Most productive (Effective-efficient) way to find php code - wordpress

I am modifying someone else´s theme. The way I am doing it is looking for the source code to find where it is located and modify it. I am using grep to find the html ids and classes on the theme folder. It takes sometime and I am not sure if there is a better way.
Is it there any other way on locating/modifying code in wordpress?
ps: I am using a child theme for the changes.


Add WordPress Core CSS into editor-style.css

Here is my current issue : I am using a custom child theme (from Parabola, Cryout Creations, last version), but it seems that the editor-style.css file is not up-to-date. Rather than rewriting everything, I would like it to contain every css used on the front-end, so TinyMCE looks as close as the published page/article (this is important).
In order to do that, I have created a new editor-style.css file in my child theme, so it overrides the not-up-to-date file. So far, it includes the style.css file from my theme, but it lacks a lot of CSS from WordPress Core : the ones written on line 60 on the index file :
So, how to add this “core CSS” to my editor-style.css file ? And would it be the best way to do this ? I have seen many stuff talking about the add_editor_style function, but I do not know if I could use it to do what I want nor how.
Thanks for reading so far, and thank again in advance for any help you could provide !
You could just use #import url("YOURCORECSS.css"); in the top of your `editor-style.css' file?
But that tends to slow down your pages.

What is the best way to implement a theme / template in meteor or angular-meteor

I've been having trouble implementing templates bought in themeforest in a meteor app.
I'm wondering, what would the best way to implement a template into a meteor app.
Two ways that I think of right now are:
(Tedious way)
Place javascript in Compatibility folder and try to name them in specific alphabetic order in order to get them to work properly.
Place css in client/lib folder and try to name them in specific alphabetic order in order to get them to work properly.
Place fonts and images in the public folder.
The second way (I haven't tested it yet) is to place the template files in the public folder and just link them manually (the old/non-meteor way) in the index.html file.
Now I'm not sure if these are the correct ways to do this and I would like some information regarding this issue.
I've done this myself with a themeforest theme.
Put the theme's css file under /client - it doesn't need to be in /public
Use the class names your theme uses in your templates. Typically a theme will have 3x what you really need so this ends up being much less work than it might seem. If your theme is built on bootstrap then it's even easier.
My theme used fontello a lot for icons, I had to recreate the folder hierarchy under client/fonts and then make sure the cross-references were correct.
Typically themeforest themes don't use js that much, I completely ignored all the js that came with my theme and created what I really needed in Meteor.

Events manager - child theme not working

I am trying to make changes to plugins/events-manager/templates/forms/event/bookings.php via my child theme. When I make changes to the file directly in the plugin, it works well, but I know the way to go is to make changes at the child theme level so this is what i have done:
I added the edited bookings.php to twentytwelve-child/plugins/events-manager/templates/forms/event/bookings.php but for some reasons the changes are not applied.
I have also tried to add the edited bookings.php to twentytwelve-child/events-manager/templates/forms/event/bookings.php but it is not working either.
I would appreciate if someone could help me figure this out (screenshots below). FYI - I am not a developer, so please try not to be too technical in your answers.
Many thanks,
It would be nice if developers could simply override a specific file within a plugin from within their theme, but I'm pretty sure WP doesn't work that way (At least not for overriding plugins. Theme files? Yes. Plugins? No).
If the plugin developer was nice they will have given you some override capabilities like using action hooks, filters, or including their function as static within a class.
From the looks of the events-manager plugin file there are three such action hooks available:
do_action('em_events_admin_bookings_header', $EM_Event);
do_action('em_event_edit_ticket_td', $EM_Ticket);
do_action('em_events_admin_bookings_footer', $EM_Event);
You will either need to hook into these actions to make your adjustments (highly recommended), or duplicate the plugin, rename it, and edit it manually (which means you will need to duplicate these edits every time you upgrade... YUCK!)
EDIT after further researching the events-manager plugin:
While WP doesn't provide this template override functionality, it looks like the plugin does. However after some digging in the documentation I noticed that this functionality doesn't specify weather it supports child themes. Try placing the template override within twentytwelve instead of twentytwelve-child. If that works, then maybe you could move that folder back into twentytwelve-child and create a symlink within twentytwelve to the real folder in twentytwelve-child (sort of tricking the plugin). Doing it this way means you have to recreate the symlink each time you update twentytwelve, but the trade off is that you can now override templates and won't loose your changes if you update twentytwelve (just the symlink).
The problem is your file path:
should be
If you have issues with EM we monitor the free forums here (I stumbled on this by coincidence) -
also #StevenLeimberg, thank for chipping in! we do support child themes it was just wrong directory structure.

Do I have to use Compass to modify CSS with Django-Grappelli?

I recently setup django-grappelli on my first django app. While I like the way it looks I want to customize the colors, and other CSS.
From my research, it looks like I will have to use Compass but I've never used Compass before and want to double check that this is the best method before I embark on that path!
Is Django-grapelli even the right choice for some one that wants to customize the color theme?
Things I tried
Modify the CSS in the Grappelli stylesheets but they are formatted in a way that makes it tedious.
Extend the style sheet but I am not sure where to do this for the admin.
Create a custom.css but could not figure out where to put the path
Thanks for your advice!
It seems to me like Compass is just a tool to write CSS. I've never used it, but at the moment I don't see how it could make modding the admin interface any easier than doing it manually!
Whenever I make changes to the admin (I've made changes to Grappelli, like you're trying to do), I always use what you've listed as number 2. I've never had any troubles! I can try to help you out, if you'd like to try again.
What I do first is go to my Python install directory and copy the Grappelli source from Lib/site-packages. I put this code in my project directory as a project-level app. So, if you're using Django 1.4, you'll have a folder that has your project folder as well as in it. Put the code there.
Then, using your favorite web developer tools (I prefer Chrome's), figure out which stylesheet you need to modify and which css file it's in. I do this by right-clicking the element and selecting Inspect Element. This brings up the dev tools, and at the right it tells you the css file its referenced from as well as which line its on. If you open up that css file in your favorite text editor and make changes to it, it should work!
Let me know if you're having any trouble with this. I can try to help you out further.
(and, P.S., I wasn't trying to be pedantic with a basic overview of the use of Chrome's developer tools. I was just trying to be helpful by not assuming anything. I hope you don't take it as an insult.)

Drupal search module

Does anyone know how to remove markup from the theme search box? It produces a lot of extra DIVs and CSS id's.
Thanks, Mark.
It is very easy thing to do.
First, search your theme (/sites/all/themes/yourtheme). Do you have search-block-form.tpl.php? If so, you can edit it according to your own fashion.
If you don't have search-block-form.tpl.php, you can create it. Follow the very simple instruction in: to create it and afterwards change it as you like.
Assuming you installed a custom theme, go to /sites/all/themes/yourtheme and edit the .tpl.php and .css files. If you didn't install a custom theme, you can't re-theme it without making a huge mess.
