Load data using Meteor.call on load - meteor

When trying to render my template, i want to load the data from the server. I'm trying to use Meteor.call but as per the documentation, i'm clearly not in a stub.
If I use Meteor.call inside of an event handler, the response i get back is correct. If i call it within the template.created or similar, i get an undefined response. I guess i could use async call to do it and then render it when available. But is there another way?
I don't want the clients to have direct access to the DB, i want it to come from the server.
//This doesn't work
Template.config.created = function() {
console.log(Meteor.call('getValue')); //returns undefined
//This works
'blur #button' : function () {
console.log(Meteor.call('getValue')); //Prints value
Any clues?

You need to use a callback in your Meteor.call
Template.config.created = function() {
Meteor.call('getValue', function(error, data) {
//do stuff to handle error

From the docs:
On the client, if you do not pass a callback and you are not inside a stub, call will return undefined, and you will have no way to get the return value of the method. That is because the client doesn't have fibers, so there is not actually any way it can block on the remote execution of a method.
I'm not sure why your event handler call is working... There isn't any way to synchronously get a server response like that in JavaScript without Fibers. The solution is simply to provide an asynchronous callback. This isn't really a Meteor limitation, it's just a JavaScript limitation.


Notify browser UI about SignalR requests to the server

I ma using SignalR in the browser. Some request (calling function on the server) are long and I would like to show spinner/loading-bar.
Can I somehow hook for an event when this function is started and when it returns back.
I'm trying to figure out what you mean - I think basically you want some way to hook into the start of a call and the end of a call (to load and unload a spinner)?
I've done this in two different ways - firstly as a one-off (first example), and then more systematically (the second example). Hopefully one of these will be what you need.
$.connection.myHub.server.hubMethod().done(function () {
//called on success
}).fail(function (e) {
//called on failure - I don't recommend reading e
}).always(function() {
//called regardless
spinner.open(); // must be triggerd AFTER call incase exception thrown (due to connection not being up yet)
If you don't like that - perhaps because you call hub methods in hundreds of different sections of codes, then there are other tricks which are a bit more complicated. Lets see:
function SetupSpinnerOnCallToSignalrMethod(hubServer, method, spinnerStartCallback, spinnerEndCallback) {
var prevFunc = hubServer[method];
hubServer[method] = function () {
var ret = prevFunc.apply(this, arguments);
spinnerStartCallback(); // must be triggerd AFTER call incase exception thrown (due to connection not being up yet)
ret.always(function() {
return ret;
//then call this for each method
function() { spinner.open(); },
function() { spinner.close(); }
//the server call should then work exactly as before, but the spinner open and close calls are invoked each time.

Meteor.connection._lastSessionId is undefined in onCreated

So I have this code guys
Template.mainLayout.onCreated(function () { //HERE
console.log("mainLayout created");
var context = FlowRouter.current();
// use context to access the URL state
var visitedOne = context.path;
//getting the connID
var clientIp = headers.getClientIP(); // no need for this anymore
var clientConnId = Meteor.connection._lastSessionId; // HERE
console.log(clientConnId); //HERE
// console.log(Meteor.connection._lastSessionId);
Meteor.call("updateHistory", {clientIp,clientConnId,visitedOne}, function(error, result){
console.log("error", error);
My problems are marked by the comments //HERE
Meteor.connection._lastSessionId returns undefined at onCreated event. However if I try to get on click event it works just fine. Why is this caused, what's a workaround for this?
You're attempting to log the session ID before the connection has received it. For example, wrap your call in a setTimeout:
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
You might have to tweak the timeout value a bit, but it will be logged. Using setTimeout in this fashion really isn't that reliable though, as the amount of time it takes for the session ID to get set can vary. You'll likely want to look into setting up some kind of simple polling to continuously check for the session ID, until it's set.
Basically _lastSessionId isn't yet available on the client when the template is originally created (it's probably the first template rendered in your app). However there is no need to get this on the client since you're calling a server method anyway, just use the variable directly there where it will already exist!
So simplify:
Meteor.call("updateHistory", {clientIp,clientConnId,visitedOne}, callback)
Meteor.call("updateHistory", visitedOne, callback)
and get the clientIp (if necessary) and use this.connection.id on the server.

Getting a Meteor method to return a function?

I want to define a server-side Meteor method that, when called, will run a function on the client.
Ultra simple example below - I want this method to take a parameter, and when called, will run console.log(parameter) on the client side console.
consoleLogOnClient: function(text){
var log = function(){
return log();
But when I do:
the message gets logged in the server console and nothing appears in the client console.
Ok, fair enough. Maybe I'll just return the function code itself and store that in a variable and then run it. But it doesn't work either.
consoleLogOnClient: function(text){
var log = function(){
return log;
var myFunction = Meteor.call('consoleLogOnClient', 'THIS MESSAGE SHOULD APPEAR ON THE CLIENT CONSOLE');
They should return an EJSON-able value or throw an exception.
EJSON: http://docs.meteor.com/#ejson
So, the answer is that you can't send a function from the server to the client, since functions aren't EJSON values. But your real problem is probably that you want to send a function; I can't imagine why you want to do that. Send data instead.
You can achieve a desired result with the anticoders:client-call package. It allows you to define client-side methods that you'd be able to run from the server side.
For example, if you define:
'consoleLog': function(message) {
And set userId as clientId for the methods:
Deps.autorun(function() {
Then on the server side you can simply call:
Meteor.ClientCall.apply(userId, 'consoleLog', ['THIS MESSAGE SHOULD APPEAR IN THE CLIENT CONSOLE']);

MeteorJS Meteor Methods call from server to server

I understand that Meteor methods let you do a client to server call, but what's the best approach to call another function or method from a Meteor method, i.e. a server to server call.
Right now if I do a regular JS function call it only works if the JS file is in the lib folder. But I need it to be in the server folder.
Here is the code
I have a topics collection which sits in the collection folder and has the following
I have the following which is a collection
topicPost: function(topicAttributes) {
var user = Meteor.user(),
topicWithSameTitle = Topics.findOne({title: topicAttributes.title});
// ensure the user is logged in
if (!user)
throw new Meteor.Error(401, "You need to login to add a new topic");
I then have the following method which sits in the server folder
checkUser: function () {
This works, but it's not a great solution. My method for handling this is to have all of my functions outside the Meteor.methods, and simply relay to the proper functions when necessary.
// Client
// Server
foo: function() {
foo = function() {
foo = bar;
The advantage is that the foo fn can be called from anywhere on the server without a Meteor.call. Meanwhile, Meteor.methods only exposes what is absolutely necessary to the client.
[EDIT] There is some ambiguity as to which 'foo' you're talking about; obviously the server knows you mean the one outside the methods call. But if you're feeling confused, you can always rename one or the other. The advantage to this is that there is minimal refactoring involved.
Just to clarify for readers who don't notice that the OP's code actually contains the answer, you just do
on the server. Per the meteor docs (https://docs.meteor.com/api/methods.html#Meteor-call), on the server, if you use Meteor.call() without a callback argument, the call runs synchronously and waits for the result. For example, if 'checkUser' was written to provide a userId value, you'd just do
let userId = Meteor.call('checkUser');
On the client, though, you have to provide a callback function as an argument to Meteor.call(), and the userId would be provided asynchronously to your callback function.

Get callback info back to original calling function

Let's say you have a Javascript function that calls a web service method. So that webservice completes and calls a callback function, which has the result.
How do I get that result back into the original function that called the web service method? Essentially, I'm trying to "synchronize" an asynchronous call.
This is what I'm trying to do. I'm validating based on the return value of a web service.
function(value, element) {
// Call web service function using ASP.NET Ajax.
// Get callback value to determine validity.
return this.optional(element) || ***return t/f based on validity***;
function(value, element) { return msg; }
so I guess I could do this instead:
function(value, element) {
async: false
url: **** web service url ****
success: set t/f to validity var
return this.optional(element) || ***return t/f based on validity var***;
function(value, element) { return msg; }
Since you're using jQuery, you can use async:false in your ajax command, like this:
async: false
//this code will run after the request returns
Note though, this blocks the UI (locks up the browser), it's better to continue the work that depends on the result in the success callback, like this:
success: function(data) {
Essentially, you can't, but you can break up that function into "before" and "after" parts, like so:
function foo(a) {
var b, c;
// == The "before" part:
b = /* ... */;
// == Call the service:
callWebService(a, b, callback);
// == The "after" part is contained within the callback:
function callback(d) {
// Do something with a, b, c, and d
But it's important to note that foo will return before callback is called. There's no way to prevent that with an asynchronous call, so if you're looking to have the function return something, you'll have to refactor (or use a synchronous call, but that's a very bad idea). The refactoring would involve whatever's calling foo to provide a callback and expect the result to be provided that way rather than as a return value.
Well what you're trying to accomplish is simulating a sleep command, so your script "waits" for your ajax request? But that doesn't really makes sense. That's why you have to callback in the first place, to continue with the flow once the request has returned a reply, since you cannot predict its response time.
Not to be trite, but you can't create synchronousness from asynchronousness, only the other way around. You need to design your code to allow for this, which generally means callbacks all the way through your call chain.
There is one idiosyncratic exception, which is that you can specify 'false' on the raw XMLHttpRequest's 'open' method's async parameter, which will cause the send method to block until it's done. But this is likely not compatible with some frameworks and is pretty inflexible. Most JS stuff is async.
You should not do that. Just carry on with your processing from the point of the callback.
You risk hanging the browser completely if the call does not return.
If you control the server side then you could write some code on the js side to aggregate calls and then write something on the server side to unpack and do multiple calls from each nested call in the aggregate. When the responses come back then aggregate those and send them back. This will save on performance since large calls are cheaper than many small calls.
We did that on a project I worked on and it worked very nicely. It also consolidates logic on the js side to not be spread all over due to all the async callbacks.
The only way I can think of is like
function b(){
var a = null;
$.get("abc.json", {
success: function(data){
a = data;
while(a == null){}
But generally this isn't good and may cause the browser to complain a script is taking too long to finish.
