XQuery function or library for iso country codes? - xquery

In Oracle Service Bus I need 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2' and 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-3' country codes.
At the moment I'm using Java Callout to get the same (which I would like to avoid).
I'm new to both these technologies and unaware of the standard practices so just wanted to check your opinion.
1. I was just wondering if there are any XQuery libraries which could provide country codes.
2. Considering most probably these values are going to be constant, is it okay to handwrite the function.

I don't know of an existing XQuery module that provides that functionality. But as all codes are available from the ISO Online Browsing Platform, you cal easily build your own.
I quickly generated an XML document from all currently assigned codes, which can be found at https://gist.github.com/LeoWoerteler/9388743. Using that, the conversion from alpha-2 to alpha-3 codes could be done as follows:
declare variable $iso_3166-1 := doc('iso_3166-1.xml')/iso_3166-1;
declare function local:alpha2-to-alpha3($code) as xs:string {
$iso_3166-1/country[#alpha-2 = $code]/#alpha-3
local:alpha2-to-alpha3('US') (: ==> 'USA' :)

You could use the ISO 2 letter country codes from here: http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsstl/xsstl/iso3166-country-code.xsd
With that document you could lookup countries by their country code using something like the following:
declare namespace xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
replace(//xsd:enumeration[#value eq 'BV']/following-sibling::comment()[1], "<!-- (.*) -->", "$1")
Personally I would transform that Schema document into a simple XML document, extracting the country names from the comments so that I do not have to query the comments themselves.


Error during compiling: `identifier not found` (code C3861)

I have a field in my acore_characters table named 'rank' with a tinyint which ranges from 0 to 3 inclusive, based on player's progression. I need to read that value at both login and at certain specific circumstances.
I wrote the following PreparedStatement: "SELECT rank FROM acore_characters WHERE guid = ?" and then the code which is supposed to read that value:
uint16 GetCharactersRank(uint64 guid) {
PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(mystatement);
stmt->setUInt32(0, GetGUID());
PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
if (result) {
and then fetching the result and so on, but then I get a code C8361 when compiling because 'GetGUID':identifier not found in Player.cpp file...what goes wrong? The other GetGUID calls throughout the file dont give this result. I'm not very fond of c++, any help is very appreciated.
It's not recommended to directly patch the core to add customisations to it. Instead, use modules.
An example can be found here: Is it possible to turn a core patch into a module for AzerothCore?
You can have a look and copy the skeleton-module and start modifying it to create your own.
In your case, you probably want to use the OnLogin player hook.

Oracle eText rtf template and Extended Function

I am working on Oracle 11g NACHA eText rtf template and i am facing problems while creating this template as per Bank needs. I need help while using substring extended function in column Originating DFI Identification.
My function is like this: substr(BankAccountNumber,1,8)
But when, I test the template using template viewer i got following erorr:
[112616_130010213][][PROCEDURE] Log Level is changed to PROCEDURE
[112616_130011163][][ERROR] expression: is invalid
Time: 4.706 sec.
FO Formatting failed.
End of Process.
Anyone here can help me with this please ?
The syntax looks correct, try making it uppercase. Check to see if that tag contains any data, and that the datatype is Alpha in the etext template.

Get AST from .Net assembly without source code (IL code)

I'd like to analyze .Net assemblies to be language independent from C#, VB.NET or whatever.
I know Roslyn and NRefactory but they only seem to work on C# source code level?
There is also the "Common Compiler Infrastructure: Code Model and AST API" project on CodePlex which claims to "supports a hierarchical object model that represents code blocks in a language-independent structured form" which sound exactly for what I looking for.
However I'am unable to find any useful documentation or code that is actual doing this.
Any advice how to archive this?
Can Mono.Cecil maybe doing something?
You can do this and there is also one (although tiny) example of this in the source of ILSpy.
var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly("path/to/assembly.dll");
var astBuilder = new AstBuilder(new DecompilerContext(assembly.MainModule));
The CCI Code Model is somewhere between a IL disassembler and full C# decompiler: it gives your code some structure (e.g. if statements and expressions), but it also contains some low level stack operations like push and pop.
CCI contains a sample that shows this: PeToText.
For example, to get Code Model for the first method of the Program type (in the global namespace), you could use code like this:
string fileName = "whatever.exe";
using (var host = new PeReader.DefaultHost())
var module = (IModule)host.LoadUnitFrom(fileName);
var type = (ITypeDefinition)module.UnitNamespaceRoot.Members
.Single(m => m.Name.Value == "Program");
var method = (IMethodDefinition)type.Members.First();
var methodBody = new SourceMethodBody(method.Body, host, null, null);
To demonstrate, if you decompile the above code and show it using PeToText, you're going to get:
Microsoft.Cci.ITypeDefinition local_3;
Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel.SourceMethodBody local_5;
string local_0 = "C:\\code\\tmp\\nuget tmp 2015\\bin\\Debug\\nuget tmp 2015.exe";
Microsoft.Cci.PeReader.DefaultHost local_1 = new Microsoft.Cci.PeReader.DefaultHost();
push (Microsoft.Cci.IModule)local_1.LoadUnitFrom(local_0).UnitNamespaceRoot.Members;
push Program.<>c.<>9__0_0;
if (dup == default(System.Func<Microsoft.Cci.INamespaceMember, bool>))
push Program.<>c.<>9.<Main0>b__0_0;
Program.<>c.<>9__0_0 = dup;
local_3 = (Microsoft.Cci.ITypeDefinition)System.Linq.Enumerable.Single<Microsoft.Cci.INamespaceMember>(pop, pop);
local_5 = new Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel.SourceMethodBody((Microsoft.Cci.IMethodDefinition)System.Linq.Enumerable.First<Microsoft.Cci.ITypeDefinitionMember>(local_3.Members).Body, local_1, (Microsoft.Cci.ISourceLocationProvider)null, (Microsoft.Cci.ILocalScopeProvider)null, 0);
if (local_1 != default(Microsoft.Cci.PeReader.DefaultHost))
Of note are all those push, pop and dup statements and the lambda caching condition.
As far as I know, it's not possible to build AST from binary (without sources) since AST itself generated by parser as part of compilation process from sources.
Mono.Cecil won't help because you can only modify opcodes/metadata with them, not analyze assembly.
But since it's .NET you can dump IL code from dll with help of ildasm. Then you can pass generated sources to any parser with CIL dictionary hooked up and get AST from parser. The problem is that as far as I know there is only one publically available CIL grammar for parser, so you don't really have a choice. And ECMA-355 is big enough so it's bad idea to write your own grammar.
So I can suggest you only one solution:
Pass assembly to ildasm.exe to get CIL.
Then pass CIL to ANTLR v3 parser with this CIL grammar wired up (note it's a little bit outdated - grammar created at 2004 and latest CIL specification is 2006, but CIL doesn't really change to much)
After that you can freely access AST generated by ANTLR
Note that you will need ANTLR v3 not v4, since grammar written for 3rd version, and it's hardly possible to port it to v4 without good knowledge of ANTLR syntax.
Also you can try to look into new Microsoft ryujit compiler sources at github (part of CoreCLR) - I don't sure that it's helps, but in theory it must contains CIL grammar and parser implementations since it works with CIL code. But it's written in CPP, have enormous code base and lacks of documentation since it's in active development stage, so it's may be easier to stuck with ANTLR.
If you treat the .net binary file as a stream of bytes, you ought to be able to "parse" it just fine.
You simply write a grammar whose tokens are essentially bytes. You can certainly build a classical lexer/parser with almost any set of lexer/parser tools by defining the lexer to read single bytes as tokens.
You can then build the AST using standard AST-building machinery for the parsing engine (on your own for YACC, automatically with ANTLR4).
What you will discover, of course, is that "parsing" isn't enough; you'll still need to build symbol tables, and carry out control and data flow analyses if you are going to do serious analysis of the corresponding code. See my essay on LifeAfterParsing.
You will also likely have to take into account "distinguished" functions that provide key runtime facilities to the particular programming languages that actually generated the CIL code. And these will make your analyzers language-dependent. Yes, you still get to share the part of the analysis that works on generic CIL.

Using XQuery with multiple collection functions

I am using the following XQuery to query a collection of files:
for $files in collection("/data?select=*data*.xml")
Each file in the directory has a specific name, which enables me to recognize it. I use this as the identifier, which I retrieve as follows:
let $file-id := tokenize(base-uri($files), "/")[last()]
The $file-id variable follows a certain pattern: abc-1234. The first eight characters are relevant, so I fetch them using the variable below:
let $file-link-id := substring($file-id, 1, 8)
Now, I have another collection of files, which I want to query. These files follow the same pattern in the name, because they contain connected information.
How can I use the $file-link-id to select the correct file in the second collection?
I assume I would have to include it in the second collection clause, something along the lines of ?select=$file-link-id.xml, but I am unsure of how to do this.
Maybe you could clearify your problem statement if I assume wrong here, because your problem seems to be very easy solveable (so maybe I misunderstood your problem).
So you have your correct $file-link-id and want to use it as string. If your xquery processor supports XQuery 3.0 you can use two pipes, i.e.
for $files in collection("/data?select=" || $file-link-id || ".xml")
If not, use string-join():
for $files in collection(string-join(("/data?select=", $file-link-id, ".xml"), ''))

Custom date format (callback with php logic)

I want to create a dynamic php date format. Example: show the time of the node if it was published today and only the day/month when older then today. I want this format to be available throughout Drupal like the other predefined date formats in Drupal (not just on theme level).
I found the (D7 only) hook for hook_date_format_types but even that one doesn't seem to allow for a callback where I could define this PHP logic.
Does anyone know which hook would make this possible? Or a module which does this?
In Drupal6, format_date() has the dates and times hardcoded. Also, format_date() does not allow callbacks, but it does allow a custom string. That is where you can apply a trick: instead of hardcoding the string in there, you call a function that returns a string.
function mydate_format($timestamp) {
$now = time();
if (($now - $timestamp) < (60*60*24)) {
return "H:i";
else {
return "d:m:Y";
print format_date($timestamp, 'custom', mydate_format($timestamp));
The second option is to re-define a date-timestamp, but that is both hackish and limited. Date-formats are defined with variable_get(), but don't pass the timestamp along; so your example of switching formats based on the value of timestamp is not possible this way.
In settings.php:
$conf['date_format_long'] = $conf['debug'] ? 'r' : 'l, F j, Y - H:i';
This will switch from one value to another, based on whether your settings.php has a flag "debug" set to TRUE or not. As mentioned: the use for this is limited, since you cannot get any context.
The third alternative is to use Date API which offers onlinle configurable time-formats. But that is both clumsy and insecure (inputting executable PHP in your database). It also depends on a very large module-set. And has the same downside as the first solution: you cannot use format_date, but must use a modified function call, instead of format_date(). See all the options at The Drupal.org date themeing handbook.
GOTCHA In all cases Drupal will not call this function for cached content. If you want to have the dates really dynamic you either need to avoid caching alltogether, or implement the date-formatting in clientside javascript.
TL;DR: You cannot have dynamic date-formats without changing some of the code on theme-level. Using a callback-function to generate the "custom" dateformat is the simplest, working solution.
You can use Date API module to add your custom date formatting. Date API module is inside the Date module. After enabling the Date API module you can go the path "admin/settings/date-time/formats/add" to add your custom format.
"admin/settings/date-time/formats/configure" is the path to configure date formats.
Have a look at these. Happy coding.
You can go to node.tpl.php(possibly in sites/all/themes/theme_name/node.tpl.php). Here yo can find $created variable, to reformat date you can use your custom function and change the $created as you want.After this all nodes will use your formatted dates.
Use the features module. Create a feature.
In the resulting feature module, on the [feature].module file, create a hook_nodeapi function and format the field with a conditional statement that takes into account the current date() for how the date will be displayed and feed it into the $node->content var.
And that is the way rockstars would do it (-;
