Inconsistent style of disabled components in ExtJS - css

I have an ExtJS form that uses hbox-layout containers to create sentences that contain form inputs and there is a requirement to disable the form under certain conditions. The hbox-layout containers have a series of radio, text, checkbox, and textfield components. You can see an example on jsfiddle.
This is an answered question here on SO that doesn't fully work for me because if you disable something that isn't a field (like the text component I'm using) the disable style is different - it appears to mask the component instead of just graying out the text. When nested components are disabled, the mask gradients stack. Examples of this scenario are illustrated on this jsfiddle.
Is there a way to override how text handles its styling when it becomes disabled? I think that may be the easiest solution.

You'll have to handpick each style fix, but yes that's completely possible. Just addCls to give a hook for your CSS...
For example, using the following CSS:
.my-disabled-ct text {
opacity: .3;
You can give a similar disabled look both to fields and text items with the following code:
var rootCt = Ext.getCmp('lotsOfItems');
rootCt.query('field').forEach(function(field) {
rootCt.query('container').forEach(function(ct) {
You should probably avoid using disable on field since Ext put a mask over them then (though you could probably hide it with CSS).
You could add the class and target the CSS directly to text items however, why not? In this case, you would query for 'text' and use addCls on them, with this kind of CSS: {opacity: .3;}
That goes without saying that you'll restore your components look to "not disabled" by removing the CSS class with the same query and the removeCls method.


Switch background colors between active/inactive tabs

I'm migrating my site from Bootstrap to Tailwind 3 and, in the process, built-in solutions (Dropdown, Tabs, Accordion...) needed to be replaced with alternatives. The section I'm working on right now is a custom Comments Editor I created.
I'll leave a link to what Tailwind's Playground generated for me in a CodePen because the code is longer than the maximum number of allowed characters here. The decision to create a Pen is only because in the Playground it doesn't work as the anchors open in new windows/tabs.
Anyway, the code that really matters, what makes the tabs work, is this one:
[data-target] {
scroll-margin-top: 10rem;
[data-target]:last-of-type + [role="tabpanel"], :target + [role="tabpanel"]{
display: flex;
[role="tabpanel"], :target ~ [data-target]:last-of-type + [role="tabpanel"]{
display: none;
As the title says, I'm looking for a way to change the background-color of the tabs, hinting to the User which one is currently active.
To accomplish that, I would need to switch Tailwind's bg-color-0 with bg-color-100 and take border-b-color-0 out of the once active tab and give it to the new one. But I don't know if I can do that only with CSS.
Not add/remove the classes per se, only their corresponding styles
I've seen a lot of implementations of Pure CSS Tabs, and all of them used hidden <input> fields. Though this implementation doesn't use them, I've added and named them accordingly, but I could only target them with CSS if the User clicked exactly where they're positioned (top-left of the tabs) instead of any part of them.
I'm aware I'll eventually have to add JS to switch the ARIA attributes, but is the basic functionality possible to be accomplished with CSS only? If not, is there an alternative implementation with which I could?
Thank you for your time :)

Sublime Text 3 "toggle block comment" no longer comments out entire CSS selector

I haven't used ST for some months and I am quite certain that it used to comment/uncomment the entire CSS selector when using ctrl+shift+/ ("toggle block comment") with the cursor inside said selector, but nothing actually selected.
Is anybody aware of what could have caused this behaviour to be replaced with simply adding /* */ around the cursor?
I've tried using SCSS mode(which is what I usually use) and vanilla CSS mode.
Thank you!
There are two bindings for toggling comments, and the one you're using is the one meant for block comments when you probably mean to be using the one for line comments instead. That's not something that's been changed in recent memory.
The keys involved are different depending on platform, but for our purposes here:
Ctrl+/ is bound to toggle_comment with block set to false
Ctrl+Shift+/ is bound to toggle_comment with block set to true
Potentially confusing here is the notion that the /* */ style comments of CSS are actually block comments, which might make you think that you need the second binding.
Actually, the value of the argument controls what gets commented with whatever comment delimiters the support package for the language defines. It's possible for a language (such as C++) to define different comment delimiters for different styles, but that's not required.
When block is set to true, the commented area is the selected text, whereas when it's false it's the line the caret(s) are sitting on.
So, assuming the sample css:
body {
color: red;
If the cursor is sitting on the : and you use Ctrl+Shift+/, the result is the following, because the selection is wrapped but the selection is empty (which visually looks like the selection is wrapping the caret).
body {
color/**/: red;
On the other hand, with the cursor in the same place and using Ctrl+/ the result is:
body {
/*color: red;*/
What I was actually looking for was Emmet's "toggle comment" command which, in the case of CSS, toggles commenting the entire selector. I believe it's with an update to the respective package that the behaviour changed and stopped hooking into ctrl+shift+/, but I could be wrong.
I ended up adding a keyboard shortcut for said command in Preferences > Key Bindings, like so:
"keys": ["alt+/"],
"command": "emmet_toggle_comment"

Custom CSS Class for dijit/layout/ContentPane

I want to add a custom CSS Class to a dijit/layout/ContentPane so I'm able to style it myself.
This is cause I got more than one tab in my TabContainer where my ContentPanes are located and I don't want to double the borders. Using a border all around the Tab will double the border so I removed the left border of the tabs. In the first tab in the TabContainer I need the left border, too.
To get this I tried to assume the first ContentPane a custom CSS class which will do it.
As you see me writing here, I didn't find a way to do this.
I tried it within the data-dojo-props with
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="FunnyTitle" data-dojo-props="class:'firstTab'">
So this didn't work. I tried to add it like I do it in a simple HTML element with class="firstTab"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="FunnyTitle" class="firstTab">
Both ways didn't add my class to the ContentPane.
So how is it done?
The class property is actually not used for that kind of purpose, but it used for identifying of which type the widget is.
However, the class attribute should work, because declarative widgets usually keep their parent attributes. If I have the following HTML:
It eventually gets rendered into:
<div class="dijitContentPane test" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="myContent" widgetid="myContent">
However, please note that when using a dijit/layout/ContentPane inside a dijit/layout/TabContainer a lot of additional CSS is added, possibily overriding your own CSS.
For example, for overriding the background color of a tab inside a dijit/layout/TabContainer, I had to use the following CSS selector:
.dijitTabContainerTop-dijitContentPane.test2 {
background-color: #D4D4D1;
But also, be aware that the borders generated by the TabContainer are not applied to the ContentPane itself, but to an element with classname .dijitTabContainerTop-container (part of the TabContainer itself).
If this really doesn't work, then you can always access the domNode property of the widget you're trying to alter, for example:
require(["dijit/registry", "dojo/ready", "dojo/dom-class"], function(registry, ready, domClass) {
ready(function() {
.get("domNode"), "test2");
It's that simple that I didn't get it.
All you need to do is adding an ID to the ContentPane.
Dojo generates a widgetID with it like "dijit_layout_TabContainer_0_tablist_myID"
If the TabContainer itself has an ID, it could be different. Just have a look at the generated code.
Now you're able to get it with dijit.byId.
At the end it looks something like:
var tab = dijit.byId("dijit_layout_TabContainer_0_tablist_myID");
domClass is a part of dojo. For using it you just need to require it "dojo/dom-class"

How to apply the font style to filtered column header?

I have kendo grid in application,and its have filterable true requirment is when we apply the filtering to columns,column header font style will be changed to italic..How to do it?If any one have idea about this please tell me..
I personally have not used kendo grid, but I quickly tried the demo here,
and found that it adds "k-state-active" class to the <a> element inside the <th> element.
However, the header text is not inside the <a> element. What you need is a parent selector which current CSS does not support.
So as far as i know, this is NOT possible in pure CSS
You need some javascript. Here is a possible solution using jQuery:
// adding click event handler to the "Filter" and "Clear" buttons
$('form.k-filter-menu .k-button').click(function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
// first make all headers normal, then make the filtered column header italic
$('th.k-header.k-filterable').css('font-style', 'normal').filter(
':has(> .k-grid-filter.k-state-active)').css('font-style', 'italic');
}, 100);
setTimeout is used because "k-state-active" class is added only after the data is filtered. Again, I'm not familiar with kendo grid, so I do not know if there is a way to provide a callback method to the filter. You may want to investigate on that because that 100 ms delay may not be long enough if you have a huge dataset.
My apologies for jQuery specific solution. Ah... I can't do anything without jQuery. Shame.
But hopefully this was helpful to you! Let me know if you need any further help.
This is possible with one CSS line:
.k-filterable a.k-grid-filter.k-state-active ~ .k-link {font-style:italic;}
No need to use java script.

jQuery UI button: How do I override the classes used for a single button?

I am using the jQuery UI library out of the box, based on a theme.
Having links rendered as buttons is great, however I need to override some buttons with different colours.
How do I specify an specific class for a particular button to use?
I recommend looking at the CSS for the jQuery UI buttons and duplicating the structure of the CSS which specifies the buttons, but with your own class instead of the jQuery UI classes. Make the overrides that you need in this CSS and include it after the jQuery UI CSS. CSS uses a combination of the most specific selector and ordering to determine which values to apply. By doing this you will make sure that you have the same specificity for each of the CSS selectors used by jQuery so that your CSS takes precedence based on order.
Smashing Magazine has an article that probably has more information than you care to know about the specificity issue.
You can also:
Use Developer Tools in the browser (Chrome has great ones).
See what class from jQuery UI defines the button color.
Override it in your CSS file with the "!important" attribute.
For example, when I needed to override jQuery UI spinner control and remove the borders, I found the class that defines the borders using Chrome Dev Tools. Then in CSS: I added something like that:
.<jquery-ui-class-that-i-found> { border: 0px !important; }
Works great!
I would say, give the particular button or buttons an id, and:
If you want to apply it to multiple buttons each with its own id:
$("#buttonId, #anotherButton").removeClass().addClass("myClass");
I think the button API should include a configuration like this where you can change color etc. by passing parameters
this is just an idea where you can change some of its visual attributes.
I found this worked for me:
Basically needed to remove the ui-state-default class and then add my own for the background colour etc.
Thsi meant that the rounded corner class etc stayed put and I was able to amend the background colour etc.
If you simply wish to have some additional/different for particular buttons, simply give the buttons some classes like class="mybuttonclass otherbuttonclass" - multiple classes are allowed. Then, just add css rules for your class(es)
background-color: red;
thus the background is red with white text - or whatever combination you wish, which would override items in the cascade (CSS) above it. (assumption is that your .CSS file is linked in AFTER the jquery UI css file, or is in-line on the page, both of which would override the jQuery UI css.
