Centos 6.5 Samba 3 You don't have permission from user - centos6

I have an error while i want to copy my file in centos 6.5 using samba to my windows 7 folder.
This is the error message :
you need permission to perform this action
You require permission from ERP\hao to make change to this file.
workgroup = MYGROUP
server string = Samba Server Version %v
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
# max 50KB per log file, then rotate
max log size = 50
security = user
comment = ERP
path = /opt/erp
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
browseable = no
create mask = 0777
create mode = 0777
directory mode = 0777
share modes = yes
force user = hao
force group = hao
read only = no
File that i want to copy location :
my samba path
[hao#erp mve]$ stat -c '%a %n' *
777 7841e10a957d4bceb2205632c49543af.ygk
777 p18i13847jgnl1s91kujqlh1t9c3.ygk
[hao#erp erp]# ls -l mve/
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 hao hao 63467455 Mar 10 21:38 7841e10a957d4bceb2205632c49543af.ygk
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 hao hao 111912448 Mar 10 21:46 p18i13847jgnl1s91kujqlh1t9c3.ygk
[root#erp erp]# smbd --version
Version 3.6.9-167.el6_5
[hao#erp erp]# ls -l
drwxrwxrwx. 2 hao hao 4096 Mar 11 09:42 mve
I Can copy all files in /opt/erp except in mve folder.
Please help, how to fix this problem. Please advice. Thank you.

This worked for me on Windows 7 when using CentOS 6.5.
Slight changes to instructions..
The workgroup will need to change based on yours specifically (set value in /etc/samba/smb.conf).
Use \\192.168.x.x\ instead of \\centos on Windows.
You'll need to create the folders /samba and /samba/share and set permissions appropriately.
If your OS doesn't have nano (per the instructions), then install that before you begin... yum install nano
Run restart commands (2 of them) at the end twice, since the shutdown won't apply. Make sure you get OK on both.

I had a similar problem and it turned out to be related to the SELinux security context.
I had to run the command chcon -t samba_share_t /<path>/<to>/<share> -R.
Now i can create and change files in the shared folder.


Mounting VMDK disk image

I have a single vmware disk image file with vmdk extension
I am trying to mount this and explore all of the partitions (including hidden ones).
I've tried to follow several guides, such as : http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/469942-mounting-virtual-box-machine-images-host
I'm able to mount the image using vdfuse
vdfuse -w -f windows.vmdk /mnt/
After this I can see one partition and an entire disk exposed
# ll /mnt/
total 41942016
-r-------- 1 te users 21474836480 Feb 28 14:16 EntireDisk
-r-------- 1 te users 1569718272 Feb 28 14:16 Partition1
Continuing with the guide I try to mount either EntireDisk or Partition1 using
mount -o loop,ro /mnt/Partition1 mnt2/
But that gives me the error 'mount: you must specify a filesystem type'
In trying to find the correct type I tried
dd if=/mnt/EntireDisk | file -
which outputs a ton of information but of note is:
/dev/stdin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ....... FATs ....
So i tired to mount as a vfat but that gave me
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock ...etc
What am I doing wrong?
For newer Linux systems, you can use guestmount to mount the third partition within a VMDK image:
guestmount -a xyz.vmdk -m /dev/sda3 --ro /mnt/vmdk
Alternatively, to autodetect and mount an image (less reliable), you can try:
guestmount -a xyz.vmdk -i --ro /mnt/vmdk
Do note that the flag --ro simply mounts the image as read-only; to mount the image as read-write, just replace it with the flag --rw.
guestmount is contained in following packages per distro:
Ubuntu: libguestfs-tools
OpenSuse: guestfs-tools
CentOS / Fedora: libguestfs-tools-c
error: could not create appliance through libvirt
$ guestmount -a file.vmdk -i --ro /mnt/guest
libguestfs: error: could not create appliance through libvirt.
Try running qemu directly without libvirt using this environment variable:
Original error from libvirt: Cannot access backing file '/path/to/file.vmdk' of storage file '/tmp/libguestfssF6WKX/overlay1.qcow2' (as uid:107, gid:107): Permission denied [code=38 int1=13]
Solution: use LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct, as suggested:
LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct guestmount -a file.vmdk -i --ro /mnt/guest
fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint
LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct guestmount -a file.vmdk -i --ro /mnt/guest/
fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /mnt/guest
libguestfs: error: fuse_mount failed: /mnt/guest/, see error messages above
Solution: use sudo, or change file permissions on the mountpoint
You can also use qemu:
For .vdi disks
sudo modprobe nbd
sudo qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 ./linux_box/VM/image.vdi
if they are not installed, you can install them (issuing this command in Ubuntu)
sudo apt install qemu-utils
and then mount it with:
mount /dev/nbd1p1 /mnt
For .vmdk disks
sudo modprobe nbd
sudo qemu-nbd -r -c /dev/nbd1 ./linux_box/VM/image.vmdk
notice that I use the option -r, that's because VMDK version 3 must be read only to be able to be mounted by qemu
and then I mount it with
mount /dev/nbd1p1 /mnt
I use nbd1, because nbd0 sometimes gives: 'mount: special device /dev/nbd0p1 does not exist'
For .ova disks
tar -tf image.ova
tar -xvf image.ova
The above will extract the .vmdk disk and then mount it.
Install affuse, then mount using it.
affuse /path/file.vmdk /mnt/vmdk
The raw disk image is now found under /mnt/vmdk.
Check its sector size:
fdisk -l /mnt/vmdk/file.vmdk.raw
# example
Disk file.vmdk.raw: 20 GiB, 21474836480 bytes, 41943040 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x000da525
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/mnt/vmdk/file.vmdk.raw1 * 2048 41943039 41940992 20G 83 Linux
Multiply sector size and start sector. In the example it would be 2048*512:
echo '2048*512' | bc
Mount the raw file using that offset:
mount -o ro,loop,offset=1048576 /mnt/vmdk/file.raw /mnt/vmdisk
The disk should now be mounted and readable on /mnt/vmdisk.
Here is an answer from commandlinefu.com that worked for me:
kpartx -av <image-flat.vmdk>; mount -o /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt/vmdk
You can also activate LVM volumes in the image by running
vgchange -a y
and then you can mount the LV inside the image.
To unmount the image, umount the partition/LV, deactivate the VG for the image
vgchange -a n <volume_group>
then run
kpartx -dv <image-flad.vmdk>
to remove the partition mappings.
You can take a look in this article for a download link for VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK). Once downloaded and installed:
vmware-mount -p path_to_vmdk will show the partitions inside the VMDK file. For example:
Nr Start Size Type Id Sytem
-- ---------- ---------- ---- -- ------------------------
1 2048 461371392 BIOS 83 Linux
Then just do:
sudo vmware-mount path_to_vmdk 1 /mnt/mount_point
I tried guestmount, but it is very, very slow. Underneath it creates a virtual machine, uses KVM and so on. Crazy stuff, slow as hell.
Have you got the software package for ntfs?
apt-get install ntfs-3g
on debian based systems.

ZSH Shell history not working

I recently switched from bash to zshell but my history does not seem to be working. when I press the up arrow I don't get the previous commands. Is the shortcut different? Also how do I enable shared history through tabs and new windows? I am on Lion, and using the standard Terminal
Add this to your .zshrc:
SAVEHIST=1000 # Save most-recent 1000 lines
To add to user RoboSloNE, if you've double checked that you have set SAVEHIST and HISTFILE via:
Then the next step is to check the permissions of the HISTFILE:
$ls -l $HISTFILE
-rw------- 1 user staff 3722 Aug 8 11:29 /Users/user/.zsh_history
Your user need to have read/write access on this file to use it as your history file. I've noticed that installing oh-my-zsh as root will set this file permission to root, so you'll need to:
$chown user:group $HISTFILE
I have resolved zsh history using setup below
vim ~/.zshrc
But I have issue with reading from history. I need to cleanup file manually ~/.histfile and then start to work.
Hope this help you a bit.
If all of these didn't work, my suggestion is to check the authority of the file ~/.zsh_history.
For example, enter
sudo chmod 777 ~/.zsh_history

testlink installation failed: checking if /var/testlink/logs/ directory exists

Today, I installed testlink. And after I select 'new Installation' and choose 'I agree' option, it failed at the second step. The failed message are as following:
Read/write permissions
For security reason we suggest that directories tagged with [S] on following messages, will be made UNREACHEABLE from browser
Checking if C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\gui\templates_c directory exists OK
Checking if C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\gui\templates_c directory is writable (by user used to run webserver process) OK
Checking if /var/testlink/logs/ directory exists [S] Failed!
Checking if /var/testlink/upload_area/ directory exists [S] Failed!
So, can anyone give me a hand? Many thanks!
In C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\config.inc.php file, change
$g_repositoryPath = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\upload_area';
$tlCfg->log_path = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\logs';
Worked for me , make sure you dont have the slash at the end.
i.e, make sure that it is NOT:
$g_repositoryPath = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\upload_area\';
$tlCfg->log_path = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\logs\';
If you installed the XAMPP or testlink in another directories, change the paths above accordingly.
Go to config.inc.php and log directory ($tlCfg->log_path) edit the path to C:\xampp\testlink\logs and upload directory ($g_repositoryPath) to C:\xampp\testlink\upload_area
In some cases, you would do like this:
Go to C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\config.inc.php1
and log directory ($tlCfg->log_path) edit the path to C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\logs
and upload directory ($g_repositoryPath) to C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\upload_area
Then you have:
$g_repositoryPath = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\upload_area';
$tlCfg->log_path = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\logs';
I had paths set correct , also user, group and access are set correct and still can not get rid of issue. It took me very long to go to the root cause, the issue lies at- http daemon does not have access to file in concern due to SELinux policies. So simple chown, chmod would not help(group and user access). For testlink 1.16 I resolved it with re-installing with sudo user, but for upgrade, an issue arose again even with sudo user.
And resolved issue by executing following commands, I hope this helps. (Note: You might have to mend attributes to run it successfully)
$chcon -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t "<path_to_testlink_folder>/gui/templates_c/"
$chcon -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t "/<path_to_testlink_folder>/upload_area/"
$chcon -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t "<path_to_testlink_folder>/logs"
$semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t "<path_to_testlink_folder>(/.*)?"
$restorecon -R -v path_to_testlink_folder
Ubuntu 12.04 - All you have to do is chmod 777 these directories, Fails will become Pass.
~$ cd into /var/www/testlink
~$ sudo chmod 777 ./gui/templates_c/
~$ sudo chmod 777 ./upload_area/
~$ sudo chmod 777 ./logs/
Whatever the instructions say is total BS. Making these directories unreachable from browser is optional, and that created a confusion. if you chmod 777 them, your Fails will turn into pass and now you'll be able to proceed to step 3 of your testlink installation. Tested with testlink version 1.9.5.
For Mac OS Users try this in 1.9.19 version:
Make Sure with your folder name.
In config.inc.php file:
$tlCfg->log_path = TL_ABS_PATH . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$g_repositoryPath= TL_ABS_PATH . 'upload_area' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
After this if you got read write permission issue failed.
Goto testlink -> logs / upload_area -> press Command + I -> in Permission Enable Read Write to Everyone.
on Linux; ensure the paths are as follows:
Valid for ubuntu 16.04 LTS add permisions
$g_repositoryPath = 'var/www/html/testlink/upload_area'; //linux user
$tlCfg->log_path = 'var/www/html/testlink/logs';
~$ cd into /var/www/testlink
~$ sudo chmod 777 ./gui/templates_c/
~$ sudo chmod 777 ./upload_area/
~$ sudo chmod 777 ./logs/
In CentOS go to /var/www/html/testlink-code-1.9.16 and edit the file custom_config.inc.php replace these two lines
// $tlCfg->log_path = '/var/testlink-ga-testlink-code/logs/'; /* unix example */
// $g_repositoryPath = '/var/testlink-ga-testlink-code/upload_area/'; /* unix example */
$tlCfg->log_path = '/var/www/html/testlink-code-1.9.16/logs/';
$g_repositoryPath = '/var/www/html/testlink-code-1.9.16/upload_area/';
Make sure you have disabled the selinux. If not to do so edit the file /etc/sysconfig/selinux and change the variable SELINUX to disabled and reboot the machine. Now these errors should have gone.
on ubuntu 18.04, will need to run
apt-get remove apparmor
in order to install it
To solve the problem :
Checking if /var/www/html/testlink-1.9.16/gui/templates_c directory is writable (by user used to run webserver process) on Centos 7.
Disable SELinux, and then restart your system.
You should no longer have this error message.

What does cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22 indicate

I am trying
sudo mount -t cifs //<server>/<share> -o username=user#domain,password=**** /mnt/<mountpoint>
error message:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //server/share,
missing codepage or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so
The syslog has
CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22
I am able to mount the same share on another centos system. I can ping the server, mount point directory has been created.
I ran into this problem when using a host name and solved it by using an IP address. E.g.:
mount -t cifs //
rather than
mount -t cifs //servername/share
Another possible solution is to install
Ah, the dreaded -22. Basically this seems to be used as a catchall for "something didn't work", although technically it's referred to as an invalid argument.
The client does IMHO a very poor job of telling you the actual problem. (This may not be its fault - it doesn't always have access to that information).
However -- have you checked the logs on the server/machine you are connecting to?
I was connecting to an OS X samba server, and learned from what I found in the logs there that it was necessary to specify additional options under -o as follows:
Among the things these settings enable are "allow long names", and "ignore UNIX filename endings"...sec is to specify security flags.
Another possibility is that you're trying to access a filesystem of a type that mount.cifs can't actually handle.
For RHEL/Centos install package - "cifs-utils"
Maybe move the target?
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=user#domain,password=**** //<server>/<share> /mnt/<mountpoint>
Or maybe this solution? (Ubuntu, Debian methods)
sudo apt-get install smbfs
Or for CentOS, RedHat, Fedora try:
sudo yum install samba-client
I had a similar issue on Ubuntu 12.04 with the "mount" package (version 2.20.1-1ubuntu3).
It happened when I was trying to mount the server share using its hostname rahter than its IP.
Another way to solve the issue on Ubuntu was to install the cifs-utils package. That way I could also mount the samba share using the exact same command line (or fstab) but with hostname.
sudo mount -t cifs //hostname/share -o username=user,password=pwd /mnt/share
Just did a clean install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and got this trying to hook up my Linux HTPC.
Solved it by running: sudo apt-get install cifs-utils then remounting it.
CIFS returns code "-22" in many cases (not only invalid arguments).
For me installing keyutils did the trick:
apt-get install keyutils
My distribution is "Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS".
I figured this out by increasing the logging verbosity of CIFS:
echo 7 > /proc/fs/cifs/cifsFYI
# disable again via:
#echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/cifsFYI
Documentation on the bitmask ("7") for cifsFYI can be found here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/readme/Documentation-filesystems-cifs-README
After trying to mount once more dmesg included more helpful information:
Dec 7 12:34:20 pc1471 kernel: [ 5442.667417] CIFS VFS: dns_resolve_server_name_to_ip: unable to resolve:
Another maybe helpful link:
I have Ubuntu Server 12.10 x64 installed as a VMware VM, running on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
On the Mac, in SYSTEM PREFERENCES > SHARING > FILE SHARING (on), I added a folder to share. For my tests, I created a new folder within my Public folder called "ubuntu".
In Ubuntu, I issued the following commands:
sudo mkdir /media/target
sudo mount.cifs // /media/target -o username=davidallie,nounix,sec=ntlmssp,rw
Ubuntu prompted me for the password and, once entered, mounted the folder. I then ran:
df -H
which allowed me to verify the mounts and mount-points.
This has recently manifested thanks to a kernel bug in v5.18.8+, I was able to reproduce on v5.18.9 and v5.18.11.
Here is the relevant ticket on kernel.org, quote:
it appears that kernel 5.18.8 breaks cifs mounts on my machine. With
5.18.7, everything works fine. With 5.18.8, I am getting:
$ sudo mount /mnt/openmediavault/
mount error(22): Invalid argument
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel
log messages (dmesg)
The relevant /etc/fstab line is:
//odroidxu4.local/julian /mnt/openmediavault cifs
0 0
Here is the offending commit, and here is the fix, which applies cleanly to v5.18.11. The cause is, from what I understand, a bug in old versions of the samba server in the negotiation protocol.
If this is your issue, you can:
patch your kernel yourself;
downgrade to v5.18.7;
switch to an LTS kernel;
use the userspace (and also really slow and awful) gvfs-smb;
upgrade the samba version on your server; or
add vers=2.0 to the mount.cifs options in /etc/fstab.
Note that while I haven't tried the last one personally, the venerable #SEBiGEM has confirmed in the comments that it works for v5.18.10.
Note also that I didn't try upgrading samba on the server at all because I hate touching the box it's running on - every time I upgrade anything everything breaks. Doing so might also not be an option for those with NAS appliances.
As a personal sidenote, it's a little sad that so many different things can cause -22. My answer is correct, but very very niche and specific to this point in time. I imagine in a month it will simply be useless noise.
Just experience the problem on RHEL 5. You don't need to install the samba suite, just the samba-client and any dependencies.
Maybe it's too late, but simplest solution described in kernel bug 50631:
in the latest code, unc mount parameter in mandatory. Modified command works for me:
sudo mount -t cifs //<server>/<share> -o username=user#domain,password=****,unc=\\\\<server>\\<share> /mnt/<mountpoint>
Try run the comamnd:
$modinfo cifs
filename: /lib/modules/3.2.0-60-virtual/kernel/fs/cifs/cifs.ko
version: 1.76
description: VFS to access servers complying with the SNIA CIFS Specification e.g. Samba and Windows
license: GPL
author: Steve French <sfrench#us.ibm.com>
srcversion: 9435BBC2F61D29F06643803
intree: Y
vermagic: 3.2.0-60-virtual SMP mod_unload modversions 686
parm: CIFSMaxBufSize:Network buffer size (not including header). Default: 16384 Range: 8192 to 130048 (int)
parm: cifs_min_rcv:Network buffers in pool. Default: 4 Range: 1 to 64 (int)
parm: cifs_min_small:Small network buffers in pool. Default: 30 Range: 2 to 256 (int)
parm: cifs_max_pending:Simultaneous requests to server. Default: 32767 Range: 2 to 32767. (int)
parm: echo_retries:Number of echo attempts before giving up and reconnecting server. Default: 5. 0 means never reconnect. (ushort)
parm: enable_oplocks:Enable or disable oplocks (bool). Default:y/Y/1 (bool)
If your getting any error then cifs is not installed. Just check with your admin. I thought it helps out.
Adding the option vers=3.0 to the mount command worked for me: sudo mount -t cifs -v <src> <dst> -o ...,vers=3.0,...
You need to install cifs-utils first , just as follows:
sudo yum install cifs-utils
I know this is old, but on older cifs-utils versions, you may have to add the following two lines to /etc/request-key.conf
create cifs.spnego * * /usr/sbin/cifs.upcall -c %k
create dns_resolver * * /usr/sbin/cifs.upcall %k
Workaround without installing additional packages (cifs-utils adds another 81mb in Debian Stretch):
$ FILESERVER_IP=$(getent hosts myfileserver.com | awk '{ print $1 ; exit }')
$ sudo mount -t cifs //${FILESERVER_IP}/<share> -o username=user#domain,password=**** /mnt/<mountpoint>
Many answers, but wasn't work for me.
My NAS didn't support Samba 3.0, on which my mount switch automatically.
So I downgraded smb version:
mount -t cifs // -o rw,vers=1.0,username=*****,password=******* /media/1
It's work.

File system permission error while installing drupal modules

When I try to install new modules to drupal 7 via "Install new module" form, I get following error message.
The specified file
temporary://fileTFJ015 could not be
copied, because the destination
directory is not properly configured.
This may be caused by a problem with
file or directory permissions. More
information is available in the
system log.
could not be saved to
Unable to retrieve Drupal project
My Drupal 7 is installed with CPanel QuickInstall tool and hosted with HostGator shared hosting service.
Any ideas how to solve this issue?
There is an issue with shared hosts and temp folders...if you want the background you can read this:
in the meantime try changing your tmp folder to be relative to your sites file root:
The quickest way to get a handle on this issue is to navigate via your web browser to:
You'll probably see an error there about not being able to write to the /tmp directory. To fix this, you can create a temp directory under site's root and set permissions appropriately.
1) Create a directory here [drupal_installed_here]/tmp
2) Navigate via your web browser to /admin/config/media/file-system and change the temp directory to be:
tmp instead of /tmp (no leading slash)
3) Try this command:
chmod 775 [drupal_istalled_here]/tmp
and refresh the /admin/config/media/file-system page
3) If that does not work, try this command:
chmod 777 /home/quickstart/websites/tmp
and refresh the /admin/config/media/file-system page
The last command opens up your temp directory permissions a lot (rwxrwxrwx), but sometimes that's necessary to get your site working on shared hosts.
This error took me a long time to figure out despite several threads on the internet related to it.
If you get this error on a page, then here are the steps that you need to follow to solve it:
Go to Admin->Reports->Recent Log Messages. Read the most recent error message. This will tell you which folder is causing the problem. It is not necessarily the directory listed in the online threads about this subject. For me it was: sites/default/files/js
If you are running Drupal on a linux server then you need to add read/write permissions to the problem folder. You can do this by going to the linux/SSH command line and typing the following (replace the folder address with the address for your folder)
chmod 777 /var/www/html/sites/default/files/js
That's it. The error message should be gone now.
My old, problematic configuration:
chmod 664 -R /var/drupal-bc/sites/default/files
chmod 664 -R /var/drupal-bc/sites/default/private
drw-rw-r-- 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 31 12:35 files
drw-rw-r-- 3 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 5 15:08 private
My new, functional configuration:
chmod 774 -R /var/drupal-bc/sites/default/files
chmod 774 -R /var/drupal-bc/sites/default/private
drwxrwxr-- 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 31 12:35 files
drwxrwxr-- 3 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 5 15:08 private
Please do not use 777 permissions, because you will have security problems. 775 will do just fine.
chmod 775 -R /var/drupal-bc/sites/default/files
chmod 775 -R /var/drupal-bc/sites/default/private
If you have javascript caching turned on, you might need to 755 the /sites/all/your-theme/js
chmod 777 /var/www/html/sites/default/files/js
solved the issue for me
