worklight send push notification for all subscribed users - push-notification

I have to schedule a downtime in order to do some stuff on the production server. My customer wants me to send a push notification to all the subscribed users in order to notify them by the downtime.
Is that possible? If I want to do it even by code will it be possible?
I'm on worklight

Using the Worklight Console you can notify the users of your application taking advantage of the "Active, Notifying" setting. This will allow you to display a notification message on startup telling the customer of scheduled downtime. Even when the downtime occurs you can use the same mechanism and set the application to "disabled" with a notification message stating the application is currently down. Please look at the following documentation for more information:
Displaying a notification message on application startup:
Defining administrator messages from Worklight Console in multiple languages:

Maybe you can use Wl.Server.sendMessage, you just need to send the applicationId and notificationOptions where you can pass only the message to send and this method will be send to all users, of if you want you can pass a kind of target for specify the users
I hope this help you
For more info check these links:


Push Notification not work correctly in custom app []

I followed the instructions in the documentation:
Removed the check mark from the gateway
added GCM keys from firebase
rebooted the server
Pushs seem to come, but the listener "pushnotificationreceived" is triggered only if I open the application immediately after the push should come or I am in the application during the push, if I have minimized the application and send myself a message, then there is no push.
If I throw the push myself through the firebase API, then the push works out as needed.
There is a suspicion that this is due to the fact that sends push data in the data key, not notification (
I also have an error in the Rocket logs.Chat:
"For devices running Android 8.0 or later, you need to specify the android_channel_id identifier. See for more information", but even with this error, push writes that it was sent successfully.
Please, checkout this post:
Also, consider asking dev questions at:

Firebase notifications security / console activity log

i'm thinking about using Firebase for the notification service that my app needs. However, its important that the process of sending notifications is secure. I want to avoid a notification being sent from any member of the team without permission.
One way could be assigning restricted roles and permissions for the team members. However it also would be good to have any kind of activity log in the console, or have a log of all notifications sent including the name of the user. The console currently allows you to see all notifications sent, but i cannot see who sent it, and also the notification can be deleted from the log.
Any ideas on how to manage this? Which specific roles would you recommend me to use? Is it possible with Firebase?
You could write a function in Firebase which sends notifications, and you have logs on that function. Here is how to write a function which send notifications

Push Notifications through Firebase

Yesterday Google has announced a new set of tools for Firebase, one of them was Notifications the ability to send notifications from server to devices which are using my app.
But can we now notify users when they receive a new message?
And if not, is there a way around to achieve this?
Looking at the documentation, this doesn't seem currently possible automatically. Here is a possible way to accomplish it "manually" with another server:
Subscribe a user to it's own user ID
In android
[[FIRMessaging messaging] subscribeToTopic:#"/topics/InsertUserIDHere"];
Setup an outside server that checks every sent messages. When a message is sent, the server should create a notification that includes the recipient's user ID as the topic.
Look here for more info.
You can send messages to group of users (targeting a specific "topic") or to a single device (targeting a Firebase Cloud Messaging token).
To subscribe a device to a topic use:
To obtain the device token use (*1) :
Then you can use the Firebase Notificaitons web console, or the FCM server API if you want to send messages from your server.
[1] getToken() can return null if the token is not yet available.
You can use the callback onTokenRefresh() to be notified when the token is available and when the token is rotated.

Send Parse Push Notifications with

I have developed an android application with the Parse push notification service and I can send notification from the Parse website.
How can I send push notifications through my own website using Is there any way?
I checked the Parse documentation but i get confused, I would really appreciate it if someone would help me.
I ran into similar confusion. I wasn't even sure how to properly setup the user so that I could send a push notification directly to them. Then I found the following post:
Channels and Targeted Push Notifications
Note the last item under the Channels heading:
Most apps might find it useful to have a channel for each user so that
they can send messages to a user across all their devices and have
users follow others in the app.
So, now I know that I should subscribe each user to a channel that uniquely identifies the user (e.g., the '' channel).
After I have subscribed the user to their channel, I can call Parse's REST API via my ASP.NET application. See Sending Pushes in the Parse REST API Developers Guide.
For an ASP.NET/C# example of how to submit a push notification check out this answer.

Can I register devices from a backend or only from the apps?

the thing is that we already have a backend that handles all the push notification process. From device registration on our DB and notification handling on the device and notification sending to Apple and Google servers...Looking into Parse I saw that it has a lot of things that will take us a lot of time to develop but mostly on the process that sends the notification to the devices.
So...I need to know if devices can register in our backend, then from our backend to Parse and then send push trough Parse. Is this possible? Image below.
Yes this is possible. You'll need setup your push certificates with Parse and register each device's push token with a Parse Installation object's deviceToken field for it to work. All this is documented on their web site. You'll need to setup a Parse User object for each user as well as each Installation is associated with a single User.
