CSS Animation Support - css

I'm using keyframes to add animation to parts of my website. The animation is a fade in with the page content. My question is if the user loads the site in an unsupported browser, will the text load on the page, or will it not be appear (because of no animation support)?

You can test yourself this quite easily. Remove the animation keyframe (or anything else to make the animation happen) and refresh the page. If the text shows then yes, it will show on browsers that don't support animations
As for the actual animation itself, without seeing it it is hard to tell. If the text's default is to be transparent, have an opacity of 0, or have display:none to start out with then it will likely not show up on browsers that do not support CSS3 animations.
On a side note, CSS3 animations have pretty good support given you use browser prefixes for the older browsers

CSS animations are defined with "to" and "from" or a bunch of keyframes "xx%". But before the animation launches (or if it doesn't launch) and after it has finished, all properties are defined by the rest of the stylesheet, and whatever is in the keyframes has no effect.


Fade-Out Animation for Dialogs in Vaadin 14+

I'm wondering if there is a way to set the fadeout animation of dialogs in vaadin-flow 14.
In Vaadin 8 you could use the css classes "v-window-animate-in" and "v-window-animate-out" to archive this.
Since the div of dialog overlay div is in the shadow-dom i can not access it easly through css.
Yes, it’s possible. And the default Lumo theme actually has a built-in close animation, but I suppose it’s so subtle you can miss it :)
Here you can find the built-in animations: https://github.com/vaadin/web-components/blob/master/packages/dialog/theme/lumo/vaadin-dialog-styles.js#L35-L67
Basically, you add an animation property to the host element when it has the [closing] attribute set on it (:host([closing])). The host element animation is used to track when the dialog can be removed from the DOM, so we are using a “dummy” animation on it with the same duration as the actual animations on the [part="overlay"] element. You can also animation the backdrop element ([part="backdrop"]).

Chrome: css transition animations finish immediately when Developer Tools opens

I have a long transform:translate transition on my website (the position bar for an audio player). The reason I chose to set a css transition for this is because this is the smoothest way (instead of js animation).
When I open the developer window during transition, the transition jumps to the final state (so the transition is gone). I'm sure this is one of the many problematic Chrome rendering quirks but I'm looking for the best way to solve this. Or is it unsolvable?
On request I can provide a code example.

Hardware accelerated CSS3 animations VS transitions VS jQuery animate for mobile

I am developing an app using PhoneGap and jQuery, and am a little confused about animations.
I decided to go with what I already knew, which was jQuery animate, and this worked great, except I came across people talking about hardware acceleration.
All I am doing is animating a div to move right on page load:
$("#"+that).find('.captionShine img').animate({left: '550'},700);
I found a plugin called jQuery-Animate-Enhanced which turns these animations into CSS3 transitions, therefore hardware accelerating them (I believe).
So I looked more into the CSS3 animations, and am confused as to the difference between transitions and animations in CSS3. Can I still use hardware accleeration on the CSS3 animations? Or can it only be done on transform: translate3d(0,0,0);?
Is it just a case of assing translate3D to any element I want to have hardware accelerated?
kirupa has a very good explaination here: http://www.kirupa.com/html5/css3_animations_vs_transitions.htm
Skip down to read his conclusions bullet point first and then start reading from the top to fill in the details. Basically, transition and animation are two different way you define animation in css. Below is my own translation of the author conclusion.
Transition allow you to do very simple css that animate from a to b. Imagine you have an element with class="from-a" then you add a class to that element called class="to-b". Your transition definition in class="to-b" is where your animation ends.
Animation allow you to define/orchestrate the entire animation using keyframe css definition. Keyframes allow you to breakdown and orchestrate series of complex animations.
As you can see, because Transitions are based on adding of class or style to an element. You can easily define a series of classes and use with javascript+timeout to set these class and create the same kind of orchestration as Animation.

CSS3 animations make seemingly unrelated elements disappear in Mac/Webkit

I have a page that uses a number of simple animations, including some JavaScript animations that add/remove CSS classes to elements with CSS3 animations for rotations. I am not using canvas.
On the PC, the page looks great in Chrome/Safari, Firefox, and IE, but on Macs, a number of elements are completely missing on the page when it is viewed in WebKit (Chrome, and Safari 5.0.3). It looks fine in Firefox on Mac. The missing elements don't have any animations applied to them -- I don't see any connection between them and the animations.
The page validates, the CSS nearly validates except for the vendor extensions and the zoom property in my clearfix. Disabling all of the JavaScript on the page doesn't change anything. The missing elements are in the source, they are just not visible on the page.
At first glance, it looks like the Z-indexes have gotten screwy on the invisible elements. Changing these doesn't affect the problem though. Removing all of the absolute, relative, fixed positions, as well as floated elements in the entire document doesn't affect the problem. The only action that does anything, is removing all of the Webkit animations.
And when I apply all of the animations, nearly everything on the page disappears!
Here is an example of one of my animations -- simple stuff:
#-webkit-keyframes propeller {
0% {-webkit-transform: rotateX(90deg);}
50% {-webkit-transform: rotateX(1deg);}
100% {-webkit-transform: rotateX(90deg);}
#element {
-webkit-animation:propeller 1s linear;
-webkit-transform-origin:50% 50%;
Even if the animation is not called, simply the presence of the keyframes causes the page to break.
If I use this animation in particular (just the -webkit- vendor prefix), it causes a large form to vanish that is a sibling of the great-great ancestor of "#element."
Here is a link to the page I'm working on. I had nothing to do with the design:
All of the animations are contained in animations.css and all the JavaScript animations are in general.js.
This has been very slow-going for me since I don't have a Mac -- I'm just using Microsoft Expression Web 4 SuperPreview -- but my client has a Mac and is not impressed. Thanks in advance for any advice.
I just pulled up the site in Chrome for mac and Firefox for mac (versions 22.0.1229.94 and 14.0.1 respectively) and aside from a couple spacing differences (which are minor) the look the same. The only odd thing I see is the light blue background showing up next to all the graphics if your window is narrow enough to warrant (the seemingly needless) horizontal scroll.
What exactly is missing?
For the most part, the trouble turned out to be from bugs in Microsoft Expression Web 4 SuperPreview with their Mac/Safari 5.0.3 emulator service. When any -webkit- vendor prefixes are used for CSS3 animations, it causes elements seemingly unrelated to the animations to behave as if they have visibility:hidden.
The similar problems with the disappearing elements first reported by my client using an actual Mac with Chrome seem to be from a bad .svg font conversion that was being used with #font-face. Although the svg font was rendering on Mac/Webkit, it appeared to be destroying styles on elements in which it was used as well as parent elements. When I converted the font once more to svg using a different conversion utility, the problem resolved. Weird.

Looking for workaround for IE8 opacity bug

One of my css styles has a black background color and a filter with an opacity. This is supposed to be translucent and almost always is.
There is one exception to this.
IE8 doesn't play nice with a lot of Microsoft's other products, and update panels in .NET seem to be one of them. If I have an updatepanel that sends a javascript alert on callback, IE8 won't bother rendering the filter of the style. The screen will just be black until the user moves the alert box or clicks O.K.
I tried to force a redraw by changing dom elements and all that, and it seems that IE8 is just lazy and doesn't care about the filter when the alert box is up.
I need to maintain the opacity without using a filter or opacity tag, as these don't render in the correct order with update panels and alert boxes in IE8.
Is there a viable alternative?
One alternative is to have a semi-transparent PNG and set it as the background. This removes the need to set a transparent filter on the element as the transparency of the PNG is applied. This works in IE8, Firefox, Safari and Chrome (but probably not in older versions of IE).
