If exists in R using this - r

I want to see if a variable exists - i.e. that I have created in.
{ //append my dict
// initialize dict
Trouble is this fails on
Error in exists(this.mydict)
What am I doing wrong?
How can I extend the exists function to work with the following:
Any ideas how I would extend to this to looking at seeing whether a nested dictionary would also exist. I.e. for example: if(exists("mylists[[index]]['TSI']")), where the mylists object is a dictionary look up that also wants to contain a nested dictionary.

exists() function takes a character argument with the variable name:
# you can use this.mydict here
# initialize this.mydict
# e.g. this.mydict <- "some value here"


R: Function changing print behavior when returning NULL

This question is only for curiosity. My colleague and I were trying to write a function which returns NULL, but doesn't print it.
Before we found return(invisible(NULL)), I tried return({dummy<-NULL}) which works, but only once. After the first evaluation, the functions starts printing again:
test <- function() {
# no printout
# with printout
# with printout
How does this come about?
I think this is due to some older return handling built into R. There are many return functions, withVisible, invisible, etc. When you return an assignment x<-null inside the return function it will not automatically print. If you want an assignment to print...
test <- function() {
# with printout this time
# with printout
# with printout
I think this just may be hard coded into the return function, maybe pulling something from this logic below, just a shot in the dark though.
Source: R Documentation
x <- 1
withVisible(x <- 1) # *$visible is FALSE
withVisible(x) # *$visible is TRUE
Again if we do not use an expression and simply return a variable or value inside our return function we get automatic printing. The reason I am guessing it returns on a second call has to do with the fact x was already assigned previously.
EDIT: I found this deep into the documentation on auto printing. "Whether the returned value of a top-level R expression is printed is controlled by the global boolean variable R_Visible. This is set (to true or false) on entry to all primitive and internal functions based on the eval column of the table in file src/main/names.c: the appropriate setting can be extracted by the macro PRIMPRINT."(Source)

Kotlin convert List with nullables to HashMap without nullables

I have incoming param List<Somedata>.Somedata class contains id field.
My goal is to make HashMap<Somedata.id, Somedata> from this list.
Is next approach correct or there is a better/safer way to do that?
.filter { it.id != null }
.associateTo(HashMap(), {it.id!! to it})
Actually, I cannot understand, why should I use !! keyword in associateTo method, when above I filtered it with non-null values only.
Or maybe there is a good way to perform this with ?. or ?.let keywords?
You can do:
list.mapNotNull { e -> e.id?.let { it to e } }.toMap()
The call to .let with the ?. safe call operator will make the result null if the element is null.
So the lambda passed to mapNotNull is of type (Somedata) -> Pair<IdType, Somedata>.
mapNotNull discards the null pairs, and toMap turns the resulting List<Pair<IdType, Somedata>> into a Map<IdType, Somedata>.
If you want to avoid the creation of an intermediate list to hold the pairs, you can turn the list into a lazy Sequence from the start:
list.asSequence().mapNotNull { e -> e.id?.let { it to e } }.toMap()
Alternatively, since you asked:
why should I use !! keyword in associateTo method, when above I filtered it with non-null values only.
this is because the list is still of type List<Somedata> - this says nothing about the nullability of the field itself. The compiler does not know that the id fields are still not null, by the time your associateTo call is executed.

Using Rascal MAP

I am trying to create an empty map, that will be then populated within a for loop. Not sure how to proceed in Rascal. For testing purpose, I tried:
rascal>map[int, list[int]] x;
Though, when I try to populate "x" using:
rascal>x += (1, [1,2,3])
^ Parse error here
I got a parse error.
To start, it would be best to assign it an initial value. You don't have to do this at the console, but this is required if you declare the variable inside a script. Also, if you are going to use +=, it has to already have an assigned value.
rascal>map[int,list[int]] x = ( );
map[int, list[int]]: ()
Then, when you are adding items into the map, the key and the value are separated by a :, not by a ,, so you want something like this instead:
rascal>x += ( 1 : [1,2,3]);
map[int, list[int]]: (1:[1,2,3])
list[int]: [1,2,3]
An easier way to do this is to use similar notation to the lookup shown just above:
rascal>x[1] = [1,2,3];
map[int, list[int]]: (1:[1,2,3])
Generally, if you are just setting the value for one key, or are assigning keys inside a loop, x[key] = value is better, += is better if you are adding two existing maps together and saving the result into one of them.
I also like this solution sometimes, where you instead of joining maps just update the value of a certain key:
m = ();
for (...whatever...) {
m[key]?[] += [1,2,3];
In this code, when the key is not yet present in the map, then it starts with the [] empty list and then concatenates [1,2,3] to it, or if the key is present already, let's say it's already at [1,2,3], then this will create [1,2,3,1,2,3] at the specific key in the map.

Meteor - What is Spacebars.kw {hash: Object}

I'm attempting to write a Meteor package which can be placed inside templates. So I first attempted to register a helper.
Template.registerHelper('testHelper', function(a, b) {
I've added the package inside /packages, and in my client template, when I added {{testHelper "hello" "meow"}}, the console logged hello and meow, which is what I expected.
When I added {{testHelper "hello"}}, I expected the console to log hello and null, since nothing was passed as the second parameter. But instead it returned hello and an object - Spacebars.kw {hash: Object}
What is this Spacebars.kw {hash: Object}? What can I do if I want it to return null instead?
Spacebars.kw contains a hash object that has a hash of input parameters.
Meteor has two methods to match up methods, one is direct matching which is where the parameters are directly input, e.g {{testHelper "variable1" "variable2" "variable3"}}, would match up as function(a,b,c) as variables 1-3 matching up to a,b and c respectively.
The second method of input is using a hash:
{{testHelper a="variable1" b="variable2" c="variable3"}}
This would give a single parameter to function(a) where a is a Spacebars.kw object.
The Spacebars.kw object would have a subobject called hash with a structure that matches:
{ "a" : "variable1",
"b" : "variable2",
"c" : "variable3" }
Meteor will attempt to match up the first param directly, but the subsequent parameters will be matched up as hashes incase the second input is empty such as in the case where you use {{testHelper 'hello'}} where b would be null, so it's given as the hash instead.
Its generically given as this, so if you get b as a Spacebars.kw object, you can assume there was no second input. The alternative is you could use the hash style declarations and then directly check if the hash value is null:
{{testHelper text="Hello"}}
{{testHelper text="Hello" othertext="Hellooo"}}
and the helper:
Template.registerHelper('testHelper', function(kw) {

Why would the exists() function work, but not apply in a boolean statement?

I have a quick function that simply returns a string variable indicating whether or not the inputted tree exists.
buildSpreadTotalDF = function(tree){
if (exists(as.character(substitute(tree)))){
ret = "The tree exists"
ret = "There tree does not exist"
It seems that even if I do
and check that the object tree does not exist by doing
Error: object 'tree' not found
and even check the boolean statement separately from the function
> exists(as.character(substitute(tree)))
if I run the function as
ret = buildSpreadTotalDF(tree)
I will get
[1] "The tree exists"
which seems counter-intuitive. Why would it still enter the first loop of the function when clearly tree does not exist?
Be precise about where to look for the variable - you want to look in the parent frame, the environment from which your function was called:
tree_exist <- function(var) {
var_name <- as.character(substitute(var))
if (exists(var_name, envir = parent.frame())){
"The tree exists"
} else {
"The tree does not exist"
It is because you named your function argument tree so "tree" will always exist within the function's scope. Instead, pick an argument name that you are unlikely to be using as a variable name, for example:
buildSpreadTotalDF = function(.argh){
if (exists(as.character(substitute(.argh)))){
ret = "The tree exists"
} else{
ret = "The tree does not exist"
tree <- 1
# [1] "The tree exists"
# "The tree does not exist"
The problem is that exists will look in the local scope first (which is the global environment when you just call exists(...) outside your function but is inside your function when called from there. Since tree is the name of the parameter passed to your function, it always exists inside the function. What you probably want to do is to look for your variable in the global environment. You can do this for example by specifying the where parameter, in a slightly modified example from yours, like so:
buildSpreadTotalDF = function(treename){
if (exists(treename, where = globalenv())){
ret = "The tree exists"
ret = "There tree does not exist"
tree1 <- 1
buildSpreadTotalDF("tree1") # exists
buildSpreadTotalDF("tree2") # does not exist
Correction: I think I was wrong about the default scope of exists(...), see answer above for good advice on just fixing the problem by using an unlikely variable name and the answer below for details on how to get the scoping right.
