When I use transform:rotate on a fixed div it leaves an empty space at the top of the page? - css

I have a fixed div on with a height of 100% on the left side of my webpage. When I use transform:rotate(6deg); it leaves an empty space at the top of the page. I have tried to add height to it, but it just makes it worse. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (:

Is it triangular space left?
After rotating div with 100% height it probably also resizes width of page?
Problem is probably in point of rotation.
Please give more details - somehow this div need to be cut (shifted).


Not zooming the DIV element while zooming the page

While zooming the Web Page the DIV element will not Zoom, but the component placed inside the DIV is zooming and go out side of the DIV. Here I created a test fiddle test fiddle. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Your Div is taking up 50% of available space, irrespective of whats inside. The rest of the space is being left as margin.
For example if you zoom out from 100% (zoom out, not in). You can see that the contents will keep on getting small, but the width of the div will increase.
If you care about zoom-out/zoom-in looks, then use pixels instead of percentage.
Try it out over here: http://jsfiddle.net/fam46/1/

How to push a div from the top in percentage with css?

I'm trying to make a div inside another div to be placed 70% from the top of the parent div so no matter what the screen size is the inner div should flow up or down to adjust for it (kind of like fluid layouts but vertically). I tried doing the following:
But the padding-top is fixed even though I have it set in percentage, I must be doing something wrong but I'm not sure what it is, could you guys help me out? Thanks in advance!
Remove the padding, and replace with

DIV wrapping on browser resize

So basically the website I'm designing has 3 divs inside a container div. One floating to the left. Two to the right one above and one below. They work fine when the browser is maximized. Problem is, when the browser is resized, the right divs wrap below the left div even though I've set min-widths. I want the divs to remain where they are and a scroll bar to appear instead. I did try overflow, no luck. Any solutions?
PS- Initially I had added min-width for the inner divs too. They didn't seem to solve the problem, so I removed them.
A solution or a nudge in the right direction would be really appreciated.
Here's a link to the jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/R62w4/3/
Thank you, Matthew. Although that fixed the wrapping issue, my site now has a thin line of pixels on the right hand side. Any idea how I remove it? It continues from the header till the footer. It isn't affected by any changes to the CSS elements pertaining to the header or navigation bar or footer.
Okay, I found the reason to the extra space on the right side. If I increase my margins for the outer div, the space increases. Is there a way to increase the margins without getting a space?
You might be able to wrap them in this:
<div style="white-space:nowrap;">
... to prevent that from happening.
It's hard to know exactly where the problem is, could you post some code or make a JSFiddle?
I believe the problem is that you are using % based widths and px for margins - it's easy to lose track of how much available space you have and subsequently your layout falls apart. Consider that two left floated DIVs of 50% width with 1px of margin each will break on to two lines every time because that's more than 100%.
I changed your fiddle a bit: http://jsfiddle.net/R62w4/5/
... just by moving the left margin from your first DIV and right margin from your other two to the parent container seems to give enough room for everything.
P.S. You can use % based margins and just make sure everything you want to be on one line stays <= 100%.
the simpl css framework shows you how to do percentage based columns with pixel based margins which is what you want.

Hide scrollbar on absolute positioned div

I have a div that is positioned:absolute, this div extends outside the bounds of my site wrapper as it just contains a background image for a slider and doesn't need to be seen all the time. The problem is I cannot work out how to stop this div triggering the scrollbar. I have tried different combinations of overflow and position and cannot work it out.
If you inspect the element with firebug, just place it over the shadow behind the slider and you will see the div in question. You notice the scrollbar kicks in as soon as the browser bounds touches it.
View link
Can anyone let me know how to stop the scrollbar appearing for the shadow div?
It is the size of the DIV. When I inspect it using Chrome, the CSS shows that the container DIV was set to 520px width and the problematic DIV was set to 733px, so it actually exceeds the 980px width center area. Unless you want the shadow to disappear, I suggest moving it a bit to the left and make the div left to it smaller.
You can use the CSS overflow-x:hidden on the body element.
Other more complicated way that comes to mind is using jQuery to detect the size of the window and resize the problematic div according to the window's size.
Firstly, thanks to those that commented.
I have come up with a solution that allows me to keep the layout the same while still adhering to the document width. What I did was create a #wrap2 inside the main wrapper which has a width of 100% (full width of browser window).
#wrap2 {background: url(../css_img/slider-bg.png) no-repeat center 317px; }
The trick to this was making sure the image position was set to center. This means the image would also remain relative to the content when resizing the browser. The way I made the shadow line up behind the slider was to add blank pixels to the left, so the image ended up being about 1200px wide, this pushed shadow part right. Because it's all blank pixels it only added about 1kb. If someone thinks there is a better solution let me know.

CSS - expand div

How would i go about getting the grey div (#content_right) to expand to the same size as the left hand side div without using a fixed height attribute?
Thank you
you might want to check the equal height columns technique out:
