Mahalonobis distance in R, error: system is computationally singular - r

I'd like to calculate multivariate distance from a set of points to the centroid of those points. Mahalanobis distance seems to be suited for this. However, I get an error (see below).
Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error, and if there is a way to work around it?
If you download the coordinate data and the associated environmental data, you can run the following code.
occ <- readShapeSpatial('occurrences.shp')
#standardize the data to scale the variables
dat <- as.matrix(scale(dat))
centroid <- dat[1547,] #let's assume this is the centroid in this case
#Calculate multivariate distance from all points to centroid
Error in solve.default(cov, ...) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 9.50116e-19

The Mahalanobis distance requires you to calculate the inverse of the covariance matrix. The function mahalanobis internally uses solve which is a numerical way to calculate the inverse. Unfortunately, if some of the numbers used in the inverse calculation are very small, it assumes that they are zero, leading to the assumption that it is a singular matrix. This is why it specifies that they are computationally singular, because the matrix might not be singular given a different tolerance.
The solution is to set the tolerance for when it assumes that they are zero. Fortunately, mahalanobis allows you to pass this parameter (tol) to solve:
# [1] 24.215494 28.394913 6.984101 28.004975 11.095357 14.401967 ...

mahalanobis uses the covariance matrix, cov, (more precisely the inverse of it) to transform the coordinate system, then compute Euclidian distance in the new coordinates. A standard reference is Duda & Hart "Pattern Classification and Scene Recognition"
Looks like your cov matrix is singular. Perhaps there are linearly-dependent columns in "dat" that are unnecessary? Setting the tolerance to zero won't help if
the covariance matrix is truly singular. The first thing to do, instead, is look for columns that might be a rescaling of some other column, or might be just a sum of 2 or more other columns and remove them. Such columns are redundant for the mahalanobis distance.
BTW, since mahalanobis distance is effectively a rescaling and rotation, calling the scaling function looks superfluous - any reason why you want that?


Calculate the reconstruction error as the difference between the original and the reconstructed matrix

I am currently in an online class in genomics, coming in as a wetlab physician, so my statistical knowledge is not the best. Right now we are working on PCA and SVD in R. I got a big matrix:
ENSG00000224137 5.326553 3.512053 3.455480 3.472999 3.639132 3.391880 3.282522 3.682531
ENSG00000153253 6.436815 9.563955 7.186604 2.946697 6.949510 9.095092 3.795587 11.987291
ENSG00000096006 6.943404 8.840839 4.600026 4.735104 4.183136 3.049792 9.736803 3.338362
ENSG00000229807 3.322499 3.263655 3.406379 9.525888 3.595898 9.281170 8.946498 3.473750
ENSG00000138772 7.195113 8.741458 6.109578 5.631912 5.224844 3.260912 8.889246 3.052587
ENSG00000169575 7.853829 10.428492 10.512497 13.041571 10.836815 11.964498 10.786381 11.953912
Those are just the first few columns and rows, it has 60 columns and 1000 rows. Columns are cancer samples, rows are genes
The task is to:
removing the eigenvectors and reconstructing the matrix using SVD, then we need to calculate the reconstruction error as the difference between the original and the reconstructed matrix. HINT: You have to use the svd() function and equalize the eigenvalue to $0$ for the component you want to remove.
I have been all over google, but can't find a way to solve this task, which might be because I don't really get the question itself.
so i performed SVD on my matrix m:
d <- svd(mat)
Which gives me 3 matrices (Eigenassays, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors), which i can access using d$u and so on.
How do I equalize the eigenvalue and ultimately calculate the error?
the decomposition expresses your matrix mat as a product of 3 matrices
mat = d$u x diag(d$d) x t(d$v)
so first confirm you are able to do the matrix multiplications to get back mat
once you are able to do this, set the last couple of elements of d$d to zero before doing the matrix multiplication
It helps to create a function that handles the singular values.
Here, for instance, is one that zeros out any singular value that is too small compared to the largest singular value:
zap <- function(d, digits = 3) ifelse(d < 10^(-digits) * max(abs(d))), 0, d)
Although mathematically all singular values are guaranteed non-negative, numerical issues with floating point algorithms can--and do--create negative singular values, so I have prophylactically wrapped the singular values in a call to abs.
Apply this function to the diagonal matrix in the SVD of a matrix X and reconstruct the matrix by multiplying the components:
X. <- with(svd(X), u %*% diag(zap(d)) %*% t(v))
There are many ways to assess the reconstruction error. One is the Frobenius norm of the difference,
sqrt(sum((X - X.)^2))

Find vector in which points are more sparse

(1) I have n points in 3D space
(2) I have a random vector
(3) I project all n points into the vector
Then I find the average distance between all points
How could I find the vector in which after projecting the points into it, the average distance between points is the greatest?
Can this be done in O(n)?
There is one method which you can use from machine learning, specifically dimensionality reduction. (This is based on PCA which was mentioned in one of the comments.)
Compute the covariance matrix.
Find the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors.
The eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue will correspond to the direction of the most variance, so the direction in which the points are most spread out.
Map the points onto the line defined by the vector.
Centring the points around 0 before the projection, and then moving them back afterwards may be needed as well. The issue with this, is that it is quite expensive in terms of time. For more details looks at this question: How is the complexity of PCA O(min(p^3,n^3))?

Interpreting the psych::cor.smoother function

I've tried to contact William Revelle about this but he isn't responding.
In the psych package there is a function called cor.smoother, which determines whether or not a correlation matrix is positive definite. Its explanation is as follows:
"cor.smoother examines all of nvar minors of rank nvar-1 by systematically dropping one variable at a time and finding the eigen value decomposition. It reports those variables, which, when dropped, produce a positive definite matrix. It also reports the number of negative eigenvalues when each variable is dropped. Finally, it compares the original correlation matrix to the smoothed correlation matrix and reports those items with absolute deviations great than cut. These are all hints as to what might be wrong with a correlation matrix."
It is the really the statement in bold that I am hoping someone can interpret in a more understandable way for me?
A belated answer to your question.
Correlation matrices are said to be improper (or more accurately, not positive semi-definite) when at least one of the eigen values of the matrix is less than 0. This can happen if you have some missing data and are using pair-wise complete correlations. It is particularly likely to happen if you are doing tetrachoric or polychoric correlations based upon data sets with some or even a lot of missing data.
(A correlation matrix, R, may be decomposed into a set of eigen vectors (X) and eigen values (lambda) where R = X lambda X’. This decomposition is the basis of components analysis and factor analysis, but that is more than you want to know.)
The cor.smooth function finds the eigen values and then adjusts the negative ones by making them slightly positive (and adjusting the other ones to compensate for this change).
The cor.smoother function attempts to identify the variables that are making the matrix improper. It does this by considering all the matrices generated by dropping one variable at a time and seeing which ones of those are not positive semi-definite (i.e. have eigen values < 0.) Ideally, this will identify one variable that is messing things up.
An example of this is in the burt data set where the sorrow-tenderness correlation was probably mistyped and the .87 should be .81.
cor.smoother(burt) #identifies tenderness and sorrow as likely culprits

How the command dist(x,method="binary") calculates the distance matrix?

I have a been trying to figure that out but without much success. I am working with a table with binary data (0s and 1s). I managed to estimate a distance matrix from my data using the R function dist(x,method="binary"), but I am not quite sure how exactly this function estimates the distance matrix. Is it using the Jaccard coefficient J=(M11)/(M10+M01+M11)?
This is easily found in the help page ?dist:
This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.
binary: (aka asymmetric binary): The vectors are regarded as binary
bits, so non-zero elements are ‘on’ and zero elements are ‘off’. The
distance is the proportion of bits in which only one is on amongst
those in which at least one is on.
This is equivalent to the Jaccard distance as described in Wikipedia:
An alternate interpretation of the Jaccard distance is as the ratio of the size of the symmetric difference to the union.
In your notation, it is 1 - J = (M01 + M10)/(M01 + M10 + M11).

PCA analysis using Correlation Matrix as input in R

Now i have a 7000*7000 correlation matrix and I have to do PCA on this in R.
I used the
CorPCA <- princomp(covmat=xCor)
, xCor is the correlation matrix
but it comes out
"covariance matrix is not non-negative definite"
it is because i have some negative correlation in that matrix.
I am wondering which inbuilt function in R that i can use to get the result of PCA
One method to do the PCA is to perform an eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix, see wikipedia.
The advantage of the eigenvalue decomposition is that you see which directions (eigenvectors) are significant, i.e. have a noticeable variation expressed by the associated eigenvalues. Moreover, you can detect if the covariance matrix is positive definite (all eigenvalues greater than zero), not negative-definite (which is okay) if there are eigenvalues equal zero or if it is indefinite (which is not okay) by negative eigenvalues. Sometimes it also happens that due to numerical inaccuracies a non-negative-definite matrix becomes negative-definite. In that case you would observe negative eigenvalues which are almost zero. In that case you can set these eigenvalues to zero to retain the non-negative definiteness of the covariance matrix. Furthermore, you can still interpret the result: eigenvectors contributing the significant information are associated with the biggest eigenvalues. If the list of sorted eigenvalues declines quickly there are a lot of directions which do not contribute significantly and therefore can be dropped.
The built-in R function is eigen
If your covariance matrix is A then
eigen_res <- eigen(A)
# sorted list of eigenvalues
# slightly negative eigenvalues, set them to small positive value
eigen_res$values[eigen_res$values<0] <- 1e-10
# and produce regularized covariance matrix
Areg <- eigen_res$vectors %*% diag(eigen_res$values) %*% t(eigen_res$vectors)
not non-negative definite does not mean the covariance matrix has negative correlations. It's a linear algebra equivalent of trying to take square root of negative number! You can't tell by looking at a few values of the matrix, whether it's positive definite.
Try adjusting some default values like tolerance in princomp call. Check this thread for example: How to use princomp () function in R when covariance matrix has zero's?
An alternative is to write some code of your own to perform what is called a n NIPLAS analysis. Take a look at this thread on the R-mailing list:
I'd even go as far as asking where did you obtain the correlation matrix? Did you construct it yourself? Does it have NAs? If you constructed xCor from your own data, do you think you can sample the data and construct a smaller xCor matrix? (say 1000X1000). All these alternatives try to drive your PCA algorithm through the 'happy path' (i.e. all matrix operations can be internally carried out without difficulties in diagonalization etc..i.e., no more 'non-negative definite error msgs)
