Preserve original website formatting inside ckeditor? - css

I'm trying to do a simple wysiwyg editor and I am trying to edit this page.
I inserted that code into my editor and included the original css file from the website, yet it seems like ckeditor is putting its own tags around the overall content which breaks the original design. Is there a simple way to overcome this?

Inline editing is what you want to do there. Simply render the website (component) in your admin panel, using your default, frontend styles and create inline editors for all editable fields. Finally serialize contents of editors.

CKEditor uses CSS from ckeditor/contents.css - you have to add your CSS there.
Your file is visible at and as you can see, it doesn't contain much. How did do "included the original css file from the website"? Merge it with contents.css and you'll have greater luck.
The editable area is an iframe and thus not in the same CSS space as your surrounding site.


How to put pictures in a single row using semantic view?

I'm trying to put these pictures in a single row using semantic view in drupal7. I just created this view named try and put 2 pictures in it.
After that, I'm editing this view->format-format->setting->row (this is asking for class attribute, not mandatory) and I don't know what to write in this class attribute.
How do I put these pictures in a single row?
Make custom template for that view. Open "Advanced settings" on right side of view editing page and at bottom find "Theming information". There you can see template file suggestions. There if you can see the code of default templates (and copy it to clip board) but you can also see naming suggestions for overriding default templates. So copy code from default template, make from it file with some suggested name, save file in your theme...and clear the cache.
Then change the file as you wish, depending on your needs....
The CSS 'display:inline-block' is a good way to make rows. CSS Flexbox is more difficult to understand, but very powerful. Occasionally, the CSS 'float:left' will do what you need, but it has a tendency to 'log jamb' on differing element heights.
I have used Semantic Views to create continuous, wrap-around content from multiple View rows. I removed the View row element by deleting the default 'div' in the 'Format settings'. That way only a continuous stream of fields appears within the '.view-content' tag.
A custom template is also good.

Joomla css hide date create

I want to hide the date on this page.
I tried to change it inside joomla but I couldn't. It's not an article but a JKit page and there is no such an option.
I used the "inspect element" feature to find the corresponding css file and line (bootstrap.css #554). When I change the element through the "inspect element" menu its working but when I open the css file and change it, it doesn't work.
Any suggestions how I can hide it?
p.meta {display: none;}
That ought to do it. Granted, any other metadata will also be hidden. You should add this to a custom CSS file and not modify core Joomla or extension files.
I find it hard to believe that jKit doesn't have a setting for that. (Update: I see that jKit is very new and lacks good documentation.) Also, a template override might be more to your liking.
Most Joomla components allow you to control things like this in the options for the items and also in the menu options when creating a menu link (or setting the global options to change the default behavior. If this component does not, make either an alternate layout or a template override (depending on whether you want to always change this or just on this one page). If you go into the template manager, template view there is a system in place that will automatically create a copy of the layout and put it in the right location. Just edit that to show what you want.
Ok so I solved by editing the according .php file of the component.
I just removed the echo line of the date.
Nothing else worked.

How not to inherit format when pasting into CKEditor?

Problem: When a user copies a load of code from another website and pastes it into CKEditor it includes a load of inline styles which refer to the style of the content on the website it was copied from. When the pasted content is then saved and shown on my website it doesn't use my styles but the copied inline ones which conflict.
I've had a look through the CKEditor documentation, and to be honest I don't find the documentation to narrow down to what I'm looking for. There is a paste function available which removes formatting but this is an optional button in the menu, whereas most users will just post into the main large area, so its pretty worthless.
Main Question: is there a way to set CKEditor to strip formatting when pasting?
Ah, I found the answer:
// Apply editor instance settings.
CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true;

How to insert text rendered with CSS in CKEditor?

I am programming some plugins that insert elements like pictures and tables inside the editor. What I need is to see these elements in the editor rendered with their final aspect. I mean, I need to add css classes to the editor and use them to render text in the editor, and I want to do it on the fly, seing those elements rendered in the editor.
Is there any way to do it? Can I see the elementes correctly rendered inside the editor inserting them with a plugin?
Thank you!
Yes you can.
You will have a dropdown list in your editor, where you can select configured CSS styles to be applied in your content.
How to do it you can find in the documentation:

CSS for specific text on Confluence

I am wondering if there is a way to use custom css for some specific text on my confluence page (not using embedded HTML).
Sorry this is an old question, but for the sake of people who search for an answer to this question: you can use span or div macros and use the custom css to apply whatever style you want to their contents.
If necessary, you could create custom div and span classes to allow for multiple styles to be applied to selections of text.
EDIT: Here is an example of the wikimarkup you could use to do this
{div:class=customCss|style=float:left; margin-right:50px}
Custom text in a div
So you can either use the div class and apply a style in the custom css for the confluence space, or you can use an inline style for the div.
You can do this ...
That's if you've stored a custom.css file as an attachement. You'd obviously need to replace 123456789 with the actual attachment number.
You can also link CSS on an external site (with an absolute URL), but if you have any automatic URL formatting, that tends to mess it up everytime you change the document.
I use a User Macro that renders the $body in HTML. Then I can put whatever HTML tags I want in the wiki page within the user macro tag.
There could be a way to reach what you want to reach, but there is some information missing (from you). What confluence allows is the following:
If you have admin rights to the confluence wiki space, you could add there a custom style sheet that applies to all wiki pages. Else you could follow the answer of Mus.
Then you should analyse the wiki page in source form. So load a wiki page you want to style, and look at the source of that wiki page in your browser. Depending on your browser, this may be CTRL-U or something similar. Here in chrome, the page menu says View page source.
Try to find the defining selector for your wiki text you want to style in some form. A reasonable hack could be:
Find a wiki style that is not used by others. I have experimented with ~subscript~.
Find the HTML tags that are built by using that style. In my example, it was <sub>subscript</sub>.
Use your custom style sheet to style text of that style.
However, this may change the text where the style is used for its original sense :-(
You can specify custom CSS in your Confluence page via the div and span macros.
In recent Confluence versions (4.0 and later), you can do this as follows:
Type {div} or {span}. On typing the closing brace }, auto-complete will convert the text to a macro.
Left-click on the frame of the macro and select the Edit button
Enter the custom CSS into the Style field and close the dialog
Enter your text into the macro frame. It will then have the style you specified.
