How to make SBT task fail and hence build itself? - sbt

I wrote a SBT task to run cssLint for my project using rhino. cssLint returns exit code to my SBT task.
My question is how to make the task fail if the exit code is non-zero?
I don't want to throw any exceptions. I want my last line of the task result to show [Failed] instead of [success] and exit code of my SBT task to be non-zero.
MyTask {
val exitcode = //rhino functions
//what to do??
The actual intent is to fail the build if css errors are present.

The way of failing the build without producing the stacktrace on the console is using the exceptions that are specifically handled:
for sbt.MessageOnlyException an error message is logged twice (without task name and then with task name) and the build is stopped
mix in sbt.FeedbackProvidedException or sbt.UnprintableException to implement custom exceptions for which sbt does not print a stacktrace. The string with task name and exception's toString is logged on the top level once and the build is stopped. It is expected that essential information for the user is already logged before throwing these.
Disclaimer: I've not seen this information in sbt manual. Extracted from the sources of sbt 0.13.16. sbt.FeedbackProvidedException is used this way by sbt compiler, sbt tests and by sbt-web and Play sbt plugins.

My understanding is that the success message is printed out always unless
showSuccess setting is set to false or
a task throws an exception.
In your particular case you want to report an error and so you should throw an exception or a value of the type of the result that might be considered a sort of exception like None or Failure.
Say, you've got the following task defined in build.sbt:
lazy val tsk = taskKey[Unit]("Task that always fails")
tsk := {
throw new IllegalStateException("a message")
When you execute the tsk task, the exception is printed out with no [success] afterwards.
[no-success]> tsk
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last *:tsk for the full output.
[error] (*:tsk) java.lang.IllegalStateException: a message
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed Feb 15, 2014 11:45:27 PM
I would rather prefer avoiding this style of programming and rely on Option as a way to report an issue with processing.
With the following tskO definition:
lazy val tskO = taskKey[Option[String]]("Task that reports failure as None")
tskO := None
you'd then check the result and if it's None you'd know it's a failure.


Airflow Cluster Policy is not getting invoked

I am trying to setup and understand custom policy. Not sure what I am doing wrong however, following this is not working.
Airflow Version: 1.10.10
Expected result: it should throw exception if I try to run DAG with default_owner
Actual Result: no such exception
class PolicyError(Exception):
def cluster_policy(task):
raise PolicyError
def task_instance_mutation_hook(ti):
raise PolicyError
/root/airflow/config/airflow_local_settings.pyc file is being created so I know this file is being processed by airflow.
if there is any compilation error in this file all my dags fails. however not with above file.
Not sure what I am doing wrong.
This feature is available from 1.10.12 version only.

Mocha coverage task fails and propagates exception to grunt which aborts the whole execution

I am using grunt-mocha-istanbul and have a task which runs the coverage through set of test files. The reporter is set to mocha-junit-reporter which generates the mocha test results XML file and the coverage report formats are set to cobertura and html.
For some reason, an error in the tests causes the whole task to fail and not just to get details on the failed test in the end report.
I ran the grunt task using --stack argument which produced the following:
Error: Task "mocha_istanbul:coveralls" failed.
at Task.<anonymous> (~\node_modules\grunt\lib\util\task.js:205:15)
at null._onTimeout (~\node_modules\grunt\lib\util\task.js:241:33)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)
As you can see, this hides the original error somehow.
I defined a separate task to just run the tests and saw the issue but it has nothing to do with how the test execution in terms of callbacks gets handled.
So my question is, how can I intercept such propagated exceptions and provide more detailed information on what actually happened?

JavaFX to Android - Execution failed for task ':deleteSrcAndLayout'

good day, I got an issue in creating an android project, Im currently using windows7 with JDK8u40 installed and Im using the latest dalvik sdk. But when I attempted to create an android project, an error was thrown:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':deleteSrcAndLayout'.
> Directory does not exist: C:\AndroidFX\CodeGenerator\src
Here's the complete error log:
C:\dalvik-sdk\samples\Ensemble8>./gradlew --info createProject -PDEBUG -PDIR=C:/
AndroidFX -PPACKAGE="hello" -PNAME="CodeGenerator" -PANDROID_SDK=C:/AndroidSDK/s
dk -PJFX_SDK=C:/dalvik-sdk -PJFX_APP=C:/Jar -PJFX_MAIN="hello.Hello"
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using empty settings script.
Projects loaded. Root project using build file 'C:\dalvik-sdk\samples\Ensemble8\
Included projects: [root project 'Ensemble8']
Evaluating root project 'Ensemble8' using build file 'C:\dalvik-sdk\samples\Ense
Starting file lock listener thread.
All projects evaluated.
Selected primary task 'createProject'
Tasks to be executed: [task ':conf', task ':androidCreateProject', task ':delete
SrcAndLayout', task ':writeAntProperties', task ':updateManifest', task ':update
StringsXml', task ':updateBuildXml', task ':createProject']
:conf (Thread[main,5,main]) started.
Executing task ':conf' (up-to-date check took 0.0 secs) due to:
Task has not declared any outputs.
Android SDK: [C:/AndroidSDK/sdk]
Target: [android-21]
Project name: [CodeGenerator]
Package: [hello]
JavaFX application: [C:/Jar]
JavaFX sdk: [C:/dalvik-sdk]
JavaFX main.class: [hello.Hello]
Workdir: [C:/AndroidFX]
debug: [true]
:conf (Thread[main,5,main]) completed. Took 0.078 secs.
:androidCreateProject (Thread[main,5,main]) started.
Executing task ':androidCreateProject' (up-to-date check took 0.0 secs) due to:
Task has not declared any outputs.
Starting process 'command 'C:/AndroidSDK/sdk/tools/android.bat''. Working direct
ory: C:\AndroidFX Command: C:/AndroidSDK/sdk/tools/android.bat create project -n
CodeGenerator -p CodeGenerator -t android-21 -k hello -a Activity
An attempt to initialize for well behaving parent process finished.
Successfully started process 'command 'C:/AndroidSDK/sdk/tools/android.bat''
Error: Package name 'hello' contains invalid characters.
A package name must be constitued of two Java identifiers.
Each identifier allowed characters are: a-z A-Z 0-9 _
s 'command 'C:/AndroidSDK/sdk/tools/android.bat'' finished with exit value 0 (st
:androidCreateProject (Thread[main,5,main]) completed. Took 1.375 secs.
:deleteSrcAndLayout (Thread[main,5,main]) started.
Executing task ':deleteSrcAndLayout' (up-to-date check took 0.0 secs) due to:
Task has not declared any outputs.
:deleteSrcAndLayout FAILED
:deleteSrcAndLayout (Thread[main,5,main]) completed. Took 0.594 secs.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'C:\dalvik-sdk\samples\Ensemble8\build.gradle' line: 203
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':deleteSrcAndLayout'.
> Directory does not exist: C:\AndroidFX\CodeGenerator\src
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --debug option to
get more log output.
Total time: 6.531 secs
Please help me!! Im stuck!!!!
I also tried JDK7u75 but it didnt worked!!
I successfully created an android project by editing the createHelloWorld.bat under android-tools in the dalvik-sdk.

Why does sbt exit while executing tests with no errors?

I've been using SBT to run unit tests on my code, and made some changes recently that have caused the tests to start acting weird.
None of the tests that I have seen fail, but when running the tests with sbt, it just stops in the middle and closes without giving an error message. There are no failed tests in the output.
Does anyone know why this might happen, or how I could figure out what the problem is?
Thanks to the comment by #johanandren, I managed to nail it down to an exception that was being thrown by forcing sbt to fork the tests in a new process. The exception was a disguised as an sbt out of memory error -- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space -- and increasing it using the -XX:MaxPermSize argument in the SBT_OPTS environment variable as described in SBT runs out of memory helped fix that issue.

sbt-release plugin logs git push as error, despite it succeeding

I am using the sbt-release plugin.
The process seems to work, however, sbt logs the final release step, pushChanges as error. Ideally, only actual errors are logged to error output as it can confuse the automation.
Sample output here:
Push changes to the remote repository (y/n)? [y] y
[error] To
[error] 67277ef..a1b959f my_branch -> my_branch
[error] To
[error] * [new tag] v0.1.8 -> v0.1.8
my_branch in this case is not the master branch (as I'm testing this process on my own branch before it goes to master), could that be the issue?
I don't know if something's changed in the latest version, but before sbt-release was warning you before this push step, that git sends it's info on stderr and so it will be shown with error messages in sbt although the process goes perfectly fine. So it's ok, don't worry.
