SQLite Function that performs additional queries - sqlite

I have written a custom SQLite function that transforms a string as it is copied from one table to another. It's very basic and has does its job well for quite a while. The query looks like this:
INSERT INTO Table2 (field1) SELECT MYTRANSFORM(field2) FROM Table2;
Now I need to modify the behavior of that function so that it does a lookup on another table and factors the result into how it transforms the value. Is that possible? Has anyone done it successfully?

This is possible; you can execute other SQL queries from within your function, as long as you do not call your function recursively.


Not able to have commands in User-Defined functions in Kusto

I am trying to create a function that will accept name of tag and a datetime value and drop a extent within a specific table which has that tag and then ingest a new record into that table with the same tag and the input datetime value -- sort of 'update' simulation. I am not bothered about performance, it's just going to hold metadata -- maybe 20-30 rows at max.
So this is how the create table looks:-
.create table MyTable(sometext:string,somevalue:datetime)
And shown below is my function creation step, which is failing:-
.create-or-alter function MyFunction(arg_sometext:string,arg_somedate:datetime)
.drop extents <| .show table MyTable extents where tags has arg_sometext;
.ingest inline into table MyTable with (tags="[arg_sometext]") <| arg_somedate
So you can see I am trying to do something simple -- I am suspecting that Kusto won't allow commands in a function. Is there any workaround for achieving this?
Kusto mandates that control commands start with a dot (.), and that this must be the first character in the text of the command. As queries, functions, etc. don't start with a dot, this precludes them from invoking control commands.
This is an intentional limitation that prevents a wide range of code injection attacks. By imposing this rule, Kusto makes it easy to guarantee that any query that does not begin with a dot will only have read access to the data and metadata, and never be able to alter them.
Specifically: with regards to your specific scenario:
I'm assuming it's triggered automatically (even if you did have the option to create a function), which suggests you should be able to achieve your goal using Kusto's API / Client libraries and a simple script/app.
An alternative, and perhaps even better approach, would be to re-consider if you actually need to delete or update specific records, or you can use summarize arg_max() in order to query for only the latest "versions" of the records (you could also create a function which encapsulates that logic and overrides the table, by naming the function with the table's name).

filter QSqlRelationalTableModel with setFilter function to show only items that contains a specific tag/tags

I have an SQLITE Database with the following tables
I'm using QSqlRelationalTableModel class to for the items table.
this class have this function QSqlTableModel::setFilter(const QString &filter);
The filter is a SQL WHERE clause without the keyword WHERE
for example: setFilter("item_name=arg");
what I want to do is to use the setFilter function to select only items with a specific tag/tags.
since I can only use the setFilter(QString &Filter) function which is basically a WHERE clause
I found this solution which I think is a bad one
I'll use this filter
FilterString="item_id=arg1 or item_id=arg2 or item_id=argX or......"
the IDs will be obtained from this query
Query.prepare("select item_id from items_tags where tag_id=?");
the FilterString will be generated and incremented by a (do while loop) using Query.next() function that will loop over the resulted Query IDs
and use like 2 if statements to determine when to add the or clause to the FilterString
this solution will definitely work but I think it's stupid because if there are many tagged items(say 5000) the Query string will contain 4999 or clause and another 5000 "id=x" so the Query will be more than 10000 characters long.
QString object can contain a lot more characters but is this Query will have a big impact on performance ?
what are the other alternatives, Even if it requires to switch to another DB like ORACLE or Mysql since SQLITE doesn't have many internal features

Common table expression functionality in SQLite

I need to apply two successive aggregate functions to a dataset (the sum of a series of averages), something that is easily and routinely done with common table expressions in SQL Server or another DBMS that supports CTEs. Unfortunately, I am currently stuck with SQLite which does not support CTEs. Is there an alternative or workaround for achieving the same result in SQLite without performing two queries and rolling up the results in code?
To add a few more details, I don't think it could be easily done with views because the first set of aggregate values need to be retrieved based on a WHERE clause with several parameters. E.g.,
SELECT avg(elapsedTime)
FROM statisticsTable
WHERE connectionId in ([lots of values]) AND
updateTime > [startTime] AND
updateTime < [endTime]
GROUP BY connectionId
And then I need the sum of those averages.
Now that we are in THE FUTURE, let me note here that SQLite now does support Common Table Expressions, as of version 3.8.3 of 2014-02-03.
Would this work?
SELECT SUM(t.time) as sum_of_series_of_averages
SELECT avg(elapsedTime) as time
FROM statisticsTable
WHERE connectionId in ([lots of values]) AND
updateTime > [startTime] AND
updateTime < [endTime]
GROUP BY connectionId
) as t
By converting your averages into an inline view, you can SUM() the averages.
Is this what you are looking for?
As you've mentioned, SQLite doesn't support CTEs, window functions, or any of the like.
You can, however, write your own user functions that you can call inside SQLite by registering them to the database with the SQLite API using sqlite_create_function(). You register them with the database, and then you can use them in your own application code. You can make an aggregate function that would perform the sum of a series of averages based on the individual column values. For each value, a step-type callback function is called that allows you to perform some calculation on the data, and a pointer for holding state data is also available.
In your SQL, then, you could register a custom function called sum_of_series_of_averages and have:
SELECT sum_of_series_of_averages(columnA,columnB)
FROM table
For some good examples on how those work, you should check out the SQLite source code, and also check out this tutorial (search for Defining SQLite User Functions).

SQLite table creation date

Is there a way to query the creation date of a table in SQLite?
I am new to SQL, overall. I just found this SQL Server table creation date query.
I am assuming that sqlite_master is the equivalent to sys.tables in SQLite. Is that correct?
But then my sqlite_master table only has the columns "type", "name", "tbl_name", "rootpage" and "sql".
If this is not possible in SQLite, what would be the best way to implement this functionality by myself?
SQLite does not store this data itself. Like you said, the sqlite_master table doesn't have any relevant column.
There's no particularly nice way that I can come up with to implement it. You could create some sort of interface for creating tables, and have it note the time whenever you create a new one, but anything created through a different method won't go through the same process. It also looks like there's no way to set a trigger on CREATE TABLE, so that's not an option either.
Why do you want this functionality? Creating tables seems like something you wouldn't be doing very often, maybe there's a better way to approach the problem?

SQL Server 2005 - Pass In Name of Table to be Queried via Parameter

Here's the situation. Due to the design of the database I have to work with, I need to write a stored procedure in such a way that I can pass in the name of the table to be queried against if at all possible. The program in question does its processing by jobs, and each job gets its own table created in the database, IE table-jobid1, table-jobid2, table-jobid3, etc. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about this design - I'm stuck with it.
However, now, I need to do data mining against these individualized tables. I'd like to avoid doing the SQL in the code files at all costs if possible. Ideally, I'd like to have a stored procedure similar to:
FROM #TableName AS tbl
WHERE #Filter
Is this even possible in SQL Server 2005? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Alternate ways to keep the SQL out of the code behind would be welcome too, if this isn't possible.
Thanks for your time.
best solution I can think of is to build your sql in the stored proc such as:
#query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + #TableName + ' as tbl WHERE ' + #Filter
not an ideal solution probably, but it works.
The best answer I can think of is to build a view that unions all the tables together, with an id column in the view telling you where the data in the view came from. Then you can simply pass that id into a stored proc which will go against the view. This is assuming that the tables you are looking at all have identical schema.
create view test1 as
select * , 'tbl1' as src
from job-1
union all
select * , 'tbl2' as src
from job-2
union all
select * , 'tbl3' as src
from job-3
Now you can select * from test1 where src = 'tbl3' and you will only get records from the table job-3
This would be a meaningless stored proc. Select from some table using some parameters? You are basically defining the entire query again in whatever you are using to call this proc, so you may as well generate the sql yourself.
the only reason I would do a dynamic sql writing proc is if you want to do something that you can change without redeploying your codebase.
But, in this case, you are just SELECT *'ing. You can't define the columns, where clause, or order by differently since you are trying to use it for multiple tables, so there is no meaningful change you could make to it.
In short: it's not even worth doing. Just slop down your table specific sprocs or write your sql in strings (but make sure it's parameterized) in your code.
