Wordpress: Trying to use update_option_optionname - wordpress

I am trying to add a tracking mechanism to my wordpress plugin. And I want to use the WP cron mechanism. So I have an options page and when users save all options I want to use a hook to remove or add the tracking to the wp cron depending of the admins choice.
But right now I am stuck.
I have:
register_setting ( 'my-settings-group', 'myplugin_tracking');
add_action ( 'update_option_myplugin_tracking', 'myplugin_schedule_tracking' );
function myplugin_schedule_tracking($old_value, $new_value)
echo "Setting is updated!";
echo $old_value;
But this does not seem to work. I also used:
add_filter ( 'update_option_myplugin_tracking', 'myplugin_schedule_tracking' );
The option is saved in a form that posts to the options.php if that matters.
What am I doing wrong? Hope somebody can help out as I cannot find much information about doing something upon updating an option!
Thank you.

Okay this seems to work after all.
register_setting ( 'my-settings-group', 'myplugin_tracking');
function myplugin_schedule_tracking($old_value, $new_value)
if ($old_value !== $new_value)
if ($new_value == '')
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'myplugin_tracking' );
elseif ($new_value == 'on' && $current_schedule == FALSE)
wp_schedule_event( time(), 'hourly', 'myplugin_tracking' );
add_filter ( 'update_option_myplugin_tracking', 'myplugin_schedule_tracking', 10, 2);
add_action ( 'myplugin_tracking', 'myplugin_tracking' );
In the function myplugin_tracking you do whatever you have to do to track.
My problem was that I did not see the echo on the screen but it did appear to work after all.
Perhaps not the best code but it may be helpful for others :-)


Remove wp-login completely

First of, I'm new to using Wordpress so please excuse me if I ask something really stupid.
I want to completely remove wp-login and the register function, I don't want users to be able to register and don't want to show the option on my blog.
I did some research on this and all i get are results that explain how to hide the wp-login or change the url, which is not what i want.
Is there a function within wordpress to completly remove this from my blog? Or do i have to remove these pages from my source code?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Untick "Anyone Can Register" in "Settings" > "General" - I think that will take care of it. If you insist on taking the form down completely then this function would completely remove the login form, and yet still provide emergency access:
add_filter( 'wp_login_errors', 'my_login_lock_down', 90, 2 );
function my_login_lock_down( $errors, $redirect_to ){
// Get to the login form using: http://example.com/wp-login.php?secretform=secretcode
$secret_key = "secretform";
$secret_password = "secretcode";
if ( !isset( $_GET[ $secret_key ] ) || $_GET[ $secret_key ] != $secret_password ) {
login_header(__('Log In'), '', $errors);
echo "</div>";
do_action( 'login_footer' );
echo "</body></html>";
return $errors;

Wordpress Plugin: Show html only on standard page and not in admin area

I'm writing a plugin and I need to display a piece of text in the WP page, but not in the admin area. How can I do so?
I tried this in the construct:
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'initPage' ) )
and then:
public function initPage() {
echo 'hello';
but the text is displayed also in the admin area. Is there a way to do this? It would be the opposite of the action admin_init I assume.
Proper way to handle it: is_admin()
if(is_admin()) { // do nothing } else {
// function you want to execute.
I solved this by adding it to a shortcode action. Like this:
add_shortcode( 'myPlugin', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) );
public function shortcode( $atts ) {
return 'hello';
With the above code, 'hello' will only display on the front-end. Not sure if that's the cleaner way to do it, but does the job.
There is no "front-end-only" version of init, however you probably don't want to be doing any output at the init action anyway.
What exactly are you trying to do? Usually, you use an action hook for specific types of things, and causing output very early at something like "init" is rare and weird.

WordPress Toolbar: NO SHOW for specific users while on index page

I would like to show the toolbar to all visitors of my site, with the exception of; not logged in users\visitors, while on the index page.
The following placed in my function file works fine for displaying the toolbar to all visitors at all times.
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_true' );
So I was hoping replacing that with something like this could meet my added conditions...
function show_bar() {
if ( ! isset( $show_admin_bar ) ) {
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && is_home() ) {
$show_admin_bar = __return_false;
} else {
$show_admin_bar = __return_true; }
$show_admin_bar = add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '$show_admin_bar' );
return $show_admin_bar;
I don't think the function is being fired (No warnings or errors, but no toolbar for visitors. ). My question is, Is there a better way to do this, if not what would it take to get this function to work?

Exclude specific post from WP-feed

I know that you can generate a feed using urls like: ?cat=3&feed=rss2
And you can switch it around to exclude the category 3 by putting a subtract sign in front: ?cat=-3&feed=rss2
But, it doesn't look like you can do the same for posts? I'm using the JW video Player and have loaded the related plugin. The related plugin can take an rss-feed (media rss) as the parameter so it can link to other videos/wordpress posts that are related.
My problem is that currently this means that the active video also appears in the related videos feed.
What would be the best solution for solving this problem? I aim to create my own rss feed generator in the future, but for now I just want to keep it simple and use the generated feeds that wordpress creates. Is there a simple way to add support for an url parameter named post for example? It could then take post=-7 to exclude post with id 7 from displaying in the feed.
Or is there better solutions for this?
You can use a function
function exclude_category($query){
if ( $query->is_home || $query->is_feed || $query->is_archive ) {
$query->set('cat', '-1');
return $query;
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category');
Instead of explaining the mechanisem - there are many plugins just for that ..
One that I know is :
Edit I
I do not know about the URL - but you can try use the
function ok9_feed_filter($query) {
if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_feed) {
$query->set('post__not_in', array(15, 6) ); // page /post id
return $query;
add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'ok9_exclude_filter' );
or this
function ok9_feed_exlude($where, $wp_query = NULL) {
global $wpdb;
if ( !$wp_query )
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->is_feed) {
// exclude post id
$where .= " AND $wpdb->posts.ID NOT IN (15, 6)";
return $where;
add_filter( 'posts_where','ok9_feed_exlude', 1, 2 );
If you do not want to use a fixed id in the function - you can always add a custom field in the posts you want to exclude , and use that in the query ..

How can I select books randomly in Now Reading wordpress plugin?

I am using 'Now Reading' plugin in a wordpress project. In plugin's sidebar template I am using this query:
while( have_books('status=read&orderby=finished&num=2') ) : the_book();
to select 2 books.
What parameter should I pass to make it random? I tried with 'order=rand' and 'rand=true' but it did not work.
Any help will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance..
A random function doesn't actually exist. I have used this code, in my themes functions.php to allow random order before - not sure if it'll work in this situation, but worth a try.
Add this to your themes functions.php file:
function query_random_posts($query) {
return query_posts($query . '&random=true');
class RandomPosts {
function orderby($orderby) {
if ( get_query_var('random') == 'true' )
return "RAND()";
return $orderby;
function register_query_var($vars) {
$vars[] = 'random';
return $vars;
add_filter( 'posts_orderby', array('RandomPosts', 'orderby') );
add_filter( 'query_vars', array('RandomPosts', 'register_query_var') );
Then try this in your sidebar file:
while( have_books('status=read&orderby=finished&num=2&random=true') ) : the_book();
If not, my only other suggestion would be to get the 10 latest books, add them all to a new array, and then shuffle that array. May be a bit bloated though.
