region when an app monitoring for iBeacons is in the background.
The iBeacon I'd like to try this with would be a virtual iBeacon, running on a mac or an ios device.
Can this be done by fluctuating the power or is there a better way to do it? And are there any good examples of doing this anywhere?

The easiest way to do this is by simply turning the iBeacon on and off. I do this every day using our MacBeacon and Locate for iBeacon test tools which have on-screen on/off switches.
In theory, you could do what you suggest by turning the radio power way down, too. But iOS, OSX and Linux do not let you adjust the radio power. Turning off the transmission completely is an easier and simpler alternative.


Making HM-18 modules detect nearby BLE beacons

I am using the HM-18 modules by DSD tech, and I pushed the following code in:
The HM-18 slaves are very similar to the HM-10s, so it should work theoretically. I went through all the code and libraries to see if there were any specs I'd need to change but there doesn't seem to be anything specific to the HM-10s in there that I'd need to adjust.
However, this is all my serial monitor outputs:
No device
There are a couple of active beacons near the slave, so it should be able to detect them - my phone can detect them no problem. Does anyone know what could be changed so I can read these beacons?
Any tips would be very appreciated!

Small PWM module?

I'm trying to find a fitting module/component for a project, but have a hard time finding the right thing.
I need a PWM module/component that can provide a PWM signal and can be controlled via Arduino, preferably TX/RX.
I've used this one previously, and it works great, but it is bulky due to the screen and buttons which I don't really need.
It would be perfect to find the same module but without the screen and buttons.
What it needs to do:
Duty cycle 0-100%
Frequency 1-10 kHz
5 V preferably
Communication via tx/rx or other Arduino compatible protocol
1-2 channels
As small as possible
I've seen some Adafruit modules, but they have at least 16 channels which is not necessary. Would also work, but if I can find an even smaller alternative that would be great.
Any suggestions?
(And no, the Arduino's PWM signals do not work in my case.)
The standard Arduino analogWrite() can't do what you want without trickery, but most Arduino hardware can, so there's no real need for a separate PWM IC or module; you just need to code the Arduino's MCU's timer peripheral to do what you want.
You can do that "by hand", but I would try first to see if an alternative library like TimerOne can get you the PWM you specify. For SAMD21-based Arduinos there is this library (that I wrote), among others.
If you insist on having a separate module for your PWM, just google around (modules exist, but recommendations are not done here), or simply use a second Arduino of your choice as a dedicated PWM generator.

BLE Device with Haptic Feedback

Is there an off-the-shelf beacon I can just buy that also has support for triggering Vibration / Haptic Motor over BLE? Amazon / whatever links are welcome.
Context: I'd like to trigger vibration from iOS in a small independent device. BLE seems ideal as I need to support more than one and all devices should be within range. I'm trying to rapidly prototype something instead of cranking out my own HW.
For prototyping you may be able to use a few sub-$20 Xiaomi Mi Band devices (or Band 2 which should be under $30 and has a screen). And then use API like this to trigger vibration:
They both can be removed from the wristband and look like a 2 cm long pill, and last weeks on a charge with normal use, maybe months when not counting steps.

Arduino Temperature Display

i have a little 2,4" tft touch display, and i want to display Information like Temperature of the CPU and the GPU, and the usage of the CPU cores. i tried getting the temperature with wmic and the MSAcip_ThermalZoneTemperature. but my system does not support that. Could someone tell me a way to get the Temperature and the other information without buying any extra hardware? My Mainboard: Asus M5A78L/USB3 (
Thanks, and have a great day!
Without extra hardware, the best way I can think of is to write a program for your computer that is able to pick up temperature statistics from your mainboard, then have that speak to your Arduino via Serial over USB.
The other option I can think of would involve finding out where the temperature probes on your mainboard live and physically tapping into those and reverse engineering how they work. However, this stands a very high chance of voiding warranties and ruining your board.

Arduino - switch control

I am making a balloon cut off mechanism using Arduino. The Arduino uses GPS data to find the height of the balloon. So when a certain height is reached it has to allow current to pass through a nichrome wire to burn the nylon rope.
How do I use Arduino to act as a switch? That is, when a condition is reached, Arduino has to allow current to pass through. Can it be done using Arduino?
Is there a digital switch I can buy and control via Arduino? My search gave me suggestions to use a Triac. Is there a easier way?
Not really a SO question... but I've used this TIP-120 circuit in many projects with success. It's tolerant of abuse (handles high current, etc) and easy to put together with parts from Radio Shack costing a few dollars. (for your usage, the diode is not required).
Turning it on is as simple as digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH);
Personally, I would use a mechanical solution as a release mechanism rather than trusting the vagaries of heating at high altitude and the higher power reqs.
