Ada code instrumentation as GNAT compilation part? - ada

I'm looking for a best way to integrate GNAT compiler with our custom code analysis/modification tools. We are using custom tools to perform different code metrics (like execution time, test coverage and etc) and even do some code obfuscation. So for example for measuring code execution time I need to insert 2 procedure calls into each function/procedure (the first one where the function starts, and the other one for each function exit). The code for these 2 procedures are implemented in a separate translation unit. What is the best way to do these code instrumentations (insert/modify code) with GNAT compiler in terms of simplicity and performance? I can think of these several ways:
Does GNAT compiler support code generation plugins of any kind? Seem's that it doesn't, but maybe I missed something while googling about it. Maybe there is a way to do it using some metaprogramming tricks (like in some modern programming languages like Nimrod and D), but I couldn't find if Ada even supports metaprogramming at all.
Looks like the ASIS library can help me out, but it is made for creating separate tools. Is it possible to integrate ASIS-based tool with GNAT? So for example to write a tool that would be loaded by GNAT during compilation, and would modify nodes in the AST before it (the AST) is about to be transformed into GIMPLE. Using the ASIS-based tool separately (for example by preprocessing each source file before passing it to compiler) may reduce compilation time, as source code will need to be parsed twice (by the tool and by the compiler) and be saved/loaded to/from some temporary location on disk.
Is it possible to get GIMPLE from GNAT compiler, modify and pass it to GCC? I couldn't find if there is a working GIMPLE front-end inside GCC, but it seems that GIMPLE is used internally only. I can dump it with GCC compiler, but I can't recompile modified GIMPLE afterwards (seems that there is no GIMPLE front-end for GCC).


No Global Contract available for procedure / function

I've got a procedure within a SPARK module that calls the standard Ada-Text_IO.Put_Line.
During proving I get the following warning warning: no Global contract available for "Put_Line".
I do already know how to add the respective data dependency contract to procedures and functions written by myself but how do I add them to a procedures / functions written by others where I can't edit the source files?
I looked through sections 5.2 and 7.4 of the Adacore SPARK 2014 user's guide but didn't found an example with a solution to my problem.
This means that the analyzer cannot "see" whether global variables might be affected when this function is called. It therefore assumes this call is not modifying anything (otherwise all other proofs could be refuted immediately). This is likely a valid assumption for your specific example, but it might not be valid on an embedded system, where a custom implementation of Put_Line might do anything.
There are two ways to convey the missing information:
verifier can examine the source code of the function. Then it can try to generate global contracts itself.
global contracts are specified explicitly, see RM 6.1.4 (
In this case, the procedure you are calling is part of the run-time system (RTS), and therefore the source is not visible, and you probably cannot/should not change it.
What to do in practice?
Suppressing warnings is almost never a good idea, especially not when you are working on something safety-critical. Usually the code has to be changed until the warning goes away, or some justification process has to start.
If you are serious about the analysis results, I recommend to not use such subprograms. If you really need output there, either write your own procedure that replaces the RTS subprogram, or ensure that the subprogram really has no side effects. This is further backed up by what Frédéric has linked: Even if the callee has no side effects, you don't know whether it raises an exception for specific inputs (e.g., very long strings).
If you are not so serious about the results, then you can consider this specific one as a warning that you could live with.
Wrapper packages for use in development of SPARK applications may be found here:
I think you just can't add Spark contracts on code you don't own, especially code from the Ada standard.
About Text_Io, I found something that may be valuable to you in the reference manual.
Another solution compared to what Martin said, according to "Building high integrity applications with Spark" book, is to create a wrapper package.
As Spark requires you to deal with Spark packages but allows you to depend on a Spark spec with an Ada body, the solution is to build a Spark package wrapping your Ada.Text_io calls.
It might be tedious as you will have to wrap possible exceptions, possibly define specific types and so on but this way, you'll be able to discharge VCs on your full Spark package.

What does Qt Quick Compiler do exactly?

What does Qt Quick Compiler do exactly? My understanding was that it "compiles" QML/JS into C++ and integrates this into the final binary/executable. So, there is no JIT compilation or any other JS-related things during runtime.
However, I saw somewhere an article that claimed that it's not like this and actually it only "bundles" QML/JS into final binary/executable, but there is still some QML/JS-related overhead during runtime.
At the documentation page there is this explanation:
.qml files as well as accompanying .js files can be translated into
intermediate C++ source code. After compilation with a traditional
compiler, the code is linked into the application binary.
What is this "intermediate C++ source code"? Why not just "C++ source code"? That confuses me, but the last statement kinda promises that yes, it is a C++ code, and after compiling it with C++ compiler you will have a binary/executable without any additional compiling/interpretation during runtime.
Is it how it actually is?
The code is of an intermediate nature because it doesn't map Javascript directly to C++. E.g. var i = 1, j = 2, k = i+j is not translated to the C++ equivalent double i = 1., j = 2., k = i+j. Instead, the code is translated to a series of operations that directly manipulate the state of the JS virtual machine. JS semantics are not something you can get for free from C++: there will be runtime costs no matter how you implement it. There is no additional compiling nor interpretation, but the virtual machine that implements the JS state still has to exist.
That's not an overhead easy to get rid of without emitting a lot mostly dead code to cover all contexts in which a given piece of code might run, or doing just-in-time compilation that you wanted to avoid. That's the primary problem with JavaScript: its semantics are such that it's generally not possible to translate it to typical imperative statically typed code that gives rise to "standard" machine code.
Your question already contains the answer.
It compiles the code into C++, that is of intermediate nature as it is not enough to have C++-Code. You need binaries. So after the compilation to C++, the files are then compiled into binaries. Those are then linked.
The statement only says: We do not compile to binary, but to C++ instead. You need to compile it into a binary with your a C++-Compiler of your choice.
The bundeling happens, if you only put it into the resources (qrc-file). Putting it into the resources does not imply that you use the compiler.
Then there is the JIT compiler, that might (on supported platforms) do a Just-in-Time-Compilation. More on this here

Julia code encapsulation. Is this a generally good idea?

Is it a common thing for Julia users to encapsulate functionality into own modules with the module keyword?
I've been looking at modules and they seem to use include more than actually using the module keyword for parts of code.
What is the better way?
Julia has 3 levels of "Places you can put code"
include'd files
packages -- which for our purposes have exactly 1 (non-sub) module.
I use to be a big fan of submodules, given I come from python.
But submodules in julia are not so good.
From my experience, code written with them tends to be annoying both from a developer, and from a user perspective.
It just don't work out cleanly.
I have ripped the submodules out of at least one of my packages, and switched to plain includes.
Python needs submodules, to help deal with its namespace -- "Namespaces are great, lets do more of those".
But because of multiple dispatch, julia does not run out of function names -- you can reuse the same name, with a different type signature, and that is fine (Good even)
In general submodules grant you separation and decoupling of each submodule from each other. But in that case, why are you not using entirely separate packages? (with a common dependency)
Things that I find go wrong with submodules:
say you had:
- module A
- module B (i.e A.B)
- type C
One would normally do using A.B
but by mistake you can do using B since B is probably in a file called B.jl in your LOAD_PATH.
If you do this, then you want to access type C.
If you had done using A.B you would end up with a type A.B.C, when you entered the statement B.C().
But if you had mistakenly done using B, then B.C() gives you the type B.C.
And this type is not compatible, with functions that (because they do the right using) expect as A.B.C.
It just gets a bit messy.
Also reload("A.B") does not work.
(however reload often doesn't work great)
Base is one of the only major chuncks of julia code that uses submodules (that I aware of). And even Base is pushed a lot of those into seperate (stdlib) packages for julia 0.7.
The short is, if you are thinking about using a submodule,
check that it isn't a habit you are bringing over from another language.
And consider if you don't just want to release another separate package.

convert JIT to EXE?

Since so there are so many JIT implementation out there, every JIT emits native code. Then why hasn't someone made a tool like JIT2EXE, to save the native code to a native executable?
The question is kind of vague as you have not clearly specified what language you are talking about, in my area of .NET, the .NET executables are pre-jitted at runtime in order to speed up the loading times. The code can be generated to native code by a process known as NGEN which takes the .NET IL code and converts it in the process of a binary in which can be understood by the processor. Usually NGEN code are stored in the folder within 'C:\Windows\Assembly\NativeImages_{version}' where the version represents the .NET Framework version. Have a look here on CodeGuru by Jeffrey Richter, about NGEN and where it could be used and when to use it. Have a look here on Codeproject about this article on the statistics/comparisons with native binary code and also here as well by Daniel Pistelli.
You mean something like ngen?
As a matter of fact, there are many Java (or other interpreted languages)-to-native compilers. Ever heard of gcj?
There are also mixed compilers that compile some critical parts to native code and keep the others as bytecode to save space. Harissa did this more than 10 years ago.
The Java code is first compiled to C code, which is then passed to the regular C compiler in order to take advantage of its optimizations. Such code can turn out to be very fast.
Of course, such ahead-of-time compilation (as opposed to just-in-time compilation) cancels some of the advantages of the bytecode form (especially portability and low memory footprint), so real-world applications are rather rare.
What you state in your question ("noone has made a tool like JIT2EXE") is not quite true:

Compiled dynamic language

I search for a programming language for which a compiler exists and that supports self modifying code. I’ve heared that Lisp supports these features, but I was wondering if there is a more C/C++/D-Like language with these features.
To clarify what I mean:
I want to be able to have in some way access to the programms code at runtime and apply any kind of changes to it, that is, removing commands, adding commands, changing them.
As if i had the AstTree of my programm. Of course i can’t have that tree in a compiled language, so it must be done different. The compile would need to translate the self-modifying commands into their binary equivalent modifications so they would work in runtime with the compiled code.
I don’t want to be dependent on an VM, thats what i meant with compiled :)
Probably there is a reason Lisp is like it is? Lisp was designed to program other languages and to compute with symbolic representations of code and data. The boundary between code and data is no longer there. This influences the design AND the implementation of a programming language.
Lisp has got its syntactical features to generate new code, translate that code and execute it. Thus pre-parsed code is also using the same data structures (symbols, lists, numbers, characters, ...) that are used for other programs, too.
Lisp knows its data at runtime - you can query everything for its type or class. Classes are objects themselves, as are functions. So these elements of the programming language and the programs also are first-class objects, they can be manipulated as such. Dynamic language has nothing to do with 'dynamic typing'.
'Dynamic language' means that the elements of the programming language (for example via meta classes and the meta-object protocol) and the program (its classes, functions, methods, slots, inheritance, ...) can be looked at runtime and can be modified at runtime.
Probably the more of these features you add to a language, the more it will look like Lisp. Since Lisp is pretty much the local maximum of a simple, dynamic, programmable programming language. If you want some of these features, then you might want to think which features of your other program language you have to give up or are willing to give up. For example for a simple code-as-data language, the whole C syntax model might not be practical.
So C-like and 'dynamic language' might not really be a good fit - the syntax is one part of the whole picture. But even the C syntax model limits us how easy we can work with a dynamic language.
C# has always allowed for self-modifying code.
C# 1 allowed you to essentially create and compile code on the fly.
C# 3 added "expression trees", which offered a limited way to dynamically generate code using an object model and abstract syntax trees.
C# 4 builds on that by incorporating support for the "Dynamic Language Runtime". This is probably as close as you are going to get to LISP-like capabilities on the .NET platform in a compiled language.
You might want to consider using C++ with LLVM for (mostly) portable code generation. You can even pull in clang as well to work in C parse trees (note that clang has incomplete support for C++ currently, but is written in C++ itself)
For example, you could write a self-modification core in C++ to interface with clang and LLVM, and the rest of the program in C. Store the parse tree for the main program alongside the self-modification code, then manipulate it with clang at runtime. Clang will let you directly manipulate the AST tree in any way, then compile it all the way down to machine code.
Keep in mind that manipulating your AST in a compiled language will always mean including a compiler (or interpreter) with your program. LLVM is just an easy option for this.
JavaScirpt + V8 (the Chrome JavaScript compiler)
JavaScript is
self-modifying (self-evaluating) (well, sort of, depending on your definition)
has a C-like syntax (again, sort of, that's the best you will get for dynamic)
And you now can compile it with V8:
"Dynamic language" is a broad term that covers a wide variety of concepts. Dynamic typing is supported by C# 4.0 which is a compiled language. Objective-C also supports some features of dynamic languages. However, none of them are even close to Lisp in terms of supporting self modifying code.
To support such a degree of dynamism and self-modifying code, you should have a full-featured compiler to call at run time; this is pretty much what an interpreter really is.
Try groovy. It's a dynamic Java-JVM based language that is compiled at runtime. It should be able to execute its own code.
Otherwise, you've always got Perl, PHP, etc... but those are not, as you suggest, C/C++/D- like languages.
I don’t want to be dependent on an VM, thats what i meant with compiled :)
If that's all you're looking for, I'd recommend Python or Ruby. They can both run on their own virtual machines and the JVM and the .Net CLR. Thus, you can choose any runtime you want. Of the two, Ruby seems to have more meta-programming facilities, but Python seems to have more mature implementations on other platforms.
