Downloading simple text/csv file in Chrome fails -

I'm trying to figure out a problem that we're facing with the download and the problem seems to exist only in Chrome and only for txt and csv files. Downloading zip files works just as expected. IE and Firefox works for all scenarios.
For some reason Chrome downloads both txt and csv files without properly setting the name. Files inherit the name of the page which they were downloaded from, and don't have an extension ().
I have a simple Webform with just 3 linkbuttons a fairly straightforward code behind, which I simplified for the sake of this question.
Imports System.IO
Public Class _Default
Inherits Page
Private Const FILE_PATH_CSV As String = "D:\Temp\Download\testFile.csv"
Private Const FILE_PATH_ZIP As String = "D:\Temp\Download\"
Private Const FILE_PATH_TXT As String = "D:\Temp\Download\testFile.txt"
Private Sub btnDownloadCSV_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDownloadCSV.Click
Dim file As New FileInfo(FILE_PATH_CSV)
If Not file.Exists() Then
Throw New Exception("No file")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'TODO: Log!
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnDownloadTXT_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDownloadTXT.Click
Dim file As New FileInfo(FILE_PATH_TXT)
If Not file.Exists() Then
Throw New Exception("No file")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'TODO: Log!
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnDownloadZIP_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDownloadZIP.Click
Dim file As New FileInfo(FILE_PATH_ZIP)
If Not file.Exists() Then
Throw New Exception("No file")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'TODO: Log!
With Response
End With
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadFile(ByVal file As FileInfo)
With Response
.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = GetContentType(file)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition:", String.Format("attachment;filename=""{0}""", file.Name.ToString()))
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString())
End With
End Sub
Private Function GetContentType(ByVal file As FileInfo)
Select Case file.Extension.ToLower()
Case ".txt", ".csv"
Return "application/octet-stream"
Case ".zip"
Return "application/x-zip-compressed"
Case Else
Return "application/octet-stream"
End Select
End Function
End Class
I've tried switching the content type to 'text/plain' or other options as I searched the web for the answer but had no luck. I feel like I'm missing something, but I can't find anything that answers my question online.
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?
Any help is appreciated.

You need to change your MIME types to the correct values.
Case ".csv"
Return "text/csv"
Case ".txt"
Return "text/plain"
You may also need to change the method of sending the file from
Response.WriteFile(file.FullName, False)
The documentation on MSDN isn't clear about what the differences are between the two methods. I have never used TransmitFile, but have used WriteFile successfully.

Problem solved. I guess I should be more careful with copy/paste as that caused me 2 days of very frustrated debugging.
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition:", String.Format("attachment;filename=""{0}""", file.Name.ToString()))
Should be
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment;filename=""{0}""", file.Name.ToString()))
Extra colon in there was not necessary and when I removed it - everything worked!
Thanks to all who helped!


How to send multiple files with Response. ASP.NET

I'm trying to call below code in a loop hundreds of times:
Sub ExportReport(ByVal en As MyReport)
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim streamids As String() = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing
Dim encoding As String = Nothing
Dim extension As String = Nothing
Dim bytes As Byte()
bytes = aReport.ServerReport.Render("WORD", Nothing, mimeType, encoding, extension, streamids, warnings)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = mimeType
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & en.ToString() & "." + extension)
End Sub
And I'm getting this error :
Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have been sent.
How can I change the code so that I can loop this piece of code? Thanks.
I added this line after Response.End()
And I get this error :
Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent.
WWW works on a request / response mechanism. For every request there is only 1 response. You cannot change that basic mechanism. When browser sends a request it is expecting one and only one response. So if it receives more than 1 response, it either issues a warning to the user to block this behaviour or may choose to ignore the extra responses by itself. Thus these extra responses may be lost.
Having said that you have 2 options with you:
Zip all the files that you want to download and download as a single file.
You can use Popular framework Ionic.Zip.
First, keep all your files in a local directory on the server.
Then use this library to zip the entire folder.
Pseudo code:
Imports (var zip = New Ionic.Zip.ZipFile())
zip.AddDirectory("DirectoryOnDisk", "rootInZipFile")
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;")
Response.ContentType = "application/zip"
Add a mechanism to issue multiple request using Javascript to get multiple responses, so browser still treats this behaviour as normal.
A normal web page will have a load of (headers) stuff set up for you already, but you don't want any of that: you want complete control over what is sent to the browser. If you cause a redirect to something which sends the headers shown in code later here, the browser will (normally) download the data.
In the code-behind you can have something like
Protected Sub btn_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btn.Click
Response.Redirect("~/sendfile.ashx?ref=" & enReference, False)
End Sub
You will also need to add a generic handler (right-click on the project in Solution Explorer, Add->New Item... -> Visual Basic--Web--General choose "Generic Handler"; give it a name like sendfile.ashx) which is somewhat like
Imports System.IO
Public Class sendfile
Implements System.Web.IHttpHandler, IReadOnlySessionState
Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
Dim enReference = context.Request.QueryString("ref")
' do whatever is needed to get the report from enReference '
Dim bytes As Byte() = aReport.ServerReport.Render("WORD", Nothing, mimeType, encoding, extension, streamids, warnings)
Dim downloadName = yourfilename & "." & yourextension
context.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & downloadName & """" )
End Sub
ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable
Return False
End Get
End Property
End Class
and you will need to work out the code to create the data to be sent.
If you don't need to use session state then you can remove the , IReadOnlySessionState part on the Implements line.
You might need to add context.Response.Flush(). If you find that the response does not have a Content-Length header, then you ought to add one so that the browser can show a meaningful download progress.

Visual basic programmatically pass username and password to https url to make webbrowser display webpage and also download from webpage

With normal HTTP I can download upload and navigate to routers but I can't find any code to do any of that when the routers are on HTTPS.
To download I use this:
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("http://" & "" & "/cgi-bin/log.cgi", "C:\Users\ssb\Desktop\randomword.txt", "username", "password")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Router not sufficient for operation Return for Inspection cannot download log file")
End Try
To upload a file I use this:
My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("C:\Users\ssb\Desktop\tomtn.txt", "http://" & "" & "/cgi-bin/updateconfig.cgi", "username", "password")
To navigate to a web page on HTTP I use this:
WebBrowser1.Navigate("https://username:password# ")
But when I use HTTPS:
WebBrowser1.Navigate("https://username:password# ")
I get this security alert:
Then I click on yes and it goes to the pageā€”but I need the code to bypass any security questions like these.
Even though they're loosely related, you've presented two separate questions here.
Why is the call failing when I use the WebBrowser control to load a page via HTTPS?
Why is the call failing when I use the DownloadFile() method to download a file via HTTPS?
First, you need to eliminate the possibility that your code is failing. Try both of the tasks above using public HTTPS URLs that are known to work correctly.
If you discover that the source of the problem is your private URL, you may want to consider whether you want to ignore SSL errors in your WebBrowser control.
You can do so using the (untested, translated to VB) code from this blog post:
Partial Public Class Form1
Inherits Form
Private WithEvents WebBrowser As New WebBrowser
Private Sub WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted(Sender As Object, e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted
If e.Url.ToString() = "about:blank" Then
'create a certificate mismatch
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Interface UCOMIServiceProvider
Function QueryService(<[In]> ByRef guidService As Guid, <[In]> ByRef riid As Guid, <Out> ByRef ppvObject As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer
End Interface
Public Interface IWindowForBindingUI
Function GetWindow(<[In]> ByRef rguidReason As Guid, <[In], Out> ByRef phwnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer
End Interface
Public Interface IHttpSecurity
'derived from IWindowForBindingUI
Function GetWindow(<[In]> ByRef rguidReason As Guid, <[In], Out> ByRef phwnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer
Function OnSecurityProblem(<[In], MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)> dwProblem As UInteger) As Integer
End Interface
Public Class MyWebBrowser
Inherits WebBrowser
Public Shared IID_IHttpSecurity As New Guid("79eac9d7-bafa-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b")
Public Shared IID_IWindowForBindingUI As New Guid("79eac9d5-bafa-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b")
Public Const S_OK As Integer = 0
Public Const S_FALSE As Integer = 1
Public Const E_NOINTERFACE As Integer = &H80004002
Public Const RPC_E_RETRY As Integer = &H80010109
Protected Overrides Function CreateWebBrowserSiteBase() As WebBrowserSiteBase
Return New MyWebBrowserSite(Me)
End Function
Private Class MyWebBrowserSite
Inherits WebBrowserSite
Implements UCOMIServiceProvider
Implements IHttpSecurity
Implements IWindowForBindingUI
Private myWebBrowser As MyWebBrowser
Public Sub New(myWebBrowser As MyWebBrowser)
Me.myWebBrowser = myWebBrowser
End Sub
Public Function QueryService(ByRef guidService As Guid, ByRef riid As Guid, ByRef ppvObject As IntPtr) As Integer Implements UCOMIServiceProvider.QueryService
If riid = IID_IHttpSecurity Then
ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(Me, GetType(IHttpSecurity))
Return S_OK
End If
If riid = IID_IWindowForBindingUI Then
ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(Me, GetType(IWindowForBindingUI))
Return S_OK
End If
ppvObject = IntPtr.Zero
End Function
Public Function GetWindow(ByRef rguidReason As Guid, ByRef phwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Implements IHttpSecurity.GetWindow, IWindowForBindingUI.GetWindow
If rguidReason = IID_IHttpSecurity OrElse rguidReason = IID_IWindowForBindingUI Then
phwnd = myWebBrowser.Handle
Return S_OK
phwnd = IntPtr.Zero
Return S_FALSE
End If
End Function
Public Function OnSecurityProblem(dwProblem As UInteger) As Integer Implements IHttpSecurity.OnSecurityProblem
'ignore errors
'undocumented return code, does not work on IE6
Return S_OK
End Function
End Class
End Class
Regarding problem #2: It appears you may be confusing WebBrowser and DownloadFile(). As you've probably already discovered, the WebBrowser control doesn't download files. However, you can simulate the behavior using this technique:
Partial Public Class Form2
Inherits Form
Private Sub WebBrowser_Navigating(Sender As Object, e As WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser.Navigating
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim oClient As Net.WebClient
' This can be any conditional criteria you wish '
If (e.Url.Segments(e.Url.Segments.Length - 1).EndsWith(".pdf")) Then
SaveFileDialog.FileName = e.Url.Segments(e.Url.Segments.Length - 1)
e.Cancel = True
If SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
sFilePath = SaveFileDialog.FileName
oClient = New Net.WebClient
AddHandler oClient.DownloadFileCompleted, New AsyncCompletedEventHandler(AddressOf DownloadFileCompleted)
oClient.DownloadFileAsync(e.Url, sFilePath)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadFileCompleted(Sender As Object, e As AsyncCompletedEventArgs)
MessageBox.Show("File downloaded")
End Sub
Private WithEvents SaveFileDialog As New SaveFileDialog
Private WithEvents WebBrowser As New WebBrowser
End Class
In any event, the first step in solving this is to figure out whether it's your code or the private URL that's causing your issue.
The main thing needed here is to programatically download a file from a https url while using a username and password blocked by the security certificate issue
and the solution after searching for 2 weeks is
To Download a file you can disable the security cerificate request temporaraly with the following code then after the code ran it enables the security certicate again
First code you dont even need a browser it automatically saves the file to you desktop
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'check if a simular file doesnt exists so you can create a new file and deletes the file if it exists
If File.Exists("C:\pathtoyourfile\yourfilename.txt") Then
End If
'Type this before your download or hhtps request
'ByPass SSL Certificate Validation Checking
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
Function(se As Object,
cert As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate,
chain As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain,
sslerror As System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors) True
'Call web application/web service with HTTPS URL here
'ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = AddressOf AcceptAllCertifications
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("", "C:\pathtoyourfile\yourfilename.txt", "Yourusername", "yourpassword")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("message saying something didnt work")
'exit sub if it worked
Exit Sub
End Try
MessageBox.Show(" message saying it worked")
'Restore SSL Certificate Validation Checking
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Nothing
End Sub
then to browse to a webaddress the following code will popup and the security popup will popup but just select yes browsing on the webpage works normally
WebBrowser1.Navigate("https://username:password# ")
As you said:
[...] I need the code to bypass any security questions like these.
In other word, you need to "automatically accept self signed SSL certificate", so in my opinion it is a duplicate question with : VB .net Accept Self-Signed SSL certificate, which may fit your needs.
and most especially slaks answer:
In VB.Net, you need to write:
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = AddressOf AcceptAllCertifications

Download PDF using Response on ASPX Page only working in Page_Load

I've seen several questions relating to downloading a PDF from a Web browser using Response, but none seem to fit the mysterious issue I'm having.
I am working on a project that requires the user to be able to click a button (btnPDF) to instantly download a PDF of a Telerik report with a specific "ID" string to the Downloads folder. This process was originally located in an ASPX Page on an IIS separate from where the button is located. When btnPDF was clicked, I used Response.Redirect to download the PDF through that page. The code to download the PDF looked like this:
Response.ContentType = result.MimeType 'this is always "application/pdf"
Response.Expires = -1
Response.Buffer = True
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("{0};FileName={1}", "attachment", fileName))
Note that result.DocumentBytes is a byte array containing correct bytes for the PDF.
This code worked fine. Now, instead of having the process on a separate Page in a separate project, I need to merge the process onto the same page where btnPDFis located, so that when you click btnPDF, a subroutine is called that performs the same task. I thought this would be very easy, pretty much a copy and paste. With the same code added in a new subroutine, this is what my click event handler "ButtonPDF_Click" now looks like:
Protected Sub ButtonPDF_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPDF.Click
Dim strMessage As String = "alert('Printed PDF Sheet.');"
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType, "MyScript", strMessage, True)
End Sub
Protected Sub DownloadReportPDF(ByVal releaseMasterId As String)
'Service call to generate report source
Dim service As New TelerikReportLibrary.ReportServices.PPSReportService
Dim source As Telerik.Reporting.TypeReportSource = service.GetReportSource(releaseMasterId)
'Render PDF and download
Dim reportProcessor As New ReportProcessor()
Dim result As RenderingResult = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", source, Nothing)
Dim fileName As String = result.DocumentName + "_" + releaseMasterId + "." + result.Extension
Response.ContentType = result.MimeType 'this is always "application/pdf"
Response.Expires = -1
Response.Buffer = True
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("{0};FileName={1}", "attachment", fileName))
End Sub
But the PDF no longer downloads. An accurate byte array is still created, but the Response portion does not result in the PDF being downloaded from the browser. I've found that putting a call to DownloadReportPDF in the Page_Load handler on the same Page successfully generates and downloads a PDF as it did before.
I can't see any reason why this isn't working, but I'm new to ASP, and I'm not great in VB. I've tried using Response.OutputStream, Response.WriteFile, and making use of a MemoryStream, among several other things that I've lost track of. I'm hoping there's something simple, maybe some sort of property of the Page or btnPDF I could be missing. Here is the markup for btnPDF, just in case:
<asp:linkButton ID="btnPDF" CssClass="btn btn-default" runat="server" Width="115px">
<i class="fa fa-file-text" title="Edit"></i> PDF
What could be causing such a problem? Where should I look at this point?
Let me know if more information is needed.
I experimented with setting a session variable on btnPDF_Click, and handling the PDF download on postback. Again, a valid byte array was generated, but the HttpResponse did not cause the PDF to download from the browser.
Building on the last edit, this tells me that calling DownloadReportPDF from Page_Load works only when IsPostBack is false. I just tested this thought, and it holds true. In the above code, if I check IsPostBack at the moment I'm trying to download the PDF, it is true. Investigating further.
Alright, I finally found a solution I'm satisfied with (though I still don't understand why I can't download the PDF using Response while IsPostBack is true).
Inspired by this thread, I put the previously posted code in an HttpHandler called PDFDownloadHandler, then used Response.Redirect in the btnPDF_Click event handler to utilize PDFDownloadHandler. This article helped me a lot on that process, as it is something I have not done before.
In case anyone else runs into this problem, here is the new PDFDownloadHandler:
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Web
Imports Telerik.Reporting
Imports Telerik.Reporting.Processing
Public Class PDFDownloadHandler
Implements IHttpHandler
Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As _
System.Web.HttpContext) Implements _
Dim request As HttpRequest = context.Request
Dim response As HttpResponse = context.Response
Dim path As String = request.Path
If path.Contains("pps.pdfdownload") Then
Dim releaseMasterId As String = request.QueryString("ID")
If releaseMasterId IsNot Nothing Then
'Service call to generate report source
Dim service As New TelerikReportLibrary.ReportServices.PPSReportService
Dim source As Telerik.Reporting.TypeReportSource = service.GetReportSource(releaseMasterId)
'Render PDF and save
Dim reportProcessor As New ReportProcessor()
Dim result As RenderingResult = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", source, Nothing)
Dim fileName As String = result.DocumentName + "_" + releaseMasterId + "." + result.Extension
response.ContentType = result.MimeType
response.Expires = -1
response.Buffer = True
response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("{0};FileName={1}", "attachment", fileName))
End If
End If
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean _
Implements System.Web.IHttpHandler.IsReusable
Return False
End Get
End Property
End Class
Any further insight on why the original technique did not work is greatly appreciated.

Overload File Function VB.NET

I am trying to create an onclick function through ASP front end to check if a file exists, if not create it and write textbox text to it, currently getting an error on the below code saying that I cannot overload the file function, is there a better way of doing this?
The issue is the file is still open when trying to write to it which is throwing the error.
Please see below code:
Protected Sub Create_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim txtFile As String = "E:Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\SomeProject\Templates\" & FileName.Text & ".txt"
If File.Exists(txtFile) Then
Response.Write("A file of that name already exists.")
End If
End Sub
I have also tried:
If File.Exists(txtFile) Then
Response.Write("A file of that name already exists.")
Dim sw As New StreamWriter(txtFile, True)
End If
You're right on the money, it is because it needs to be closed first.
I created a file stream instance first, created the file, closed it and then wrote to it. Put the below code in yours or write it out, but remember to correct the file path.
Protected Sub Create_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim txtFile As String = "E:\wherever\" & FileName.Text & ".txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(txtFile) Then
Dim message As String = "A file by this name already exists, choose another or update the existing file."
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create(txtFile)
Dim sw As New StreamWriter(txtFile, True)
End If
End Sub

Trying to spawn a new thread in ASP.NET; no errors, no thread

I am trying to spawn a new thread from an ASP page written in VB.NET, on .NET 3.5.
The page allows a user to upload files and then processes the files into the database.
As the processing can take a while, I want to upload them, spawn the processing onto a new thread, and then when it completes send the user a notification through our database-driven notification module in the system.
I've tried a couple different examples I've found online, but they don't seem to work. There is no error thrown, but it never seems to actually launch the processing code on a new thread either.
Here is my submittal code in the web page:
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
If Not (file1.HasFile Or file2.HasFile Or file3.HasFile Or file4.HasFile Or file5.HasFile) Then
AddErrorMessage("Please specify at least one file.")
Dim l = New List(Of InventoryUploads.File)
If file1.HasFile Then l.Add(New InventoryUploads.File With {.Name = file1.FileName, .Content = file1.FileContent})
If file2.HasFile Then l.Add(New InventoryUploads.File With {.Name = file2.FileName, .Content = file2.FileContent})
If file3.HasFile Then l.Add(New InventoryUploads.File With {.Name = file3.FileName, .Content = file3.FileContent})
If file4.HasFile Then l.Add(New InventoryUploads.File With {.Name = file4.FileName, .Content = file4.FileContent})
If file5.HasFile Then l.Add(New InventoryUploads.File With {.Name = file5.FileName, .Content = file5.FileContent})
InventoryUploads.ProcessFiles(l, Session.UserIdent, chkRcvOverwrite.Checked)
NewRow("Your files have been queued and are being processed. You will be sent a notification when they are completed.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
NewRow("There was an error queueing your files." & BR & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
From a UI point of view, this all works, the page posts the files, and it shows the user the message about "your files have been queued".
The call to InventoryUploads.ProcessFiles is an encapsulation function in front of the threading code, which is all contained in the InventoryUploads module (following):
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Module InventoryUploads
Public Structure File
Private pName As String
Private pContent As IO.Stream
Private pProcessed As Boolean
Public Property Name As String
Return pName
End Get
Set(value As String)
pName = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Content As IO.Stream
Return pContent
End Get
Set(value As IO.Stream)
pContent = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Processed As Boolean
Return pProcessed
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
pProcessed = value
End Set
End Property
End Structure
Public Sub ProcessFiles(files As List(Of File), userident As String, receivingsOverwrite As Boolean)
Dim params = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Object), 3)
params(0) = files
params(1) = userident
params(2) = receivingsOverwrite
'// Threading Method 1
Dim pts = New ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedProcessFiles)
Dim thd = New Thread(pts)
thd.IsBackground = True
'// Threading Method 2
'ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf ThreadedProcessFiles, params)
'// Threading Method 3
Dim f As Func(Of Integer) = Function() ThreadedProcessFiles(params)
Catch ex As Exception
IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\idwherenet.log", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="params">exepcts params to contain 3 objects,
''' 1) type List(Of File),
''' 2) string userident to notify on finish
''' 3) boolean whether receivings should overwrite</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function ThreadedProcessFiles(params() As Object) As Boolean
IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\mylog.log", "hello ThreadedProcessFiles?")
'Log("threadedprocessfiles: got here")
Dim files As List(Of File), uident As String = "", rcvovr As Boolean
files = params(0)
uident = CStr(params(1))
rcvovr = CBool(params(2))
If files.Count = 0 Then
SendNotification(NotificationTypes.SYS, uident, "No files provided for inventory upload; nothing processed.")
Exit Sub
End If
For Each f In files
f.Processed = False
If f.Content.Length = 0 Then Continue For
'// process the file here....
f.Processed = True
SendNotification(NotificationTypes.SYS, uident, "Inventory upload processing completed.")
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
'Log(ex.Message, ex.ToString)
If Not uident.IsEmpty Then SendNotification(NotificationTypes.SYS, uident, "Inventory upload processing encountered an error. " & ex.Message, ex.ToString)
Return False
End Try
End Sub
End Module
In the ProcessFiles sub, you can see the three different methods I have tried to spawn the thread, including a NuGet backport of the Task Parallel Library... neither works. I have confirmed that is is making it into the ProcessFiles sub, and the code to spawn the thread is not throwing any errors... it just never actually calls the ThreadedProcessFiles function.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: Oh, actually, the NuGet package DOES seem to be working, FINALLY! It just doesn't write out to the file (context/security/impersonation permissions I guess). Now I can finally move on!
If you're using .NET 4 or 4.5, the Task Parallel Library makes this sort of thing super easy:
Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() ThreadedProcessFiles(params));
(I think that's the right syntax for VB)
If you go this route, I would change the params to just send the three parameters separately.
