I come from a functional programming background and think first about recursive solutions to problems rather than iterative ones. I'm starting to work with Rebol a bit (specifically R3) and have written a solution to the primefactor kata using a tail-recursive function with an accumulator. But with any sufficiently large input I blow the stack. I have a script for Rebol2 called "tail-func.r" which implements a version of tail-call optimization that AFAIK has not been ported to R3. I know that Rebol 3 implements things differently than R2 in many cases, so is there a way to get TCO in Rebol 3 without any extra code? If not, is there a simpler way to get it without porting the old script?
Edited to add my code:
primefactors: function [n m factors] [
either n > 1
[ either (modulo n m) == 0
[ primefactors (n / m) m (append factors m) ]
[ primefactors n (m + 1) factors ] ]
[ factors ]
primefactors 30 2 (copy []) => [2 3 5]
Not without code, sorry. Rebol isn't compiled, so there's no way to know ahead of time exactly what constitutes a tail call. Even calls to the return function propagate back up the call stack, quickly but not by a goto.
IIRC the author of tail-func works on Rebol 3 now, and whether or not he does it should be easy to port over. Now that you mention it I'll take a look. Function generators and preprocessors are easy to do in Rebol.
Consider the following code in python:
f = lambda x: x
f = lambda x: f(x)+1
Python throws an "infinite loop" error while running the last line, which is clear in the way that it interprets the second line as a recursive formula for f.
But the second line seems resonable if one substitutes the 'value' of f in the right side, and then assigns the resulting function to f (in the left).
Does there exists a straightforward way for fixing this error in python (or another language which can work with functions) via lambda calculus operations?
I asked this question just for curiosity to know much more about functional languages, but it seems to me that the answer helps to produce loop calculations on functions!
Sure. In Lisp/Scheme family, you can use let* for this purpose:
(let* ((f (lambda (x) x))
(f (lambda (x) (+ (f x) 1))))
(display (f 1)))
Note that you'll find Scheme syntax to be much closer to lambda-calculus, aside from the prefix notation. The let* construct sequentially defines names, allowing the fist name to be used in the body of the second, even if you "shadow" it.
In Python, you'll have to name the functions separately, something like this:
f0 = lambda x: x
f1 = lambda x: f0(x) + 1
If you want to study lambda-calculus, especially the untyped kind, Scheme is your best choice as most lambda-calculus constructs will map directly to it, modulo the prefix syntax. For typed lambda-calculus, a good choice would be a language like Haskell. I personally wouldn't use Python to study functional programming, as it conflates the two styles in ways that will prove to be a hindrance; though of course it's doable.
The Third Commandment of The Little Schemer states:
When building a list, describe the first typical element, and then cons it onto the natural recursion.
What is the exact definition of "natural recursion"? The reason why I am asking is because I am taking a class on programming language principles by Daniel Friedman and the following code is not considered "naturally recursive":
(define (plus x y)
(if (zero? y) x
(plus (add1 x) (sub1 y))))
However, the following code is considered "naturally recursive":
(define (plus x y)
(if (zero? y) x
(add1 (plus x (sub1 y)))))
I prefer the "unnaturally recursive" code because it is tail recursive. However, such code is considered anathema. When I asked as to why we shouldn't write the function in tail recursive form then the associate instructor simply replied, "You don't mess with the natural recursion."
What's the advantage of writing the function in the "naturally recursive" form?
"Natural" (or just "Structural") recursion is the best way to start teaching students about recursion. This is because it has the wonderful guarantee that Joshua Taylor points out: it's guaranteed to terminate[*]. Students have a hard enough time wrapping their heads around this kind of program that making this a "rule" can save them a huge amount of head-against-wall-banging.
When you choose to leave the realm of structural recursion, you (the programmer) have taken on an additional responsibility, which is to ensure that your program halts on all inputs; it's one more thing to think about & prove.
In your case, it's a bit more subtle. You have two arguments, and you're making structurally recursive calls on the second one. In fact, with this observation (program is structurally recursive on argument 2), I would argue that your original program is pretty much just as legitimate as the non-tail-calling one, since it inherits the same proof-of-convergence. Ask Dan about this; I'd be interested to hear what he has to say.
[*] To be precise here you have to legislate out all kinds of other goofy stuff like calls to other functions that don't terminate, etc.
The natural recursion has to do with the "natural", recursive definition of the type you are dealing with. Here, you are working with natural numbers; since "obviously" a natural number is either zero or the successor of another natural number, when you want to build a natural number, you naturally output 0 or (add1 z) for some other natural z which happens to be computed recursively.
The teacher probably wants you to make the link between recursive type definitions and recursive processing of values of that type. You would not have the kind of problem you have with numbers if you tried to process trees or lists, because you routinely use natural numbers in "unnatural ways" and thus, you might have natural objections thinking in terms of Church numerals.
The fact that you already know how to write tail-recursive functions is irrelevant in that context: this is apparently not the objective of your teacher to talk about tail-call optimizations, at least for now.
The associate instructor was not very helpful at first ("messing with natural recursion" sounds as "don't ask"), but the detailed explanation he/she gave in the snapshot you gave was more appropriate.
(define (plus x y)
(if (zero? y) x
(add1 (plus x (sub1 y)))))
When y != 0 it has to remember that once the result of (plus x (sub1 y)) is known, it has to compute add1 on it. Hence when y reaches zero, the recursion is at its deepest. Now the backtracking phase begins and the add1's are executed. This process can be observed using trace.
I did the trace for :
(require racket/trace)
(define (add1 x) ...)
(define (sub1 x) ...)
(define (plus x y) ...)
(trace plus)
(plus 2 3)
Here's the trace :
>(plus 2 3)
> (plus 2 2)
> >(plus 2 1)
> > (plus 2 0) // Deepest point of recursion
< < 2 // Backtracking begins, performing add1 on the results
< <3
< 4
5 // Result
The difference is that the other version has no backtracking phase. It is calling itself for a few times but it is iterative, because it is remembering intermediate results (passed as arguments). Hence the process is not consuming extra space.
Sometimes implementing a tail-recursive procedure is easier or more elegant then writing it's iterative equivalent. But for some purposes you can not/may not implement it in a recursive way.
PS : I had a class which was covering a bit about garbage collection algorithms. Such algorithms may not be recursive as there may be no space left, hence having no space for the recursion. I remember an algorithm called "Deutsch-Schorr-Waite" which was really hard to understand at first. First he implemented the recursive version just to understand the concept, afterwards he wrote the iterative version (hence manually having to remember from where in memory he came), believe me the recursive one was way easier but could not be used in practice...
According to Learn you some Erlang :
Pretty much any function you can think of that reduces lists to 1 element can be expressed as a fold. [...]
This means fold is universal in the sense that you can implement pretty much any other recursive function on lists with a fold
My first thought when writing a function that takes a lists and reduces it to 1 element is to use recursion.
What are the guidelines that should help me decide whether to use recursion or a fold?
Is this a stylistic consideration or are there other factors as well (performance, readability, etc.)?
I personally prefer recursion over fold in Erlang (contrary to other languages e.g. Haskell). I don't see fold more readable than recursion. For example:
fsum(L) -> lists:foldl(fun(X,S) -> S+X end, 0, L).
fsum(L) ->
F = fun(X,S) -> S+X end,
lists:foldl(F, 0, L).
rsum(L) -> rsum(L, 0).
rsum([], S) -> S;
rsum([H|T], S) -> rsum(T, H+S).
Seems more code but it is pretty straightforward and idiomatic Erlang. Using fold requires less code but the difference becomes smaller and smaller with more payload. Imagine we want a filter and map odd values to their square.
lcfoo(L) -> [ X*X || X<-L, X band 1 =:= 1].
fmfoo(L) ->
lists:map(fun(X) -> X*X end,
lists:filter(fun(X) when X band 1 =:= 1 -> true; (_) -> false end, L)).
ffoo(L) -> lists:foldr(
fun(X, A) when X band 1 =:= 1 -> [X|A];
(_, A) -> A end,
[], L).
rfoo([]) -> [];
rfoo([H|T]) when H band 1 =:= 1 -> [H*H | rfoo(T)];
rfoo([_|T]) -> rfoo(T).
Here list comprehension wins but recursive function is in the second place and fold version is ugly and less readable.
And finally, it is not true that fold is faster than recursive version especially when compiled to native (HiPE) code.
I add a fold version with fun in variable as requested:
ffoo2(L) ->
F = fun(X, A) when X band 1 =:= 1 -> [X|A];
(_, A) -> A
lists:foldr(F, [], L).
I don't see how it is more readable than rfoo/1 and I found especially an accumulator manipulation more complicated and less obvious than direct recursion. It is even longer code.
folds are usually both more readable (since everybody know what they do) and faster due to optimized implementations in the runtime (especially foldl which always should be tail recursive). It's worth noting that they are only a constant factor faster, not on another order, so it's usually premature optimization if you find yourself considering one over the other for performance reasons.
Use standard recursion when you do fancy things, such as working on more than one element at a time, splitting into multiple processes and similar, and stick to higher-order functions (fold, map, ...) when they already do what you want.
I expect fold is done recursively, so you may want to look at trying to implement some of the various list functions, such as map or filter, with fold, and see how useful it can be.
Otherwise, if you are doing this recursively you may be re-implementing fold, basically.
Learn to use what comes with the language, is my thought.
This discussion on foldl and recursion is interesting:
Easy way to break foldl
If you look at the first paragraph in this introduction (you may want to read all of it), he states better than I did.
Old thread but my experience is that fold works slower than a recursive function.
I'm new to Clojure and I think my approach to writing code so far is not in line with the "Way of Clojure". At least, I keep writing functions that keep leading to StackOverflow errors with large values. I've learned about using recur which has been a good step forward. But, how to make functions like the one below work for values like 2500000?
(defn fib [i]
(if (>= 2 i)
(+ (fib (dec i))
(fib (- i 2)))))
The function is, to my eyes, the "plain" implementation of a Fibonacci generator. I've seen other implementations that are much more optimized, but less obvious in terms of what they do. I.e. when you read the function definition, you don't go "oh, fibonacci".
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
You need to have a mental model of how your function works. Let's say that you execute your function yourself, using scraps of paper for each invocation. First scrap, you write (fib 250000), then you see "oh, I need to calculate (fib 249999) and (fib 249998) and finally add them", so you note that and start two new scraps. You can't throw away the first, because it still has things to do for you when you finish the other calculations. You can imagine that this calculation will need a lot of scraps.
Another way is not to start at the top, but at the bottom. How would you do this by hand? You would start with the first numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 …, and then always add the last two, until you have done it i times. You can even throw away all numbers except the last two at each step, so you can re-use most scraps.
(defn fib [i]
(loop [a 0
b 1
n 1]
(if (>= n i)
(recur b
(+ a b)
(inc n)))))
This is also a fairly obvious implementation, but of the how to, not of the what. It always seems quite elegant when you can simply write down a definition and it gets automatically transformed into an efficient calculation, but programming is that transformation. If something gets transformed automatically, then this particular problem has already been solved (often in a more general way).
Thinking "how would I do this step by step on paper" often leads to a good implementaion.
A Fibonacci generator implemented in a "plain" way, as in the definition of the sequence, will always blow your stack up. Neither of two recursive calls to fib are tail recursive, such definition cannot be optimised.
Unfortunately, if you'd like to write an efficient implementation working for big numbers you'll have to accept the fact that mathematical notation doesn't translate to code as cleanly as we'd like it to.
For instance, a non-recursive implementation can be found in clojure.contrib.lazy-seqs. A whole range of various approaches to this problem can be found on Haskell wiki. It shouldn't be difficult to understand with knowledge of basics of functional programming.
;;from "The Pragmatic Programmers Programming Clojure"
(defn fib [] (map first (iterate (fn [[a b]][b (+ a b)])[0N 1N])))
(nth (fib) 2500000)
Fold (aka reduce) is considered a very important higher order function. Map can be expressed in terms of fold (see here). But it sounds more academical than practical to me. A typical use could be to get the sum, or product, or maximum of numbers, but these functions usually accept any number of arguments. So why write (fold + 0 '(2 3 5)) when (+ 2 3 5) works fine. My question is, in what situation is it easiest or most natural to use fold?
The point of fold is that it's more abstract. It's not that you can do things that you couldn't before, it's that you can do them more easily.
Using a fold, you can generalize any function that is defined on two elements to apply to an arbitrary number of elements. This is a win because it's usually much easier to write, test, maintain and modify a single function that applies two arguments than to a list. And it's always easier to write, test, maintain, etc. one simple function instead of two with similar-but-not-quite functionality.
Since fold (and for that matter, map, filter, and friends) have well-defined behaviour, it's often much easier to understand code using these functions than explicit recursion.
Basically, once you have the one version, you get the other "for free". Ultimately, you end up doing less work to get the same result.
Here are a few simple examples where reduce works really well.
Find the sum of the maximum values of each sub-list
user=> (def x '((1 2 3) (4 5) (0 9 1)))
user=> (reduce #(+ %1 (apply max %2)) 0 x)
> (define x '((1 2 3) (4 5) (0 9 1)))
> (foldl (lambda (a b) (+ b (apply max a))) 0 x)
Construct a map from a list
user=> (def y '(("dog" "bark") ("cat" "meow") ("pig" "oink")))
user=> (def z (reduce #(assoc %1 (first %2) (second %2)) {} y))
user=> (z "pig")
For a more complicated clojure example featuring reduce, check out my solution to Project Euler problems 18 & 67.
See also: reduce vs. apply
In Common Lisp functions don't accept any number of arguments.
There is a constant defined in every Common Lisp implementation CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT, which must be 50 or larger.
This means that any such portably written function should accept at least 50 arguments. But it could be just 50.
This limit exists to allow compilers to possibly use optimized calling schemes and to not provide the general case, where an unlimited number of arguments could be passed.
Thus to really process large (larger than 50 elements) lists or vectors in portable Common Lisp code, it is necessary to use iteration constructs, reduce, map, and similar. Thus it is also necessary to not use (apply '+ large-list) but use (reduce '+ large-list).
Code using fold is usually awkward to read. That's why people prefer map, filter, exists, sum, and so on—when available. These days I'm primarily writing compilers and interpreters; here's some ways I use fold:
Compute the set of free variables for a function, expression, or type
Add a function's parameters to the symbol table, e.g., for type checking
Accumulate the collection of all sensible error messages generated from a sequence of definitions
Add all the predefined classes to a Smalltalk interpreter at boot time
What all these uses have in common is that they're accumulating information about a sequence into some kind of set or dictionary. Eminently practical.
Your example (+ 2 3 4) only works because you know the number of arguments beforehand. Folds work on lists the size of which can vary.
fold/reduce is the general version of the "cdr-ing down a list" pattern. Each algorithm that's about processing every element of a sequence in order and computing some return value from that can be expressed with it. It's basically the functional version of the foreach loop.
Here's an example that nobody else mentioned yet.
By using a function with a small, well-defined interface like "fold", you can replace that implementation without breaking the programs that use it. You could, for example, make a distributed version that runs on thousands of PCs, so a sorting algorithm that used it would become a distributed sort, and so on. Your programs become more robust, simpler, and faster.
Your example is a trivial one: + already takes any number of arguments, runs quickly in little memory, and has already been written and debugged by whoever wrote your compiler. Those properties are not often true of algorithms I need to run.