Issue with running commands from shell script - unix

I'm trying to copy files from a remote windows server to Unix server. I was successfully able to copy files from windows server using command prompt but when I run these commands from a script it's not working as expected.
commands used:
lcd local_dir
cd remote dir
get file_name
When I run these commands from a script the script is stopping after it connects to the remote server.
Can anybody tell me how to fix this issue.

The commands lcd to exit are sftp commands, so you cannont just write them into a script line by line but have to redirect them as sftps stdin:
# all lines till "EOF" will be redirected to sftp
sftp <<- EOF
lcd local_dir
cd remote dir
get file_name
# here you are in your shell script again, eg:


I want to get a file from windows machine to unix machine using sshapss command

whn I try to connect windows server from my unix manually I am able to get the file .
sshpass -p "passwd" sftp username#hosname:path
get filnename unipath
I tired above lines manually and I am able to pull file to my unix path .When tried executing same commands via shell script its throwing below error. Can some one help me .
SSHPASS: Failed to run command: No such file or directory

Running a shell script to a remote linux server from the local window?

I am trying to run a shell script to execute a binary on a remote linux box. Both the binary and the shell script are on my local window machine. Is there any way through which i can run the binary to the remote machine directly from windows through command line tools like PLINK?
I don't want to put the binary and the script to all the remote linux boxes which
i want them to run on,Instead I want to run the shell script which will intern invoke the binary and do the desirable functions directly through my local machine.
You can run the shell script remotely, just by piping it through ssh:
cat | ssh -T my_server
(Or whatever the windows/plink equivalent is.)
However, you can't run the binary remotely through a pipe, the file will have to exist on the remote server. You can do this by pushing the file from your windows machine to a known location on the remote server, and then editing your script to expect the file to exist in that location:
scp my_binary my_server:/tmp
cat | ssh -T my_server
And then just have your script run that binary:
Or you can write the script so that it pulls the binary file from a central location where you're hosting it:
wget -O /tmp/my_binary http://my_fileserver/my_binary
Note, if the shell script doesn't do anything else besides invoke the binary, then you don't need it. You can just fire the commands directly through ssh:
ssh -T my_server "cd /tmp && wget http://my_fileserver/my_binary && ./my_binary"
You will have to copy the binary to the remote Linux box before it can be executed. However, you could have a script on the windows machine that uses sftp to transfer the binary program to a temporary directory under /tmp before running it, so there is no manual setup required.

ssh to execute all commands in guest machine

i was created a bash script that use 2 command:
setterm -cursor off
setterm -powersave off
#execute video commands
and is in a computerA
but when i execute it by ssh by another computerB_terminal:
ssh pi#
execute video commands work correctly in the computerA (the same where is the script)
but the command setterm works in the computerB (the terminal where i execute the ssh command).
somebody can help me with solucione it?
thank you very much!
I am not sure I understood the question:
to execute a local script, but on another machine:
scp /path/to/local/script.bash pi#
and then, if it's copied correctly, execute it:
ssh pi# "chmod +x /tmp/copy_of_script.bash"
ssh pi# "bash /tmp/copy_of_script.bash"
to have the remote video (Xwindows, etc) commands appear on the originating machine:
replace : ssh with : ssh -x (to allow X-Forwarding, which will allocate a DISPLAY automatically on the remote machine that will be tunneled back to the originating machine)
for the X-forwarding to work, there are some requirements (usually ok by default, but ymmv) : read more about those requirements in this answer

nohup - dont want nohup.out but want log going to a different file on the remote server

I'm running the following command (where variables have valid values for ssh command and $file - is a .sql file).
nohup ssh -qn ${ssh_user}#${dbs} "sqlplus $dbuser/${dbpswd}#${dbname} <<ENDSQL | tee "${sql_run_output_file}".ssh.log
set echo off
set echo on
set timing on
set time on
set serveroutput on size 1000000
When I was using the above command without "nohup" before ssh command, after 1 hour or so, my connection from source server (where im running ssh) was getting an error/message "Connection reset...." and hanging my BASH shell script (which contains this ssh command in it). When, I use nohup, i dont see the connection issue.
Here's what I'm trying to get and need your help.
Change the command shown above so that the command will NOT create a nohup.out
(Did I read that I can use > instead of | tee ... and use 2>&1)
I DO NOT want to run the command giving a "&" (background)
I DO want a LOG file for the sqlplus session that's running on the target DB server via ssh command/connection (initiated from source server).
You can still lose the connection when running ssh under nohup, so it's not really a good solution. If possible, I would recommend that you copy the sql file via scp to the target server, then ssh in to the server, open a screen and run the command from there (Or run it under nohup). Is that an option?

How to redirect local ouput to stdin over ssh to remotely execute a local script?

i am trying to remotely execute a perl script that takes data from stdin, over ssh.
The tricky part is that i don't want to upload the script itself to the remote server.
The data that the remote script will read from stdin is produced by another perl script run locally.
Let's assume the following:
my local script producing data is called
my local script that will be run remotely is called
both scripts take one argument on the command line, a simple word
I manage to execute the script remotely, if the script is present on the remote machine:
./ ${SECTION} 2> /dev/null | ssh user#remote ~/path/to/remote/script/ ${SECTION}
I know also that i can run a script on a remote server without having to upload it first, using the following syntax:
ssh user#remote "perl - ${SECTION}" < ./
What i can't figure out is how to feed the local script over ssh to perl, AND also pipe the result of the local script to perl.
I tried the following, the perl script executes fine, but there is nothing to read from stdin:
./ ${SECTION} 2> /dev/null | ssh user#remote perl - ${SECTION} < ./
Do you know if it's possible to do so without modifying the scripts ?
Use the DATA file handle. In example:
Local script to be run on the remote machine:
while(<DATA>) {
print "# $_";
Then, run it as:
(cat && / ${SECTION}) | ssh $host perl
