When I start couchDB I have it running on I have another program I need to run on the same port, so I want to change the couchDB one to something else. Any ideas?
Specify the port in your local.ini config:
port = 5984
I have set up a mosquitto-broker on my raspberry pi which I have running on my local network. I've tested this locally using the paho-mqtt package in python which is working, however I want to access this broker remotely (outside my local network).
From what I understand, the safest way to do this is to use TLS-authentication and configure mosquitto to listen on port 8883, rather than opening the un-encrypted 1883 port, where login credentials can be sniffed. This is where my problems start, as I suspect my ISP doesn't allow forwarding port 8883 to the (static) IP-address of my RPi. (Port wont open no matter what I try, and I've tried googling this specific issue.)
So my question is:
Is it possible to use another port than the default 1883 or 8883 (which my ISP hopefully allows to be opened) for accessing my locally hosted mosquitto-broker? For example one of the higher-valued ports, which I understand is not reserved for anything.
I'm imagining connecting to the broker by using my external IP-address with this port (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyyy) and either tunneling this data to the 8883-port on the local network, or configuring mosquitto to listen on the selected port. Any tips on how I can solve this issue?
Thanks for your answers! I just got off the phone with my ISP, and unfortunately they don't allow opening ANY ports because I live in a university dorm, so opening a different port won't work either. I guess using a cloud broker is the only option.
You can use any ports you want (or that your operating system will permit). MQTT uses certain ports by convention but is not restricted to using those ports. You're even welcome to encrypt on port 1883 if you want.
You'll need to do four things:
write the listener configuration directive correctly to use the port you want to use and make sure that you're listening on in order to listen on all network interfaces, or the IP address of a specific network interface to listen on.
correctly configure encryption after the listener directive
ensure that the port you chose is accessible through any firewall your server may be running
properly configure any clients to use the port you configured and work with the encryption you configured
If you want to make it accessible over the Internet you'll need to open a port on your router as well.
If you do make it accessible over the Internet, please require authentication. Encryption won't stop strangers from connecting to your broker, it will just stop eavesdropping on them. Turn off allow_anonymous and set up some Mosquitto accounts.
I’ve set up a Mariadb server on my raspberry pi and I can access it over 192.x.x.x but I can’t access it over my public IP address, I know I need to port forward can anyone tell me how to do this exactly, I use talk talk wifi.
You need to create a port forward as you mention.
external IP:port > Internal IP:port
x.x.x.x:3306 > 192.x.x.x:3306
The default port of MySql is 3306.
I want to find free port in Qt 5.8. I have written below code which is working fine when proxy server in windows is not configured. if we configured proxy server with "IP address" and "port" then below code is not working and it gives "Operation not permitted" when we bind the socket.
QTcpSocket socket;
quint16 port = 0L;
socket.bind(0, QTcpSocket::ShareAddress);
port = socket.localPort();
Here "port" will give correct port but when we configured proxy server then it is giving "0" as port number.
Can you please suggest what wrong in above code or alternative to find free port on localhost ?
Thanks in Advance.
If this is a client, there is no need to actually bind the port (if this is a server, you really do not want to use a random port and you might want to look at QTcpServer). You can use connectToHost(), which will assign you an available source port.
i am on a Windows machine and need to connect to an application on a Unix box under a certain port.
i've been told it's open but i'm still having difficulties getting in, is there anything in can do on my end to debug this? how can i check if the port of the Unix server is really open from my IP address?
You can use Telnet.
E.g. telnet example.com 80 to check if the server at example.com accepts connections on port 80.
Hi I have a server running on my computer, and the client program tries to connect with my IP address on port 5000 through a TCP connection. How do I get my computer to allow this? I know it has something to do with port forwarding settings but I forget how to do it. I use Verizon if that helps.
It depends on your location / computer / OS which you don't specify. It sounds though like your running a server at home??
To accomplish this in Windows, I would set a rule on my router to allow tcp over 5000 and specify to which local IP address to forward it and on the receiving PC/server in Windows Firewall set a custom rule to again allow tcp 5000.