NGINX try_files in a subfolder else send to php - nginx

I am trying to figure out how to get nginx to try and find a file in a subfolder, otherwise send it's request to a php file to be handled, for example:
requested file:
actual file:
location /mycms/ {
try_files /mycms/content/$uri /mycms/content/$uri/ /mycms/index.php?$args;
But this does not work, any suggestions on how I can achieve this ?

you're using $uri in a wrong way, try this instead
location ~ /mycms/(.*) {
try_files /mycms/content/$1 /mycms/content/$1/ /mycms/index.php?$query_string;


Nginx dynamic route

I made a sample application that produces dynamic static files. I basically do not want to enter all the routes manually into the default file of Nginx. I saw some solutions here but the answers were not understandable for me in my simple case.
So basically my structure looks like this :
the main link of the application:
dynamic routes are numbers that also the link has query string
for example:
I could basically write :
location /myproject/products/1/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/1;
and need to repeat this for all the products which are none sense. Is there any way to do it automatically?
when I use dev mode ( npm run dev) I get
maybe using try_files? see the last part of this article
location /myproject/products/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
server {
listen 8000;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root path_of_web_bundle;
index index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

redirect from one folder into another using nginx

I am running any Nginx file server. I have 2 main folders i.e. folder-a and folder-b. If a user tries to land on /folder-a/abc and it's a 404, I should auto-redirect to another folder like /folder-b/abc. How do I set up such a rule in Nginx? My top folder names will always be hard-coded names like folder-a and folder-b.
As being said by #RichardSmith, if you want to look for a file in one of two locations, you can use try_files directive:
location ~ ^/folder-a(?<suffix>/.*) {
try_files $uri $uri/ /folder-b$suffix /folder-b$suffix/ =404;
If you want to generate an HTTP redirect, you can use error_page directive with the additional named location:
location ~ ^/folder-a(?<suffix>/.*) {
error_page 404 #redirect;
location #redirect {
return 301 /folder-b$suffix;
If you have some additional configuration directives in your root location (location / { ... }), you should either duplicate them inside the location ~ ^/folder-a(?<suffix>/.*) { ... } or move them to the server context if there are no other locations where those directives should not be applied.

NginX redirect /service to /service/

I have two servicesr accessible via NginX. The web server configuration looks like this:
location /service1/ {
# process php files
location /service2/ {
However, if one clicks on (or 2) he gets a 404 error. There is no folder called "service1" (or 2) in the website root.
I would like links to "" to point to "" (with trailing slash), possibly without specyfing a redirect for every service I have, i.e
location = /service1 {
return 301 https://$host/service1/;
location /service1/ {
# process php files
location = /service2 {
return 301 https://$host/service2/;
location /service2/ {
I have already tried try_files $uri $uri/ =404;, but it seems to only work for real files and folders in the website root, no "virtual" subdirectories.
I am avoiding configurations like location /service { ... } because they seem more vulnerable.
Inside your location = blocks you need to generate an internal redirect to $uri/. You can achieve this using try_files or rewrite...last.
For example:
location = /service1 {
try_files nonexistent $uri/$is_args$args;
Notice that the internal redirection must be the last parameter. See this document for details.
location = /service1 {
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1/ last;
See this document for details.

nginx server: how to remove first directory from URL

Can anybody please help me to remove first directory name from URL?
My Image location is _data/hotel/3/15377/hotel_image.jpg
But Image path gets changed due to relative URL in code and it become to something like this.
is their any possibilities to remove dynamic country name from above URL
If you want to rewrite only this particular URL, you can use this location block in your config:
location ~ /[a-z]+/_data/hotel/3/15377/hotel_image.jpg {
try_files /_data/hotel/3/15377/hotel_image.jpg;
If you want to rewrite all URLs which lead to /<country>/_data/..., you can use:
location ~ /[a-z]+/_data/(.+) {
try_files /_data/$1;
or for stricter URL checking:
location ~ /(?:france|usa|india)/_data/(.+) {
try_files /_data/$1;
#Ivan Shatsky's answer is great for files but also if we want to redirect a general url is better if you use the rewrite directive.
Depending where you define the rewrite directive you have two ways to implement it:
A. In the server context
server {
rewrite ^/[a-z]+/_data/(.+)$ /_data/$1 last;
B. In the location context
location ~ /[a-z]+/_data/(.+) {
rewrite ^/[a-z]+/_data/(.+)$ /_data/$1 break;
proxy_pass http://backend;
Teo, why did you change the flag to break?* Because, if this directive is put inside of a location context, the last flag might make nginx to run 10 cycles and return the 500 error.
Remember not add / at the end of the proxy_pass directive. This example wont work:
proxy_pass http://backend/;

how to pass revision to nginx server

My question is related to configuration.
I try use bellow URL for static contents.
a part of ngnix.conf
location /webpack {
location ~ .+/${ ##rev1 --> problem
alias /var/www/webpackjs
expires 1000d;
I trying to solve my question . I use bellow code at ngnix.conf
location ~ ^/webpack/rev[^/]+/(.+) {
try_files /dist/webpack/$1 /dist/webpack/$1;
