Can anybody help explain whats causing my site to load so badly? - wordpress

I have just launched the website - built with a custom theme in wordpress.
I noticed that the page load time was stupidly slow and when I checked the results with pingdom I could see that a lot of the analysis was duplicated and I'm not sure why this is or even if it is whats causing the site to load so slowly.
I haven't yet integrated a cache plugin which I intend to do but regardless of this I cannot see why this page loads for around 24 secs.
The entire site loads properly except for the blog page -!/cEmMjD/
Server Spec:
Windows server 2008R2
IIS version 7.5
PHP version 5.3.19
Anyone got any ideas as to why this page is loading so slow?
here is the test sites result aswell for comparison -!/bw4JTo/
The only code changes have been the rewrites to the URL's
Over to you guys...

I think the issue is with a custom theme.
Try doing this steps:
Remove all active widgets
Uninstall all plugins
Check loading time - if not improved it's an issue with custom theme.
One more thing to do (to check if it's not the host issues) - activate default wordpress theme and check average loading speed, if speed is not improved try to configure your server correctly or change hosting plan or hosting provider.

Wait 21.07s (The web browser is waiting for data from the server).
The most common reason for this in the case of Apache is the usage of DNS Reversal Lookup. What this means is that the server tries to figure out what the name of your machine is, each time you make a request. This can take several seconds, and that explains why you have a long WAIT time and then a very quick load, because the matter is not about bandwidth.
The obvious solution for this is to disable hostnamelookup in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
HostnameLookups Off


Wordpress takes several minutes to load

I have a WordPress install that was running perfectly for years -
no changes or updates were made and it has started taking several minutes to load a page.
I have tried debugging via the wp-config file method, no errors can be found there.
I have tried restoring to one of the old backups that I know was working, no change.
I have tried disabling all plugins and switching themes, no change.
I have tried setting up a test page that is not WordPress and can confirm my hosting server is OK.
At this point I am at a loss as to what else I can try, does anyone have any suggestions?
When I have had similar issues, I checked the following:
The status of the MySQL database: e.g., is the database full?
The hard disk space of the server
The PHP version of the server vs the required Wordpress version. If you have made no updates on PHP but have kept Wordpress up to date, this could cause processing issues
Inefficient plugins that may not have been updated
A query is taking a long time. You can check the slow query log to see. As an example, I had an e-commerce site that was super slow, due to an inefficient query for listing the products
Check Google Pagespeed or other page speed test, to see how long the server response time is
It's not clear from your question whether 'no updates' means no plugin or core wordpress updates, or if you mean you haven't changed text / content on the site but have updated it.

Wordpress X Theme - Cloudflare Flexible SSL - Pingdom Speed Test No Longer Working?

I don't really know how to explain this. Spent the night optimizing my site ( and running multiple Pingdom Speed Tests as I changed things. I then activated Cloudflare with Flexible SSL. Website loads fine in a browser, but now I cannot use Pingdom Speed Test anymore for some reason. It accesses the site, never gets past and this displays in the screenshot it downloads:
Any ideas where to start?
it looks like your site isn't loading as your HTML contains references to HTTP assets instead of loading them over HTTPS.
My recommendation would be to install this plugin:

First GET request too slow (wordpress)

I am running a VPS with multiple wordpress installations on it. When I access my website, the first request that the browser performs is a GET request that takes about 10 seconds to complete, then the css, js files and so on start to be downloaded as fast as one could expect. That slows down my website a lot.
I am running apache2 and php5 with default configurations, plus the following plugins in use:
Wordpress ZenCache.
php's APC cache.
The websites are just landing pages with minimal templates, nothing huge. When pages are cached, the previous time can be improved up to 2 or 3 seconds as much.
I understand that many wrong things could make this happen, but could anyone expert devise a possible starting point to fix?
By the way, I had to set up some aliases and redirections with mod_alias and mod_rewrite, I would like to know if that may cause this behaviuor as well.
After following Andrew's advice, I disabled the default reverse DNS lookups in my virtual hosts configuration file by adding the option
HostnameLookups off
In addition, I disabled the use of symlinks when possible with
<Directory /> Options -FollowSymLinks </Directory>
And disabled the logs as well. Now the problem has been solved and everything works much faster now. It was not directly related to Wordpress since a simple html landing page was also suffering from this latency.

My WordPress Website loads extremely slow

I have a WordPress website and it loads extremely slow. It is on AWS and when I connect to instance and command type top everything looks fine except in cloudwatch it spikes to 100% CPU Utilization.
When I click on a link on the website the .php-fpm.bin reaches %CPU that it shows when I run the command 'top' is between 20-22% and 4 or 5 of them are running which it shows as to reach 100% and that's when clicking on only 1 link.
How can I fix this and improve load time of website.
It is currently on t1.micro, I could upgrade instance but it should work fine on this. I know a couple people who are also hosting website on t1.micro instance and it works perfectly fine. I couldn't get them to help me out with it though.
I have checked all plugins and activated and deactivated all one by one and currently only plugins required are active. There are currently no cache plugins or anything like that as I am just sorting out the settings for W3 Total Cache.
I hope someone can help me out with this please
Thanks in advance.
Try to switch to the default WP Twenty Fourteen theme and see it the loading time is better, if it is - then the problem is with your theme.
Check for meaningless functions or curl calls in theme's functions.php file (if it is warez theme). Also check your theme's style.css file and observe if you use URL of backgrounds which come from different domain or if the theme import external style-sheets with #import rule.
In my opinion, T1 micro instances are just to small for website hosts. Their performance is variable, memory low and there is no guaranteed, amount of CPU reserved for you.
This page outlines how and when AWS will purposefully reduce the performance of T1-Micro instances:
Simplest fix is to upgrade to a larger instance.
If you're using W3 Total Cache try disabling (if you've turned on) the "Object Cache" feature

PHP Code stuck in Cache [Memcached] (WordPress)

Been having a bit of a problem with my site regarding our caching method and my php code not refreshing or flushing.
To start, my site is a WordPress site on a dedicated Nginx webserver. I used W3 Total Cache for the initial caching setup. Everything was set up to cache through Memcached.
(I should note, my website is somewhat of a 'guest' on this server, which is bit of a semi-community donation semi-sponsored server that runs some other things. The admins are skilled but also volunteers. I have their full support for fixing things, but they don't have time to troubleshoot my very odd issue (especially because I asked for caching to get turned on for the site myself). If we had some hints on what to go on it would make things easier for us than taking shots in the dark ;) So any suggestions are welcomed.)
At some point we noticed that changes to php pages and Wordpress & Plugin updates were not working at all, while the code on the server reflected updates, the pages still processed through the older php code.
This presented a couple unique issues. W3 Total Cache stores it settings in php files. Other php files, when deleted, stop working, but when they are restored to the server, memcached still insists on using its ultra-old memcached copy. The W3 Total Cache settings, whether i removed or altered the settings php files, would NOT stop running everything through cached memcached data.
The server admin attempt rebooting memcached and then flushing it. Neither of those seemed to have any effect. All the other basic settings seem to be set-up correctly.
We can, of course, still add new plugins, all the data that comes from the database works just fine.
At least one other site on the server that is not wordpress also uses memcached with no issues.
Any help is appreciated, should be able to provide further information if it is needed.
Do you have apc.stat = 0 in your settings? Does restarting php engine help?
This is going to sound really obvious but you didn't mention it so:
Did you try turning off the Total Cache plugin entirely to confirm you can see the changes when caching is disabled?
Until you've done that and made sure you get the results you expect, there's no way to know that memcached is really the problem.
