How to steal a font from a site - css

I know the question itself is illegal - asking to steal someone's home. :)
Anyways, it's a situation when a developer's logic is not working actually. With Browser's Developer Tool, I got the site's CSS. I located the #font-face code inside the main.css.
Here's what I got:
#font-face {
font-family: 'the_font';
src: url("../fonts/fontname/fontname.eot");
bla bla
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
So, according to the code the font file is in a folder named "fontname" under the "fonts" folder. And from the path's direction we can guess that the font's location is:
But it's generating a 404 page.
Why NOT the path's logic is working?

Supposing the CSS file isn't bad (i.e. the font really is loaded). You may use the developper tools of your browser.
For example in Chrome : hit F12 to open the developer tools and then select the Network or Resources tab and reload the page. You'll see the font file listed.

I use multiple tools for extracting Css, depending on the website.
Specifically for fonts, this tool works amazing: FontfaceNinja - comes with 3 browser extensions to pick from.
But sometimes is not enough:
CssViewer is another option, nice design, easy to use, it extracts only the Css for the element hovered - almost the same as Chrome Developer Tools, But much more readable in my opinion. It's a Chrome extension only. Install it from here: CssViewer
The tool i use the most for this job is CSSSteal, it gives the same level of details as chrome developer tools, cascading of styles from parent to it's child - all that, but because you can easy copy and paste the Css, is much easier to use for this purpose then the default Developer Tools. Good tool for complex Css migrations.. when the fonts and other css properties override each other like crazy.. get it form here: CssSteal
Note: After installation of CssSteal, restart the browser - then make sure you open the Tab that contains the Styles (on the right) - not the Elements one - as you can see above.
Hope that helps :)

The best way so far
You can actaully do rightclick: inspect > Application (on the top tabs) > Frames (scroll on the left tabs) Then you can find a Font section where all loaded fonts are listed. It lists all that are loaded in any possible secure way.
Further more, It also previews them on the right, to make it even easier
Then you can right-click on the one you chose and click open in a new tab, and it downloads it. Then you can add a .woff at the end of the filename and use it anywhere. (you can check its extension on the bottom of the preview too)


Google Fonts look like crap in Google Chrome
I have like 3-4 Google Web Fonts going on here and it looks mint in IE/FF, but the fonts are choppy and gross in Chrome. I read you can download svg files or something onto the server? I'm using Wordpress and need step-by-step help with this because I suck.
Where do I get the files and where do I upload them to via ftp? Whats the code I use in CSS?
Thanks for all of your help :)
You don't need to use SVG if you don't want to. The fonts will never look the same across all browsers because each uses a different engine. However, you can always reset to make it look as close as possible. Here is a quick reset that you can add at the top of your css file that will solve this issue.
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
font-size: 100%;
font-weight: normal
Or you could just get a full CSS Reset, like the YUI reset, or Normalize.

Can't register style to dev-tools

I created a test extension, to change a few things and maybe add some features to Firefox built-in devtools.
I set up a basic extension, with content css and the usual files, and chrome.manifest:
content devtooltweaks content/
style chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul chrome://devtooltweaks/content/devToolStyle.css
Although I can go to "chrome://devtooltweaks/content/devToolStyle.css" and see that file exists in the browser, DOM inspector doesn't show the style applying, I can't see the stylesheet listed either. It's been a long time since I did extension development, is there a step I'm missing here? Or is it not permitted to change the built in dev tools, similar to how it's not permitted in Chrome?
It looks like the style is imported, but not shown as a stylesheet in the DOM Inspector, I also may not have been using firefox -purgecaches. It's working now.

Chrome Developer Tools: inspect prettified CSS

If you want to look at the CSS of other people's websites (to steal learn from them), Firebug lets you inspect the prettified CSS:
But in Chrome 16, you only get the minified CSS as it was served out:
Is there a way to get Chrome to prettify the CSS?
In the newer versions there is a "format" button that prettifies the source:
(only just realised myself :P )
The Developer's console shows the file as served. If you want a human-readable version, copy-paste the code to
If you use the Elements tab, the applied CSS properties are also shown per element.
I recommend Quick Source Viewer, which is an extension to chrome and requires no human copy-pasting (acts sort of like an extra chrome dev-tool).
It can show you the source of the current page formatted and colour coded.
It's pretty powerful, showing all 'sources' of the page, be it css, js or html. Even things like inline css/js can be viewed individually (with injected code highlighted). And the best part is it prettifies all of them, even the css (which chrome's dev tools still refuses to do).
You may want to checkout Pretty Print:
After installing, when you view a minified CSS or JS file, it will appear (after a moment) un-minified.

Why does #font-face only work in localhost?

I used #font-face on my new site, it works fine in localhost in both FF and Chrome. However, when I upload it to my server, I can't see the fonts in FF or Chrome. What could be some possible causes?
My website is
While debugging your site you may want to have an easier to read css script to help find some of the problems. Compression should only be done when everything works the way you intend it to.
for now you can copy/paste it on this site to see it more clearly:
I was a bit suspicious of the #media print and the later one for #page. I am not sure if those are set up properly. I would suggest concentrating on the website first by commenting out the print specifics to help you troubleshoot the web rendering problem. You may want to set up a test html page with all the various elements you wish to use and make sure they are working properly before incorporating the 3d shapes. Just make an html file and remove those classes so you can see how everything renders as a basic web page.
As Ettiene said, there are several spots where the code is setting the font for different elements to Lucida Grande and Courier. These locations are where you should be referencing your desired font name, ColThin. How you name them is important as well, check the file that was downloaded from font squirrel (if you got the font there). The html demo file that is included has some css which shows how to use the #font-face fonts:
p.style1 {font: 18px/27px 'ColaborateThinRegular', Arial, sans-serif;}
You are missing the quotation marks, so the css may not be registering the new font name. As well, setting it on html and having those other font names in the code afterwards replaces the html setting. The only name that is important is how you designate the #font-face name. You could designate it 'smashed-font' and if you reference it as 'smashed-font' it will reference the files you have designated as 'smashed-font'. 'ColThin' should be fine.
From what I can see, you have copied the font files into their correct place, but how you want to use them is not quite right.
Good use of Paul Hayes 3d experiment, BTW.
Bear in mind it may not work properly on several kinds of browsers, so have a fallback of some kind for people who are not fortunate enough to have webkit browsers, or include the alternatives such as -moz and -o and a version of the css which does not include -webkit, just in case these transformations make it into the css3 specifications.
If this is intimidating, consider it a learning experience. Polishing these mistakes through your own work will make your services that much more valuable to your potential clients.
Your font familly name may be wrong..
try this one
font-family: 'ColaborateThinRegular';
Look at the source code of the page.
Shad found the problem: "you have a rule body, button, input, select, textarea that is further down setting the font to sans serif".

how can I apply a CSS stylesheet to all page views in my Firefox browser

I would like to apply a CSS stylesheet to all page views in a Firefox browser using a menu option and be able to toggle this when required. (The functionality I want exists in IE: Tools | Internet Options | Accessibility | Format Documents Using my Stylesheet (although I think this may affect pages outside of simply IE).
You could use the file userContent.css lying within the directory named chrome in your Mozilla Firefox profiles directory. There is also an example file named userContent-example.css.
you can use Stylish, you can define global styles in firefox and ability to switch it on and off fast from Firefox.
Usage page.
Global styles, you can see code and how it is done.
There is another Firefox addon called Platypus which which adds a toolbar for editing site styles. It does require you to install Grease Monkey.
I just installed Stylish and my first impression is that is nicer than Platypus, especially when it comes to sharing your styles with others. But I'll reverse my judgment as to which I think is better when I have more time to compare them. :)
