R add index column to data frame based on row values - r

This is a continuation of r - How to add row index to a data frame, based on combination of factors
I tried to replicate what I believe to be the desired results using the green checked answer and am consistently getting something other than expected. I am sure I am doing something really basic wrong, but can't seem to see it OR I've misunderstood what the desired state is.
The data from the original post:
temp <- data.frame(
Dim1 = c("A","A","A","A","A","A","B","B"),
Dim2 = c(100,100,100,100,200,200,100,200),
Value = sample(1:10, 8)
Then I ran the following code: temp$indexLength <- ave( 1:nrow(temp), temp$Dim1, factor( temp$Dim2), FUN=function(x) 1:length(x) )
and: temp$indexSeqAlong <- ave( 1:nrow(temp), temp$Dim1, factor( temp$Dim2), FUN=seq_along )
and then I created the following: temp$indexDesired <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
...ending up with the data frame below:
Dim1 Dim2 Value indexLength indexSeqAlong indexDesired
1 A 100 6 1 1 1
2 A 100 2 2 2 1
3 A 100 9 3 3 1
4 A 100 8 4 4 1
5 A 200 10 1 1 2
6 A 200 4 2 2 2
7 B 100 3 1 1 3
8 B 200 5 1 1 4
If I can figure out what I'm not getting the desired index -- and assuming the code is extensible to more than 2 variables -- I should be all set. Thanks in advance!

If you use data.table, there is a "symbol" .GRP which records this information ( a simple group counter)
DT <- data.table(temp)
DT[, index := .GRP, by = list(Dim1, Dim2)]
# Dim1 Dim2 Value index
# 1: A 100 10 1
# 2: A 100 2 1
# 3: A 100 9 1
# 4: A 100 4 1
# 5: A 200 6 2
# 6: A 200 1 2
# 7: B 100 8 3
# 8: B 200 7 4

Once the values in teh first argument have been partitioned, there is no way that ave "knows" what order they have been passed. You want a method that can look at changes in values. The duplicated function is generic and has a data.frame method that looks at multiple columns:
temp$indexSeqAlong <- cumsum(!duplicated(temp[, 1:2]) )
Dim1 Dim2 Value indexSeqAlong
1 A 100 8 1
2 A 100 2 1
3 A 100 7 1
4 A 100 3 1
5 A 200 5 2
6 A 200 1 2
7 B 100 4 3
8 B 200 10 4
Is extensible to as many columns as you want.


Select value from previous group based on condition

I have the following df
df<-data.frame(value = c(1,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2),
group = c(5,5,5,6,7,7,8,8,9,10),
no_rows = c(3,3,3,1,2,2,2,2,1,1))
where identical consecutive values form a group, i.e., values in rows 1:3 fall under group 5. Column "no_rows" tells us how many rows/entries each group has, i.e., group 5 has 3 rows/entries.
I am trying to substitute all values, where no_rows < 2, with the value from a previous group. I expect my end df to look like this:
df_end<-data.frame(value = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),
group = c(5,5,5,6,7,7,8,8,9,10),
no_rows = c(3,3,3,1,2,2,2,2,1,1))
I came up with this combination of if...else in a for loop, which gives me the desired output, however it is very slow and I am looking for a way to optimise it.
for (i in 2:length(df$group)){
if (df$no_rows[i] < 2){
df$value[i] <- df$value[i-1]
I have also tried with dplyr::mutate and lag() but it does not give me the desired output (it only removes the first value per group instead of taking the value of a previous group).
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(no_rows < 2, lag(value), value))
I looked for a solution now for a few days but I could not find anything that fit my problem completly. Any ideas?
a data.table approach...
first, get the values of groups with length >=2, then fill in missing values (NA) by last-observation-carried-forward.
# make it a data.table
setDT(df, key = "group")
# get values for groups of no_rows >= 2
df[no_rows >= 2, new_value := value][]
# value group no_rows new_value
# 1: 1 5 3 1
# 2: 1 5 3 1
# 3: 1 5 3 1
# 4: 2 6 1 NA
# 5: 1 7 2 1
# 6: 1 7 2 1
# 7: 2 8 2 2
# 8: 2 8 2 2
# 9: 1 9 1 NA
#10: 2 10 1 NA
# fill down missing values in new_value
setnafill(df, "locf", cols = c("new_value"))
# value group no_rows new_value
# 1: 1 5 3 1
# 2: 1 5 3 1
# 3: 1 5 3 1
# 4: 2 6 1 1
# 5: 1 7 2 1
# 6: 1 7 2 1
# 7: 2 8 2 2
# 8: 2 8 2 2
# 9: 1 9 1 2
#10: 2 10 1 2

cumulative product in R across column

I have a dataframe in the following format
> x <- data.frame("a" = c(1,1),"b" = c(2,2),"c" = c(3,4))
> x
a b c
1 1 2 3
2 1 2 4
I'd like to add 3 new columns which is a cumulative product of the columns a b c, however I need a reverse cumulative product i.e. the output should be
row 1:
result_d = 1*2*3 = 6 , result_e = 2*3 = 6, result_f = 3
and similarly for row 2
The end result will be
a b c result_d result_e result_f
1 1 2 3 6 6 3
2 1 2 4 8 8 4
the column names do not matter this is just an example. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
as per my comment, is it possible to do this on a subset of columns? e.g. only for columns b and c to return:
a b c results_e results_f
1 1 2 3 6 3
2 1 2 4 8 4
so that column "a" is effectively ignored?
One option is to loop through the rows and apply cumprod over the reverse of elements and then do the reverse
nm1 <- paste0("result_", c("d", "e", "f"))
x[nm1] <- t(apply(x, 1,
function(x) rev(cumprod(rev(x)))))
# a b c result_d result_e result_f
#1 1 2 3 6 6 3
#2 1 2 4 8 8 4
Or a vectorized option is rowCumprods
x[nm1] <- rowCumprods(as.matrix(x[ncol(x):1]))[,ncol(x):1]
temp = data.frame(Reduce("*", x[NCOL(x):1], accumulate = TRUE))
setNames(cbind(x, temp[NCOL(temp):1]),
c(names(x), c("res_d", "res_e", "res_f")))
# a b c res_d res_e res_f
#1 1 2 3 6 6 3
#2 1 2 4 8 8 4

Adding NA's where data is missing [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Insert missing time rows into a dataframe
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a dataset that look like the following
id = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4)
cycle = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,3,2)
value = 1:9
> data.frame(id,cycle,value)
id cycle value
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 3
4 2 1 4
5 2 2 5
6 2 3 6
7 3 1 7
8 3 3 8
9 4 2 9
so basically there is a variable called id that identifies the sample, a variable called cycle which identifies the timepoint, and a variable called value that identifies the value at that timepoint.
As you see, sample 3 does not have cycle 2 data and sample 4 is missing cycle 1 and 3 data. What I want to know is there a way to run a command outside of a loop to get the data to place NA's where there is no data. So I would like for my dataset to look like the following:
> data.frame(id,cycle,value)
id cycle value
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 3
4 2 1 4
5 2 2 5
6 2 3 6
7 3 1 7
8 3 2 NA
9 3 3 8
10 4 1 NA
11 4 2 9
12 4 3 NA
I am able to solve this problem with a lot of loops and if statements but the code is extremely long and cumbersome (I have many more columns in my real dataset).
Also, the number of samples I have is very large so I need something that is generalizable.
Using merge and expand.grid, we can come up with a solution. expand.grid creates a data.frame with all combinations of the supplied vectors (so you'd supply it with the id and cycle variables). By merging to your original data (and using all.x = T, which is like a left join in SQL), we can fill in those rows with missing data in dat with NA.
id = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4)
cycle = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,3,2)
value = 1:9
dat <- data.frame(id,cycle,value)
grid_dat <- expand.grid(id = 1:4,
cycle = 1:3)
# or you could do (HT #jogo):
# grid_dat <- expand.grid(id = unique(dat$id),
# cycle = unique(dat$cycle))
merge(x = grid_dat, y = dat, by = c('id','cycle'), all.x = T)
id cycle value
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 3
4 2 1 4
5 2 2 5
6 2 3 6
7 3 1 7
8 3 2 NA
9 3 3 8
10 4 1 NA
11 4 2 9
12 4 3 NA
A solution based on the package tidyverse.
# Create example data frame
id <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4)
cycle <- c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2)
value <- 1:9
dt <- data.frame(id, cycle, value)
# Complete the combination between id and cycle
dt2 <- dt %>% complete(id, cycle)
Here is a solution with data.table doing a cross join:
d <- data.table(id = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4), cycle = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,3,2), value = 1:9)
d[CJ(id=id, cycle=cycle, unique=TRUE), on=.(id,cycle)]

Create a rolling index of pairs over groups

I need to create (with R) a rolling index of pairs from a data set that includes groups. Consider the following data set:
times <- c(4,3,2)
V1 <- unlist(lapply(times, function(x) seq(1, x)))
df <- data.frame(group = rep(1:length(times), times = times),
V1 = V1,
rolling_index = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,5))
group V1 rolling_index
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 2
4 1 4 2
5 2 1 3
6 2 2 3
7 2 3 4
8 3 1 5
9 3 2 5
The data frame I have includes the variables group and V1. Within each group V1 designates a running index (that may or may not start at 1).
I want to create a new indexing variable that looks like rolling_index. This variable groups rows within the same group and consecutive V1 value, thus creating a new rolling index. This new index must be consecutive over groups. If there is an uneven amount of rows within a group (e.g. group 2), then the last, single row gets its own rolling index value.
You can try
setDT(df)[, gr:=as.numeric(gl(.N, 2, .N)), group][,
rollindex:=cumsum(c(TRUE,abs(diff(gr))>0))][,gr:= NULL]
# group V1 rolling_index rollindex
#1: 1 1 1 1
#2: 1 2 1 1
#3: 1 3 2 2
#4: 1 4 2 2
#5: 2 1 3 3
#6: 2 2 3 3
#7: 2 3 4 4
#8: 3 1 5 5
#9: 3 2 5 5
Or using base R
indx1 <- !duplicated(df$group)
indx2 <- with(df, ave(group, group, FUN=function(x)
gl(length(x), 2, length(x))))
#[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5
The above methods are based on the 'group' column. Suppose you already have a sequence column ('V1') by group as showed in the example, creation of rolling index is easier
cumsum(!!df$V1 %%2)
#[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5
As mentioned in the post, if the 'V1' column do not start at '1' for some groups, we can get the sequence from the 'group' and then do the cumsum as above
cumsum(!!with(df, ave(seq_along(group), group, FUN=seq_along))%%2)
#[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5
There is probably a simpler way but you can do:
rep_each <- unlist(mapply(function(q,r) {c(rep(2, q),rep(1, r))},
df$rolling_index <- inverse.rle(x=list(lengths=rep_each, values=seq(rep_each)))
#[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5

Replace values in a series exceeding a threshold

In a dataframe I'd like to replace values in a series where they exceed a given threshold.
For example, within a group ('ID') in a series designated by 'time', if 'value' ever exceeds 3, I'd like to make all following entries also equal 3.
ID <- as.factor(c(rep("A", 3), rep("B",3), rep("C",3)))
time <- rep(1:3, 3)
value <- c(c(1,1,2), c(2,3,2), c(3,3,2))
dat <- cbind.data.frame(ID, time, value)
ID time value
A 1 1
A 2 1
A 3 2
B 1 2
B 2 3
B 3 2
C 1 3
C 2 3
C 3 2
I'd like it to be:
ID time value
A 1 1
A 2 1
A 3 2
B 1 2
B 2 3
B 3 3
C 1 3
C 2 3
C 3 3
This should be easy, but I can't figure it out. Thanks!
The ave function makes this very easy by allowing you to apply a function to each of the groupings. In this case, we will adapth the cummax (cumulative maximum) to see if we've seen a 3 yet.
dat$value2<-with(dat, ave(value, ID, FUN=
function(x) ifelse(cummax(x)>=3, 3, x)))
# ID time value value2
# 1 A 1 1 1
# 2 A 2 1 1
# 3 A 3 2 2
# 4 B 1 2 2
# 5 B 2 3 3
# 6 B 3 2 3
# 7 C 1 3 3
# 8 C 2 3 3
# 9 C 3 2 3
You could also just use FUN=cummax if you want never-decreasing values. I wasn't sure about the sequence c(1,2,1) if you wanted to keep that unchanged or not.
If you can assume your data are sorted by group, then this should be fast, essentially relying on findInterval() behind the scenes:
id <- Rle(ID)
three <- which(value>=3L)
ir <- reduce(IRanges(three, end(id)[findRun(three, id)])))
dat$value[as.integer(ir)] <- 3L
This avoids looping over the groups.
