Interpolation along stream network (QGIS, GRASS, PostGIS, R..) - r

I would like to inter/extrapolate values(concentration) along a stream network line. So far theoretically the best match would be rtop package in R, but somehow there is a bug and I cannot execute the example data. Do anyone has any other "ready" suggestion using any kind of OS program?
However, I tried to solve the problem in R, but I came a cross several problems.
My dataframe ( I have also shapefiles, stream network, catchments areas)
StartID | EndID | Discharge | Length | Value
First of all I would like to have inverse distance weighted interpolation (IDW), so to find the segments where I have observations and interpolate between the observations for the NA values depending on their distance between the observations.
Secondly I also would like to consider the discharge. When 2 streams join, the stream with higher discharge should have more influence on the concentration in the next segment.
I am able to look for NA values and check if there is observations upstream or downstream of the segment and weighted by discharge and take the mean:
for(i in 1:nrow(DF)) {
{ a<-merge(DF[i,], DF, by.x=c("StartID"),by.y=c("EndID"), x.all)
b<-merge(DF[i,], DF, by.x=c("EndID"),by.y=c("StartID"), x.all)
DF[i,c("Value")] <- mean((sum(a[,c("Discharge.y")]*a[,c("Value.y")])/sum(a[,c("Discharge.y")])),(sum(b[,c("Discharge.y")]*b[,c("Values.y")])/sum(b[,c("Discharge.y")])), na.rm=TRUE, trim=0)
But I think it would be better to look for the observations close to each other and interpolate for the NA values. But I really got stuck. I do not hope for ready-to-use-scripts, but I would be glad if I could get some feedback and directions.
Thanks a lot, Celia


Finding closest point between two vectors based on two dimensions

I have two matrices with large amounts of gps data:
User Based GPS Data for each user i ((Latitude_i, Longitude_i), ...)) ~ 12 Mio GPS Coordinates
Store Based GPS Data for each store j ((Latitude_j, Longitude_j), ..)) ~ 15 k GPS Coordinates
What I need ultimately is the closest store j (from 2.) for each user i (from 1.).
The brut force (but computationally not feasible) solution would be, to calculate the geographical distance between each user i (from 1.) and each store j from (2.) and then take the lowest distance.
Since this would result in a 12 Mio x 15 k matrix and I do not have access to a Big Data infrastructure, this is not really working for me.
So I am looking for smart solutions right now.
What crossed my mind so far, was the idea of finding the simple numerically closest point between each user i (1.) and each store j (2.)
using apply and which.min(abs(lat_i-lat_j) + abs(long_i + long_j))
and then calculate the geographical distance between these two points.
However, the challenge here is that I need a function that minimizes the overall difference, consisting of two points and the above solution doesnt seem to work.
Any help is very much appreciated!!

Time Series Clustering in R

I have two time series- a baseline (x) and one with an event (y). I'd like to cluster based on dissimilarity of these two time series. Specifically, I'm hoping to create new features to predict the event. I'm much more familiar with clustering, but fairly new to time series.
I've tried a few different things with a limited understanding...
Simulating data...
This package seems awesome but there is limited information available on SO or Google.
d<-diss.ACF(x, y)
the value of d is
[1,] 0.07173596
I then move on to clustering...
hc <- hclust(d)
but I get the following error:
Error in if ( || n > 65536L) stop("size cannot be NA nor exceed 65536") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
My assumption is this error is because I only have one value in d.
Alternatively, I've tried the following on a single timeseries (the event).
distMatrix <- dist(y, method="DTW")
hc <- hclust(y, method="complete")
but it takes FOREVER to run the distance Matrix.
I have a couple of guesses at what is going wrong, but could use some guidance.
My questions...
Do I need a set of baseline and a set of event time series? Or is one pairing ok to start?
My time series are quite large (100000 rows). I'm guessing this is causing the SLOW distMatrix calculation. Thoughts on this?
Any resources on applied clustering on large time series are welcome. I've done a pretty thorough search, but I'm sure there are things I haven't found.
Is this the code you would use to accomplish these goals?

Summarized huge data, How to handle it with R?

I am working on EBS, Forex market Limit Order Book(LOB): here is an example of LOB in a 100 millisecond time slice:
datetime|side(0=Bid,1=Ask)| distance(1:best price, 2: 2nd best, etc.)| price
2008/01/28,09:11:28.500,0,1,1.6065 (I skip the rest)
To summarize the data, They have two rules(I have changed it a bit for simplicity):
If there is no change in LOB in Bid or Ask side, they will not record that side. Look at the last line of the data, millisecond was 000 and now is 500 which means there was no change at LOB in either side for 100, 200, 300 and 400 milliseconds(but those information are important for any calculation).
The last price (only the last) is removed from a given side of the order book. In this case, a single record with nothing in the price field. Again there will be no record for whole LOB at that time.
I want to calculate minAsk-maxBid(1.6067-1.6066) or weighted average price (using sizes of all distances as weights, there is size column in my real data). I want to do for my whole data. But as you see the data has been summarized and this is not routine. I have written a code to produce the whole data (not just summary). This is fine for small data set but for a large one I am creating a huge file. I was wondering if you have any tips how to handle the data? How to fill the gaps while it is efficient.
You did not give a great reproducible example so this will be pseudo/untested code. Read the docs carefully and make adjustments as needed.
I'd suggest you first filter and split your data into two data.frames: <- subset(data, side == 0 & distance == 1)
best.ask <- subset(data, side == 1 & distance == 1)
Then, for each of these two data.frames, use findInterval to compute the corresponding best ask or best bid:$ask <- best.ask$price[findInterval($time, best.ask$time)]
best.ask$bid <-$price[findInterval(best.ask$time,$time)]
(for this to work you might have to transform date/time into a linear measure, e.g. time in seconds since market opening.)
Then it should be easy:
min.spread <- min(c($ask -$price,
best.ask$bid - best.ask$price))
I'm not sure I understand the end of day particularity but I bet you could just compute the spread at market close and add it to the final min call.
For the weighted average prices, use the same idea but instead of the two and best.ask data.frames, you should start with two and weighted.avg.ask data.frames.

Calculate percentage over time on very large data frames

I'm new to R and my problem is I know what I need to do, just not how to do it in R. I have an very large data frame from a web services load test, ~20M observations. I has the following variables:
epochtime, uri, cache (hit or miss)
I'm thinking I need to do a coule of things. I need to subset my data frame for the top 50 distinct URIs then for each observation in each subset calculate the % cache hit at that point in time. The end goal is a plot of cache hit/miss % over time by URI
I have read, and am still reading various posts here on this topic but R is pretty new and I have a deadline. I'd appreciate any help I can get
I can't provide exact data but it looks like this, its at least 20M observations I'm retrieving from a Mongo database. Time is epoch and we're recording many thousands per second so time has a lot of dupes, thats expected. There could be more than 50 uri, I only care about the top 50. The end result would be a line plot over time of % TCP_HIT to the total occurrences by URI. Hope thats clearer
time uri action
1355683900 /some/uri TCP_HIT
1355683900 /some/other/uri TCP_HIT
1355683905 /some/other/uri TCP_MISS
1355683906 /some/uri TCP_MISS
You are looking for the aggregate function.
Call your data frame u:
> u
time uri action
1 1355683900 /some/uri TCP_HIT
2 1355683900 /some/other/uri TCP_HIT
3 1355683905 /some/other/uri TCP_MISS
4 1355683906 /some/uri TCP_MISS
Here is the ratio of hits for a subset (using the order of factor levels, TCP_HIT=1, TCP_MISS=2 as alphabetical order is used by default), with ten-second intervals:
ratio <- function(u) aggregate(u$action ~ u$time %/% 10,
FUN=function(x) sum((2-as.numeric(x))/length(x)))
Now use lapply to get the final result:
function(l) list(uri=levels(u$uri)[l],
hits=ratio(u[as.numeric(u$uri) == l,])))
[1] "/some/other/uri"
u$time%/%10 u$action
1 135568390 0.5
[1] "/some/uri"
u$time%/%10 u$action
1 135568390 0.5
Or otherwise filter the data frame by URI before computing the ratio.
#MatthewLundberg's code is the right idea. Specifically, you want something that utilizes the split-apply-combine strategy.
Given the size of your data, though, I'd take a look at the data.table package.
You can see why visually here--data.table is just faster.
Thought it would be useful to share my solution to the plotting part of them problem.
My R "noobness" my shine here but this is what I came up with. It makes a basic line plot. Its plotting the actual value, I haven't done any conversions.
for ( i in 1:length(h)) {
name <- unlist(h[[i]][1])
dftemp <-,h[[i]][2]))
names(dftemp) <- c("time", "cache")
plot(dftemp$time,dftemp$cache, type="o")

How to extract Mean Square of each group of entry?

Sorry, I am very weak in using R but very interested in it!
Description of my data: I am having raw data collected from a lattice design (4 reps, 44 blocks, 5 plot per block). 220 entries were used, they are classified in three groups with (FS=200 entries; PC=6 entries and TC=14 entries)!
I would like to get the simple mean and the Mean Square of each group (FS, PC and TC) and the Mean square of the error?
Look forward your kind help,
I think you could go a long way with the aggregate function, like
aggregate(Data$Values, list(Data$Groups), FUN=mean)
for your mean etc.
