Keep "Connect to QuickBooks" button from popping a new window -

When implementing the "Connect to QuickBooks" button in my web application I found that it pops a new window instead of just being redirected, which is very undesired in the long run of this application. Is there any way to keep the button from popping a new window and just redirect in the same tab? Or would that go against Inuit's Do's and Don'ts (1. Don't modify the appearance or behavior of this button. 2. Don't modify the code that implements this button.)
I'm assuming the command to pop a new window is in Intuit's JavaScript anywhere() function but I didn't know if there was a way to prevent it from popping a new window and just make it use the same tab, without changing their code.
Or, if there really isn't anything would it be possible to close the popped up window automatically and resume control of the previously used tab? I tried to look this solution up but didn't find anything really, or at least nothing that worked for me.
Thanks for any help.
I figured out how to close the the it's just a matter of handling the refreshing the page it goes back to to something. I haven't quite figured out how it works yet but I ended up using:
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var parentlocation = window.parent.opener.location.hostname;
var currentlocation = window.location.hostname;
if (parentlocation != currentlocation) {
window.location = "/default.aspx";
else {
window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;
catch (e) {
window.location = "/default.aspx";
If someone wouldn't mind explaining that code that would be awesome, but nobody has to. I just can't right now so I'll do it later on my own.

I found that it pops a new window instead of just being redirected,
Yep, this is what Intuit wants it to do.
Is there any way to keep the button from popping a new window and just
redirect in the same tab?
Trying to do that is a great way to get Intuit to ban your application/remove it from AppCenter.
Or, if there really isn't anything would it be possible to close the
popped up window automatically and resume control of the previously
used tab?
Of course. In fact, you'll have to if you want to publish on AppCenter.
Simple Javascript - window.close();
Keep in mind that this window only has to be opened once and then never again. It's not like this is going to be a huge inconvenience to your users when they'll only need to do this once in the entire history of ever using your application.


Open document after page load

I would like to open a document after my ASP.NET page loads in a separate window. I would like to do this with the document not attempt to be blocked by a pop-up blocked. I tried and I am getting the prompt to ask if I would like to allow the popup. Is the best way to do this using a timer control or is there a better way in the lifecylce?
I have tried several events, but they are all launching the document prior to page load.
Fundamentally what you're trying to do is exactly the thing that pop-up blockers are designed to prevent - load a pop-up window without an explicit user interaction. There may be various tricks you could use to get around certain particular pop-up blockers, but you'll never be able to solve this in the general case.
The best solution is to have a link on your page to open the document in question in a new window. Pop-up blockers do not prevent links targeted to a new window.
I use
function openpage(page) {
if (document.getElementById('hf_open').value == 1) {
openChild(page, 'nueva');
document.getElementById('hf_open').value = 0;
and in the body onload ="openpage('whateverpage.aspx');"
and in an ASP.NET event I set if I want the popup to be open or not a particular time by setting hf_open to 1 if the pop up has to be opened at that time.
In Internet Explorer 7 with pop up blocker: turn on checked - it works.
How are users getting to your page? You could place the popup JavaScript in the link that takes users to your page.
You could use the onload JavaScript event.
function open_page()
popupWin ='windowURL','windowName', ' resizable,dependent,status,width=500,height=400,left=0,top=0')
Then have the following body tag
<body onload="open_page()">
However, this won't get around your popup blocking issue.

AS3: Main stage listener for ProgressEvent?

Can I add a ProgressEvent listener to the stage?
I don't see it in any of the auto-complete options when I am typing in Flex.
What do people normally do to get a progress readout of the entire main runner's loading progress?
I try the following, which is where I would expect to see the ProgressEvent options pop up:
Try adding it to loaderInfo.
something like:
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
Also , if you're using the framework, you should probably extend the DownloadProgressBar.
I remember this old tutorial, but surely there must be plenty online.
I have a new problem:
I use the following code to show the progress of the download of my site content:
public function mainProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void
var w:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;;;, 0, w * stage.stageWidth, 50);;
But it doesn't seem to work.
What happens is that the loaderInfo object thinks that the site has loaded before I am actually ready to display anything. So what ends up happening (I think) is the site loads, the loader progress disappears before the initial page's graphics have fully loaded, and then there is a delay between when the completion of the loaderInfo object happens and the actual graphics appearing.
Has anyone else had this problem before?

How to disable a Perl/Tk window close ('X') button on Windows

Is there a way to make a Perl/Tk window's close ('X') button disabled?
I know how to ignore clicking it using the technique described here, but I would much rather have it disabled.
I'm using Perl/Tk on Windows.
If you are in a Unix environment you are out of luck. The "close" button is managed by the Window Manager of the desktop which is a completely different process that you have no control on.
Even if by a hack you disable the "close" button the user can always bring it back
if the window manager permits this. The enlightenment window manager for example can
enable/disable all window buttons on demand.
The technique you give in the link is doing exactly this. It does not remove
the "close" button. It just gives a hint to the window manager (WM_DELETE_WINDOW).
It is up to the window manager if this hint will be honoured or not.
See also the icccm and NetWM pages.
What you want might be possible on Windows, but my experience with this OS
is limited so perhaps another poster will know this.
I have an app that I wrote, i was wondering about the same thing, and i don't disableit, but i have a call back to a subroutine, that simply does return;
According to the Perl Monks, it looks like the following works on Windows:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
my $window = new MainWindow;
$window ->title("Close test");
$window ->geometry("400x250");
#prevents window from closing
$window->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub {
print "Do stuff before exiting\n";
In the above code, you are intercepting the signal sent when the user presses 'X' and can then write your own subroutine to execute when the button is pressed.
If you want to disable the close icon, set sub to empty (effectively telling it to "do nothing when pressed"): 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub {}
If you don't manage to really disable the close button (I mean to grey it out or even remove it from the window decoration), it might be the most intuitive thing to iconify your window instead of closing it. This is what I did.
$window->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { $window->iconify(); } );

ASP.NET linkbutton raising onBeforeUnload event twice

I've posted this here, but thought it might deserve a question on its own.
What I'm trying to do is show a dialog box that asks the user if he/she wants to leave the page if there are unsaved changes. That all works fine. But the problem is described below:
Has anyone come across the problem where Internet Explorer fires the onbeforeunload event twice? While Googling around, I found it has something to do with the fact that for (among others) an ASP.NET linkbutton the HTML code is <a href="javascript: __doPostBack....
Apparently, when IE encouters a link that doesn't have a href="#", it fires the onbeforeunload event. Then, when you confirm the javascript dialog box we're showing, the page will do the 'real' unload to navigate to the other page, and raise the onbeforeunload event a second time.
A solution offered on the internet is to set a boolean variable and check on it before showing the dialog. So the second time, it wouldn't be shown. That's all well, but when the user cancels, the variable will still be set. So the next time the user wants to leave the page, the dialog won't be shown anymore.
Hope this is a little clear, and I hope someone has found a way around this?
In reaction to annakata: Yes, but you want the result of the dialog box to be used by the browser. So you might think using 'return bFlag' would do the trick (or event.returnValue = bFlag), but that gives you a second dialog box.
I've found a way around, thanks to this page. It's quite simple actually:
var onBeforeUnloadFired = false;
Use this global variable here:
if (!onBeforeUnloadFired) {
onBeforeUnloadFired = true;
event.returnValue = "You'll lose changes!";
window.setTimeout("ResetOnBeforeUnloadFired()", 1000);
And then implement that function:
function ResetOnBeforeUnloadFired() {
onBeforeUnloadFired = false;
So, in effect, use the flag, but reset it if the user clicks cancel. Not entirely what I would like, but haven't found anything better.
I haven't encountered this, but surely you could set the flag variable to be equal to the result of the dialog? If the user cancels the flag will therefore remain false.
var bFlag = window.confirm('Do you want to leave this page?');
IE supports an event on the document object called onstop. This event fires after the onbeforeunload event, but before the onunload event. This isn't exactly pertinent to your two dialogs question, but its still relevant to other people that might stumble on this thread ( as I did ).
The problem I was having, was that I needed to display a loading message upon the onbeforeunload event firing. This is all fine until the page has some sort of confirm dialog on it. The onbeforeunload event fires even if the user cancel's and remains on the page. The easiest thing for me to do was to move my "loading" display logic into a handler for document.onstop. On top of this, you have to check the readyState property of the document object, which is another IE-only field. If its "loading", it means the user is actually leaving the page. If its "complete", it means the user is staying.
If you are fine with just using IE, then you might be interested in the following.
document.onstop = function()
if( document.readyState != "complete" )
catch( error )
handleError( error );
} and JavaScript pop up windows

I am writing an intranet application and am considering the use of a pop up window. I am not worried about accessibility since it's an intranet app.
The scenario is such as I need to be able to have the same code be used in a server page as well as in the middle of a process; which is why I decided when using it in the middle of the process, it's best to have it as a pop up window to running out of the real estate on the screen.
Any thoughts on this? I am hesitant to use a pop up window in such a manner as I usually only use it for error messages.
I don't completely understand what you're trying to do, but I think a popup window might be somewhat of an issue if the user's browser automatically blocks popup windows. Plus, if you were trying to run a process in the popup window, the user could close it and no longer have a way to check on the process.
Would it be possible to use Ajax to call back to a web service that gives the page information about the process? You could give the user a way to make the Ajax call to check on the status of the process or just have it continually polling in the background.
You said you weren't too familiar with Ajax. For the most part, there are libraries to handle all the of hard details. I'll recommend jQuery because that's what I've been using for a while now.
If you go the Ajax route you'll be able to contain everything on one page and make the updates you need to make when the Ajax call is successful. Depending on how you write the code, it should be pretty reusable if you do it right. It really depends on how specific the your needs on each page.
Take a look at the jQuery documentation though. It may have what you need already built into it. Otherwise, someone else might be able to suggest some reasons why their favorite JavaScript library works better for what you're trying to do.
I think you might want to do something like this:
Inside of the parent page:
<input id="btnShowModal" runat="server" type="button" value='Show Modal' onclick="ShowModal()" />
function ShowModal()
var retVal = window.showModalDialog("MyPopup.aspx?param1=value","","center=yes;dialogWidth=200px;dialogHeight=200px;status:0;help:0")
if(retVal != "" && retVal != undefined)
//This code will be executed when the modal popup is closed, retVal will contain the value assigned to window.returnValue
Inside of the modal popup:
<input id="btnSave" runat="server" type="button" value='Save' onclick="Save()" />
function Save()
window.returnValue = "Whatever you want returned to the parent here"
The usual argument against popup windows is that they are unreliable. The user may have disabled script initiated popups, I know I have.
In a controlled environment, such as an inranet, you may be able to be guaranteed that this is not the case, but even so, why risk it, there is an alternative.
Instead of popping up a new window just insert a new, absolutely positioned <div> into the document and insert your content into that using ajax or even an <iframe>. There are lots of examples/libraries on the web.
Thickbox for jQuery for example. There are of course scripts that don't require libraries.
I generally use a div with a z-index and absolute positioning; the .show() can be written and called on demand, it would have a button to .close(), and AJAX can make it seem modal so it must be clicked to close if you so desire. Then again, I hate messageboxes.
I was trying to avoid AJAX, simply because I have never used and don't have the time frame to learn it now. However, I am not totally opposed to it.
In short what I need to do is for the pop up window interact back with the page. Imagine that on the page I am building the links of the chain. Each link has unique properties. When user clicks on "ADD LINK" button, I was thinking have a pop up window with the little form and a Save button. The only issue with this is that a pop up needs to interact with the page; we need to know when something has been saved or not saved.
A div on the same page is one way. A pop up is yet another way. Another catch is that this code (adding new link) needs to be reusable, because I am also going to have a page that just creates new links.
