subset indexing in r - r

I have a dataframe ma
it has a factor called type
type is comprised of the following factors: I210, I210plus, I210plusc, KV2c, KV2cplus
I'd like to put some of these factors in a vector, say, selected_types
so, selected_types<-c("I210plusc","KV2c")
then, have this command subset the dataframe ma
ma1<-subset(ma, type==selected_types)
such that ma1 would be a subset of ma consisting of only the observations that had
type I210plusc and KV2c
however, when I do this, the number of observations in the resulting dataframe ma1 is less than the sum of the occurrences of the two types in selected_types from the original ma
Any ideas on what I'm doing incorrectly?
Thank you

I originally had this in a comment, but it's a bit lengthy, plus I wanted to add to it. Here some details on what's happening:
what you're doing with == is recycling your two length vector, so that every even row is compared to "KV2c", and every odd one to "I210plusc", so your final result will be the data frame of odd rows that are "KV2c" and even rows that are "I210plusc".
An alternate solution that might make the issue clear is as follows:
subset(ma, type == selected_types[[1]] | type == selected_types[[2]])
Or, more gracefully:
subset(ma, type %in% selected_types)
The %in% operator returns a logical vector of same length as type with TRUE for every position in type that "is in" selected_types (hence the name of the operator).


R mean of one column based on another [duplicate]

I have a dataset named bwght which contains the variable cigs (cigarattes smoked per day)
When I calculate the mean of cigs in the dataset bwght using:
mean(bwght$cigs), I get a number 2.08.
Only 212 of the 1388 women in the sample smoke (and 1176 does not smoke):
summary(bwght$cigs>0) gives the result:
logical 1176 212 0
I'm asked to find the average of cigs among the women who smoke (the 212).
I'm having a hard time finding the right syntax for excluding the non smokers = 0
I have tried:
mean(bwght$cigs| bwght$cigs>0)
mean(bwght$cigs>0 | bwght$cigs=TRUE)
if (bwght$cigs > 0){
x <-as.numeric(bwght$cigs, rm="0");
But nothing seems to work! Can anyone please help me??
If you want to exclude the non-smokers, you have a few options. The easiest is probably this:
With a data frame, the first variable is the row and the next is the column. So, you can subset using dataframe[1,2] to get the first row, second column. You can also use logic in the row selection. By using bwght$cigs>0 as the first element, you are subsetting to only have the rows where cigs is not zero.
Your other ones didn't work for the following reasons:
mean(bwght$cigs| bwght$cigs>0)
This is effectively a logical comparison. You're asking for the TRUE / FALSE result of bwght$cigs OR bwght$cigs>0, and then taking the mean on it. I'm not totally sure, but I think R can't even take data typed as logical for the mean() function.
mean(bwght$cigs>0 | bwght$cigs=TRUE)
Same problem. You use the | sign, which returns a logical, and R is trying to take the mean of logicals.
if(bwght$cigs > 0){sum(bwght$cigs)}
By any chance, were you a SAS programmer originally? This looks like how I used to type at first. Basically, if() doesn't work the same way in R as it does in SAS. In that example, you are using bwght$cigs > 0 as the if condition, which won't work because R will only look at the first element of the vector resulting from bwght$cigs > 0. R handles looping differently from SAS - check out functions like lapply, tapply, and so on.
x <-as.numeric(bwght$cigs, rm="0")
I honestly don't know what this would do. It might work if rm="0" didn't have quotes...?
I found the statement failed, returning "argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA"
Converting to matrix solved this:

R programming- adding column in dataset error$new.d[2:nrow(] <- tail($deaths, -1) - head($deaths, -1) # this line of code works
I wanted to know why do we -1 in the tail and -1 in head to create this new column.
I made an effort to understand by removing the -1 and "R"(The code is in R studio) throws me this error.
Could anyone shed some light on this? I can't explain how much I would appreciate it.
Look at what is being done. On the left-hand side of the assignment operator, we have:$new.d[2:nrow(] <-
Let's pick this apart. # This is the data.frame
$new.d # a new column to assign or a column to reassign
[2:nrow(] # the rows which we are going to assign
Specifically, this line of code will assign a new value all rows of this column except the first. Why would we want to do that? We don't have your data, but from your example, it looks like you want to calculate the change from one line to the next. That calculation is invalid for the first row (no previous row).
Now let's look at the right-hand side.
<- tail($deaths, -1) - head($deaths, -1)
The$deaths column has the same number of rows as the data.frame. R gets grouchy when the numbers of elements don't follow sum rules. For data.frames, the right-hand side needs to have the same number of elements, or a number that can be recycled a whole-number of times. For example, if you have 10 rows, you need to have a replacement of 10 values. Or you can have 5 values that R will recycle.
If your data.frame has 100 rows, only 99 are being replaced in this operation. You cannot feed 100 values into an operation that expects 99. We need to trim the data. Let's look at what is happening. The tail() function has the usage tail(x, n), where it returns the last n values of x. If n is a negative integer, tail() returns all values but the first n. The head() function works similarly.
tail($deaths, -1) # This returns all values but the first
head($deaths, -1) # This returns all values but the last
This makes sense for your calculation. You cannot subtract the number of deaths in the row before the first row from the number in the first row, nor can you subtract the number of deaths in the last row from the number in the row after the last row. There are more intuitive ways to do this thing using functions from other packages, but this gets the job done.

R: Assigning value to a matrix with variable name

I'm struggling to remove a row in a matrix, where this matrix's name is "unknown". What I mean by "unknown" is that there are several matrices, and the last 3 characters of each matrix's name is different.
An example would make this a lot clearer I think.
Say I have 3 matrices, Trades_ABC, Trades_DEF, Trades_HIJ. Each of these matrices has x rows and 5 columns.
I currently have the following code:
for (k in 1:3)
next k
Where "sellLeg" is one of "ABC","DEF","HIJ"
In this code I am trying to change the value of the first element in each of the three matrices to some number, represented by "1", as an example. In reality, I'm not so much looking to CHANGE a value as I am looking to REMOVE a row, but my main problem is that I don't know how to assign a value to a matrix with an "unknown" name (once I can do this I should be able to remove a row)
Many thanks!

Conditional mean statement

I have a dataset named bwght which contains the variable cigs (cigarattes smoked per day)
When I calculate the mean of cigs in the dataset bwght using:
mean(bwght$cigs), I get a number 2.08.
Only 212 of the 1388 women in the sample smoke (and 1176 does not smoke):
summary(bwght$cigs>0) gives the result:
logical 1176 212 0
I'm asked to find the average of cigs among the women who smoke (the 212).
I'm having a hard time finding the right syntax for excluding the non smokers = 0
I have tried:
mean(bwght$cigs| bwght$cigs>0)
mean(bwght$cigs>0 | bwght$cigs=TRUE)
if (bwght$cigs > 0){
x <-as.numeric(bwght$cigs, rm="0");
But nothing seems to work! Can anyone please help me??
If you want to exclude the non-smokers, you have a few options. The easiest is probably this:
With a data frame, the first variable is the row and the next is the column. So, you can subset using dataframe[1,2] to get the first row, second column. You can also use logic in the row selection. By using bwght$cigs>0 as the first element, you are subsetting to only have the rows where cigs is not zero.
Your other ones didn't work for the following reasons:
mean(bwght$cigs| bwght$cigs>0)
This is effectively a logical comparison. You're asking for the TRUE / FALSE result of bwght$cigs OR bwght$cigs>0, and then taking the mean on it. I'm not totally sure, but I think R can't even take data typed as logical for the mean() function.
mean(bwght$cigs>0 | bwght$cigs=TRUE)
Same problem. You use the | sign, which returns a logical, and R is trying to take the mean of logicals.
if(bwght$cigs > 0){sum(bwght$cigs)}
By any chance, were you a SAS programmer originally? This looks like how I used to type at first. Basically, if() doesn't work the same way in R as it does in SAS. In that example, you are using bwght$cigs > 0 as the if condition, which won't work because R will only look at the first element of the vector resulting from bwght$cigs > 0. R handles looping differently from SAS - check out functions like lapply, tapply, and so on.
x <-as.numeric(bwght$cigs, rm="0")
I honestly don't know what this would do. It might work if rm="0" didn't have quotes...?
I found the statement failed, returning "argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA"
Converting to matrix solved this:

Find powerset of all unique combinations of vector of strings

I am trying to find all of the unique groupings of a vector/list of items, length 39. Below is the code I have:
x <- c("Dominion","progress","scarolina","tampa","tva","TminKTYS",
# Generate a list with the combinations
zz <- sapply(seq_along(x), function(y) combn(x,y))
# Filter out all the duplicates
sapply(zz, function(z) t(unique(t(z))))
However, the code causes my computer to run out of memory. Is there a better way to do this? I realize I have a large list. thanks.
To calculate all unique subsets, you are simply creating all binary vectors with the same length as the cardinality of the original set of items. If there are 39 items, then you are looking at all binary vectors of length 39. Each element of each vector identifies, yes or no, whether or not the item is in the corresponding subset.
As there are 39 items, and each can either be in or not-in a given subset, then there are 2^39 possible subsets. Excluding the empty set, i.e. the all-0 vector, you have 2^39 - 1 possible subsets.
That is, as #joran said, about 549B vectors. Given that the binary vectors are most compactly representing the data (i.e. without strings), then you will need 549B * 39 bits to return all of the subsets. I don't think you want to store this: that's about 2.68E12 bytes. If you insist on using the characters, you're likely to be in the many tens of terabytes.
It's certainly feasible to buy a system that can support this, but not very cost-effective.
At a meta-level, it is very likely, as #JD said, that this is not the path you really need to go. I recommend posting a new question and maybe it can be refined here or on the statistics-related SE site.
You might try using expand.grid.
Create a data frame from all combinations of the supplied vectors or
factors. See the description of the return value for precise details
of the way this is done.
