How to select a template conditionally with Ractive - ractivejs

I'm trying to select a template conditionally. My idea was that I'd be able to have a container (view) with a list of components, where each component would state which template it should use.
{{> {{}} }}
What I'd like to happen is for the partial declaration to resolve {{}} from the component property called id, then resolve the partial.
view.components[0] = "fooTemplate" (<script id="fooTemplate" />)
view.components[1] = "barTemplate" (<script id="barTemplate" />)
and ractive to resolve the #view.components block as
This {{>}}, tells me it can't resolve
This {{>{{}} }} tells me it doesn't know anything about t.
Any workaround I could use?

Take a look to the docs: in "Injecting partials".
You could do something like this in the partials:
ractive = new Ractive({
el: myContainer,
template: myTemplate,
partials: {
content: anyBooleanExpression ? fooTemplate: barTemplate,
You can use the same conditional in the template property:
template: anyBooleanExpression ? fooTemplate: barTemplate,
And even to use more complex conditionals adding a swich block or an anonymous function.
template: function(){ /* you complex logic */ },
Like in this fiddle

You can define your template as below:
and your model is like:
view: {
components: [
FooTemp: { ... }
BarTemp: { ... }


Is there a way to use a prop as the site-key for vue-recaptcha?

I have a Form component in Vue where I import the vue-recaptcha like this:
... Contains the form and button that triggers onSubmit function
import { VueReCaptcha } from 'vue-recaptcha-v3';
Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, {
siteKey: "hard-coded site-key here",
loaderOptions: {
useRecaptchaNet: true,
export default {
methods: {
async onSubmit(e) {
// Uses the recapatcha and handles errors/success etc.
This works since the value for site-key is hard-coded.
However, I wish to be able to pass the site-key as a prop to the Form component and then use this as the site-key.
I tried something as bold as simply creating a prop in the Form component and passing it in as the site-key when setting the vue-recaptcha options, like this:
import { VueReCaptcha } from 'vue-recaptcha-v3';
Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, {
siteKey: this.siteKey,
loaderOptions: {
useRecaptchaNet: true,
export default {
props: {
siteKey: String,
This does not work because this.siteKey is undefined, as expected. However, is there a way to set the site-key value as the prop siteKey? Maybe there is a way to set the vue-recaptcha plugin options inside the component where this.siteKey isn't undefined, for example in mounted()?
Have you tried to provide the Key to the Form over prop?
<my-form siteKey="<My Site Key>" ...
<my-form site-key="<My Site Key>" ...
Pay attention:
You should be careful with components and prop's naming & using, since there are DOM
Template Parsing Caveats

What is the best way to declare global variables in Vue.js?

I need access to my hostname variable in every component.
Is it a good idea to put it inside data?
Am I right in understanding that if I do so, I will able to call it everywhere with this.hostname?
As you need access to your hostname variable in every component, and to change it to localhost while in development mode, or to production hostname when in production mode, you can define this variable in the prototype.
Like this:
Vue.prototype.$hostname = 'http://localhost:3000'
And $hostname will be available in all Vue instances:
new Vue({
beforeCreate: function () {
In my case, to automatically change from development to production, I've defined the $hostname prototype according to a Vue production tip variable in the file where I instantiated the Vue.
Like this:
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.prototype.$hostname = (Vue.config.productionTip) ? 'https://hostname' : 'http://localhost:3000'
An example can be found in the docs:
Documentation on Adding Instance Properties
More about production tip config can be found here:
Vue documentation for production tip
a vue3 replacement of this answer:
// Vue3
const app = Vue.createApp({})
app.config.globalProperties.$hostname = 'http://localhost:3000'
app.component('a-child-component', {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$hostname) // 'http://localhost:3000'
Warning: The following answer is using Vue 1.x. The twoWay data mutation is removed from Vue 2.x (fortunately!).
In case of "global" variables—that are attached to the global object, which is the window object in web browsers—the most reliable way to declare the variable is to set it on the global object explicitly:
window.hostname = 'foo';
However form Vue's hierarchy perspective (the root view Model and nested components) the data can be passed downwards (and can be mutated upwards if twoWay binding is specified).
For instance if the root viewModel has a hostname data, the value can be bound to a nested component with v-bind directive as v-bind:hostname="hostname" or in short :hostname="hostname".
And within the component the bound value can be accessed through component's props property.
Eventually the data will be proxied to this.hostname and can be used inside the current Vue instance if needed.
var theGrandChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h3>The nested component has also a "{{foo}}" and a "{{bar}}"</h3>',
props: ['foo', 'bar']
var theChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h2>My awesome component has a "{{foo}}"</h2> \
<the-grandchild :foo="foo" :bar="bar"></the-grandchild>',
props: ['foo'],
data: function() {
return {
bar: 'bar'
components: {
'the-grandchild': theGrandChild
// the root view model
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
foo: 'foo'
components: {
'the-child': theChild
<script src=""></script>
<h1>The root view model has a "{{foo}}"</h1>
<the-child :foo="foo"></the-child>
In cases that we need to mutate the parent's data upwards, we can add a .sync modifier to our binding declaration like :foo.sync="foo" and specify that the given 'props' is supposed to be a twoWay bound data.
Hence by mutating the data in a component, the parent's data would be changed respectively.
For instance:
var theGrandChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h3>The nested component has also a "{{foo}}" and a "{{bar}}"</h3> \
<input v-model="foo" type="text">',
props: {
'foo': {
twoWay: true
'bar': {}
var theChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h2>My awesome component has a "{{foo}}"</h2> \
<the-grandchild :foo.sync="foo" :bar="bar"></the-grandchild>',
props: {
'foo': {
twoWay: true
data: function() {
return { bar: 'bar' };
components: {
'the-grandchild': theGrandChild
// the root view model
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
foo: 'foo'
components: {
'the-child': theChild
<script src=""></script>
<h1>The root view model has a "{{foo}}"</h1>
<the-child :foo.sync="foo"></the-child>
I strongly recommend taking a look at Vuex, it is made for globally accessible data in Vue.
If you only need a few base variables that will never be modified, I would use ES6 imports:
// config.js
export default {
hostname: 'myhostname'
// .vue file
import config from 'config.js'
You could also import a json file in the same way, which can be edited by people without code knowledge or imported into SASS.
For any Single File Component users, here is how I set up global variable(s)
Assuming you are using Vue-Cli's webpack template
Declare your variable(s) in somewhere variable.js
const shallWeUseVuex = false;
Export it in variable.js
module.exports = { shallWeUseVuex : shallWeUseVuex };
Require and assign it in your vue file
export default {
data() {
return {
shallWeUseVuex: require('../../variable.js')
In vue cli-3 You can define the variable in main.js like
And you can also access this variable in any component by using
the the
A possibility is to declare the variable at the index.html because it is really global. It can be done adding a javascript method to return the value of the variable, and it will be READ ONLY.
An example of this solution can be found at this answer:

Hide Parent's sbling ui-view quadrant when in a child state

When I go to a child state, I want to hide a ui-view component of a quadrant ui-view in root state. How can achieve this.
<div ui-view="a">
<div ui-view="b">
<div ui-view="c">
<div ui-view>
$stateProvider.state('start', {
'views': {
'a': {
templateUrl: ...
'b': {
templateUrl: 'b.html'
'c': {
templateUrl: ...
controller: 'indexController
}).state('start.all', {
templateUrl: 'd.html',
controller: 'allController'
So when I reach start.all, I would like that the ui-view tagged c vanishes. How can I accomplish this.
There is an example demonstrating approach discussed below. The native way of ui-router, I'd say, is to manage all the views from current (active) state. We can do it with :
View Names - Relative vs. Absolute Names
... Behind the scenes, every view gets assigned an absolute name that follows a scheme of viewname#statename, where viewname is the name used in the view directive and state name is the state's absolute name, e.g. contact.item
In our case, the full name of the view 'c' would be c#, i.e. c as view name, # as delimiter and empty string representing the root (a bit weird but in fact logical).
Having that we can change the start.all definition like this:
.state('start.all', {
url : '/all',
'views': {
'': {
template: '<span>this is start ALL</span>',
'c#': {
template: '<span></span>',
And we will change the content of the c view in the root. And that should be the most native way with ui-router. It does not effectively remove it, but we can replace it with some empty stuff.
Also, into your example above, I placed controller called bController as contra example to the indexController:
.state('start', {
url : '/start',
'views': {
'a': {
template: ...
'b': {
template: ...
// HERE a new controller bController
controller: 'bController',
'c': {
template: ...
// the orginal contoller
controller: 'indexController',
and also defined them this way:
.controller('indexController', function($scope, $state, $stateParams) {
console.log('indexConroller was invoked');
.controller('bController', function($scope, $state, $stateParams) {
console.log('bConroller was invoked');
Why? to show you, that indexController will never be invoked. Contollers belongs to templates/views not to state...
Check all that together here
You could do it in a few ways. One way would be to have an abstract state containing views a and b. That abstract state then has two concrete child states: start, which adds view c, and all, which adds view d.
Another option is to just use the ng-show directive on the c view's root element bound to some scope variable. I would go with the first option.
Notably this does not answer the question because all is no longer a child of start. If there is a real need for all to inherit from start (there appears to be no need at present) you can just make start abstract and create a start.main and start.all.
Though Radim's solution is very clever and much appreciated, I think this is much more readable and intuitive than overriding a parent view with an empty template.
<div ng-app="myApp">
<a ui-sref="start.main">start</a> | <a ui-sref="start.all">all</a>
<hr />
<div class="rootView" ui-view="a"></div>
<div class="rootView" ui-view="b"></div>
<div class="rootView" ui-view=""></div>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router']);
myApp.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// Content common to all views
.state('shell', {
abstract: true,
views: {
"a": { template: '<div>View a here.</div>' },
"b": { template: '<div>View b here.</div>' },
"": { template: '<div ui-view></div>' }
// Content common to all 'start' views (currently nothing)
.state('start', {
parent: 'shell',
url: '/start',
abstract: true,
template: '<div ui-view></div>'
.state('start.main', {
url: '/main',
template: '<div>View c is here</div>'
.state('start.all', {
url: '/all',
template: '<div>View d is here</div>'

How to append a stylesheet to <head> in AngularJS $routeProvider?

I want to load a specific CSS file only when a user accesses the contact.html view on my AngularJS app/site. I found this answer which almost made sense to me How to include view/partial specific styling in AngularJS The accepted answer by charlietfl reads :
Could append a new stylesheet to head within $routeProvider. For
simplicity am using a string but could create new link element also,
or create a service for stylesheets
/* check if already exists first - note ID used on link element*/
/* could also track within scope object*/
if( !angular.element('link#myViewName').length){
angular.element('head').append('<link id="myViewName" href="myViewName.css" rel="stylesheet">');
Biggest benefit of prelaoding in page is any background images will
already exist, and less lieklyhood of FOUC
The problem is that I do not know exactly where in my $routeProvider to add the code. charlietfl mentions where to put it in a comment which reads
not if the when for the route hasn't been called. Can put this code in
controller callback of when within the routeProvider, or perhaps
within resolve callback which likely triggers sooner
I have modified my $routeProvider following the advice. I added a resolve in the object following .when('/contact'. Here is my code
angular.module('maxmythicApp', ['ngResponsiveImages'])
.config(function ($locationProvider, $routeProvider) {
$locationProvider.hashPrefix = '!';
.when('/', {
templateUrl: '/views/design.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl'
.when('/design', {
templateUrl: '/views/design.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl'
.when('/about', {
templateUrl: '/views/about.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl'
.when('/contact', {
templateUrl: '/views/contact.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl',
if( !angular.element('link#myViewName').length){
angular.element('head').append('<link id="myViewName" href="myViewName.css" rel="stylesheet">');
redirectTo: '/'
Would this work?
I made a service for it.
Important part of the code :
var head = angular.element(document.querySelector('head')); // TO make the code IE < 8 compatible, include jQuery in your page and replace "angular.element(document.querySelector('head'))" by "angular.element('head')"
if(head.scope().injectedStylesheets === undefined)
head.scope().injectedStylesheets = [];
head.append($compile("<link data-ng-repeat='stylesheet in injectedStylesheets' data-ng-href='{{stylesheet.href}}' rel='stylesheet' />")(scope)); // Found here :
head.scope().injectedStylesheets.push({href: "/url/to/style.css"});
Full code in Github :
UPDATED: Here is the solution to inject(load) a specific CSS using the $routeProvider.
The solution described below is an alternative to apply different classes and page title based on the route which could be used in other situations.
For each route I've created a new key called 'bodyClass' and 'title' (but you could called anything you like it) and it looks like this:
'use strict';
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', 'ngResource'])
.config(function ($routeProvider) {
myApp.siteName = 'My Cool App';
.when('/home', {
title:'Home - ' + myApp.siteName,
bodyClass: 'home',
templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
controler: 'bmsHomeCtrl'
.when('/contact', {
title:'Contact - ' + myApp.siteName,
bodyClass: 'contact',
templateUrl: 'views/contact.html',
controler: 'bmsContactCtrl'
redirectTo: '/home'
Then for each $routeChangeSuccess event I change the <title> of the page and also the class of the <body>.['$location', '$rootScope', function($location, $rootScope) {
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (event, current, previous) {
if (current.$$route) {
$rootScope.title = current.$$route.title;
$rootScope.bodyClass = current.$$route.bodyClass;
You put the code above on the same main app.js (for example) file.
On my index.html page, which renders the views, I have the following codes to pick up the title and class:
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<body class="{{ bodyClass }}">
So if i visit the home page of my application the title tag will be
<tittle> Home - My Cool App</tittle>
and the body tag will be
<body class="home">
It's working like a charm.
I know this solution doesn't load a CSS file, but you could put those styles inside a '.contact' class that is applied only when you hit a specific route.
Not sure if solves your problem but I hope that helps or at least point you on the right direction.
For a full solution I suggest using AngularCSS.
As you already know, in Angular we can include templates (structure) and controllers (behavior) in pages and components. AngularCSS enables the last missing piece: attaching stylesheets (presentation).
Routes example:
.when('/page1', {
templateUrl: 'page1/page1.html',
controller: 'page1Ctrl',
/* Now you can bind css to routes */
css: 'page1/page1.css'
.when('/page2', {
templateUrl: 'page2/page2.html',
controller: 'page2Ctrl',
/* You can also enable features like bust cache, persist and preload */
css: {
href: 'page2/page2.css',
bustCache: true
.when('/page3', {
templateUrl: 'page3/page3.html',
controller: 'page3Ctrl',
/* This is how you can include multiple stylesheets */
css: ['page3/page3.css','page3/page3-2.css']
.when('/page4', {
templateUrl: 'page4/page4.html',
controller: 'page4Ctrl',
css: [
href: 'page4/page4.css',
persist: true
}, {
href: 'page4/',
/* Media Query support via window.matchMedia API
* This will only add the stylesheet if the breakpoint matches */
media: 'screen and (max-width : 768px)'
}, {
href: 'page4/page4.print.css',
media: 'print'
Directive example:
myApp.directive('myDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'my-directive/my-directive.html',
css: 'my-directive/my-directive.css'
You can read more about AngularCSS here:
I think the best/simplest answer is one I left here. Someone else asked the same question, so I came up with some simple code and a small github repo to handle this scenario.

How to include view/partial specific styling in AngularJS?

What is the proper/accepted way to use separate stylesheets for the various views my application uses?
Currently I'm placing a link element in the view/partial's html at the top but I've been told this is bad practice even though all modern browsers support it but I can see why it's frowned upon.
The other possibility is placing the separate stylesheets in my index.html's head but I would like it to only load the stylesheet if its view is being loaded in the name of performance.
Is this bad practice since styling won't take effect until after the css is loaded form the server, leading to a quick flash of unformatted content in a slow browser? I have yet to witness this although I'm testing it locally.
Is there a way to load the CSS through the object passed to Angular's $routeProvider.when?
I know this question is old now, but after doing a ton of research on various solutions to this problem, I think I may have come up with a better solution.
UPDATE 1: Since posting this answer, I have added all of this code to a simple service that I have posted to GitHub. The repo is located here. Feel free to check it out for more info.
UPDATE 2: This answer is great if all you need is a lightweight solution for pulling in stylesheets for your routes. If you want a more complete solution for managing on-demand stylesheets throughout your application, you may want to checkout Door3's AngularCSS project. It provides much more fine-grained functionality.
In case anyone in the future is interested, here's what I came up with:
1. Create a custom directive for the <head> element:
app.directive('head', ['$rootScope','$compile',
function($rootScope, $compile){
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, elem){
var html = '<link rel="stylesheet" ng-repeat="(routeCtrl, cssUrl) in routeStyles" ng-href="{{cssUrl}}" />';
scope.routeStyles = {};
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (e, next, current) {
if(current && current.$$route && current.$$route.css){
current.$$route.css = [current.$$route.css];
angular.forEach(current.$$route.css, function(sheet){
delete scope.routeStyles[sheet];
if(next && next.$$route && next.$$route.css){
next.$$route.css = [next.$$route.css];
angular.forEach(next.$$route.css, function(sheet){
scope.routeStyles[sheet] = sheet;
This directive does the following things:
It compiles (using $compile) an html string that creates a set of <link /> tags for every item in the scope.routeStyles object using ng-repeat and ng-href.
It appends that compiled set of <link /> elements to the <head> tag.
It then uses the $rootScope to listen for '$routeChangeStart' events. For every '$routeChangeStart' event, it grabs the "current" $$route object (the route that the user is about to leave) and removes its partial-specific css file(s) from the <head> tag. It also grabs the "next" $$route object (the route that the user is about to go to) and adds any of its partial-specific css file(s) to the <head> tag.
And the ng-repeat part of the compiled <link /> tag handles all of the adding and removing of the page-specific stylesheets based on what gets added to or removed from the scope.routeStyles object.
Note: this requires that your ng-app attribute is on the <html> element, not on <body> or anything inside of <html>.
2. Specify which stylesheets belong to which routes using the $routeProvider:
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider){
.when('/some/route/1', {
templateUrl: 'partials/partial1.html',
controller: 'Partial1Ctrl',
css: 'css/partial1.css'
.when('/some/route/2', {
templateUrl: 'partials/partial2.html',
controller: 'Partial2Ctrl'
.when('/some/route/3', {
templateUrl: 'partials/partial3.html',
controller: 'Partial3Ctrl',
css: ['css/partial3_1.css','css/partial3_2.css']
This config adds a custom css property to the object that is used to setup each page's route. That object gets passed to each '$routeChangeStart' event as .$$route. So when listening to the '$routeChangeStart' event, we can grab the css property that we specified and append/remove those <link /> tags as needed. Note that specifying a css property on the route is completely optional, as it was omitted from the '/some/route/2' example. If the route doesn't have a css property, the <head> directive will simply do nothing for that route. Note also that you can even have multiple page-specific stylesheets per route, as in the '/some/route/3' example above, where the css property is an array of relative paths to the stylesheets needed for that route.
3. You're done
Those two things setup everything that was needed and it does it, in my opinion, with the cleanest code possible.
#tennisgent's solution is great. However, I think is a little limited.
Modularity and Encapsulation in Angular goes beyond routes. Based on the way the web is moving towards component-based development, it is important to apply this in directives as well.
As you already know, in Angular we can include templates (structure) and controllers (behavior) in pages and components. AngularCSS enables the last missing piece: attaching stylesheets (presentation).
For a full solution I suggest using AngularCSS.
Supports Angular's ngRoute, UI Router, directives, controllers and services.
Doesn't required to have ng-app in the <html> tag. This is important when you have multiple apps running on the same page
You can customize where the stylesheets are injected: head, body, custom selector, etc...
Supports preloading, persisting and cache busting
Supports media queries and optimizes page load via matchMedia API
Here are some examples:
.when('/page1', {
templateUrl: 'page1/page1.html',
controller: 'page1Ctrl',
/* Now you can bind css to routes */
css: 'page1/page1.css'
.when('/page2', {
templateUrl: 'page2/page2.html',
controller: 'page2Ctrl',
/* You can also enable features like bust cache, persist and preload */
css: {
href: 'page2/page2.css',
bustCache: true
.when('/page3', {
templateUrl: 'page3/page3.html',
controller: 'page3Ctrl',
/* This is how you can include multiple stylesheets */
css: ['page3/page3.css','page3/page3-2.css']
.when('/page4', {
templateUrl: 'page4/page4.html',
controller: 'page4Ctrl',
css: [
href: 'page4/page4.css',
persist: true
}, {
href: 'page4/',
/* Media Query support via window.matchMedia API
* This will only add the stylesheet if the breakpoint matches */
media: 'screen and (max-width : 768px)'
}, {
href: 'page4/page4.print.css',
media: 'print'
myApp.directive('myDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'my-directive/my-directive.html',
css: 'my-directive/my-directive.css'
Additionally, you can use the $css service for edge cases:
myApp.controller('pageCtrl', function ($scope, $css) {
// Binds stylesheet(s) to scope create/destroy events (recommended over add/remove)
href: 'my-page/my-page.css'
}, $scope);
// Simply add stylesheet(s)
// Simply remove stylesheet(s)
// Remove all stylesheets
You can read more about AngularCSS here:
Could append a new stylesheet to head within $routeProvider. For simplicity am using a string but could create new link element also, or create a service for stylesheets
/* check if already exists first - note ID used on link element*/
/* could also track within scope object*/
if( !angular.element('link#myViewName').length){
angular.element('head').append('<link id="myViewName" href="myViewName.css" rel="stylesheet">');
Biggest benefit of prelaoding in page is any background images will already exist, and less lieklyhood of FOUC
#sz3, funny enough today I had to do exactly what you were trying to achieve: 'load a specific CSS file only when a user access' a specific page. So I used the solution above.
But I am here to answer your last question: 'where exactly should I put the code. Any ideas?'
You were right including the code into the resolve, but you need to change a bit the format.
Take a look at the code below:
.when('/home', {
title:'Home - ' + siteName,
bodyClass: 'home',
templateUrl: function(params) {
return 'views/home.html';
controler: 'homeCtrl',
resolve: {
style : function(){
/* check if already exists first - note ID used on link element*/
/* could also track within scope object*/
if( !angular.element('link#mobile').length){
angular.element('head').append('<link id="home" href="home.css" rel="stylesheet">');
I've just tested and it's working fine, it injects the html and it loads my 'home.css' only when I hit the '/home' route.
Full explanation can be found here, but basically resolve: should get an object in the format
'key' : string or function()
You can name the 'key' anything you like - in my case I called 'style'.
Then for the value you have two options:
If it's a string, then it is an alias for a service.
If it's function, then it is injected and the return value is treated
as the dependency.
The main point here is that the code inside the function is going to be executed before before the controller is instantiated and the $routeChangeSuccess event is fired.
Hope that helps.
Awesome, thank you!! Just had to make a few adjustments to get it working with ui-router:
var app = app || angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('head', ['$rootScope', '$compile', '$state', function ($rootScope, $compile, $state) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ctrls) {
var html = '<link rel="stylesheet" ng-repeat="(routeCtrl, cssUrl) in routeStyles" ng-href="{{cssUrl}}" />';
var el = $compile(html)($scope)
$scope.routeStyles = {};
function applyStyles(state, action) {
var sheets = state ? state.css : null;
if (state.parent) {
var parentState = $state.get(state.parent)
applyStyles(parentState, action);
if (sheets) {
if (!Array.isArray(sheets)) {
sheets = [sheets];
angular.forEach(sheets, function (sheet) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
applyStyles(fromState, function(sheet) {
delete $scope.routeStyles[sheet];
console.log('>> remove >> ', sheet);
applyStyles(toState, function(sheet) {
$scope.routeStyles[sheet] = sheet;
console.log('>> add >> ', sheet);
If you only need your CSS to be applied to one specific view, I'm using this handy snippet inside my controller:
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
This will add a class to my body tag when the state loads, and remove it when the state is destroyed (i.e. someone changes pages). This solves my related problem of only needing CSS to be applied to one state in my application.
'use strict';
'$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
function($rootScope, $state, $stateParams) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
$rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;
'$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('app', {
abstract: true,
url: '/app',
templateUrl: 'views/layout.html'
.state('app.dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: 'views/dashboard.html',
ncyBreadcrumb: {
label: 'Dashboard',
description: ''
resolve: {
deps: [
function($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load({
serie: true,
files: [
.state('ram', {
abstract: true,
url: '/ram',
templateUrl: 'views/layout-ram.html'
.state('ram.dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: 'views/dashboard-ram.html',
ncyBreadcrumb: {
label: 'test'
resolve: {
deps: [
function($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load({
serie: true,
files: [
