Do I Still Need to Insert Analytics Code after HTML File Verification - google-analytics

After verifying my domain through HTML file verification should I also insert analytics code into Yoast SEO plugin or within functions.php file? Similarly, Is it safe to delete the html file after the verification?

I'm guessing here but it sounds like you are confusing Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics.
I which case you'll have to keep the html file AND you have to insert Google Analytics code.
Google Webmaster Tools give you information about what people see in the search result list and if your site gets crawled correctly by Google. Google Analytics tell you where your visitors come from and what they do on your site, so these are quite different things.
Plus this probably belongs to (it's not exactly a programming question).


Implementing Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager tracking codes on a Wordpress site with Personal plan

I have a Wordpress website and have the Personal plan.
My goal is to implement the tracking code of the Google Tag Manager on each site.
When I am on the Wordpress site in the HTML view, I should be able to paste one tracking code as close to the opening <head> tag as possible on every page of my website but this is not possible.
That´s why I had a talk with somebody from the Wordpress Support team and their answer was the following:
I believe the code for Google Analytics is meant to go in the header of the site. Since is a fully managed environment, we don't have access to the header code.
Instead, we have a built in Google Analytics option available as part of the Business upgrade.
The issue is I don´t want to spend 25$ a month just to have Google Analytics integrated on my website. There must be also a way for somebody like me with a Personal plan to implement the tracking codes.
When I tried to implement them, they were not hidden on the website which should not be the case (because "hidden" is in the code).
Did anybody of you have the same issue like I am facing?
P.S.: There are also Plugins for Google Analytics but with my plan I can´t upload any Plugins. :/
I integrated the code on a text widget. It worked just fine. If you dont give title to the widget, its even completly invisible. so dont spend unecessary money

Google Analytics Tracker showing Tracking Not Installed

Using wordpress, I manually inserted the tracking code given to me by Google Analytics just before the tag into my header.php file. Google Analytics is still showing Tracking Not Installed.
here's the source code for my site:
Any ideas?
It looks like the javascript is broken from cutting and pasting.
Easiest thing to do is use a plugin rather then edit theme files. Take a look at for any number of plugins - simple to complex - that will work.
Most you simply enter your Google ID - and sometimes authenticate with your Google account - and the plugin takes it from there.

Question about setting up Google Analytics with Google Apps Marketplace

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question but if theres anyone who would know this is SO. If not, where is the best place to ask this question?
At the bottom of vendor profile when you log in at, there is a text box for you to insert your GA code.
Question: what does this do? What kind of stats am I expected to see in Google Analytics? I don't have the luxury of trial and error at the moment.
That field gives you analytics on visits to your Apps Marketplace's product page. Basically, for security reasons, Google doesn't let you add JavaScript to the page, but they provide the ability to specifically insert Google Analytics tracking.
There's a similar field on (Google Code -- for hosting code source), the Chrome Web Store (for web apps), and non-Google sites too... this is standard practice when a website wants to let a third party embed their Google Analytics but doesn't want to give them the ability to add arbitrary JavaScript to the page.

Google Analytics - only track traffic to a folder of the site

I want to track traffic for and careless about traffic on in general.
Is it ok to place the GA tracking code in the files inside the /current-campaign/ folder or does it HAVE TO be in the root of the server for tracking to work?
GA will only track on the pages you actually put the tracking code on, regardless of where the page is located (unless you start messing with things like domain settings or filters etc..).
So IOW yes, it is okay to do that. If you don't have tracking code on then it's not gonna track that page (though it might show up as the URL in some reports like referring URL or exit link or whatever, same as any other page you don't track)
In Google Analytics, you can add a filter to the profile and filter all but the chosen directories. Go to Analytics Settings > Profile Settings and look for "Add Filter" link.
In addition to Crayon's answer, you can limit tracking to a subdirectory by using _setCookiePath() function in your tracking function. See Analytics documentation on single subdirectory (note the link anchor is not resolved to a correct header, at least for me).
This is advised in the documentation to use when you only want to track a subdirectory and avoid clashes with Analytics trackers possibly in use in other subdirectories.
I work for a department in a large university.
The department's web page resides at
I only have FTP access to the sub-folder /department-name/ and nothing else on the site.
It was quite easy to get Google Analytics to track traffic within the subfolder /department-name/, ignoring the rest of the site. All I did was create a profile in GA, setting the default url to I then pasted the tracking code into the pages I wished to track.
It took about eight hours for anything to show up in GA, but after that it worked just fine.

Exclude Xenu's Link Sleuth from Google Analytics

I've just added the Google Analytics tracking to my website (cca 350 static HTML pages).
I realized that I run Xenu's Link Sleuth to check my links pretty often, nearly after each change in my HTML files. I guess such checking will be counted as regular accesses to my website by Google Analytics. I would like to exclude the Xenu checking from the Google Analytics reports. Is this possible?
So far, I have excluded my own access by filtering out my IP address. Can I do something similar for the Xenu? I am running the Xenu application always from my own PC, does it mean that by excluding my own IP, I have also excluded the Xenu checking, which is possibly using also my IP address?
As I am writing this, I am realizing that I am using also online HTML validator at and another version here Can I somehow exclude also these checks?
Does Link Sleuth run JavaScript? If not, it won't do anything to Google Analytics.
From what I can see on the FAQ, Link Sleuth will only run JavaScript if you tell it to, and then only links that match your regular expression. Just don't get it to call the GA tracker.
