Is there a way to attach callback what fires whenever a crossfilter dimension filter changes? - crossfilter

I have several charts built with dc.js. I can achieve the desired functionality by attaching a callback to each dc.js chart's .on("filterted", function(chart) {}) but this is annoying because I have to attach the same callback to each chart. And error prone because as new charts are added, someone has to remember to attach an event hander. I would prefer to just attach a callback to the underlying crossfilter. Is that possible?
Is there a way to optimize this...
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var dimAlpha = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.alpha});
var dimBeta = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.beta});
var groupAlpha = {return 1;});
var groupBeta = {return 1;});
.on("filtered", function(chart) {
//do stuff
.on("filtered", function(chart) {
//do stuff
into something like this...
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var dimAlpha = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.alpha});
var dimBeta = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.beta});
var groupAlpha = {return 1;});
var groupBeta = {return 1;});
ndx.on("filtered", function() {
//do stuff

If you've got a million charts and don't want to have to attach the event listener to each one manually, you could iterate through the chart registry and add them that way. Ex:
dc.chartRegistry.list().forEach(function(chart) {
chart.on('filtered', function() {
// your event listener code goes here.
Note that this code must go after the charts have instantiated to work.

In the absence of a way to attach the callback once globally, one thing you could do to mitigate the risk from duplicate code is to define the callback function once and pass in a reference instead of defining it inline on each chart.
function my_func() {
// do stuff
.on("filtered", my_func);

chart and filter can also be passed to the filter function something like:
function my_func(chart,filter) {
// do stuff
.on("filtered", my_func);


Event Listeners and Global Variables that are defined = "Uncaught TypeError is not a function" when set as function before invoking

I ran into an interesting issue when defining a global variable (as null in this case), and having a function change that global variable to a callback that was passed to that function---then trying to invoke the global variable (which is now the function) from a click event listener. However if that global variable wasn't defined (var globalCallback; as opposed to var globalCallback = null;) then everything is okay. I was under the assumption that the updated variable reference is always accessible by event listeners regardless of the variable's initial value---this doesn't seem to be the case.
See code below:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
var globalCallback = null; //creates TypeError when invoked after assigned to function
//var globalCallback = function(){}; //tried this too to test
function theSettingFunction(callback)
globalCallback = callback;
/* This event listener doesn't need removing it's a core UI element
This event gets triggered only after theSettingFunction() has been invoked first */
document.querySelector('#myButtonDiv').addEventListener('click', function(){
globalCallback(); //invoking sees globalCallback as null still = TypeError
Everything Okay
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
var globalCallback;
function theSettingFunction(callback)
globalCallback = callback;
/* This event listener doesn't need removing it's a core UI element
This event gets triggered only after theSettingFunction() has been invoked first */
document.querySelector('#myButtonDiv').addEventListener('click', function(){
globalCallback(); //invoking... hey I see you---you're a function! Invoked.
Is this because of the way the JS engine optimizes? Why else are event listeners not getting the updated references to global variables when they're defined?
No, this is not an engine optimization. It's an effect of JavaScript's funny hoisting rules, and the order in which the various things appear in your code.
The JavaScript language specifies that certain declarations are "hoisted" to the beginning of the program. I guess the idea was to make programming easier by not forcing programmers to pay attention to the order of things -- except, as it turns out, automatic reordering only gets you so far...
For example, you can call a function before defining it. Let's look at an example:
func(); // No error, because "func" is defined later.
variable = 1; // No error, because "variable" is declared later.
function func() {}
var variable;
console.log(variable); // Will print "1".
Under the hood, this is implemented by the engine reordering things as follows:
function func() {}
var variable;
variable = 1;
console.log(variable); // Will print "1".
(Again, this is not an optimization, it's a requirement of the JavaScript language.)
An additional detail is that a combined declaration+initialization of a variable is split into two steps, and only the declaration is hoisted. So this:
console.log(variable); // Prints "undefined".
var variable = 1;
after internal re-ordering becomes this:
var variable;
console.log(variable); // Prints "undefined".
variable = 1;
Now, if we simplify your code a bit, we can see that this is exactly what happens. By inlining theSettingFunction, and assuming that the body of the onclick-handler is invoked directly, we get:
// This is what `theSettingFunction` does:
globalCallback = function() { /*...*/ }
var globalCallback = null;
// This is what the click-handler does:
which the engine is required to reorder to:
var globalCallback; // hoisted declaration
globalCallback = function() { /*...*/ }
globalCallback = null;
globalCallback(); // TypeError, of course!
So you can easily fix the problem by moving the declaration+initialization of globalCallback before its first assignment, i.e. the call site of theSettingFunction:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
var globalCallback = null; // Declare and initialize...
theSettingFunction(function(){ // ...before assigning.
function theSettingFunction(callback)
globalCallback = callback;
document.querySelector('#myButtonDiv').addEventListener('click', function(){
Arguably, this will also make your code easier to read, because it's easier for humans to understand in which order things are happening when they don't have to take any invisible reordering into account. For this reason, personally, I would also move the definition of theSettingFunction before its first call.

How to send an array using Url.Action

I have an array of integers called data which I would like to send from my View to a specific controller, I could see that i can send integers and strings and it works with the code that I have so far, but when I try to send an array I can get the data correctly.
This is the code that I have in my view, it is something simple just to be in perspective.
function SeeStation() {
var data = [];
var i = 0;
$("input:checkbox:checked").each(function () {
data[i] = $(this).val();
window.location.href = "#Url.Action("ExportData", "Dispatch")?id=" + data;
and this is the code in the controller. I know it doesn't make much sense but so far I am focused on correctly obtaining the array by parameter.
public ActionResult ExportData(int[] id)
var data = cn.ESTACIONDESPACHOes.ToList();
return View(data);
In my array data I store something like this [1,2,3] and I would like to get something similar in the controller array id.
It will not bind like that.
To get the id array in your action you need to have the link at the end like this: *Dispatch/ExportData?id=1&id=2&id=3*
Your "#Url.Action("ExportData", "Dispatch")?id=" + data; will not generate that (data will give the numbers separated with commas).
You can just build the query string when you enumerate the checkboxes.
function SeeStation() {
var data = '';
$("input:checkbox:checked").each(function () {
data += 'id='$(this).val() + '&';
window.location.href = "#Url.Action("ExportData", "Dispatch")?" + data;
You will have a "&" in the end. You can easily remove it, but it will not affect anything.
There may be better ways to do this though, but I just used your function.
#Url.Action("ExportData", "Dispatch", new { id= [1,2,3] })
Store the Values in the Hidden Fields
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Ids, new { #Value = [1,2,3] })
Then Using the Ajax Get Method Pass the Hidden fields
In the Controller Method Convert the sting to array using string extension method
function SeeStation() {
var data = [];
var i = 0;
$("input:checkbox:checked").each(function () {
data[i] = $(this).val();
location.href = '#Url.Action("ExportData", "Dispatch")?id=' + data;
Please remove window keyword.

knockout bind doubleclick and singleclick, ignore singleclick if double click

I have a click event bound to the following ko function: = function (entity, event) {
var ctrlPressed = false;
if (event.ctrlKey) { ctrlPressed = true; }
if (!ctrlPressed) {
} else {
this.selected() ? this.selected(false) : this.selected(true);
It is bound like so:
data-bind="click: select, event: { dblclick: function(){alert('test');}}"
This currently works except that it fires "select" twice when you double click, which I do not want. I tried following the advice in this SO question, but when I create the singleClick() function, I get an error that "ctrlKey is not a function of undefined". So it's not passing the event properly. Further more, the doubleClick() function in the other answer there doesn't work at all. It gives an error on the "" part saying handler is not defined.
So, how can I successfully call my ko select function on singleClick but NOT on doubleclick?
I don't think this is really a knockout issue. You have at least these two options:
1. Implement some custom logic that prevents processing if a single click has started processing already
2. Prevent the double-click function altogether. JQuery has this handy handler:
$(selector).on("dblclick", function(e){
e.preventDefault(); //cancel system double-click event
So I technically got it to work. Here is my new singleClick function
ko.bindingHandlers.singleClick = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, c, viewModel) {
var handler = valueAccessor(),
delay = 400,
clickTimeout = false;
$(element).click(function (event) {
if (clickTimeout !== false) {
clickTimeout = false;
} else {
clickTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
clickTimeout = false;
handler(viewModel, event);
}, delay);
This passes the viewModel and event to the handler so I can still modify observables and capture ctrlKey pressed.
The binding:
data-bind="singleClick: select, event: { dblclick: function(){alert('test');}}"
The problem is that now, obviously, single clicking an item has a delay while it waits to see if it's a double click. This is an inherent and unsolvable issue, I believe, so though this technically answers my question, I will consider a completely different route (ie, no double-clicking at all in my interface) mvc - how to update dropdown list in tinyMCE

Scenario: I have a standard dropdown list and when the value in that dropdownlist changes I want to update another dropdownlist that exists in a tinyMCE control.
Currently it does what I want when I open the page (i.e. the first time)...
function changeParent() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.MoePlugin', {
createControl: function(n, cm) {
switch (n) {
case 'mylistbox':
var mlb = cm.createListBox('mylistbox', {
title: 'Inserts',
onselect: function(v) {
<% foreach (var insert in (ViewData["Inserts"] as List<String>)) { %> // This is .NET
yourobject = '<%= insert %>'; // This is JS AND .NET
mlb.add(yourobject, yourobject); // This is JavaScript
<% } %>
// Return the new listbox instance
return mlb;
return null;
<%= Html.DropDownList(Model.Record[184].ModelEntity.ModelEntityId.ToString(), ViewData["Containers"] as SelectList, new { onchange = "changeParent(); return false;" })%>
I am thinking the way to accomplish this (in the ChangeParentFunction) is to call a controller action to get a new list, then grab the 'mylistbox' object and reassign it, but am unsure how to put it all together.
As far as updating the TinyMCE listbox goes, you can try using a tinymce.ui.NativeListBox instead of the standard tinymce.ui.ListBox. You can do this by setting the last argument to cm.createListBox to tinymce.ui.NativeListBox. This way, you'll have a regular old <select> that you can update as you normally would.
The downside is that it looks like you'll need to manually hook up your own onchange listener since NativeListBox maintains its own list of items internally.
I played around a bit with this last night and here's what I've come up with.
First, here's how to use a native list box and wire up our own onChange handler, the TinyMCE way:
// Create a NativeListBox so we can easily modify the contents of the list.
var mlb = cm.createListBox('mylistbox', {
title: 'Inserts'
}, tinymce.ui.NativeListBox);
// Set our own change handler.
mlb.onPostRender.add(function(t) {
tinymce.dom.Event.add(, 'change', function(e) {
var v =[].value;
tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand("mceInsertContent", false, v); = 0;
As far as updating the list box at runtime, your idea of calling a controller action to get the new items is sound; I'm not familiar with ASP.NET, so I can't really help you there.
The ID of the <select> that TinyMCE creates takes the form editorId_controlId, where in your case controlId is "mylistbox". Firebug in Firefox is the easiest way to find the ID of the <select> :)
Here's the test button I added to my page to check if the above code was working:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doFoo() {
// Change "myEditor" below to the ID of your TinyMCE instance.
var insertsElem = document.getElementById("myEditor_mylistbox");
insertsElem.options.length = 1; // Remove all but the first option.
var optElem = document.createElement("option");
optElem.value = "1";
optElem.text = "Foo";
insertsElem.add(optElem, null);
optElem = document.createElement("option");
optElem.value = "2";
optElem.text = "Bar";
insertsElem.add(optElem, null);
<button onclick="doFoo();">FOO</button>
Hope this helps, or at least gets you started.
Step 1 - Provide a JsonResult in your controller
public JsonResult GetInserts(int containerId)
//some code to get list of inserts here
List<string> somedata = doSomeStuff();
return Json(somedata);
Step 2 - Create javascript function to get Json results
function getInserts() {
var params = {};
params.containerId = $("#184").val();
$.getJSON("GetInserts", params, updateInserts);
updateInserts = function(data) {
var insertsElem = document.getElementById("183_mylistbox");
insertsElem.options.length = 1; // Remove all but the first option.
var optElem = document.createElement("option");
for (var item in data) {
optElem = document.createElement("option");
optElem.value = item;
optElem.text = data[item];
try {
insertsElem.add(optElem, null); // standards compliant browsers
catch(ex) {
insertsElem.add(optElem, item+1); // IE only (second paramater is the items position in the list)
Step 3 - Create NativeListBox (code above provided by ZoogieZork above)
var mlb = cm.createListBox('mylistbox', {
title: 'Inserts'
}, tinymce.ui.NativeListBox);
// Set our own change handler.
mlb.onPostRender.add(function(t) {
tinymce.dom.Event.add(, 'change', function(e) {
var v =[].value;
tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand("mceInsertContent", false, v); = 0;
//populate inserts on listbox create

How to create custom MouseEvent.CLICK event in AS3 (pass parameters to function)?

This question doesn't relate only to MouseEvent.CLICK event type but to all event types that already exist in AS3. I read a lot about custom events but until now I couldn't figure it out how to do what I want to do. I'm going to try to explain, I hope you understand:
Here is a illustration of my situation:
for(var i:Number; i < 10; i++){
var someVar = i;
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);
function doSomething(e:MouseEvent){ /* */ }
But I want to be able to pass someVar as a parameter to doSomething. So I tried this:
for(var i:Number; i < 10; i++){
var someVar = i;
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
function doSomething(index){ trace(index); }
This kind of works but not as I expect. Due to the function closures, when the MouseEvent.CLICK events are actually fired the for loop is already over and someVar is holding the last value, the number 9 in the example. So every click in each movie clip will call doSomething passing 9 as the parameter. And it's not what I want.
I thought that creating a custom event should work, but then I couldn't find a way to fire a custom event when the MouseEvent.CLICK event is fired and pass the parameter to it. Now I don't know if it is the right answer.
What should I do and how?
You really need to extend the event class to create your own event with extra parameters. Placing functions inside the addEventListener (anonymous functions) is a recipe for memory leaks, which is not good.
Take a look at the following.
//custom event class to enable the passing of strings along with the actual event
public class TestEvent extends Event
public static const TYPE1 :String = "type1";
public static const TYPE2 :String = "type2";
public static const TYPE3 :String = "type3";
public var parameterText:String;
public function TestEvent (type:String, searchText:String)
this.parameterText = searchText;
when you create a new event such as
dispatchEvent(new TestEvent(TestEvent.TYPE1, 'thisIsTheParameterText'))" ;
you can then listen for that event like this
someComponent.addEventListener(TestEvent.TYPE1, listenerFunction, true , 0, true);
and inside the function 'listenerFunction' event.parameterText will contain your parameter.
so inside your myClips component you would fire off the custom event and listen for that event and not the Click event.
Without knowing more about your application, it seems more like you should use the target to pass parameters, or extend MouseEvent. The former would be more in line with common practice, though. So for example, if you exposed an integer public property on your "clip" object (whatever it is):
public class MyClip
public var myPublicProperty:int;
public function MyClip() { //... }
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
myClips[i].myPublicProperty = i;
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);
... and then, in your event listener, you could retrieve that property using either the target or currentTarget property of the event (probably currentTarget, in your case):
function doSomething(event:MouseEvent):void
That ought to do it! Good luck.
private function myCallbackFunction(e:Event, parameter:String):void
//voila, here's your parameter
private function addArguments(method:Function, additionalArguments:Array):Function
return function(event:Event):void {method.apply(null, [event].concat(additionalArguments));}
var parameter:String = "A sentence I want to pass along";
movieClip.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addArguments(myCallbackFunction, [parameter] ) );
Take advantage of the dynamic function construction in AS3.
You can accomplish this by getting your handler out of a function that gives the variable closure, like this:
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
myClips[i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, getHandler(i) );
function getHandler(i) {
return function( e:MouseEvent ) {
function test( j ) {
trace("foo "+j);
Also, as for why this creates a new closure, you might want to check the explanation in the accepted answer to this similar question.
Thanks so much for this usefull tips, this technique is better to understand than classes explanation.
for me I just started new code algorithm using this technique to solve link relation between timers array and viewports array, and update status by change text inside them frequently, by passing ID's with timers events.
like this:
var view:Object=[];
for(var i:uint=0;i<Camera.names.length;i++){
//_________ Add Text _________
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
//_________ Add Timer _________
var t:Timer = new Timer(1000);
view[i].timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, addArg(i));
function addArg(adi:uint):Function {
return function(event:TimerEvent):void {
function updatecamstatus(vH:uint):void {
with (view[vH]){
tf.text="Cam" + vH + "\n";
tf.appendText("activityLevel: " + videosource.activityLevel + "\n");
tf.appendText("motionLevel: " + videosource.motionLevel + "\n");
I see your main goal isn't actually to create a custom MouseEvent.CLICK, but to pass a parameter to the function. You don't need to complicatedly create or extend anything. There's a simple and closure-trouble-free way to do it.
Just make your function like this:
function doSomething(index:Number):Function {
return function(e:MouseEvent):void {
// Use "e" and "index" here. They'll be unique for each addEventListener()
This technique can relate to any AS3 event type you can use addEventListener on.
And now you can add it like this:
var functionsDoSomething:Object;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var someVar:Number = i;
functionsDoSomething[i] = doSomething(someVar);
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, functionsDoSomething[i]);
The doSomething(someVar) can be used directly on addEventListener(), but it's better to keep it in a variable because you'll be able to remove it later the same fashion you added it:
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
myClips[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, functionsDoSomething[i]);
The commonly used e.currentTarget.someCustomProperty works for dynamic objects (i.e. MovieClip), but will let you down at anything else (i.e. Sprite), forcing you to build a whole custom extended object/event for every type.
This solution deals with every "listenable" object and event. And this answer has more details and examples on it.
