Qt quick controls - where is defined ScrollView orientation? - qt

i created my custom style for ScrollView, but actually i don't know how to check what orientation of scroll is it (horizontal or vertical? I need use different image for each of them).
source code of scrollview style
In this source code, that i found, is used word horizontal, but where it comes from? I don't see any declaration of horizontal property.

It comes from this line. In newer versions of Qt, properties for style components are exposed through the styleData object; this is now standard practice for all Qt Quick Controls styling. In the case of ScrollViewStyle, commit e0c8035c updated the code to use styleData instead.


Move splitters in design mode

When i add splitters, it acts as a layout, but also allows to resize the widgets in runtime. So, for example, i managed to lay out my widgets in this way:
Therefore, i can resize my widgets in runtime. As i noticed, this function is also available in designer mode, but it doesn't work properly. I tried to hover over my splitter and drag it in designer mode, but it only replaces the entire widget.
That is how does my main window look like in QtDesigner. I haven't tried to code yet. The problem is, that even though i used to set a stretch factor, my widegt's look in designer mode and in runtime completely differ. They have another sizes.
So, what are the problems:
Firstly, i can't change my widgets sizes properly, using stretch factors. I don't know, i tried to change size policies, but i did't manage to see an effect. I have somehow changed size of the vertically oriented widgets, but when speak about horizontal orientation - stretch factor and size policy doesn't change anything at all.
Secondly, i can't move my splitter in designer mode. It's position is constant, by default, it's always somewhere in the middle.
Thirdly, i have bugs (i think so) with my widget sizes in designer mode. They differ with widget's sizes in runtime.
So, how can i change widget's sizes properly? Maybe there's a way of moving a splitter in designer mode - do newer versions of Qt have it? Currently i'm using Qt 5.9.9. Also, why these bugs, and are they bugs at all. Maybe i just should update my Qt to newer versions to get access to newer functionalities?
Comment: I'm not sure if stretch factors work with layout as they do with widgets. I'm using layouts exactly the same way i use widgets. My layout's wrong(maybe) use may have caused this problem. Anyways, i'm entirely new to Qt, and may not know something to understand it completely.

How to resize width of scrollbar in WebEngineView?

I am using QML component WebEngineView, It has been observed that, scrollbar is by default implemented in WebEngineView, but there is no interface to change the width of scrollbar. This is required in my use case where I cannot use swipe, I can use only mouse drag operation on scrollbar of the WebEngineView in order to view all hidden part of the web content where length is outside the view port area. Since Scrollbar size of WebEngineView( default is very small 15pix )its quite difficult to drag exactly on the area and drag using mouse.
Can Some one suggest how to customize the scrollbar of WebEngineView?
I can find webengine source code, then modify and build for the purpose?
Any Style Can apply on WebEngineView ?
I am using Qt 5.6.2
Qt Webengine Source code Observation:
QML Webengineview is not set any scrollbar width internally, instead it uses back-end scrollbar probably of chrome’s.
WebEngineView uses the scrollbar that comes from the Chromium backend and there is no QML or C++ API to customize it directly. However WebEngine supports to change these scrollbar styles in CSS, so the only thing you can do is to install a user script which applies a bigger width on all -webkit-scrollbar.
See this related example: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-webenginewidgets-stylesheetbrowser-example.html
And your stylesheet could look like this:
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 40px;

How to avoid adding excess 1 pixel spacing by Qt Designer

I'm working on application for embedded and we have 256x64 grayscale screen. Qt 5.3 perfectly renders on that screen with -platform linuxfb option. Obviously, we save every pixel of space, so I faced with trouble: Qt Designer adds excess 1 pixel spacing for every layout element deeper in hierarchy. So they accumulate for the most deep widgets. More precisely, for some reason child element of layout components gets coordinates (1,1) relative to parent. So, it's true for every widget except for root widget. Picture below demonstrates accumulated spacings (thin and thick red lines), and (1,1) coordinates of the very first child widget.
I believe it's Qt behavior itself, not just Qt Designer issue (not tested yet). But I can't work further even if it's shown in Designer only: I need to have pixel-exact view while designing.
Of course, every spacing and margin of every component in form set to 0.
Manual coordinates assigning (from code) eliminates the problem of course, but I need to generate code by uic.
So, my question is: how to avoid such spacings? Fixing Qt core sources can be (hard) option too, since anyway we recompile Qt for the project.
Mirror post on Qt forums
If you select Form > View Code, you can see that the geometry is not actually used for widgets which are inside a layout. So the numbers you see in the Property Editor are purely informational and have no relevance to the eventual code that is generated from the ui file (which is why they are greyed out).
The one pixel offset is there because Qt Designer needs space to draw the red boxes around layouts. They have to be be represented somehow, so I don't see how this can be avoided given the way Qt Designer currently works. If you want a more accurate reprentation of the final results, I suppose you will have to show a preview.
There is a facility in Settings > Preferences > Embedded Design that allows you to specify device profiles (which determine things like style, font, and screen resolution). This will add a new entry to the Preview In menu, which should allow you to refine the accuracy of the previews even further.

How to make bootstraps's "split button" in Qt widgets

This is probably simple, though I can't find the correct CSS trick to handle this one.
I want to have this kind of button-group (separated with lines, containing a context menu ) in Qt. They must have native look and feel (not like below examples) so the only needed change seems to be removing rounded corners of a QPushButton from its right side (for left-most button), left side (for right most button) and both (for buttons in the middle).
Qt does not support this. You can use CSS to style the buttons like in the example, but you can not use natively styled buttons like this.
If you really need this, the only option I see is to write custom controls for this, with customized drawing code for each OS GUI style you want to support.
You could also try to use standard buttons that overlap and use custom code to paint some kind of line over the overlapping region, but I don't think that would be a good solution.

How do I set or change specific style sheet properties in Qt for a QWidget, without resetting the whole style sheet?

I've been searching for a while for an answer to this problem and I'm rather surprised that I have not found a solution. I'm working with Qt on Mac and would like to customize QPushbuttons and other QWidgets, but I want to maintain the native look somewhat as well. For example, if I want to remove the margins of a QButton using style sheets, I do:
QPushButton btn(this);
This indeed removes the margins, but it also removes the native style already set for default buttons. Of course, I just want to modify margins using style sheets, how do I do this?
Also, I would expect that btn.styleSheet() would return the native style sheet, but it is blank by default. Only when I set my own style sheet, does it return a valid value, but only for the property I set. I get that setStyleSheet would reset the style sheet, but how do I modify certain properties and leave everything else as is?
TL;DR: It can't be done that way.
The native style cannot be generally expressed as a CSS style sheet, thus styleSheet() is empty by default on all styles. Thus, unfortunately, it's not possible to change native style elements one-by-one, since typically they are drawn by the platform APIs that allow little if any customization.
For examples, a QPushButton is drawn by the native calls on both OS X and Windows.
In the specific case of the margin, though, you can easily work around by creating a proxy style that returns smaller control rectangle and crops and transforms the painter before passing it to the base style. This also works for colorization/color substitution etc. You basically have to accept that the base style has to do the drawing, and then it's up to you to tweak it.
