Securing HTML in AngularJS + ASP.NET -

I've been searching about how to implement authentication/authorization in SPA's with AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API and I have one doubt. First we can implement authentication and authorization on server side with ASP.NET Identity. Then we create an Angular service to use this to authenticate a user and after that requests to Web API actions that use the Authorize attribute will be allowed.
There's still one problem. The logged in user will probably won't be allowed to access some pages of the app. Although using the app itself it won't be allowed, the HTML for the SPA is still available. If the user goes to it will render in the browser. It's really not useful I know, but still I think to be a security failure, since the user shouldn't be allowed to get this HTML from the server.
Is there a way to secure this HTML or it is simply not possible?

We discussed the same problem in our developers group. Our conclusion was not to see this as a security thread.
What you want to protect is the data that is displayed, not the static "layout" of a HTML page. As long as the WebAPI services that deliver the data are secured and only allow authorized users to retrieve the data, we are safe.
Would that suit your needs as well?

We currently use this same setup.
Since we are using Angular, we don't do much with MVC itself or the Razor engine. The only things we are really doing with Razor is rendering a layout and the basic page (usually Index()).
So my recommendation is to do the same--instead of having a page, have the user navigate to, and secure the NotAllowedController with an Authorize attribute.

Create a service for securing your Angular htmlpage
As per the these services a guest user can't access the secure pages
Angular service
angular.module('application').factory('authorizationService', function ($resource, $q, $rootScope, $location,dataFactory) {
return {
permissionCheck: function (roleCollection) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var parentPointer = this;
var user = dataFactory.getUsername();
var permission = dataFactory.getUserRole()
var isPermissionLoaded=dataFactory.getIsPermissionLoaded();
if (isPermissionLoaded) {
this.getPermission(permission, roleCollection, deferred);
else {
return deferred.promise;
getPermission: function (permission, roleCollection, deferred) {
var ifPermissionPassed = false;
angular.forEach(roleCollection, function (i,role) {
switch (role) {
case roles.ROLE_USER:
angular.forEach(permission, function (perms) {
if (perms=="ROLE_USER") {
ifPermissionPassed = true;
case roles.ROLE_ADMIN:
angular.forEach(permission, function (perms) {
if (perms=="ROLE_ADMIN") {
ifPermissionPassed = true;
ifPermissionPassed = false;
if (ifPermissionPassed==false) {
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function (next, current) {
} else {
isUserAuthorised: function () {
var isPermissionPassed = false;
var permission = dataFactory.getUserRole()
var isPermissionLoaded=dataFactory.getIsPermissionLoaded();
if (isPermissionLoaded) {
angular.forEach(permission, function (perms) {
if (perms=="ROLE_USER") {
ifPermissionPassed = true;
return isPermissionPassed;
and this code for your app.js where u mention your url and their controller
var application = angular.module('application', ['ngRoute']);
var roles = {
ROLE_USER: 0, //these are the roles which I want to secure from guest user
var routeForUnauthorizedAccess = '/login'; //if any unauthories user access the page the user will redirect on the login page
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'view/home.html',
controller: 'homepage'
}).when('/login', {
templateUrl: 'view/loginpage.html',
controller: 'login'
}).when('/signup', {
templateUrl: 'view/signup.html',
controller: 'signup'
}).when('/dashboard', {
templateUrl: 'view/dashboard.html',
controller: 'dashboard',
resolve: {
permission: function(authorizationService, $route) {
return authorizationService.permissionCheck([roles.ROLE_USER, roles.ROLE_ADMIN]);
// the last dashboard page is access by only admin and the user who logged IN


FlowRouter defaulted redirect to the landing page

I am trying to have protected routes like these: 1). loggedin user group routes 2.) admin routes, 3.) student routes, 4.) public routes. The LoggedInUser works as expected but the 2 other routes - schooladmin and students does not work as needed.
After logging in as an admin or as a student, according to the expectation the respective users should be able to go to the allowed urls but whenever, as an example, if a schooladmin admin goes to http://localhost/students it automatically redirects back to dashboard, and likewise for student. What am I to do right?
This route group allows only logged in users.
var LoggedInUser ={
name: 'currentUser', triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) {
if (Meteor.loggingIn() || Meteor.userId()) {
let currentRoute = FlowRouter.current();
if (!currentRoute.path) {
} else {
} else {
This is the route group for school admins
var schooladmin ={
name: 'schooladmins', triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) {
let currentRoute = FlowRouter.current();
if (Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), ['super-admin', 'admin'])) {
} else {
This is the route for students
var students ={
name: 'students', triggersEnter:[function (context, redirect) {
let currentRoute = FlowRouter.current();
if (Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), ['manage-team', 'student-page'])) {
} else {
Sample routes the groups are attached to
This sample route is for school admins only to access
schooladmin.route('/students', {
name: 'students', action(){
BlazeLayout.render('formrender', {formrend: 'student'});
this route is for student to access
students.route('/student/dashboard', {
name: 'students-dashboard', action(){
BlazeLayout.render('studentlayout', {studentrender: 'studentdashboard'});
The Roles package actually depends on a subscription, which means that if the subscription is not ready the Roles.userIsInRole method will always return false. And then your route fails, because FlowRouter always runs no matter what. This happens in very specific cases, but it happens and your users will notice.
Fortunately there is now a fix. We can have full control over when FlowRouter initializes.
There are 2 ways to achieve this.
Just above FlowRouter Declaration use Accounts.onLogin(function(user){}); method to check role and then redirect. (check user._id for Roles)
Click here for second solution

How to populate client-side after OAuth with built-in accounts-ui package in Meteor v1.4+?

I'm using accounts-ui and accounts-google in Meteor v1.4.1. I can't get the object to appear scoped in the client code. In particular, I need google's profile picture.
I've configured the server-side code to authenticate with Google like so:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { ServiceConfiguration } from 'meteor/service-configuration';
const services = Meteor.settings.private.oauth;
for (let service of Object.keys(services)) {
}, {
$set: {
clientId: services[service].app_id,
secret: services[service].secret,
loginStyle: "popup"
...and the client side code to configure permissions like so:
requestPermissions: {
google: ['email', 'profile']
forceApprovalPrompt: {
google: true
passwordSignupFields: 'EMAIL_ONLY'
When users click the 'Sign-In with Google' button, a pop-up appears and they can authenticate. No prompt appears, however, despite forceApprovalPrompt being set to true for google.
The big issue is that when I execute this,
const user = Meteor.user();
anywhere in client code, I do not see the expected user services information. I check my database and it is definitely there for the taking:
$ mongo localhost:27017
> db.users.find({})
> ... "services" : { "google" : { "accessToken" : ... } } ...
I'm curious what I'm missing? Should I explicitly define a publish function in order for user services data to exist in the client?
The services property is intentionally hidden on the client side for security reasons. There are a couple of approaches here :
My preferred one would be to expose a meteor method to bring you the
public keys and avatars you might need in the few places you'd need
On a successful login, you could record the data you need somewhere in the user object, but outside of the services property.
As you said, you could make a new publication which explicitly specifies which fields to retrieve and which ones to hide. You have to be careful what you publish, though.
Code Examples
Meteor methods:
// server
getProfilePicture() {
const services = Meteor.user().services;
// replace with actual profile picture property
return &&;
// client'getProfilePicture', (err, profilePicture) => {
console.log('profile picture url', profilePicture);
Update on successful user creation (you might want to have a login hook as well to reflect any avatar/picture changes in google):
// Configure what happens with profile data on user creation
Accounts.onCreateUser((options, user) => {
if (!('profile' in options)) { options.profile = {}; }
if (!('providers' in options.profile)) { options.profile.providers = {}; }
// Define additional specific profile options here
if ( { = {
user.profile = options.profile;
return user;
Publish only select data...
// Server
Meteor.publish('userData', function () {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id: this.userId }, {
fields: { other: 1, things: 1 }
} else {
// Client

Fullcalendar + Private google calendar

I m using full calendar for a web app project and I sync it with google calendar of my client, but for the moment only public calendar.
Is there any way to sync with a private calendar ?
Note : We use 0auth to identify and sync with Google account.
I think it would work with private calendar using the correct authorization.
Authorizing requests with OAuth 2.0
All requests to the Google Calendar API must be authorized by an authenticated user.
Here is a sample create by Alexandre:
<script type="text/javascript">
var clientId = '<your-client-id>';
var apiKey = '<your-api-key>';
var scopes = '';
function handleClientLoad() {
function checkAuth() {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: true}, handleAuthResult);
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize-button');
if (authResult && !authResult.error) { = 'hidden';
} else { = '';
authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick;
function handleAuthClick(event) {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false}, handleAuthResult);
return false;
// Load the API and make an API call. Display the results on the screen.
function makeApiCall() {
// Step 4: Load the Google+ API
gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3').then(function() {
// Step 5: Assemble the API request
var request ={
'calendarId': '<your-calendar-id(The>'
// Step 6: Execute the API request
request.then(function(resp) {
var eventsList = [];
var successArgs;
var successRes;
if (resp.result.error) {
reportError('Google Calendar API: ' + data.error.message, data.error.errors);
else if (resp.result.items) {
$.each(resp.result.items, function(i, entry) {
var url = entry.htmlLink;
// make the URLs for each event show times in the correct timezone
//if (timezoneArg) {
// url = injectQsComponent(url, 'ctz=' + timezoneArg);
title: entry.summary,
start: entry.start.dateTime ||, // try timed. will fall back to all-day
end: entry.end.dateTime ||, // same
url: url,
location: entry.location,
description: entry.description
// call the success handler(s) and allow it to return a new events array
successArgs = [ eventsList ].concat(, 1)); // forward other jq args
successRes = $.fullCalendar.applyAll(true, this, successArgs);
if ($.isArray(successRes)) {
return successRes;
if(eventsList.length > 0)
// Here create your calendar but the events options is :
// eventsList (Still looking for a methode that remove current event and fill with those news event without recreating the calendar.
return eventsList;
}, function(reason) {
console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
function GeneratePublicCalendar(){
// You need a normal fullcalendar with googleApi when user isn't logged
googleCalendarApiKey: '<your-key>',
<script src=""></script>
Perform Google Apps Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority
In enterprise applications you may want to programmatically access users data without any manual authorization on their part. In Google Apps domains, the domain administrator can grant to third party applications domain-wide access to its users' data — this is referred as domain-wide delegation of authority. To delegate authority this way, domain administrators can use service accounts with OAuth 2.0.
For additional detailed information, see Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications
Hope this helps!
I have tried in the backend with php, use the google php client library to get the events and then put it into fullcalendar. This way, it works.

Roles in FlowRouter is working flappy

i'm trying to redirect a user to 403 page when not authorized. I added roles 'admin', 'default-group' to CM9Cwq7HXD6yHjKRp and it's working like a charm on template level. But not working as expected on router.
My route groups are separated into 2 main group
// Public routes
var publicFlowRouter;
publicFlowRouter ={});
// Private routes
var privateFlowRouter;
privateFlowRouter ={
triggersEnter: [
function() {
var route;
if (!(Meteor.loggingIn() || Meteor.userId())) {
route = FlowRouter.current();
if ( !== 'home') {
Session.set('redirectAfterLogin', route.path);
return FlowRouter.go('home');
There isn't any problem for these routes but the problem starts with adminPrivateFlowRouter;
// Private routes extended for admin
var adminPrivateFlowRouter;
adminPrivateFlowRouter ={
triggersEnter: [
function() {
// If user is not authenticated redirect to homepage
console.log(Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'admin', 'default-group'));
if (Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'admin', 'default-group')) {
console.log('Authenticated user');
} else {
console.log('403 Access Denied');
//return FlowRouter.go('home');
is not working solid. When i refresh the samepage console says sometimes
403 Access Denied
Authenticated user
I couldn't find where the problem is, thanks
See How to make FlowRouter wait for users collection on the client
You can solve your problem manually initializing FlowRouter with FlowRouter.wait() and FlowRouter.initialize() when Roles subscription is ready.

How to make Route setting after admin to be login in Meteor

I created a collection for adminuser's enter the system.I mean I dont want to use account packet for admin side but I dont know How to make Route setting after admin to be login.I made something but it doesnt work correct,
'click #entre': function (e, template) {
var Username = template.$('#username').val();
var Password = template.$('#password').val();
var getinfo= admin.findOne({});
if (Username == " " || Password == "") {
swal("Error", "All fields must be Completed.", "error");
} else if (getinfo.username== Username && getinfo.password== Password) {
swal("Success", "Welcome admin.", "success");
Session.set("hi", true);
} else {
swal("error", "Login Informations wrong.", "error");
Router.onBeforeAction(function () {
if (!Session.get("hi")) {
} else {
Router.route('userList', function () {
Router.route('addnewuser', function () {
Note:I want to make that when admin to be login,it can reach to all pages userlist,addnewuser etc.
If I understood it properly you want to give admin rights to certain routes of yours. There are several ways to achieve this using iron:router, either by building a Controller or using Filters. I would create an Iron Router Controller to tackle that and attach it to any route that needs that kind of checks. Both Controllers and Filters are actually reusable bits of code which is what we are looking for.
Make sure you add alanning:roles to your packages list (if you haven't already) and add some admin roles to at least one of your Meteor.users() like it's shown here
Building the actual Controllers is easy.
AdminController = RouteController.extend({
onBeforeAction: function () {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.userId();
if (!!loggedInUser) {
if (!Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, 'admin')) {
// Basic redirect to the homepage
} else {
// Log them in when they are not
Router.route('/admin', {
name: 'admin',
controller: AdminController,
waitOn: function () {
// return subscriptions here
Continue to add that to any other routes you like.
