including existing dom-element with handlebars - handlebars.js

Is there a way to include an existing dom-element through Handlebars, while being able to keep a reference to said dom-element?
to explain:
I have a jquery-element $el of which I want to include the dom-element ($el[0]) in a handlebars template.
I have some jquery code that uses $el.html("new stuff") after handlebars has included the template (again: this template contains $el[0]
The usual solution would be to rewrite the code by providing a selector so jquery can access the element. However, the code that needs to change $el doesn't know where in the template $el[0] will be used, since this is configurable. Having to specify the selector by config is possible obviously but this doesn't really feel dry to me.
So, any way to do this?

I implemented this with a handlebars helper that injects a unique id and post-render keeps a ref from uniqueid -> element to bind.
On postrender I simply find the elements with the unique-ids and update each element to it's mapped el to bind.


Check of Meteor Template has rendered

Is there a way to check if a specific Template has been rendered, other than by using Sessions, i.e. the Template is accessible for other external functions to use?
A good example is that I want to use Blaze.renderWithData, but need to know that the Template is availabel beforehand.
If you want to see if a template has been rendered, put a flag in the onRendered callback. If you don't like Session vars use a reactive var or dict & include the inverse in the onDestroyed. Store that reactive-whatever under your package object's global. As an alternative, if you know where it might be rendered to, you can use Blaze.getView on the element where it should appear and if it returns, you know you have it, e.g. Blaze.getView($('.foo')[0])
Also consider asking yourself why you can't use spacebars or embed the rendering directly in the onRendered callback. Using Blaze.renderWithData is fairly uncommon.

What is Template.myTemplate.helpers(helpers) for and why should I use it?

In Meteor, if the below is my HTML,
<template name="myTemplate">
The value is {{value}}
I can define the value in two ways
value: ->
Template.myTemplate.value =
The first way is using helpers as documented here ( whereas the second way is using the Live Template examples as defined here (
Just wondering, what is the difference between the two and when should I use one over the other?
They're exactly the same.
If you use .helpers, it actually just adds it to Template..
It depends on your coding style. You may prefer to use .helpers since it makes cleaner code if you have many helpers on the same template.
One small technically way they're different is Template.helpers adds the helpers to your Meteor app when your Meteor app starts up, whereas using the Template.helpername adds it before. So if you need to overwrite any helpers, you could use the .helpers method. The one that runs last will have the active helper.

How to reload the by iron-router in meteor?

I get the data from database randomly for my page. And I would like to add a <a> tag to link to the same page for getting another random data. However, since it does nothing if the target page is the same as the current page.
Is any better way to get the new data?
Have a look at this issue:
Basically iron-router adds events to all your a tags. Also the corresponding bit of code:
So you need to pass a selector to IronLocation that does include the a tag that does this:
E.g you could do
'linkSelector' : 'a[href][data-router="true"]'
I'm not sure what you're a tags look like. But you could either make all the ones you want to work by changing all the a tags you want to work with iron router, like above. Or change a specific a tag and exlcude it:
'linkSelector' : 'a:not([ironskip])'
Then use <a href=".." ironskip>..</a> for the route you dont want iron-router to handle.
So this way you can specify what a tags you want iron-router to touch and which ones you dont.

Preferred method for linking to stylesheets from a UserControl?

We primarily use an ASP.NET environment at work. Right now I'm building an application which uses "Modules", which is just a UserControl, with its' Javascript right in the control, and a link element to the stylesheet for that control. I want to keep it modular, and would like the style of this control to be independent from the markup/javascript.
So I'm wondering what the preferred method of doing this is? Obviously if I didn't want the "theme" functionality I'm after, I could just use style tags at the top of the control. Right now I have a link element, as I said, and this isn't proper I don't think.
Does anyone have any preferred methods, and if so, what and why?
I considered ASP.NET themes briefly, but the idea of these controls are a little different, I think.
It's basically a shopping cart system. I don't want to get into it all, but we are using a really neat security system, and we don't want to use a premade shopping cart. I'm developing a set of controls that can be dropped on a page, for instance in SiteFinity (which is the CMS system we use) or for any other project we might have. Normally I would compile these into a DLL so we get ACTUAL controls we can drag & drop from the toolbox, then I could use internal "generic" styling and allow for any additive styling someone might want, as well as supplying a few fancier styles as well.
This is the first time I've ever done this, or really the first time anyone in our shop has done this either so I'm kind of figuring it out as I go. I might be pretty far off-base, but hopefully I'm not.
Right, the idea for this is to have a "theme", which is really just a CSS file and a jQuery template. I have them named the same, and have a Theme property on the usercontrol to set it.
When these controls are finalized, I might refactor the javascript to a RegisterScriptBlock on the code-behind, but for now they just in script tags on the control itself.
What prompted this question was DebugBar for IE, giving me warnings that link elements are not allowed inside a div. I don't much care, but after thinking about it, I had no idea how to link to the css file without doing that. I considered very briefly having an 'empty' link tag on the master and then setting THAT in the code behind on Page_Load of the UserControl, but that just seems like ass.
I could use #import I guess but I think link tags are preferred, correct?
It sounds like you're rolling your own theme engine... why not use ASP.NET Themes?
If you're determined to do it yourself, here's some code from the CssFriendly project that may be of interest to you. (I think it should be ok to post the code as long as I cite where it's from.) The .css files are flagged as Embedded Resource and the code below is used to include them as needed.
string filePath = page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(type, css);
// if filePath is not empty, embedded CSS exists -- register it
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
if (!Helpers.HeadContainsLinkHref(page, filePath))
HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink();
link.Href = page.ResolveUrl(filePath);
link.Attributes["type"] = "text/css";
link.Attributes["rel"] = "stylesheet";
I think what you're supposed to do is use Page.RegisterScriptBlock to register your script blocks. Best-case you shouldn't have them inline in your ascx inside script blocks. This isn't always possible, but theoretically it's the best way.
Ideally your styles should be separate from your markup as well. Your controls can have classes and IDs, but your style is based on your application and not your controls. Controls can theoretically be used in other applications where you might want a different style.
It depends on how big your app is, and whether or not it's dependent on Themes elsewhere, IMHO.
If you're using a .skin file, or if the majority of the app is also plugged into the theme, you might as well go with the theme.
But if it's just a few styles you need, you're better off to set the stylesheet manually, keep your css file external (inline styles are a PITA and defeat one of the core purposes of css).
In either case, don't forget to set the CssClass attribute on your controls.
To be proper I would have an import.css file - structure the naming of the classes to follow your controls, and import the styles within the header of the document.
If you have a module called "30DayPricingCalc" then you could name the classes/id's:
Also if you haven't I would setup a list of generic reusable styles to save you room. Since elements will allow multiple classes per object.
Also, link tags matter a lot less now than they used to. we're well past support for IE5 generation browsers and IE6 supports the #import tag.

How do you dynamically load a CSS file into a Flex application?

I know that you can apply CSS in order to style objects in Flex using the StyleManager:
You can also load compiled CSS files (SWFs) dynamically:
However, I'm dynamically creating my CSS files using a web GUI and a server-side script.
If the CSS is changed, then the script would also need to compile the CSS into an SWF (which is not a viable option). Is there any way around this?
In this comment to an issue related to this in the Adobe bug tracker T. Busser is describing what might be a viable solution for you:
"I've created a small class that will 'parse' a CSS file read with an
HTTPService object. It takes apart the
string that is returned by the
HTTPService object, break it down into
selectors, and create a new
CSSStyleDeclaration object for each
selector that is found. Once all the
properties are assigned to the
CSSStyleDeclaration object it's added
to the StyleManager. It doesn't
perform any checks, you should make
sure the CSS file is well formed, but
it will be sufficient 99% of the time.
Stuff like #font, Embed() and
ClassReference() will hardly be used
by my customers. They do need the
ability to change colors and stuff
like that so they can easily theme the
Flex application to their house
You could either try to contact this person for their solution or alternatively maybe use the code from this as3csslib project as a basis for writing something like what they're describing.
You can also implement dynamic stylesheet in flex like this . Here i found this article :
Edit: This solution does not work. All selectors that are taken out of the parser are converted to lowercase. This may work for your application but it will probably not...
I am leaving this answer here because it may help some people looking for a solution and warn others of the limitations of this method.
See my question: "Looking for CSS parser written in AS3" for a complete discussion but I found a CSS parser hidden inside the standard libraries. Here is how you can use it:
public function extractFromStyleSheet(css:String):void {
// Create a StyleSheet Object
var styleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
// Iterate through the selector objects
var selectorNames:Array = styleSheet.styleNames;
for(var i:int=0; i<selectorNames.length; i++){
// Do something with each selector
trace("Selector: "+selelectorNames[i];
var properties:Object = styleSheet.getStyle(selectorNames[i]);
for (var property:String in properties){
// Do something with each property in the selector
trace("\t"+property+" -> "+properties[property]+"\n");
You can then apply the styles using:
cssStyle = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
cssStyle.setStyle("color", "<valid color>);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.styleManager.setStyleDeclaration("Button", cssStyle, true);
The application of CSS in Flex is handled on the server side at compilation and not on the client side at run time.
I would see two options then for you (I'm not sure how practical either are):
Use a server side script to compile your CSS as a SWF then load them dynamically.
Parse a CSS Style sheet and use the setStyle functions in flex to apply the styles. An similar example to this approach is the Flex Style Explorer where you can check out the source.
Good luck.
