I'm using a SqlDataReader to retrieve database information to put into a javascript string. I get SqlDataReader.HasRows=True, and if I call my string building without reading the data reader first, I get the proper string. If I try to loop on the reader though, nothing comes out.
The following code returns a properly formed string, but only for the first record:
Function sFnLoadCodingLines() As String
Dim cmdCoding As SqlCommand, drCoding As SqlDataReader, con As New SqlConnection(strcon)
Dim sTemp As String = ""
Dim lInvoiceID As Long
If Not IsNumeric(CLng(Page.Request.QueryString("InvoiceID"))) Then
sFnLoadCodingLines = ""
Exit Function
End If
lInvoiceID = CLng(Page.Request.QueryString("InvoiceID"))
cmdCoding = New SqlCommand
cmdCoding.CommandText = "SELECT BU,DEPT,AccNo,Qty,Amount,Description,EMP,VARIETAL,BRAND,STATE,PROJECT " & _
"FROM OI_tblCoding WHERE isDeleted=0 AND InvoiceID=" & lInvoiceID
cmdCoding.Connection = con
drCoding = cmdCoding.ExecuteReader
If drCoding.HasRows() Then
sTemp = sTemp & "addRowToTable(""" & drCoding("BU").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("DEPT").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("AccNo").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("Qty").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("Amount").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("Description").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("EMP").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("VARIETAL").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("BRAND").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("STATE").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("PROJECT").ToString & """);" & vbCrLf
sFnLoadCodingLines = sTemp
sFnLoadCodingLines = ""
End If
End Function
The following record returns an empty string:
Function sFnLoadCodingLines() As String
Dim cmdCoding As SqlCommand, drCoding As SqlDataReader, con As New SqlConnection(strcon)
Dim sTemp As String = ""
Dim lInvoiceID As Long
If Not IsNumeric(CLng(Page.Request.QueryString("InvoiceID"))) Then
sFnLoadCodingLines = ""
Exit Function
End If
lInvoiceID = CLng(Page.Request.QueryString("InvoiceID"))
cmdCoding = New SqlCommand
cmdCoding.CommandText = "SELECT BU,DEPT,AccNo,Qty,Amount,Description,EMP,VARIETAL,BRAND,STATE,PROJECT " & _
"FROM OI_tblCoding WHERE isDeleted=0 AND InvoiceID=" & lInvoiceID
cmdCoding.Connection = con
drCoding = cmdCoding.ExecuteReader
If drCoding.HasRows() Then
While drCoding.Read()
'addRowToTable(sBU, sDPT, sAcct, dbQty, dbAmt, sDesc, sEmp, sVar, sBrand, sState, sProj)
sTemp = sTemp & "addRowToTable(""" & drCoding("BU").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("DEPT").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("AccNo").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("Qty").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("Amount").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("Description").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("EMP").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("VARIETAL").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("BRAND").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("STATE").ToString & _
""",""" & drCoding("PROJECT").ToString & """);" & vbCrLf
End While
sFnLoadCodingLines = sTemp
sFnLoadCodingLines = ""
End If
End Function
But you ARE reading the data in both cases. You call ExecuteReader and then you call Read immediately after that, before testing HasRows. Get rid of that first Read call and your loop will work as you expect. The first code would then fail as it should because you will not be calling Read at all.
I'm trying to find a match in a column, return the range of that match, then display a message box with values derived from cells offset from that match's range. But I get error code 91 when I run this. I'm not a great coder, so any extra details you can provide would be really appreciated, as sometimes I struggle to understand the answers provided if it's too jargony.
I was using the find function, but occasionally, the match I want to find is hidden via filters in the spreadsheet, and I read somewhere that the match function won't be affected by whether the cells are filtered or not.
Sub GetInfo2()
Dim Item As String
Dim FindRng As Range
Item = InputBox("What is the item number?", "Item Number")
FindRng = Application.Match(Item, Worksheets("Current Week Summary").Columns(1), 0)
If Not FindRng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Description: " & FindRng.Offset(0, 4).Value & vbCrLf & _
"Flyer/FEM: " & FindRng.Offset(0, 1).Value & vbCrLf & _
"Margin Maker: " & FindRng.Offset(0, 2).Value & vbCrLf & _
"ISR Week: " & FindRng.Offset(0, 3).Value & vbCrLf & _
"Amount To Sell: " & Round(FindRng.Offset(0, 7).Value, 0) & vbCrLf & _
"Cost: $" & FindRng.Offset(0, 18).Value & vbCrLf & _
"Months of Supply: " & Round(FindRng.Offset(0, 35).Value, 0) & vbCrLf & _
"E&O Qty: " & FindRng.Offset(0, 17)), vbOKOnly, Item
End If
End Sub
I did overcome the issue of not being able to search in filtered rows. I ended up using the VLookup Function to find my matches. It apparently searches whether it's filtered or not. I'm still stumped on how to use the match function, so I'd love to know how to do that. But this solved my problem in the interim.
Sub GetInfo()
Dim Item As String
Dim Description As String
Dim FlyerFEM As String
Dim MargMak As String
Dim ISR As String
Dim ATS As String
Dim Cost As String
Dim Supply As String
Dim EAO As String
Item = InputBox("What is the item number?", "Item Number")
Description = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 5, False)
FlyerFEM = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 2, False)
MargMak = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 3, False)
ISR = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 4, False)
ATC = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 8, False)
Cost = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 19, False)
Supply = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 36, False)
EAO = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Item, Range("A:AJ"), 18, False)
MsgBox ("Description: " & Description & vbCrLf & _
"Flyer/FEM: " & FlyerFEM & _
"Margin Maker: " & MargMak & vbCrLf & _
"ISR Week: " & ISR & vbCrLf & _
"Amount To Sell: " & Round(ATC, 0) & vbCrLf & _
"Cost: $" & Cost & vbCrLf & _
"Months of Supply: " & Supply & vbCrLf & _
"E&O Qty: " & Round(EAO, 0)), vbOKOnly, Item
End Sub
So my code is going through the various components and creates bundles using the BuildKnittingRecords sub for the various components. My code works well when it creates the bundles for the Case "Sleeve", "Front", "Body", "Back" but when it gets to Case "Collar22-32" it gets stuck in the do until loop and as a result will keep on adding to PnlsToProduce(until it crashes cos the number is too big) instead of only running through the do until loop when it finds that component
Private Sub knittingdetailsheaderdataset()
bundlenum = 1
Dim SQL As String
Dim Adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using con As New OleDbConnection(cnString)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand()
SQL = "Select bla bla
FROM bla bla
INNER Join bla bla"
(it's a very long sql statement, and not relevent to my issue)
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = SQL
Adapter.SelectCommand = cmd
For dr As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
componentName = dt(dr)(6)
knittOrderID = dt(dr)(4)
componentID = dt(dr)(3)
sizeID = dt(dr)(5)
qtyppnl = dt(dr)(10)
Select Case componentName
Case "Sleeve", "Front", "Body", "Back"
MxBndleSz = 36
PnlsToProduce = dt(dr)(11)
BuildKnittingRecords(MxBndleSz, componentID, sizeID, PnlsToProduce, qtyppnl, knittOrderID, bundlenum)
Case "Collar22-32"
MxBndleSz = 200
PnlsToProduce = 0
Do Until componentName <> "Collar22-32" Or dr = dt.Rows.Count - 1
PnlsToProduce += dt(dr)(11)
Select Case PnlsToProduce
Case 50 To 100
PnlsToProduce = PnlsToProduce + 1
Case 101 To 250
PnlsToProduce = PnlsToProduce + 2
Case Is > 250
PnlsToProduce = PnlsToProduce + 3
End Select
BuildKnittingRecords(MxBndleSz, componentID, sizeID, PnlsToProduce, qtyppnl, knittOrderID, bundlenum)
End Select
End Using
End Sub
Hence my question is, why is it doing this and how do I solve it?
This is my code for the BuildknittingRecord() sub, not sure if it's relevant in solving my issue:
Private Sub BuildKnittingRecords(ByRef MaxBundleSz As Integer, ByRef compID As Integer, ByRef sizeID As Integer, ByRef PnlsToproduce As Integer, ByRef QtyPerPanel As Integer, ByRef KnittingOrderID As Integer, ByRef bundlenum As Integer)
pnls2prod = PnlsToproduce
Dim cmdstring As String
Do Until pnls2prod < 10
If bundlenum < 10 Then
bundleNo = txtbatchno.Text & "-K0" & bundlenum
bundleNo = txtbatchno.Text & "-K" & bundlenum
End If
bundlenum += 1
If pnls2prod <= MaxBundleSz Then
PanelsToMake = pnls2prod
cmdstring = " INSERT INTO [KN - KnittingDetailsHeader] (BatchNo, BundleNo, ComponentID, SizeID, PanelsToMake, QtyPerPanel, KnittingOrderID) VALUES('" & txtbatchno.Text & "', '" & bundleNo & "', " & compID & ", " & sizeID & ", " & PanelsToMake & ", " & QtyPerPanel & ", " & KnittingOrderID & ");"
Using con As New OleDbConnection(cnString)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(cmdstring)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.Connection = con
End Using
Exit Do
If pnls2prod < 10 Then
PanelsToMake = pnls2prod + MaxBundleSz
cmdstring = " INSERT INTO [KN - KnittingDetailsHeader] (BatchNo, BundleNo, ComponentID, SizeID, PanelsToMake, QtyPerPanel, KnittingOrderID) VALUES('" & txtbatchno.Text & "', '" & bundleNo & "', " & compID & ", " & sizeID & ", " & PanelsToMake & ", " & QtyPerPanel & ", " & KnittingOrderID & ");"
Using con As New OleDbConnection(cnString)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(cmdstring)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.Connection = con
End Using
Exit Do
End If
PanelsToMake = MaxBundleSz
pnls2prod = pnls2prod - MaxBundleSz
cmdstring = " INSERT INTO [KN - KnittingDetailsHeader] (BatchNo, BundleNo, ComponentID, SizeID, PanelsToMake, QtyPerPanel, KnittingOrderID) VALUES('" & txtbatchno.Text & "', '" & bundleNo & "', " & compID & ", " & sizeID & ", " & PanelsToMake & ", " & QtyPerPanel & ", " & KnittingOrderID & ");"
Using con As New OleDbConnection(cnString)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(cmdstring)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.Connection = con
End Using
End If
End Sub
Am using Telerik RadGantt chart. i need to insert the event to the data base for that am using the code as given:
Private Sub RadGantt1_TaskUpdate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.TaskEventArgs) Handles RadGantt1.TaskUpdate
mssql = "insert into project " & _
" (ParentID, OrderID, Title, Start, End, PercentComplete, Expanded, Summary)" & _
" values('E1','" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.ID & "', " & _
" '" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.Title & "'," & _
" '" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.Start & "'," & _
" '" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.End & "'," & _
" '" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.PercentComplete & "'," & _
" '" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.Expanded & "'," & _
" '" & e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.Summary & "')"
Dim mycommand As OdbcCommand
mycommand = New OdbcCommand(mssql, dbcon)
Dim mnresult As Integer = mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
If mnresult = 1 Then
EventAdd = False
End If
End Sub
But it gives an object reference error in e.Tasks.GetEnumerator.Current.ID. then how can i take the value from this event?
e.Tasks is a collection so you should iterate through it (e.g., in a for..each loop).
To get a single tasks whose properties you can read you should use the enumerator of the collection, for example e.Tasks(1).GetEnumerator.Current.ID
I can't seem to figure out why the below code is giving me the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 47: objSQLCommand.Connection.Open()
This is the problem code:
Function getTabContent() As String
Dim strUserInitials() As String = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER").Split(CChar("\"))
strUser = LCase(Trim(strUserInitials(strUserInitials.GetUpperBound(0)))).ToString()
objStringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For intColumn As Integer = 1 To 3
objSQLCommand = New SqlCommand("select c.*, w.* " & _
"from intranet.dbo.tabs t " & _
"inner join intranet.dbo.columns c on t.id = c.tabs_id " & _
"inner join intranet.dbo.widgets w on c.widgets_id = w.widget_id " & _
"where t.is_default = 0 " & _
"and t.cms_initials = #user " & _
"and t.id = #tab " & _
"and c.sort_column = #column " & _
"and w.inactive = 0 " & _
"order by c.tabs_id, c.sort_column, c.sort_row", objSQLConnection)
objSQLCommand.Parameters.Add("#user", SqlDbType.VarChar, 3).Value = strUser
objSQLCommand.Parameters.Add("#tab", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Request.QueryString("tab")
objSQLCommand.Parameters.Add("#column", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = intColumn
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""column"" id=""column_" & intColumn & """>")
objSQLDataReader = objSQLCommand.ExecuteReader()
While objSQLDataReader.Read()
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet"" id=""portlet_" & objSQLDataReader("widget_id") & """>")
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet-header"">" & objSQLDataReader("widget_name") & "</div>")
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet-content"">" & objSQLDataReader("widget_description") & "</div>")
End While
Next intColumn
Return objStringBuilder.ToString
End Function
The problem appears to be that the Connection property on objSqlCommand is Nothing and hence you get a NullReferenceException when you access it. This means in all likely hood that objSqlConnection is also Nothing and that is likely the root cause of your problem.
Connection is an object of type SqlConnection. You need to create an instance of this object before you can interact with it. Something like this:
Dim connection As New SqlConnection("your_connection_string")
objSQLCommand.Connection = connection
objSQLDataReader = objSQLCommand.ExecuteReader()
Instead of doing this
objSQLDataReader = objSQLCommand.ExecuteReader()
While objSQLDataReader.Read()
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet"" id=""portlet_" & objSQLDataReader("widget_id") & """>")
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet-header"">" & objSQLDataReader("widget_name") & "</div>")
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet-content"">" & objSQLDataReader("widget_description") & "</div>")
End While
just do
objSQLDataReader = objSQLCommand.ExecuteReader()
While objSQLDataReader.Read()
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet"" id=""portlet_" & objSQLDataReader("widget_id") & """>")
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet-header"">" & objSQLDataReader("widget_name") & "</div>")
objStringBuilder.Append("<div class=""portlet-content"">" & objSQLDataReader("widget_description") & "</div>")
End While
I have this code and its coming up with an INSERT INTO statement error...
Its probably something but I have been at it for a while... please help.
'Add items to db'
Function recordOrder()
objDT = Session("Cart")
Dim intCounter As Integer
For intCounter = 0 To objDT.Rows.Count - 1
objDR = objDT.Rows(intCounter)
Dim con2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim myPath2 As String
myPath2 = Server.MapPath("faraxday.mdb")
con2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=" & myPath2 & ";"
Dim myCommand2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
myCommand2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO order(order_date, coupon_id, customer_id, quantity) values('" & System.DateTime.Now & "','" & Int32.Parse(objDR("ID")) & "','" & Int32.Parse(custID) & "','" & Int32.Parse(objDR("quantity")) &"')"
myCommand2.Connection = con2
test.Text += "Order ID: " & objDR("ID") & "Order Date: " & System.DateTime.Now & ", Cust ID: " & custID & ", Quantity: " & objDR("quantity") &" "
End Function
I think you are getting an error by not enclosing the Date inside Pound signs. You have to do this in Jet (Access) when using variables not parameters.
VALUES('#" & DateTime.Now.Date & "#',...
I also took the liberty of refactoring this code for you since you are creating a new connection for each record which is bad news. Use a Try Catch Finally block and move all that stuff outside the For Loop (please see below)
Function recordOrder()
objDT = Session("Cart")
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim con2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim myPath2 As String
myPath2 = Server.MapPath("faraxday.mdb")
con2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" <-- etc
Dim myCommand2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
myCommand2.Connection = con2
For intCounter = 0 To obDT.Rows.Count - 1
objDR = objDT.Rows(intCounter)
myCommand2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO order(order_date,coupon_id,customer_id,quantity)" _
& "VALUES ('#" & System.DateTime.Now.Date & "#','" & Int32.Parse(objDR("ID")) & "','" & Int32.Parse(custID) _
& "','" & Int32.Parse(objDR("quantity")) & "')"
Catch ex As Exception
'handle errors here
If con2.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
End Try
End Function
Remember to mark as answered if this helps.
I've sorted it out by removing the single quotes. Thanks everybody to contributed to this.