How to find total number of nodes in a Distributed hash table - networking

How to find total number of nodes in a Distributed hash table in efficient way?

You generally do that by estimating from a small sample of the network as enumerating all nodes of a large network is prohibitively expensive for most use-cases. And would still be inaccurate due to NAT anyway. So you have to consider that you are sampling the reachable nodes.
Assuming that nodes are randomly distributed throughout the keyspace and you have some sort of distance metric in your DHT (e.g. XOR metric in Kademlia's case) you can find the median of the distances of a sample and than calculate the keyspace size divided by the average distance between nodes times.
If you use the median you may have to compensate by some factor due to the skewedness of the distribution. but my statistics are rusty, maybe someone else can chip in on that
The result will be very noisy, so you'll want to keep enough samples around for averaging. Together with the skewed distribution and the fact that everything happens at an exponential scale (twiddle one bit to the left and the population estimate suddenly doubles or halves).
I would also suggest to only base estimates on outgoing queries that you control, not on incoming traffic, as incoming traffic may be biased by some implementation details.
Another, crude way to get rough estimates is simply extrapolating from your routing table structure, assuming it scales with the network size.
Depending on your statistics prowess you might either want to do some of the following: scientific papers describing the network, steal code from existing implementations that already do estimation or do simulations over broad ranges of population sizes - simply fitting a few million random node addresses into ram and doing some calculations on them shouldn't be too difficult.
Maybe also talk to developers of existing implementations.


COMSOL: Diffusion in Transport of Diluted Species Produces Unphysical Results

I am simulating Transport of Diluted Species inside a pipe segment in COMSOL Multiphysics. I have specified an initial concentration which produces a concentration distribution around a slice through the pipe at t=0. Moreover, I have a point probe a little bit upstream (I am using laminar flow for convection). I am plotting the concentration at this point dependent on time.
To investigate whether the model produces accurate (i.e. physically realistic) results, I am varying the diffusion coefficient D. This is where i noticed unrealistic behavior: For a large range of different diffusion coefficients, the concentration graph at the point probe does not change. This is unphysical, since e.g. higher diffusion coefficients should lead to a more spread out distribution at the point probe.
I already did a mesh refinement study and found, that the result strongly depends on mesh resolution. Therefore, I am now using the highest mesh resolution (extremely fine). Regardless, the concentration results still do not change for varying diffusion coefficients.
What could be the reason for this unphysical behavior? I already know it is not due to mesh resolution or relative tolerance of the solver.
After a lot of time spent on this simulation, I concluded that the undesired effects are indeed due to numerical diffusion, as suggested by 2b-t. Of course, it is impossible to be certain that this is actually the reason. However, I investigated pretty much any other potential culprit in the simulation - without any new insights.
To work around this issue of numerical diffusion, I switched to Particle-Based Simulation (PBS) and approximated the concentration as the normalized number of particles inside a small receiver volume. This method provides a good approximation for the concentration for large particle numbers and a small receiver volume.
By doing this, I produced results that are in very good agreement with results know from the literature.

What is the meaning of "Inf" in S_Dbw output in R commander?

I have ran clv package which consists of S_Dbw and SD validity indexes for clustering purposes in R commander. (
I evaluated my clustering results from DBSCAN, K-Means, Kohonen algorithms with S_Dbw index. but for all these three algorithms S_Dbw is "Inf".
Is it "Infinite" meaning? Why did i confront with "Inf". Is there any problem in my clustering results?
In general, when is S_Dbw index result "Inf"?
Be careful when comparing different algorithms with such an index.
The reason is that the index is pretty much an algorithm in itself. One particular clustering will necessarily be the "best" for each index. The main difference between an index and an actual clustering algorithm is that the index doesn't tell you how to find the "best" solution.
Some examples: k-means minimizes the distances from cluster members to cluster centers. Single-link hierarchical clustering will find the partition with the optimal minimum distance between partitions. Well, DBSCAN will find the partitioning of the dataset, where all density-connected points are in the same partition. As such, DBSCAN is optimal - if you use the appropriate measure.
Seriously. Do not assume that because one algorithm scores higher than another in a particular measure means that the algorithm works better. All that you find out this way is that a particular algorithm is more (cor-)related to a particular measure. Think of it as a kind of correlation between the measure and the algorithm, on a conceptual level.
Using a measure for comparing different results of the same algorithm is different. Then obviously there shouldn't be a benefit from one algorithm over itself. There might still be a similar effect with respect to parameters. For example the in-cluster distances in k-means obviously should go down when you increase k.
In fact, many of the measures are not even well-defined on DBSCAN results. Because DBSCAN has the concept of noise points, which the indexes do not AFAIK.
Do not assume that the measure will either give you an indication of what is "true" or "correct". And even less, what is useful or new. Because you should be using cluster analysis not to find a mathematical optimum of a particular measure, but to learn something new and useful about your data. Which probably is not some measure number.
Back to the indices. They usually are totally designed around k-means. From a short look at S_Dbw I have the impression that the moment one "cluster" consists of a single object (e.g. a noise object in DBSCAN), the value will become infinity - aka: undefined. It seems as if the authors of that index did not consider this corner case, but only used it on toy data sets where such situations did not arise. The R implementation can't fix this, without diverting from the original index and instead turning it into yet another index. Handling noise objects and singletons is far from trivial. I have not yet seen an index that doesn't fail in one way or another - typically, a solution such as "all objects are noise" will either score perfect, or every clustering can trivially be improved by putting each noise object to the nearest non-singleton cluster. If you want your algorithm to be able to say "this object doesn't belong to any cluster" then I do not know any appropriate index.
The IEEE floating point standard defines Inf and -Inf as positive and negative infinity respectively. It means your result was too large to represent in the given number of bits.

What are the differences between community detection algorithms in igraph?

I have a list of about 100 igraph objects with a typical object having about 700 vertices and 3500 edges.
I would like to identify groups of vertices within which ties are more likely. My plan is to then use a mixed model to predict how many within-group ties vertices have using vertex and group attributes.
Some people may want to respond to other aspects of my project, which would be great, but the thing I'm most interested in is information about functions in igraph for grouping vertices. I've come across these community detection algorithms but I'm not sure of their advantages and disadvantages, or whether some other function would be better for my case. I saw the links here as well, but they aren't specific to igraph. Thanks for your advice.
Here is a short summary about the community detection algorithms currently implemented in igraph: is a hierarchical decomposition process where edges are removed in the decreasing order of their edge betweenness scores (i.e. the number of shortest paths that pass through a given edge). This is motivated by the fact that edges connecting different groups are more likely to be contained in multiple shortest paths simply because in many cases they are the only option to go from one group to another. This method yields good results but is very slow because of the computational complexity of edge betweenness calculations and because the betweenness scores have to be re-calculated after every edge removal. Your graphs with ~700 vertices and ~3500 edges are around the upper size limit of graphs that are feasible to be analyzed with this approach. Another disadvantage is that builds a full dendrogram and does not give you any guidance about where to cut the dendrogram to obtain the final groups, so you'll have to use some other measure to decide that (e.g., the modularity score of the partitions at each level of the dendrogram). is another hierarchical approach, but it is bottom-up instead of top-down. It tries to optimize a quality function called modularity in a greedy manner. Initially, every vertex belongs to a separate community, and communities are merged iteratively such that each merge is locally optimal (i.e. yields the largest increase in the current value of modularity). The algorithm stops when it is not possible to increase the modularity any more, so it gives you a grouping as well as a dendrogram. The method is fast and it is the method that is usually tried as a first approximation because it has no parameters to tune. However, it is known to suffer from a resolution limit, i.e. communities below a given size threshold (depending on the number of nodes and edges if I remember correctly) will always be merged with neighboring communities. is an approach based on random walks. The general idea is that if you perform random walks on the graph, then the walks are more likely to stay within the same community because there are only a few edges that lead outside a given community. Walktrap runs short random walks of 3-4-5 steps (depending on one of its parameters) and uses the results of these random walks to merge separate communities in a bottom-up manner like Again, you can use the modularity score to select where to cut the dendrogram. It is a bit slower than the fast greedy approach but also a bit more accurate (according to the original publication). is an approach from statistical physics, based on the so-called Potts model. In this model, each particle (i.e. vertex) can be in one of c spin states, and the interactions between the particles (i.e. the edges of the graph) specify which pairs of vertices would prefer to stay in the same spin state and which ones prefer to have different spin states. The model is then simulated for a given number of steps, and the spin states of the particles in the end define the communities. The consequences are as follows: 1) There will never be more than c communities in the end, although you can set c to as high as 200, which is likely to be enough for your purposes. 2) There may be less than c communities in the end as some of the spin states may become empty. 3) It is not guaranteed that nodes in completely remote (or disconencted) parts of the networks have different spin states. This is more likely to be a problem for disconnected graphs only, so I would not worry about that. The method is not particularly fast and not deterministic (because of the simulation itself), but has a tunable resolution parameter that determines the cluster sizes. A variant of the spinglass method can also take into account negative links (i.e. links whose endpoints prefer to be in different communities). is a top-down hierarchical approach that optimizes the modularity function again. In each step, the graph is split into two parts in a way that the separation itself yields a significant increase in the modularity. The split is determined by evaluating the leading eigenvector of the so-called modularity matrix, and there is also a stopping condition which prevents tightly connected groups to be split further. Due to the eigenvector calculations involved, it might not work on degenerate graphs where the ARPACK eigenvector solver is unstable. On non-degenerate graphs, it is likely to yield a higher modularity score than the fast greedy method, although it is a bit slower. is a simple approach in which every node is assigned one of k labels. The method then proceeds iteratively and re-assigns labels to nodes in a way that each node takes the most frequent label of its neighbors in a synchronous manner. The method stops when the label of each node is one of the most frequent labels in its neighborhood. It is very fast but yields different results based on the initial configuration (which is decided randomly), therefore one should run the method a large number of times (say, 1000 times for a graph) and then build a consensus labeling, which could be tedious.
igraph 0.6 will also include the state-of-the-art Infomap community detection algorithm, which is based on information theoretic principles; it tries to build a grouping which provides the shortest description length for a random walk on the graph, where the description length is measured by the expected number of bits per vertex required to encode the path of a random walk.
Anyway, I would probably go with or as a first approximation and then evaluate other methods when it turns out that these two are not suitable for a particular problem for some reason.
A summary of the different community detection algorithms can be found here:
Notably, the InfoMAP algorithm is a recent newcomer that could be useful (it supports directed graphs too).

How to normalize benchmark results to obtain distribution of ratios correctly?

To give a bit of the context, I am measuring the performance of virtual machines (VMs), or systems software in general, and usually want to compare different optimizations for performance problem. Performance is measured in absolute runtime for a number of benchmarks, and usually for a number of configurations of a VM variating over used number of CPU cores, different benchmark parameters, etc. To get reliable results, each configuration is measure like 100 times. Thus, I end up with quite a number of measurements for all kind of different parameters where I am usually interested in the speedup for all of them, comparing the VM with and the VM without a certain optimization.
What I currently do is to pick one specific series of measurements. Lets say the measurements for a VM with and without optimization (VM-norm/VM-opt) running benchmark A, on 1 core.
Since I want to compare the results of the different benchmarks and number of cores, I can not use absolute runtime, but need to normalize it somehow. Thus, I pair up the 100 measurements for benchmark A on 1 core for VM-norm with the corresponding 100 measurements of VM-opt to calculate the VM-opt/VM-norm ratios.
When I do that taking the measurements just in the order I got them, I obviously have quite a high variation in my 100 resulting VM-opt/VM-norm ratios. So, I thought, ok, let's assume the variation in my measurements come from non-deterministic effects and the same effects cause variation in the same way for VM-opt and VM-norm. So, naively, it should be ok to sort the measurements before pairing them up. And, as expected, that reduces the variation of course.
However, my half-knowledge tells me that is not the best way and perhaps not even correct.
Since I am eventually interested in the distribution of those ratios, to visualize them with beanplots, a colleague suggested to use the cartesian product instead of pairing sorted measurements. That sounds like it would account better for the random nature of two arbitrary measurements paired up for comparison. But, I am still wondering what a statistician would suggest for such a problem.
In the end, I am really interested to plot the distribution of ratios with R as bean or violin plots. Simple boxplots, or just mean+stddev tell me too few about what is going on. These distributions usually point at artifacts that are produced by the complex interaction on these much to complex computers, and that's what I am interested in.
Any pointers to approaches of how to work with and how to produce such ratios in a correct way a very welcome.
PS: This is a repost, the original was posted at
I found it puzzling that you got such a minimal response on "Cross Validated". This does not seem like a specific R question, but rather a request for how to design an analysis. Perhaps the audience there thought you were asking too broad a question, but if that is the case then the [R] forum is even worse, since we generally tackle problems where data is actually provided. We deal with the requests for implementation construction in our language. I agree that violin plots are preferred to boxplots for the examination of distributions (when there is sufficient data and I am not sure that 100 samples per group makes the grade in that instance), but in any case that means the "R answer" is that you just need to refer to the proper R help page:
Further comments would require more details and preferably some data examples constructed in R. You may want to refer to the page where "great question design is outlined".
One further graphical method: If you are interested in the ratios of two paired variates but do not want to "commit" to just x/y, then you can examine them by plotting and then plotting iso-ratio lines by repeatedly using abline(a=0, b= ). I think 100 samples is pretty "thin" for doing density estimates, but there are 2d density methods if you can gather more data.

What is statistically significant latency variation?

Consider the case where I have four identical routers, A, B, C, and D, running busybox and ptpd. A and B are connected by cable 1; C and D are connected by cable 2. I have a small C program on routers A and C that sends a very small packet over UDP to the opposite router, and I use pcap to detect the times that the packet was sent, and the times it arrived at the other end, and calculate the average and deviation for a thousand of these tests.
How do I tell if these cables are different?
Obviously if one is 500μs and the other is 10ms, they're different. But what if the results for one have average 200μs with standard deviation 8, and the results for the other have average 210μs and standard deviation 10. How probable is it that they are different? What calculations should I do to test this? And, on a more technical note, what is the expected variability in latency?
I understand any intermediate switches, hubs, routers etc will add to the latency and the variability of it, but if they are directly connected by a single cable, what is a normal variance?
Edit: Just to clarify a point - this isn't just a statistics question. I can use a t-test to determine probability of difference (thanks), but I'd also like to know how much variance can normally be attributed to different qualities in the network equipment. For example, if the average of the two means are 208.4 and 208.5, I would suspect that whatever the t-test might say, the cables are the same and the difference comes from the test machines. Or am I wrong? Do cables often vary by small amounts? I don't know - What's a normal variance between latencies? What test do I need to distinguish between a difference in the cables, and the equipment? (I can't switch the cables)
First, you need a primer on statistical hypothesis testing.
Then, there are several ways to answer your question, but the most classical one is to consider that the observed latency is a real variable (let's call those T, for time) which has a non-random component explained by the behaviour of each cable (let's call those C, for cable) and a random component which you cannot explain, which may come from random fluctuations or other things you forgot to take into account (let's call those E, for error).
Then, you will make a series of observations, for cable A-B, and your model is:
T1_i = C1 + E1_i
Where you believe the contribution of the cable remains fixed and only the random variable E1 is changing.
You will also make a series of observations for cable C-D, and your model is:
T2_i = C2 + E2_i
Where you believe the contribution of the cable remains fixed and only the random variable E2 is changing.
Now, you are pretty much solved. You'll ensure all systematic influences are eliminated, so E1 and E2 are really fluctuations. Under those conditions, you can assume they are normal (Gaussian).
Using this model you can use the independent two-sample t-test to check if C1 and C2 are different to any confidence you set beforehand.
What you want is a two-sample t-test. You don't need to make any of the assumptions about typical variance that you are worried about, they are built into the test. Please find the appropriate Wiki page here. Statistically different, however, isn't necessarily the same as economically different. You can confirm that the latency times between the two routers are indeed different, but different by enough to matter? Hard to say without knowing more what about your situation, but be wary of getting too far in the statistical weeds.
I honestly don't think statistics will contribute a great deal to what you're doing here. Your cost of collecting a datum is essentially zero, and you can collect arbitrarily huge volumes of it. Fire off a few million/billion packets through each cable and then plot the latencies on two histograms with the same scale. If you can't see a difference, there probably isn't a meaningful one.
Summary statistics destroy information. There are a lot of reasons why one might want to use them anyway, but I don't think they'll be all that useful here. If you want to learn the stats, I certainly applaud that - I think statistical literacy is a fundamental skill for people who want to be able to tell when somebody is feeding them a line of bullshit. But if you just want to understand the differences in latencies between these two cables, a well-done pair of histograms will be vastly more informative.
