Optim() function error - r

This is my code.
beta1 = function(a,b,t) { beta(a+(1/t),b) }
beta2 = function(a,b,t) { beta(a+(2/t),b) }
eb11 = function(a,b,t) { beta2(a,b,t)/beta(a,b) }
eb12 = function(a,b,t) { (beta1(a,b,t)-beta2(a,b,t))/beta(a,b) }
eb22 = function(a,b,t) { 1 + (beta2(a,b,t)-2*beta1(a,b,t))/beta(a,b) }
eb11r11 = function(a,b,t) { beta2(a,b,t)*beta(a,b)/beta1(a,b,t)^2 }
eb12r12 = function(a,b,t) { (beta1(a,b,t)-beta2(a,b,t))*beta(a,b)/beta1(a,b,t)/(beta(a,b)-beta1(a,b,t)) }
eb22r22 = function(a,b,t) { (beta(a,b)^2 + (beta2(a,b,t)-2*beta1(a,b,t))*beta(a,b))/(beta(a,b)-beta1(a,b,t))^2 }
gbetloglik = function(a,b,t) {
loglik = n1*log(eb11r11(a,b,t)) + n2*log(eb12r12(a,b,t)) + n3*log(eb22r22(a,b,t))
abt = optim(c(0.5,0.5,1),gbetloglik,lower=c(0.001,0.001,0.001),method="L-BFGS-B")$par
What I'd like to do is to find a,b, and t that maximize 'gbetloglik' function.
But I got this error.
Error in 2/t : 't' is missing
It seems that the third argument of function 'beta2' is missing. When I enter three numbers directly in gbetloglik function, it works well. The problem occurs only in optim() function.
Does anyone have any idea?

It looks like you are misinterpreting the first argument of the optim function. The first argument simply supplies initial values for the 1 arguments being optimized. In your case this is supplying 3 initial guesses for one of the arguments to gbetloglik. This call will work:
abt = optim(0.5,gbetloglik,lower=c(0.001,0.001,0.001),method="L-BFGS-B", b=0.5, t= 0.5)$par
but won't optimize across all three arguments, it will simply optimize a given b and t. To optimize across all arguments you will need to install an external package from here. Here is an example from nlmrt:
ydat = c(6.308, 6.94, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 37.558, 51.156, 64.948, 77.995, 91.972)
tdat = seq_along(ydat)
start1 = c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1)
eunsc = y ~ b1/(1+b2*exp(-b3*tt))
anlxb1g =try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=FALSE, data=data.frame(y=ydat, tt=tdat)))


Using R, how to scope internal functions within a MAIN function?

My young son and I were playing a board game called Snails Pace. Simple enough, so I sat down to show him the game on the R-console.
Helper function
num.round = function(n, by=5)
byidx = (n %% by == 0); # these already are indexed well
new = by * as.integer((n + by) / by);
res = n;
res[!byidx] = new[!byidx];
Primary function
snails.pace = function(moves = 200, finish.line = 8,
snail.x = NULL,
snail.y = NULL,
snail.col = NULL
if(is.null(snail.x)) { snail.x = 0*(1:6); }
if(is.null(snail.y)) { snail.y = 1*(1:6); }
if(is.null(snail.col)) { snail.col = c("orange", "blue", "pink", "green", "yellow", "red"); }
snail.rank = 0*snail.x;
crank = 1; # current rank
move.number = 0;
snails.plot = function(snail.x, snail.y, snail.rank, move.number, moves, finish.line, crank)
xmax = max(10, max(snail.x) );
ymax = max(8, max(snail.y) );
plot(snail.x, snail.y,
pch=16, cex=5,
xlim=c(0, num.round(xmax, 5) ),
ylim=c(0, num.round(ymax, 4) ),
xlab="", ylab="",
main=paste0("Move #", move.number, " of ", moves)
has.rank = (snail.rank != 0);
snails.lab = paste0(snail.x, "*", snail.rank);
snails.lab[!has.rank] = snail.x[!has.rank];
text(snail.x, y=snail.y, labels=snails.lab, col="black");
abline(v = finish.line, col="gray", lty="dashed");
snails.update = function(snail.x, snail.y, snail.rank, move.number, moves, finish.line, crank)
x = readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue, [ESC] to quit");
n = sample(1:6, 1);
snail.x[n] = 1 + snail.x[n];
if( (snail.rank[n] == 0) && (snail.x[n] >= finish.line) )
snail.rank[n] = crank;
crank = 1 + crank;
# update to MAIN environment
assign("snail.rank", snail.rank, envir=parent.frame() );
assign("crank", crank, envir=parent.frame() );
snails.plot(snail.x, snail.y, snail.rank, move.number, moves, finish.line, crank);
while(move.number < moves)
move.number = 1 + move.number;
snail.x = snails.update(snail.x, snail.y, snail.rank, move.number, moves, finish.line, crank);
snails.plot(snail.x, snail.y, snail.rank, move.number, moves, finish.line, crank);
Game play
Question: how to scope internal functions within MAIN environoment?
The MAIN function is snails.pace(). You will notice in the internal function snails.update, I update two variables and assign them back to the MAIN scope using assign.
Is there a way at the MAIN level I can define all the variables and just USE them within all internal functions without having to assign them back or returning the updating values?
As you can see in my CODE, I call all of the variables into the functions and either "back assign" or return any changes. I would prefer to just set a new env() or something and have MAIN work like R-Global seems to. Any suggestions on how to do that?
That is, my internal functions would not pass anything in: snails.plot = function() and snails.update = function() AS they would get the LOCAL environment variables (defined as within MAIN defined as snails.pace()). And ideally update the LOCAL environment variables by updating the value within the internal function.
So it appears that I can drop the function passing. See:
snails.pace2 = function(moves = 200, finish.line = 8,
snail.x = NULL,
snail.y = NULL,
snail.col = NULL
if(is.null(snail.x)) { snail.x = 0*(1:6); }
if(is.null(snail.y)) { snail.y = 1*(1:6); }
if(is.null(snail.col)) { snail.col = c("orange", "blue", "pink", "green", "yellow", "red"); }
snail.rank = 0*snail.x;
crank = 1; # current rank
move.number = 0;
snails.plot = function()
xmax = max(10, max(snail.x) );
ymax = max(8, max(snail.y) );
plot(snail.x, snail.y,
pch=16, cex=5,
xlim=c(0, num.round(xmax, 5) ),
ylim=c(0, num.round(ymax, 4) ),
xlab="", ylab="",
main=paste0("Move #", move.number, " of ", moves)
has.rank = (snail.rank != 0);
snails.lab = paste0(snail.x, "*", snail.rank);
snails.lab[!has.rank] = snail.x[!has.rank];
text(snail.x, y=snail.y, labels=snails.lab, col="black");
abline(v = finish.line, col="gray", lty="dashed");
snails.update = function()
x = readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue, [ESC] to quit");
n = sample(1:6, 1);
snail.x[n] = 1 + snail.x[n];
if( (snail.rank[n] == 0) && (snail.x[n] >= finish.line) )
snail.rank[n] = crank;
crank = 1 + crank;
# update to MAIN environment
assign("snail.rank", snail.rank, envir=parent.frame() );
assign("crank", crank, envir=parent.frame() );
while(move.number < moves)
move.number = 1 + move.number;
snail.x = snails.update();
#MrFlick is correct about the lexical scoping, if I understand the above correctly. If an internal updates something from MAIN, it has to assign it back to MAIN I guess <<- or assign ... parent. Is there not a way to tell the internal SUBFUNCTIONS to SCOPE at the same level of MAIN?
There are two completely different concepts called "parent" in R: the parent.frame() of a call, and the parent.env() of an environment.
parent.frame() walks up the chain of the stack of calls. If you have a recursive function that calls itself, it will appear multiple times in that chain.
In general, it's dangerous to use parent.frame(), because even if the context in which you use it now makes it clear which environment will be the parent.frame(), at some future time you might change your program (e.g. make the internal function into a recursive one, or call it from another internal function), and then parent.frame() will refer to something different.
The parent.env() function applies to an environment; parent.env(environment()) gives you the enclosing environment of the current one. If you call parent.env(environment()) it will always refer to the environment where your current function was defined. It doesn't matter how you called it, just how you defined it. So you always know what will happen if you assign there, and it's much safer in the long term than using parent.frame().
The <<- "super-assignment" works with enclosing environments, not the stack of calls. If you do var <<- value, then as long as you are sure that var was defined in the enclosing function, you can be sure that's what gets modified.
One flaw in R is that it doesn't enforce the existence of var there, so that's why some people say <<- is "sloppy". If you accidentally forget to define it properly, or spell it wrong, R will search back through the whole chain of environments to try to do what you asked, and if it never finds a matching variable, it will do the assignment in the global environment. You almost never want to do that: keep side effects minimal.
So, to answer the question "Is there a way at the MAIN level I can define all the variables and just USE them within all internal functions without having to assign them back or returning the updating values?": as you found in your edit, the nested function can read the value of any variable in the MAIN function without requiring any special code. To modify those variables, be sure both snail.rank and crank are defined in MAIN, then use <<- in the nested function to assign new values to them.
To have a function f defined within another function main such that f has the same scope as main surround the entire body of f with eval.parent(substitute({...})) like this:
main <- function() {
f <- function() eval.parent(substitute({
a <- a + 1
b <- 0.5
a <- 1
10 * a + b
## [1] 30.5
The gtools package has defmacro which allows the same thing and uses the same technique internally. Also see the wrapr package.

Passing a function argument with dots

I'm trying to write a function to compute sample sizes in R.
The function uses a couple of smaller functions. I'd like to pass arguments into the smaller functions using the dots. Here is my function so far:
if(p<=0|p>=1) stop('p must be between 0 and 1')
samplesize<-function(method_name, beta, sigma_x, mult_cor, power= 0.8,fpr = 0.05,...){
if(method_name=='linear regression'){
var_func <- lin_reg_var
else if(method_name=='logistic regression'){
var_func <- log_reg_var
else if(method_name=='cox regression'){
var_func <- cox_reg_var
else if(method_name=='poisson regression'){
var_func <- pois_reg_var
stop('method_name not recognized. method_name accepts one of: "linear regression",
"logistic regression","cox regression", or "poisson regression"')
top = (qnorm(1-fpr/2) + qnorm(power))^2
bottom = (beta*sigma_x)^2*(1-mult_cor)
n = (top/bottom)*var_func(...)
I should be able to do
samplesize(method_name = 'logreg',1,1,0,p=0.5)
But instead I am thrown the following error:
Error in var_func(...) : argument "p" is missing, with no default
Clearly there is something wrong with me passing p through the dots, but I'm not sure what is wrong.
What is my problem here?
You need to add the additional parameter p as an argument and you need to pass it into your log_reg_var() function. You also have to be careful with some other syntax:
if(p<=0|p>=1) stop('p must be between 0 and 1')
# specify that you pass a parameter `p`
samplesize<-function(method_name, beta, sigma_x, mult_cor, power= 0.8,fpr = 0.05, p, ...){
# Initialize `var_func` to a NULL value
var_func = NULL
if(method_name=='linear regression'){
var_func <- lin_reg_var(p)
else if(method_name=='logistic regression'){
# pass parameter `p` into log_reg_var since there is no default
var_func <- log_reg_var(p)
else if(method_name=='cox regression'){
var_func <- cox_reg_var(p)
else if(method_name=='poisson regression'){
var_func <- pois_reg_var(p)
stop('method_name not recognized. method_name accepts one of: "linear regression",
"logistic regression","cox regression", or "poisson regression"')
top = (qnorm(1-fpr/2) + qnorm(power))^2
bottom = (beta*sigma_x)^2*(1-mult_cor)
n = (top/bottom)*var_func
> samplesize(method_name ='logistic regression', 1, 1, 0, p=0.5)
[1] 32

Checking if a returned number is an integer in GP/Pari?

This is my first time using GP/Pari and I am having trouble completing this question.
I am asked to print if the return of the function 'wq()' is an integer. Is there a function that can determine if the number passed in is an integer? If not how would I go about checking? I find the syntax somewhat difficult and can't find much information online about it.
I have included what I have so far, any help is appreciated.
wq(x) =
[(x-1)! + 1]/x
test(r,s) =
for (i=r, s, if(isinteger(wq(i)), print("integer"), print("not interger")));
If I understand correctly you want to check if (x-1)! + 1 is a multiple of x. You can do that with the modulo operation:
test(r,s) =
for (i=r, s, if(Mod((i - 1)! + 1, i) == 0,
print("not integer")));
You can use:
wq(x) =
((x-1)! + 1)/x
test(r,s) =
for (i=r, s, print(if(type(wq(i))=="t_INT", "integer", "not integer")))
I changed [] into () since [] gives a row vector (type t_VEC) which is not useful here.
Here is another way to write it:
wq(x) =
Mod((x-1)! + 1, x)
test(r,s) =
for (i=r, s, wq(i) && print1("not "); print("integer"))
The function print1 prints and "stays" on the same line. The 'and' operator && "short-circuits". The semicolon ; binds several expressions into one "sequence".

Is it possible to save variable values when using pairs?

Is it possible to do something like this somehow with pairs or a similar function?
var = "" #initialization
panel.pearson <- function(x, y, ...) {
horizontal <- (par("usr")[1] + par("usr")[2]) / 2;
vertical <- (par("usr")[3] + par("usr")[4]) / 2;
cor = cor.test(x,y)
cor.p = cor$p.value
cor.r = cor$estimate
cor.p = round(cor.p, digits = 2)
cor.r = round(cor.r, digits = 2)
stars = ifelse(cor.p < .001, "***", ifelse(cor.p < .01, "** ", ifelse(cor.p < .05, "* ", " ")))
format_r_p = paste(cor.r, stars, sep="")
text(horizontal, vertical, format_r_p, cex=2)
var = c(var, format_r_p)
pairs(crime, upper.panel=panel.pearson )
var would output all the format_r_p values.
It’s possible but it’s a really, really bad idea in general: functions should not mutate global state.
So instead, isolate the modification to be local instead of global:
var = ''
pairs(crime, upper.panel = function (x, y, ...) {
result = panel.pearson(x, y, ...)
var <<- c(var, result)
Now, instead of making panel.pearson modify any global magic variables, we use an anonymous function in the scope of the call to pairs to modify a variable in the scope of the call to pairs, i.e. locally.
To modify this variable from inside the anonymous function, we use <<- instead of the normal assignment.

R: Question about Optimizing - Invalid Function Value in Optimize

We have not been able to pinpoint what is causing the error of Invalid Function Value in Optimize in our Optimizing code. If you could offer any insight, it would be appreciated.
H_fun <- function(c)
val = -current_c_weight*c - X_counts%*%log(
exp(rep(c,length(current_Theta))*current_Theta) -
current_elongation_rates )
print('#########iteration display#############')
# minimize -H(c) without the non-negativity constraint
#tmp = optim(c(0,1),H_fun,NULL, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE);
tmp = optimize(H_fun,interval = c(0,1));
Here is a link to the code:
Are you sure H_fun is returning a one-dimensional value?
Look at fcn1() in the R optimize() source code:
static double fcn1(double x, struct callinfo *info)
REAL(CADR(info->R_fcall))[0] = x;
s = eval(info->R_fcall, info->R_env);
switch(TYPEOF(s)) {
case INTSXP:
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (INTEGER(s)[0] == NA_INTEGER) {
warning(_("NA replaced by maximum positive value"));
return DBL_MAX;
else return INTEGER(s)[0];
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(s)[0])) {
warning(_("NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value"));
return DBL_MAX;
else return REAL(s)[0];
goto badvalue;
error(_("invalid function value in 'optimize'"));
return 0;/* for -Wall */
goto badvalue occurs if length is not 1. Also, the package summary states that optimize() works on a one-dimensional unconstrained function.
