IE9 renders completely different to any other browser - bootstrap based site - css

I have no idea why IE9 is giving such a different rendering to any other browser, IE10 works great as well as all other modern browsers.
My site is based on bootstrap 3.
I'm not sure where to start looking as the dev tools within IE9 are terrible.
Anyone have any ideas on where to start or what it could be:

Try setting your DOCTYPE to
<!DOCTYPE html>
and add this meta element
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">


Responsive website - how to debug a non-responding responsive css?

I'm working on a project that needs 4 different layouts:
Tablet landscape;
Tablet portrait;
For the testing purposes I'm using Opera browser and its page zooming. And in Opera (as well as all the other browsers on my laptop) when I zoom the page in and out, the layout changes correctly. But when I open the same page with my smartphone and tablet, it just displays the Desktop layout. My project's temporary address is:
Does anyone have any ideas what am I doing wrong?
Try to add the meta tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
You can get some more information about this tag and why you need it by googleing
"viewport meta tag"
In chrome if you open up the developer tools, there is a little cog in the bottom right corner. In the settings you can choose user agent, which will make chrome behave similar to different devices . hope this helps
I think this link may be more helpful to you
And for initially to your HTML
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

ie9 spacing - css not working as it should

Hi might be a simple one for someone.
I have finished working on this website and in ie9 there is a lot of line height issues - i don't even know if line height is the right word - spacing seems to imply letter spacing.
The easiest way to explain my issue is with screen shots.
Why is the 3rd one (ie9) so out?
url for the website is
Could it be the font .eot is rending differently to the otf?
If so how can I work around this?
Change your headers to tell IE9 to follow the modern norms :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
Do the 3 changes : the doctype, the html element and the meta.
I am not sure why it's happening (trouble shooting in IE sucks) but it's your.breadcrumbs CSS that is being affected. Quick and dirty solution is to add an IE conditional.
<!--[if IE]>

Responsive design - Media Query not working on iPhone?

I am trying to create a mobile friendly version of my website, to make my website responsive to a smaller screen size and scale accordingly.
I've created some media queries, that behave correctly in a browser when resizing on a desktop.
On my iPhone, safari just shrinks the entire website but still maintains the aspect ratio of the full sized site. How do I get the media query to be observed? have I missed something?
Here is a link to a sandbox which I am trying to get working correctly - any help or suggestions are appreciated:
Do you have the meta for view port in your html?
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
More info here:
I think you'll find a warning in Chrome with ; instead of ,
This should work just fine:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
I just experienced the most bizarre thing after troubleshooting this same problem for a day. Something to try if all else fails...
My pages were perfectly responsive on my laptop during development but not on my iPhone, iPad or Samsung. I finally discovered I had to put a comment line after the DOCTYPE statement and before the html lang statement, like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This comment line needed for bootstrap to work on mobile devices -->
<html lang="en">
Finally, my pages were responsive on the mobile devices. Weird!

HTML5 lining up in Firefox and Chrome but not at all in IE
This link works in both Firefox and Chrome. I am not sure why it won't line up correctly in IE. I am trying to convert from old style tables/td's/tr's and this will be great if I can find out why it isn't lining up in explorer.
Sounds like your site is being viewed in compatibility mode in IE. This can depend on the DOCTYPE of your document.
To cause IE to display using the default mode of the current version, use the following META tag
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >
This will not fix the site for IE7 (for example). If you wish to do that, then you will likely need to create custom CSS rules for older browsers

IE not rendering CSS properly when the site is located at networkdrive

This is kinda weird problem we came across with my friend. We located our site at network drive and tried to open it from there. All other browsers render this page just fine but IE (btw. why it's always IE? :) ) can't understand inline-block statement. But if I copy our file to my local drive there is no problem, IE renders everything just like other browsers.
I tested this with IE7-9b.
This sounds like that problem - where IE switches rendering modes depending on where the page is located.
It's insane.
See this answer. <-- IE8 by default (updated!)
http://localhost/mysite/mypage.php <-- IE8 by default (updated!)
http://machinename/mysite/mypage.php <-- IE7 by default
http://192.168.100.x/mysite/mypage.php <-- IE7 by default <-- IE8 by default
So, because you're accessing your site via "network drive", IE is going into IE7 mode, and IE7 does not support inline-block properly, hence your site does not render properly.
You can request IE8 to render your page in IE8 mode by adding this to your page:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
Or, to request IE8 to use the most recent version of it's rendering engine (think IE9), you should use this:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
Or, to use Chrome Frame instead if it's available:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" />
Use an admin account. IE may Denies access to network drive if not admin.
