Modify Crossfilter "Flights" example so one of graphs is not a group-by graph? - crossfilter

I'm trying to use the Crossfilter example site as a start for my desired graph, but am struggling with creating a non grouped graph that interacts with a grouped graph.
My data is a list of unique employee records:
I want one graph to show the cnt field grouped by value, analogous to the example's Distance graph. The next graph I want would have a bar for each employee, but instead of grouping them by employee value, I want the graph instead to simply show the cnt value.
Here's what I got going so far; however, this does group-by on both graphs:
// ...
var crossData = crossfilter(data),
all = crossData.groupAll(),
cnt = crossData.dimension(function(d) { return d.cnt; }),
cnts =,
emp = crossData.dimension(function(d) { return d.employee; }),
emps =;
var charts = [
.domain([0, 15])
.rangeRound([0, 920])),
.x(d3.scale.ordinal().rangePoints([0, 920])
.domain( { return d.employee; })))
// ...

Make your "emps" group sum by cnt, like this:
emps = (d) { return d.cnt; });
That will give you the sum of the cnt field for each employee. Since you only have one record per employee, you'll just get the value of the cnt field.


Earliest Time in Datetime column PowerBI

Okay so I have a table like shown...
I want to use PowerBI to create a new column called 'First_Interaction' where it will say 'True' if this was the user's earliest entry for that day. Any entry that came in after the first entry will be set to "False".
This is what I want the column to be like...
Use the following DAX formula to create a column:
First_Interaction =
VAR __userName = 'Table'[UserName]
VAR __minDate = CALCULATE( MIN( 'Table'[Datetime] ), FILTER( 'Table', 'Table'[UserName] = __userName ) )
Return IF( 'Table'[Datetime] = __minDate, "TRUE", "FALSE" )
Power BI dosnt support less than second so your DateTime Column must be a Text value. Take that on consideration for future transformation.

how calculate difference or compare(is bigger or not) between to data(Jalali calendar)

I use two ngb-datepicker in a page, of course jalali calendar, and bind to these two model:
dateModelFrom: NgbDateStruct;
dateModelTo: NgbDateStruct;
after user select dates, i have 2 jalali date with ngb date structure:
dateModelFrom = {day: 1, month: 1, year: 1398}
dateModelTo = {day: 3, month: 1, year: 1398}
now, I need to calculate difference between two dates, and check if fromDate is less than toDate or not.
i can use ( or ( and convert these two date and then calculate, but this can not be good, I think must be shorter solution.
also i know there is NgbDateNativeAdapter service(, i try to convert to javascript Date, and then calculate, but output is same as input:
let toDay:NgbDateStruct = this._persianNgbCalendar.getToday();;
let _toDay:Date = this._ngbDateNativeAdapter.toModel(toDay);
In the documenation from ngb-datepicker you will find an example for a range picker and there is a implementation for comparing two dates. Also you can check the stackblitz for better understanding.
<ngb-datepicker #dp (select)="onDateSelection($event)" [displayMonths]="2" [dayTemplate]="t" outsideDays="hidden"></ngb-datepicker>
In your onDateSelection function you can compare two dates:
onDateSelection(date: NgbDate) {
if (!this.fromDate && !this.toDate) {
this.fromDate = date;
} else if (this.fromDate && !this.toDate && date.after(this.fromDate)) {
this.toDate = date;
} else {
this.toDate = null;
this.fromDate = date;

How to add a count number to an array of data : Doctrine

In fact, after returning a result of data from the database using Doctrine,
I'm trying to add the row count number, without calling another query request.
This is my function:
public function search(QueryBuilder $qb, string $search)
$qb = $qb->addSelect('COUNT(n) as count');
$search = $this->escape($search);
$qb->expr()->like('n.title', $qb->expr()->literal('%'.$search.'%'))
This is my DQL:
SELECT n, COUNT(n) as count FROM CoreBundle\Entity\News n LEFT JOIN n.category c WHERE n.title LIKE '%re%'
And I need to return as a result a all my data with a count key that refer to the number of rows.
The problem that I'm getting only the first row with id = 1, and it seems that the count number is correct.
So the result should by something like that:
['count' => 2 , [Newsn1,Newsn2]
Don't tell me to use array_count because I need to get the count of rows in the database, and I have a setMaxResults function, so I will not get a real number of rows.
I don't know the configuration of your table, I just can imagine. So, here's my try:
For getting counts for all titles in your table:
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles FROM newses GROUP BY title
# DQL. assuming you are using a Repository method:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('n');
->select("COUNT( AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(n.title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles")
->leftJoin('n.category', 'c')
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
For getting counts for a particular title:
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles FROM newses WHERE n.title LIKE '%news%' GROUP BY title
# NewsRepository.php
public function getTitlesCount($title)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('n');
->select("COUNT( AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(n.title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles")
->leftJoin('n.category', 'c')
->where('n.title LIKE :title')
->setParameter('title', "%{$title}%")
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();

Cassandra - CqlEngine - using collection

I want to know how I can work with collection in cqlengine
I can insert value to list but just one value so I can't append some value to my list
I want to do this:
In CQL3:
UPDATE users
SET top_places = [ 'the shire' ] + top_places WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
In CqlEngine:
TestModel.create(id=1,field1 = [2])
this code will add 2 to my list but when I insert new value it replace by old value in list.
The only help in Cqlengine :
And I want to know that how I can Read collection field by cqlengine.
Is it an dictionary in my django project? how I can use it?!!
Please help.
Looking at your example it's a list.
Given a table based on the Cassandra CQL documentation:
id text PRIMARY KEY,
game text,
players int,
scores list<int>
You have to declare model like this:
class Plays(Model):
id = columns.Text(primary_key=True)
game = columns.Text()
players = columns.Integer()
scores = columns.List(columns.Integer())
You can create a new entry like this (omitting the code how to connect):
Plays.create(id = '123-afde', game = 'quake', players = 3, scores = [1, 2, 3])
Then to update the list of scores one does:
play = Plays.objects.filter(id = '123-afde').get()
play.scores.append(20) # <- this will add a new entry at the end of the list # <- this will propagate the update to Cassandra - don't forget it
Now if you query your data with the CQL client you should see new values:
id | game | players | scores
123-afde | quake | 3 | [1, 2, 3, 20]
To get the values in python you can simply use an index of an array:
print "Length is %(len)s and 3rd element is %(val)d" %\
{ "len" : len(play.scores), "val": play.scores[2] }

sqlite - how do I get a one row result back? (luaSQLite3)

How can I get a single row result (e.g. in form of a table/array) back from a sql statement. Using Lua Sqlite (LuaSQLite3). For example this one:
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name ='myTable';
So far I note:
using "nrows"/"rows" it gives an iterator back
using "exec" it doesn't seem to give a result back(?)
Specific questions are then:
Q1 - How to get a single row (say first row) result back?
Q2 - How to get row count? (e.g. num_rows_returned = db:XXXX(sql))
In order to get a single row use the db:first_row method. Like so.
row = db:first_row("SELECT `id` FROM `table`")
In order to get the row count use the SQL COUNT statement. Like so.
row = db:first_row("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS count FROM `table`")
EDIT: Ah, sorry for that. Here are some methods that should work.
You can also use db:nrows. Like so.
rows = db:nrows("SELECT `id` FROM `table`")
row = rows[1]
We can also modify this to get the number of rows.
rows = db:nrows("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS count FROM `table`")
row = rows[1]
Here is a demo of getting the returned count:
> require "lsqlite3"
> db =":memory:"
> db:exec "create table foo (x,y,z);"
> for x in db:urows "select count(*) from foo" do print(x) end
> db:exec "insert into foo values (10,11,12);"
> for x in db:urows "select count(*) from foo" do print(x) end
Just loop over the iterator you get back from the rows or whichever function you use. Except you put a break at the end, so you only iterate once.
Getting the count is all about using SQL. You compute it with the SELECT statement:
SELECT count(*) FROM ...
This will return one row containing a single value: the number of rows in the query.
This is similar to what I'm using in my project and works well for me.
local query = "SELECT content FROM playerData WHERE name = 'myTable' LIMIT 1"
local queryResultTable = {}
local queryFunction = function(userData, numberOfColumns, columnValues, columnTitles)
for i = 1, numberOfColumns do
queryResultTable[columnTitles[i]] = columnValues[i]
db:exec(query, queryFunction)
for k,v in pairs(queryResultTable) do
You can even concatenate values into the query to place inside a generic method/function.
local query = "SELECT * FROM ZQuestionTable WHERE ConceptNumber = "..conceptNumber.." AND QuestionNumber = "..questionNumber.." LIMIT 1"
