I wonder in visual studio, what would be the code to acquire the value from the Checkbox. Say, if checked, value=1; if not, value=0.
I know for radio button, I can automatically assign the value. But what about the checkbox? Do I even need to register a user control and write a case function such as
_checkResult = value
Select Case _checkResult
Case 1
CheckBoxA.Checked = True
Case 0
CheckBoxA.Checked = False
End Select
Much appreciated for any help:)
To get the value of a checkbox all you need to do is call Checked.
Your code is doing something different though. You are setting the value and a case statement correctly works to do this as long as value is restricted to being either 0 or 1. I would recommend to use a boolean datatype for _checkResult as this ensures that it will always be set. It also makes it easier to set the value as shown below.
CheckBoxA.Checked = _checkResult
I'm setting in place a visualization which data are driven by selections made through bokeh widgets (mainly dropdowns).
The dropdowns are linked (i.e: depending on dropdown 1 choice, dropdown2 will be filled with certain data, etc...)
I have 2 needs which tend to be the same:
I know I can get the value of a choice by using dropdown1.value (in an on_change callback) so:
How can I set the value of a dropdown (and force it to display this choice) ?
How can I reset all dropdowns to the default startup position?
Thanks for the help!
The Bokeh Dropdown widget doesn't support displaying the value that you clicked. You would need to use Select widget for that.
Then like bigreddot already said there is no tracking of default value but if you put your "default" value as first in the options attribute of your Select then you can do:
select.value = value to select/display a value
select.value = null (JS callback)
select.value = None (Python callback) to select/display the first value
In JavaScript, or Python:
widget.value = new_value
There's nothing that keeps track of the initial values you set. You will have to record them and set them as above when you want them to reset.
I'm having a very strange problem with our ASP.NET application. It is losing the value of a HiddenField on the pages that I had programmed. I will explain the situation in a simple way:
I have a page that has 4 Buttons and 1 HiddenField.
3 of this buttons modify the value on the HiddenField.
The fourth button reads the value of the HiddenField, something like this:
Select Case hf_PageState.Value
Case "new"
'Validate data only on new
Case "modify", "delete"
'Validate data only on modify or delete
Case Else
'Critic error
Throw New Exception("HiddenField Value lost")
End Select
This button is only available after using any of the 3 buttons mentioned before.
In very very strange cases, when the user uses the fourth button, the application fires the "HiddenField Value lost", but I don't know why, because after a lot of test I can't reproduce the problem. This problem has ocurred approximately every 3 months.
¿There is a way a HiddenField can lost their values assigned for any reason? This weird problem happened now on 2 pages with distinct logic function.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have a Dropdown list that populate a Text Field based on below code:
TextField.rawValue = Dropdownlist.rawValue
The user is Allowed Custom text Entry.
What I need is if the user adds his own text the textfield.rawValue should be empty
So far I have the follow script:
If (Dropdownlist.selectedIndex == Dropdownlist.selectedindex)
TextField.rawValue = Dropdownlist.rawValue
textfield.rawValue = "Empty"
if I run this I get on the textField the value of "Empty" although I have selected a value that has a specific value assigned.
Your assistance is appreciated
That is in FormCalc and I work in javascript but the issue is in the logic, not in the syntax.
In your current setup the if statement condition will always evaluate to true - Dropdownlist.selectedIndex will always equal itself.
However, if the user has entered a custom value then the selectedIndex for that dropdown will be -1, so you can test for that.
Use this condition instead in your If statement:
(Dropdownlist.selectedIndex <> -1)
As a bonus to the project I'm currently working on, the people would like it if I could change the background color of individual table cells depending on what their value is. So in the RadGrid_ItemDataBound event handler I have, I'm trying to set the BackColor of the cell if the cell's text equals a certain value from a dataset in my database. My current code is like so:
For i As Integer = 0 To ds2.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 Step 1
If tc.Text = ds2.Tables(0).Rows(i)("LookupValue") Then
tc.BackColor = ds2.Tables(0).Rows(i)("Ref1")
Exit For
End If
The problem is when setting a color in the code-behind, I apparently have to set it to an object of System.Drawing.Color -- I can't just feed it a string value like I can in CSS. So in the code snippet I've posted above, my code throws a runtime exception on tc.BackColor = ds2.Tables(0).Rows(i)("Ref1"). I've also discovered that I can't use CType to change a string value into an equivalent object of System.Drawing.Color .
I've thought of a solution that I COULD use. I could create a custom object that has a Name property and a System.Drawing.Color property. I could instantiate several objects according to all color values available in the database and then compare the cell text against the objects' Name properties, however I fear doing this will be rather resource-intensive (and this application's performance is already taking a hit because it has to run under IE7).
So does anybody know of a way I could pull off what I need to here in a relatively simple, non-resource-intensive fashion?
Color.FromName() handing it the name in your database. There are also other methods like FromRGB, but FromName sounds like what you want.
I have a web apllication with wizard control with 4 step index. Each having a dynamically editable grid which need to put only valid data & goto next.
In one step which have 2 columns which are not require to be editable because it has set its value from previous field by calculation, done with javascript.
But problem is that when we decalre these field as a enable false or read only mode then it works but can not able maintain state means its value goes off when we change the step index changed. (If that field are editable then it works ok.)
Also I tried it by use of label field but the same thing happen when the step changes label can not maintan its state (its value clears when step changes).
Please give me idea how to resolve this problem. Also each step has a dynamically created editable grid.
Thanks & Regards,
Well, if your javascript is doing the calculation from another field that is set by the user, then why couldn't you just redo that calculation on the server side when switching to the next step. I am assuming that the "value from previous field" is getting passed back to the server.
Another solution would be to have your javascript populate a hidden field too (in addition to the one viewable by the user). Then you just read that hidden field.